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Publications [#294302] of Bruce J. Caldwell

Journal Articles

  1. Caldwell, B, Hayekian evolution reconsidered: A reply to Hodgson, Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol. 28 no. 2 (January, 2004), pp. 301-305, Oxford University Press (OUP) [doi]
    (last updated on 2024/07/22)

    This is a reply to Geoffrey Hodgson's Comment on an earlier paper by Caldwell (Hodgson on Hayek: a critique). Though certain areas of agreement are noted, differences in interpretation concerning Hayek's views on the Malthus-Darwin relationship, on cultural evolution, on the extent to which Hayek may be characterised as an ontogenist, and on methodological individualism remain. © Cambridge Political Economy Society 2004; all rights reserved.

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