Publications [#325720] of John E. Staddon
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- Staddon, JER, Reinforcement learning: Reverse-engineering the behavior of pigeons,
International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Technology Proceedings, Abstracts and Summaries
(December, 1992),
pp. 8 .
(last updated on 2025/03/09)Abstract:
Understanding how the brain works is in principles just like understanding any other complex mechanism. Human brains and human beings are hard to work with, so the lower animals provide a better starting place. There are two parts to the problem: How do the pieces function individually (neuroscience)? And, How does the system work as a whole (experimental psychology)? We work on the second problem by devising, and testing experimentally, simple dynamic models for the behavior of pigeons in learning tasks. I will give examples from recent work on reinforcement learning.