Publications [#229766] of Mohamed A. Noor


Papers Published

  1. Noor, MAF, Connecting recombination, nucleotide diversity and species divergence in Drosophila., Fly, vol. 2 no. 5 (September, 2008), pp. 255-256 [doi] .
    (last updated on 2024/10/02)

    The association between recombination rate and nucleotide diversity provides compelling evidence for the action of natural selection across much of the Drosophila melanogaster genome. This conclusion is further supported by the lack of association between recombination rate and nucleotide divergence between species. However, studies of other species, including other Drosophila, have not always yielded the same results. Our recent study measured these parameters within the D. pseudoobscura species group using next-generation sequencing and high-throughput genotyping technologies. We documented fine-scale variation in crossover rate within D. pseudoobscura, and we observed that crossover variation was strongly associated with nucleotide diversity only when measured at a fine-scale. We also observed associations between crossover rate and sequence differences between D. pseudoobscura and its close relatives. These latter associations could have been driven in part by mutagenic effects associated with double-strand break repair, but we cannot exclude the possibility that it results primarily from shared ancestral polymorphisms. Overall, this work strongly underscores the importance of scale in testing for associations of recombination rate with other parameters, and it brings us one small step closer to understanding the role of natural selection and other evolutionary forces in shaping divergence among genomes.