Publications [#230859] of Tai-ping Sun
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- Russel, M; Whirlow, H; Sun, TP; Webster, RE, Low-frequency infection of F- bacteria by transducing particles of filamentous bacteriophages.,
Journal of bacteriology, vol. 170 no. 11
(November, 1988),
pp. 5312-5316 [doi] .
(last updated on 2025/03/09)Abstract:
Filamentous particles containing single-stranded plasmid and bacteriophage DNA are able to infect F- Escherichia coli at frequencies of approximately 10(-6). This infection is dependent on an intact particle and requires the products of the tolQ, tolR, and tolA genes of the bacteria. The addition of CaCl2 can increase the frequency about 100-fold, presumably by increasing the concentration of particles at the bacterial surface.