Publications [#230892] of Tai-ping Sun
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- Silverstone, AL; Ciampaglio, CN; Sun, T, The Arabidopsis RGA gene encodes a transcriptional regulator repressing the gibberellin signal transduction pathway.,
The Plant cell, vol. 10 no. 2
(February, 1998),
pp. 155-169 [9490740], [doi] .
(last updated on 2025/03/09)Abstract:
The recessive rga mutation is able to partially suppress phenotypic defects of the Arabidopsis gibberellin (GA) biosynthetic mutant ga1-3. Defects in stem elongation, flowering time, and leaf abaxial trichome initiation are suppressed by rga. This indicates that RGA is a negative regulator of the GA signal transduction pathway. We have identified 10 additional alleles of rga from a fast-neutron mutagenized ga1-3 population and used them to isolate the RGA gene by genomic subtraction. Our data suggest that RGA may be functioning as a transcriptional regulator. RGA was found to be a member of the VHIID regulatory family, which includes the radial root organizing gene SCARECROW and another GA signal transduction repressor, GAI. RGA and GAI proteins share a high degree of homology, but their N termini are more divergent. The presence of several structural features, including homopolymeric serine and threonine residues, a putative nuclear localization signal, leucine heptad repeats, and an LXXLL motif, indicates that the RGA protein may be a transcriptional regulator that represses the GA response. In support of the putative nuclear localization signal, we demonstrated that a transiently expressed green fluorescent protein-RGA fusion protein is localized to the nucleus in onion epidermal cells. Because the rga mutation abolished the high level of expression of the GA biosynthetic gene GA4 in the ga1-3 mutant background, we conclude that RGA may also play a role in controlling GA biosynthesis.