Peter H. Klopfer, Professor Emeritus  

Peter H. Klopfer

mother-infant attachments in mammals and imprinting in birds development and control of aggressive behavior, and its neurobiological mechanisms. causes of species diversity. hibernation in lemurs

Ph.D., Yale University, 1958
PhD, Yale University, 1957
B.A., University of California, Los Angeles, 1952

Office Location: 050 Bio Sci Bldg, Durham, NC 27708
Office Phone: +1 919 684 3991
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Office Hours:

by arrangement

Organismal Biology and Behavior

Research Categories: animal behavior and behavioral ecology

Current projects: sleep and hibernation behavior in prosimian primates

Research Description: mother-infant attachments in mammals and imprinting in birds development and control of aggressive behavior, and its neurobiological mechanisms. causes of species diversity. hibernation in lemurs

Areas of Interest:
maternal attachment
species diversity

Recent Publications   (More Publications)   (search)

  1. Krystal, AD; Schopler, B; Kobbe, S; Williams, C; Rakatondrainibe, H; Yoder, AD; Klopfer, P, The relationship of sleep with temperature and metabolic rate in a hibernating primate., PLoS One, vol. 8 no. 9 (Accepted, 2013), pp. e69914 [doi]  [abs].
  2. Klopfer, PH; Krystal, A; Williams, C; Yoder, A, Neuroethology: Do hibernating primates sleep?, Nova Acta Leopoldina, vol. 111 no. 380 (Accepted, 2013), pp. 15-27 .
  3. Klopfer, PH, Lessons From an Unusual Critter: What Can Unusual Animals Teach Us?, Ethology, vol. 118 no. 11 (November, Accepted, 2012), pp. 1029-1035 [doi]  [abs].
  4. Krystal, A., B. Schopler, S.Kobbe, C.Williams, H. Rakatondrainibe, A.Yoder, and P. Klopfer, Discovery of a novel REMsleep-like state in a hibernating primate, Cheirogaleus medius (Submitted, 2012) .
  5. Klopfer, PH, Life in science: seeds of doubt., Science (New York, N.Y.), vol. 324 no. 5924 (April, Accepted, 2009), pp. 177 [doi] .

Curriculum Vitae