Publications [#288084] of John E. Staddon


Papers Published

  1. Ettinger, RH; Staddon, JE, Decreased feeding associated with acute hypoxia in rats., Physiology & behavior, vol. 29 no. 3 (September, 1982), pp. 455-458 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] .
    (last updated on 2025/03/09)

    Rats obtained less food than normal on a cyclic-ratio schedule during brief, 1-hr exposure to either moderate hypobaric hypoxia (BP = 435 Torr, PO2 approximately equal to 91 Torr) or to hypoxic hypoxia (BP = 750 Torr, PO2, approximately equal to 90 Torr), but not during hypobaric exposure with 36.5% oxygen (BP = 435 Torr, PO2 approximately equal to 159 Torr). The depressed rate of feeding associated with hypoxia was nevertheless well regulated. Interpreted in terms of a regulatory model, these results suggest that hypoxia suppresses eating because it degrades the taste of food, not because it impairs feeding regulation or general activity.