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Pietro F. Peretto, Professor

Pietro F. Peretto

Peretto is a macroeconomist who studies the sources and effects of technological change mainly using endogenous growth theory. With this focus, he has studied international trade, growth and innovation, market structure, corporate taxation, industrial organization, development and the environment, R&D, demography, and more. He has been publishing his research for nearly three decades and has had his work appear in books and leading academic journals. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Economic Growth.

Contact Info:
Office Location:  241 Social Sciences, Box 90097, Durham, NC 27708
Email Address: send me a message
Web Page:

Teaching (Fall 2024):

  • ECON 452.01, ECONOMIC GROWTH Synopsis
    Social Sciences 111, M 04:40 PM-07:10 PM
  • ECON 652.01, ECONOMIC GROWTH Synopsis
    Social Sciences 111, M 04:40 PM-07:10 PM
    Social Sciences 107, F 10:05 AM-12:35 PM
Teaching (Spring 2025):

    Social Sciences 119, MW 08:30 AM-09:45 AM
    Social Sciences 107, F 10:05 AM-12:35 PM
Office Hours:

T, Th 10-12 or by appointment

Ph.D.Yale University1994
Laurea in Discipline Economiche e SocialiBocconi University, Milan, Italy1988

Industrial Organization
Research Interests: Growth, Industrial Organization and Technical Change

Professor Peretto focuses his research pursuits on industrial organization, technological change, and other aspects pertaining to the field of macroeconomics. His studies have explored a variety of factors, such as international trade, growth and innovation, market structure, corporate taxation, industrial organization, development and the environment, R&D, and more. Much of his analyses of his subjects tend to utilize the endogenous growth theories. He has been publishing his research papers for nearly two decades, and has had his work appear in books and leading academic journals such as the International Journal of Industrial Organization, Increasing Returns and Economic Analysis, and various economic journals throughout Europe. Titles of his recent writings include, “Corporate Taxes, Growth and Welfare in a Schumpeterian Economy,” “Fiscal Policy and Long-run Growth in R&D Based Models with Endogenous Market Structure,” and “Industry and Family: Two Engines of Growth,” in addition to many others. Professor Peretto’s latest research projects involve exploring such subjects as resource scarcity, job creation, intra-industry trade, sustainable growth, and “deaths, births, and economic growth.”


macroeconomics • growth • technological change • innovation • R&D • international trade • development • natural resources • enviroment • industrial organization • market structure • coroprate taxation

Curriculum Vitae  Bio
Recent Publications   (More Publications)

  1. Iacopetta, M; Peretto, PF, Business taxes, management delegation, and growth, European Economic Review, vol. 170 (November, 2024) [doi]  [abs]
  2. Chu, AC; Peretto, PF; Furukawa, Y, Political fragmentation versus a unified empire in a Malthusian economy, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 222 (June, 2024), pp. 284-293 [doi]  [abs]
  3. Chu, AC; Peretto, PF, Innovation and inequality from stagnation to growth, European Economic Review, vol. 160 (November, 2023) [doi]  [abs]
  4. Chu, AC; Peretto, P; Xu, R, Export-led takeoff in a Schumpeterian economy, Journal of International Economics, vol. 145 (November, 2023) [doi]  [abs]
  5. Ferraro, D; Ghazi, S; Peretto, PF, LABOUR TAXES, MARKET SIZE AND PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH, Economic Journal, vol. 133 no. 654 (August, 2023), pp. 2210-2250 [doi]  [abs]

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