Publications [#288085] of John E. Staddon
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- Reid, AK; Staddon, JE, Schedule-induced drinking: Elicitation, anticipation, or behavioral interaction?,
Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior, vol. 38 no. 1
(July, 1982),
pp. 1-18 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] .
(last updated on 2025/03/09)Abstract:
We carried out five experiments with rats on fixed-time schedules in order to define the relation between drinking and individual food-pellet presentations. In Experiment 1, unsignaled extra food occurred at the end of occasional fixed intervals, and we compared subsequent drinking patterns with drinking before the extra food presentation. In Experiment 2 we presented signaled and unsignaled extra food and measured elicited and anticipatory drinking patterns. In Experiment 3, we observed the persistence of modified drinking patterns when several consecutive intervals ended with extra pellets. In Experiments 4 and 5, we varied the magnitude of food delivery across (rather than within) sessions to replicate published findings. Results show that schedule-induced drinking is neither elicited by food presentations nor induced by stimuli associated with a high food rate. All subjects seemed to follow a simple rule: during any stimulus signaling an increase in the local probability of food delivery within a session, engage in food-related behavior to the exclusion of drinking. Schedule-induced drinking appears to be the result of dynamic interactions among food-related behavior, drinking, and other motivated behavior, rather than a direct effect of the contingencies of food reinforcement.