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Publications of V. Joseph Hotz    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:

Papers Published

  1. with M. Xiao, Strategic Information Disclosure: The Case of Mult-Attribute Products with Heterogeneous Consumers, Economic Inquiry, vol. 51 no. 1 (January, 2013), pp. 865-881.  [abs]

Papers Submitted

  1. Hotz, VJ; Wiemers, EE; Rasmussen, J; Koegel, KM, The Role of Parental Wealth and Income in Financing Children’s College Attendance and Its Consequences (January, 2023), pp. 1850-1880, University of Wisconsin Press [doi]  [abs]
  2. Arcidiacono, P; Aucejo, EM; Hotz, VJ, University Differences in the Graduation of Minorities in STEM Fields: Evidence from California. (March, 2016), pp. 525-562, American Economic Association [doi]  [abs]
  3. Arcidiacono, P; Aucejo, EM; Hotz, VJ, University differences in the graduation minorities in STEM fields: evidence from California (March, 2016)  [abs]
  4. Arcidiacono, P; Aucejo, E; Coate, P; Hotz, VJ, Affirmative action and university fit: evidence from Proposition 209 (December, 2014) [doi]  [abs]
  5. Arcidiacono, P; Hotz, VJ; Maurel, A; Romano, T, Recovering Ex Ante Returns and Preferences for Occupations Using Subjective Expectations Data (October, 2014)
  6. P. Arcidiacono, E. Aucejo, V. J. Hotz, University Differences in the Graduation of Minorities in STEM Fields: Evidence from California (February, 2013) [pdf]  [abs]
  7. Arcidiacono, P; Aucejo, EM; Coate, P; Hotz, VJ, Affirmative Action and University Fit: Evidence from Proposition 209 (November, 2012) [pdf]  [abs]
  8. with K. McGarry and E. Wiemers, Living Arrangements of Mothers and their Adult Children over the Life Course (December, 2010) (Under review.) [pdf]  [abs]
  9. Fajnzylber, E; Sanders, SG; Hotz, VJ, An Economic Model of Amniocentesis Choice (August, 2010)
  10. with Charles Mullin, John Karl Scholz, Examining the Effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit on the Labor Market Participation of Families on Welfare (June, 2010) [pdf]
  11. Arcidiacono, P; Hotz, VJ; Kang, S, Modeling College Major Choices Using Elicited Measures of Expectations and Counterfactuals (February, 2010)
  12. Hotz, VJ; Crump, RK; Mitnik, OA; Imbens, G, Dealing with Limited Overlap in Estimation of Average Treatment Effects (2009)  [abs]
  13. Hotz, VJ; Luppino, M; McKee, D; Bacolod, M, How have the Returns to Schooling and Work Experience Changed over the Last 40 Years? Evidence from Panel Data (2008)  [abs]
  14. Mitnik, OK; Imbens, G; Hotz, VJ; Crump, RK, Nonparametric Tests for Treatment Effect Heterogeneity (2008)  [abs]
  15. Crump, RK; Hotz, VJ; Imbens, GW; Mitnik, OA, Moving the Goalposts: Addressing Limited Overlap in the Estimation of Average Treatment Effects by Changing the Estimand (October, 2006)
  16. Crump, RK; Hotz, VJ; Imbens, GW; Mitnik, OA, Moving the Goalposts: Addressing Limited Overlap in Estimation of Average Treatment Effects by Changing the Estimand (September, 2006)
  17. Crump, RK; Hotz, VJ; Imbens, GW; Mitnik, OA, Nonparametric Tests for Treatment Effect Heterogeneity (June, 2006)
  18. Hotz, VJ; Scholz, JK, Examining the Effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit on the Labor Market Participation of Families on Welfare (January, 2006)
  19. Hotz, VJ; Charles, HM; John, KS, The Earned Income Tax Credit and Labor Market Participation of Families on Welfare (January, 2001)  [abs]
  20. Currie, J; Hotz, VJ, Accidents Will Happen? Unintentional Injury, Maternal Employment, and Child Care Policy (January, 2001)
  21. Hotz, VJ; Imbens, GW; Klerman, JA, The Long-Term Gains from Gain: A Re-Analysis of the Impacts of the California Gain Program (November, 2000)
  22. Hao, L; Hotz, VJ; Jin, GZ, Games Daughters and Parents Play: Teenage Childbearing, Parental Reputation, and Strategic Transfers (April, 2000)  [abs]
  23. Hotz, VJ; McElroy, SW; Sanders, SG, Teenage Childbearing and Its Life Cycle Consequences: Exploiting a Natural Experiment (August, 1999)  [abs]
  24. Hotz, VJ; Xu, L; Tienda, M; Ahituv, A, Are There Returns to the Wages of Young Men from Working While in School? (July, 1999)  [abs]
  25. Hill, CJ; Hotz, VJ; Mullin, CH; Scholz, JK, EITC Eligibility, Participation, and Compliance Rates for AFDC Households: Evidence from the California Caseload (July, 1999)  [abs]
  26. Hotz, VJ; Kilburn, MR, Regulating Child Care: The Effetcs of State Regulation on Child Care Demand and its Cost. (1995)
  27. Hotz, VJ; Miller, RA, Conditional Choice Probabilities and the Estimation of Dynamic Models. (1991)

Journal Articles

  1. Wiemers, EE; Lin, I-F; Wiersma Strauss, A; Chin, JA; Hotz, VJ; Seltzer, JA, Racial-Ethnic Gaps in Pandemic-Related Economic Hardship: Age Differences Among Older Adults., The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences, vol. 79 no. 8 (August, 2024), pp. gbae099, Oxford University Press (OUP) [doi]  [abs]
  2. Wiemers, EE; Lin, I-F; Wiersma Strauss, A; Chin, J; Hotz, VJ; Seltzer, JA, Age Differences in Experiences of Pandemic-Related Health and Economic Challenges Among Adults Aged 55 and Older., The Gerontologist, vol. 64 no. 6 (June, 2024), pp. gnae023 [doi]  [abs]
  3. Hotz, VJ; Bollinger, CR; Komarova, T; Manski, CF; Moffitt, RA; Nekipelov, D; Sojourner, A; Spencer, BD, The key role of absolute risk in the disclosure risk assessment of public data releases., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 121 no. 11 (March, 2024), pp. e2321882121 [doi]
  4. Perreira, KM; Hotz, VJ; Duke, NN; Aiello, AE; Belsky, DW; Brown, T; Jensen, T; Harris, KM, The Add Health Parent Study: A Biosocial Resource for the Study of Multigenerational Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Alzheimer's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease-Related Dementias., Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD, vol. 101 no. 2 (January, 2024), pp. 681-691 [doi]  [abs]
  5. Kwiatek, SM; Cai, L; Cagney, KA; Copeland, WE; Hotz, VJ; Hoyle, RH, Comparative assessment of the feasibility and validity of daily activity space in urban and non-urban settings., PLoS One, vol. 19 no. 1 (2024), pp. e0297492 [doi]  [abs]
  6. Hotz, VJ; Bollinger, CR; Komarova, T; Manski, CF; Moffitt, RA; Nekipelov, D; Sojourner, A; Spencer, BD, Balancing data privacy and usability in the federal statistical system., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 119 no. 31 (August, 2022), pp. e2104906119 [doi]  [abs]
  7. Hotz, VJ; Salvo, J, A Chronicle of the Application of Differential Privacy to the 2020 Census, Harvard Data Science Review (June, 2022), MIT Press - Journals [doi]
  8. Duke, NN; Jensen, TM; Perreira, KM; Hotz, VJ; Harris, KM, The Role of Family Health History in Predicting Midlife Chronic Disease Outcomes., Am J Prev Med, vol. 61 no. 4 (October, 2021), pp. 509-517 [doi]  [abs]
  9. Ashworth, J; Hotz, VJ; Maurel, A; Ransom, T, Changes across cohorts in wage returns to schooling and early work experiences, Journal of Labor Economics (October, 2021) [doi]  [abs]
  10. Jensen, TM; Duke, NN; Harris, KM; Hotz, VJ; Perreira, KM, Like Parent, Like Child: Intergenerational Patterns of Cardiovascular Risk Factors at Midlife., J Adolesc Health, vol. 68 no. 3 (March, 2021), pp. 596-603 [doi]  [abs]
  11. Arcidiacono, P; Joseph Hotz, V; Maurel, A; Romano, T, Ex ante returns and occupational choice, Journal of Political Economy, vol. 128 no. 12 (December, 2020), pp. 4475-4522 [doi]  [abs]
  12. Wiemers, EE; Abrahams, S; AlFakhri, M; Hotz, VJ; Schoeni, RF; Seltzer, JA, Disparities in vulnerability to complications from COVID-19 arising from disparities in preexisting conditions in the United States., Research in social stratification and mobility, vol. 69 (October, 2020), pp. 100553 [doi]  [abs]
  13. Wiemers, EE; Abrahams, S; AlFakhri, M; Hotz, VJ; Schoeni, RF; Seltzer, JA, Disparities in Vulnerability to Severe Complications from COVID-19 in the United States., medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences (May, 2020) [doi]  [abs]
  14. Choi, H; Schoeni, RF; Wiemers, EE; Hotz, VJ; Seltzer, JA, Spatial Distance between Parents and Adult Children in the United States., Journal of marriage and the family, vol. 82 no. 2 (April, 2020), pp. 822-840 [doi]  [abs]
  15. Hotz, VJ; Wiswall, M, Child Care and Child Care Policy: Existing Policies, Their Effects, and Reforms, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 686 no. 1 (November, 2019), pp. 310-338 [doi]  [abs]
  16. Wiemers, EE; Seltzer, JA; Schoeni, RF; Hotz, VJ; Bianchi, SM, Stepfamily Structure and Transfers Between Generations in U.S. Families., Demography, vol. 56 no. 1 (February, 2019), pp. 229-260 [doi]  [abs]
  17. Hotz, VJ; Wiemers, E; Rasmussen, J; Koegel, K, The Role of Parental Wealth and Income in Financing Children's College Attendance and its Consequences (October, 2018)
  18. Ashworth, J; Hotz, VJ; Maurel, A; Ransom, T, Changes Across Cohorts in Wage Returns to Schooling and Early Work Experiences (May, 2018)
  19. Hotz, VJ; Johansson, P; Karimi, A, Parenthood, Family Friendly Workplaces, and the Gender Gaps in Early Work Careers (December, 2017)
  20. Ashworth, J; Hotz, VJ; Maurel, A; Ransom, T, Changes Across Cohorts in Wage Returns to Schooling and Early Work Experiences (December, 2017)
  21. Aucejo, EM; Bugni, FA; Hotz, VJ, IDENTIFICATION AND INFERENCE ON REGRESSIONS WITH MISSING COVARIATE DATA, Econometric Theory, vol. 33 no. 01 (February, 2017), pp. 196-241, Cambridge University Press (CUP), ISSN 0266-4666 [doi]  [abs]
  22. Wiemers, EE; Slanchev, V; McGarry, K; Hotz, VJ, Living Arrangements of Mothers and Their Adult Children Over the Life Course., Research on aging, vol. 39 no. 1 (January, 2017), pp. 111-134 [doi]  [abs]
  23. Arcidiacono, P; Aucejo, EM; Hotz, VJ, University Differences in the Graduation of Minorities in STEM Fields: Evidence from California, American Economic Review, vol. 106 no. 3 (March, 2016)  [abs]
  24. Hotz, VJ; Pantano, J, Strategic parenting, birth order, and school performance., Journal of population economics, vol. 28 no. 4 (October, 2015), pp. 911-936 [doi]  [abs]
  25. Hotz, VJ; Tienda, M; Ahituv, A, Transition from School to Work: Black, Hispanic and White Men in the 1980s" (May, 2015), pp. 250-258
  26. Hotz, VJ, The Labor Response of Married Women in the New Jersey Negative Income Tax Experiment (May, 2015)
  27. Hotz, VJ, Labor Supply Estimates for Public Policy Evaluation: A Comment, Industrial Relations Research Association Proceedings (May, 2015), pp. 332-335
  28. Hotz, VJ; Epple, D; Zelenitz, A, Employment Contracts, Risk Sharing, and the Role of Unions, Research in Labor Economics (May, 2015), ISSN 0147-9121
  29. Hotz, VJ; Avery, J, Statistical Approaches to Modeling Absenteeism (May, 2015)
  30. Hotz, VJ; Tienda, M, "Education and Employment in a Diverse Society: Generating Inequality through the School-to-Work Transition", American Diversity: A Demographic Challenge for the Twenty-First Century (May, 2015)
  31. Hotz, VJ; Scholz, JK, "The Earned Income Tax Credit", Means-Tested Transfer Programs in the U.S. (May, 2015)
  32. Hotz, VJ; Bianchi, S; McGarry, K; Seltzer, J, "Intergenerational Ties: Alternative Theories, Empirical Findings and Trends, and Remaining Challenges" (May, 2015)
  33. Hotz, J; Siegfried, J, "Economics and the Earned Income Tax Credit: A Comment", Better Living Through Economics: How Economic Research Improves Our Lives" (May, 2015)
  34. Hotz, VJ; Schoeni, R; Bianchi, S; Seltzer, J; Wiemers, E, Intergenerational Transfers and Rosters of the Extended Family: A New Substudy of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, vol. 6 no. 3 (January, 2015), pp. 319-330 [doi]  [abs]
  35. Arcidiacono, P; Hotz, V; Maurel, A; Romano, T, Recovering Ex Ante Returns and Preferences for Occupations Using Subjective Expectations Data, Economic Research Initiatives at Duke (ERID) Working Paper no. 178 (October, 2014)  [abs]
  36. with M. Xiao, Strategic Information Disclosure: The Case of Mult-Attribute Products with Heterogeneous Consumers, Economic Inquiry, vol. 51 no. 1 (January, 2013), pp. 865-881.  [abs]
  38. Hotz, VJ; Xiao, M, Strategic information disclosure: The case of multiattribute products with heterogeneous consumers, Economic Inquiry, vol. 51 no. 1 (January, 2013), pp. 865-881, WILEY, ISSN 0095-2583 [doi]  [abs]
  39. Cahuc, P; Hotz, VJ; Gielen, AC; Zimmermann, KF, Editorial: IZA Journal of Labor Economics, IZA Journal of Labor Economics, vol. 1 no. 1 (December, 2012), pp. 1-1, Springer Nature [doi]
  40. with Arcidiacono, P; Hotz, VJ; Kang, S, Modeling college major choices using elicited measures of expectations and counterfactuals, Journal of Econometrics, vol. 166 no. 1 (January, 2012), pp. 3-16, Elsevier BV, ISSN 0304-4076 [doi]  [abs]
  41. with Arcidiacono, P; Hotz, VJ; Kang, S, Modeling college major choices using elicited measures of expectations and counterfactuals, vol. 166 no. 1 (2012), pp. 3-16  [abs]
  42. with Joseph Hotz, V; Xiao, M, The Impact of Regulations on the Supply and Quality of Care in Child Care Markets., The American economic review, vol. 101 no. 5 (August, 2011), pp. 1775-1805, ISSN 0002-8282 [doi]  [abs]
  43. with Hotz, VJ; Xiao, M, The Impact of Regulations on the Supply and Quality of Care in Child Care Markets, American Economic Review, vol. 101 no. 5 (August, 2011), pp. 1775-1805  [abs]
  44. with Fajnzylber, E; Hotz, VJ; Sanders, SG, An economic model of amniocentesis choice., Advances in life course research, vol. 15 no. 1 (March, 2010), pp. 11-26, ISSN 1040-2608 [21516255], [doi]  [abs]
  45. Klerman, JA; Cox, AG; Hotz, VJ; Mullins, C, Program Take-Up Among CalWORKs Leavers: Medi-Cal, Food Stamps, and the EITC: An Evaluation of Participation in Work-Support Programs by CalWORKs Leavers (January, 2010)
  46. with Mo Xiao, Strategic Information Disclosure: The Case of Mult-Attribute Products with Heterogeneous Consumers, Economic Inquiry, vol. Forthcoming (2010) [pdf]  [abs]
  47. with Crump, RK; Hotz, VJ; Imbens, GW; Mitnik, OA, Dealing with limited overlap in estimation of average treatment effects, Biometrika, vol. 96 no. 1 (March, 2009), pp. 187-199, Oxford University Press (OUP), ISSN 0006-3444 [doi]  [abs]
  48. with Crump, RK; Joseph Hotz, V; Imbens, GW; Mitnik, OA, Nonparametric tests for treatment effect heterogeneity, Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 90 no. 3 (August, 2008), pp. 389-405, MIT Press - Journals, ISSN 0034-6535 [doi]  [abs]
  49. with Hao, L; Hotz, VJ; Jin, GZ, Games Parents and Adolescents Play: Risky Behaviors, Parental Reputation, and Strategic Transfers., Economic journal (London, England), vol. 118 no. 528 (April, 2008), pp. 515-555, ISSN 0013-0133 [21660221], [doi]  [abs]
  50. with Hotz, VJ; Scholz, JK, Can administrative data on child support be used to improve the EITC? Evidence from Wisconsin, National Tax Journal, vol. 61 no. 2 (January, 2008), pp. 189-203, National Tax Association, ISSN 0028-0283 [doi]  [abs]
  51. with Bacolod, M; Joseph Hotz, V, Cohort changes in the transition from school to work: Evidence from three NLS surveys, Economics of Education Review, vol. 25 no. 4 (August, 2006), pp. 351-373, Elsevier BV, ISSN 0272-7757 [doi]  [abs]
  52. with Hotz, VJ; Imbens, GW; Klerman, JA, Evaluating the differential effects of alternative welfare-to-work training components: A reanalysis of the California GAIN program, Journal of Labor Economics, vol. 24 no. 3 (July, 2006), pp. 521-566, University of Chicago Press, ISSN 0734-306X [doi]  [abs]
  53. Hotz, VJ; Tienda, M; Mitchell, F, "Hispanics in the U.S. Labor Market", Hispanics and the American Future (March, 2006), pp. 228-290 [doi]
  54. Hao, L; Hotz, VJ; Jin, GZ, Games Parents and Adolescents Play: Risky Behaviors, Parental Reputation, and Strategic Transfers, vol. 118 no. 528 (December, 2005), pp. 515-555  [abs]
  55. with Seltzer, JA; Bachrach, CA; Bianchi, SM; Bledsoe, CH; Casper, LM; Chase-Lansdale, PL; Diprete, TA; Hotz, VJ; Morgan, SP; Sanders, SG; Thomas, D, Explaining Family Change and Variation: Challenges for Family Demographers., Journal of marriage and the family, vol. 67 no. 4 (November, 2005), pp. 908-925, ISSN 0022-2445 [20376277], [doi]  [abs]
  56. with Hotz, VJ; Imbens, GW; Mortimer, JH, Predicting the efficacy of future training programs using past experiences at other locations, Journal of Econometrics, vol. 125 no. 1-2 SPEC. ISS. (March, 2005), pp. 241-270, Elsevier BV [doi]  [abs]
  57. with Hotz, VJ; McElroy, SW; Sanders, SG, Teenage childbearing and its life cycle consequences: Exploiting a natural experiment, Journal of Human Resources, vol. 40 no. 3 (Summer, 2005), pp. 683-715, University of Wisconsin Press [doi]  [abs]
  58. Hotz, VJ; McElroy, SW; Sanders, SG, Teenage Childbearing and Its Life Cycle Consequences: Exploiting a Natural Experiment, Journal of Human Resources, vol. 40 no. 3 (2005)  [abs]
  59. with Currie, J; Joseph Hotz, V, Inequality in life and death: What drives racial trends in U.S. child death rates?, in Social Inequality, edited by K. Neckerman (December, 2004), pp. 569-632, Russell Sage Press  [abs]
  60. Currie, J; Hotz, VJ, Accidents will happen?: Unintentional childhood injuries and the effects of child care regulations, vol. 23 no. 1 (January, 2004), pp. 25-59 [repository]
  61. with Currie, J; Hotz, VJ, Accidents will happen? Unintentional childhood injuries and the effects of child care regulations., Journal of health economics, vol. 23 no. 1 (January, 2004), pp. 25-59, ISSN 0167-6296 [15154687], [doi]  [abs]
  62. with Hotz, VJ; Mullin, CH; Scholz, JK, Welfare, Employment, and Income: Evidence on the Effects of Benefit Reductions from California, American Economic Review, vol. 92 no. 2 (May, 2002), pp. 380-384, American Economic Association [doi]
  63. with Joseph Hotz, V; Xu, LC; Tienda, M; Ahituv, A, Are there returns to the wages of young men from working while in school?, Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 84 no. 2 (May, 2002), pp. 221-236, MIT Press - Journals [doi]  [abs]
  64. with Hotz, VJ; Scholz, J, Measuring Employment and Income Outcomes for Low-Income Populations with Administrative and Survey Data, in Studies of Welfare Populations: Data Collection and Research Issues, edited by M. Ver Ploeg, R. Moffitt and C. Citro, Studies of Welfare Populations: Data Collection and Research Issues (2002), pp. 275-315, National Research Council: National Academy Press, Washington, DC
  65. with Hotz, VJ; Adams, J, "The Statistical Power of National Data to Evaluate Welfare Reform", in Evaluating Welfare Reform in an Era of Transition, edited by R. Moffitt and M. Ver Ploeg, Evaluating Welfare Reform in an Era of Transition (2001), pp. 209-219, National Academy Press, Washington, DC
  66. with Scholz, JK, Not Perfect, but Still Pretty Good: The EITC and Other Policies to Support the U.S. Low-Wage Labour Market, OECD Economic Studies, vol. 2000/II no. 31 (2000), pp. 25-42 [repository]
  67. with Hill, CJ; Scholz, JK, Evaluating Work-Related Cash Benefit Programs: The Earned Income Tax Credit, New Directions in Program Evaluation, vol. 79 no. 79 (Fall, 1998), pp. 25-42, WILEY [doi]  [abs]
  68. with Mullin, C; Sanders, S, Bounding Causal Effects Using Data from a Contaminated Natural Experiment: Analyzing the Effects of Teenage Childbearing, Review of Economic Studies, vol. 64 no. 4 (1997), pp. 576-603, Oxford University Press (OUP) [doi]  [abs]
  69. Hotz, VJ; Mullin, CH; Sanders, SG, Bounding Causal Effects Using Data from a Contaminated Natural Experiment: Analysing the Effects of Teenage Childbearing, The Review of Economic Studies, vol. 64 no. 4 (1997), pp. 575-603  [abs]
  70. with Ahituv, A; Philipson, T, The Responsiveness of the Demand for Condoms to the Local Prevalence of AIDS, Journal of Human Resources, vol. 21 no. 4 (Fall, 1996), pp. 869-897  [abs]
  71. Ahituv, A; Hotz, VJ; Philipson, T, The responsiveness of the demand for condoms to the local prevalence of AIDS, Journal of Human Resources, vol. 31 no. 4 (January, 1996), pp. 869-897, JSTOR [doi]  [abs]
  72. with S. McElroy and S. Sanders, The Costs and Consequences of Teenage Childbearing for Mothers, Chicago Policy Review, vol. 1 no. 1 (1996), pp. 55-94
  73. with Joseph Hotz, V, Initial Labor Market Experiences of Minority and Nonminority Men, Proceedings of the Industrial Relations Research Association (1995), pp. 256-265
  74. with Hotz, VJ; Miller, RA; Sanders, S; Smith, J, A simulation estimator for dynamic models of discrete choice, Review of Economic Studies, vol. 61 no. 2 (January, 1994), pp. 265-289, Oxford University Press (OUP), ISSN 0034-6527 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs]
  75. with Bounding Treatment Effects in Experimental Evaluations Subject to Post-Randomization Treatment Choice, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute (1994)
  76. Hotz, VJ; Miller, RA; Sanders, S; Smith, J, A Simulation Estimator for Dynamic Models of Discrete Choice, The Review of Economic Studies, vol. 61 no. 2 (1994), pp. 265-289  [abs]
  77. with Joseph Hotz, V; Miller, RA, Conditional choice probabilities and the estimation of dynamic models, Review of Economic Studies, vol. 60 no. 3 (January, 1993), pp. 497-529, Oxford University Press (OUP), ISSN 0034-6527 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs]
  78. Hotz, VJ; Miller, RA, Conditional Choice Probabilities and the Estimation of Dynamic Models, The Review of Economic Studies, vol. 60 no. 3 (1993), pp. 497-529  [abs]
  79. with D. Blau, Introduction, Journal of Human Resources (Winter, 1992) (Special Issue on “The Economics of Child Care".)
  81. V.J. Hotz, Designing Experimental Evaluations of Social Programs: The Case of the U.S. National JTPA Study, Proceedings of the Italian Statistical Society, vol. 1 (1992), pp. 205-219
  82. with Heckman, JJ; Hotz, VJ, Rejoinder, Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 84 no. 408 (January, 1989), pp. 878-880, JSTOR, ISSN 0162-1459 (with discussion.) [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  83. Heckman, JJ; Hotz, VJ, Choosing among alternative nonexperimental methods for estimating the impact of social programs: The case of manpower training, Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 84 no. 408 (January, 1989), pp. 862-874, JSTOR [doi]  [abs]
  84. with Hotz, VJ; Heckman, J, Are Classical Experiments Necessary for Evaluating the Impact of Manpower Training Programs? A Critical Assessment, in Industrial Relations Research Association Proceedings, Industrial Relations Research Association Proceedings (June, 1988), pp. 291-302
  85. with Kydland, F; Sedlacek, G, Intertemporal Preferences and Labor Supply, Econometrica, vol. 57 no. 2 (March, 1988), pp. 335-360, ISSN 0012-9682 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  86. Hotz, VJ; Kydland, FE; Sedlacek, GL, Intertemporal Preferences and Labor Supply, Econometrica, vol. 56 no. 2 (March, 1988), pp. 335-335, JSTOR, ISSN 0012-9682 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  87. with Hotz, VJ; Miller, RA, An Empirical Analysis of Life Cycle Fertility and Female Labor Supply., Econometrica, vol. 56 no. 1 (January, 1988), pp. 91-118, JSTOR, ISSN 0012-9682 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs]
  88. with Heckman, JJ; Hotz, VJ; Dabos, M, Do We Need Experimental Data To Evaluate the Impact of Manpower Training On Earnings?, Evaluation Review, vol. 11 no. 4 (January, 1987), pp. 395-427, SAGE Publications, ISSN 0193-841X [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs]
  89. with Heckman, JJ; Hotz, VJ, An Investigation of the Labor Market Earnings of Panamanian Males Evaluating the Sources of Inequality, The Journal of Human Resources, vol. 21 no. 4 (Fall, 1986), pp. 507-507, JSTOR, ISSN 0022-166X [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  90. with Heckman, J; Walker, J, The Influence of Early Fertility on Subsequent Births and the Importance of Controlling for Heterogeneity, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, vol. LI no. 2 (August, 1985), pp. 14.4-1 - 14.4-15
  91. with Heckman, JJ; Hotz, VJ; Walker, JR, New Evidence on the Timing and Spacing of Births., American Economic Review, vol. 75 no. 2 (May, 1985), pp. 179-184, ISSN 0002-8282 [Gateway.cgi]
  92. with Avery, RB; Hansen, LP; Hotz, VJ, Multiperiod Probit Models and Orthogonality Condition Estimation, International Economic Review, vol. 24 no. 1 (February, 1983), pp. 21-21, JSTOR, ISSN 0020-6598 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  93. with D. Epple and A. Zelenitz, Employment Contracts, Risk Sharing, and the Role of Unions, edited by R. Ehrenberg, Research in Labor Economics, vol. 5 (1982), pp. 237-78, JAI Press, Inc, Greenwich, CT
  94. V.J. Hotz, Labor Supply Estimates for Public Policy Evaluation: A Comment, in Industrial Relations Research Association Proceedings (1979), pp. 332-5

Chapters in Books

  1. Hotz, VJ; McElroy, SW; Sanders, SG, The impacts of teenage childbearing on the mothers and the consequences of those impacts for government, in Kids Having Kids: Economic Costs and Social Consequences of Teen Pregnancy (January, 2018), pp. 55-94, ISBN 9781138321328 [doi]  [abs]
  2. Hotz, VJ; Heckman, J, "Are Classical Experiments Necessary for Evaluating the Impact of Manpower Training Programs? A Critical Assessment", in Industrial Relations Research Association Proceedings (May, 2015), pp. 291-302
  3. Hotz, VJ, The economic approach to modeling adolescent sexual behavior: Empirical implications, in Romance and Sex in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: Risks and Opportunities (January, 2014), pp. 213-219, PSYCHOLOGY PRESS, ISBN 9781410617361 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs]
  4. V. J. Hotz, Economics and the Earned Income Tax Credit: A Comment, in Better Living Through Economics: How Economic Research Improves Our Lives, edited by J. Siegfried (2010), pp. 106-109, Harvard University Press
  5. with Tienda, M; Ahituv, A; Frost, MB; Hotz, VJ, Employment and Wage Prospects of Black, White, and Hispanic Women, in Human Resources Economics and Public Policy: Essays in Honor of Vernon Briggs, Jr., edited by Whalen, CJ (2010), pp. 129-160, Upjohn Institute Press, ISBN 9780880993593
  6. with S. McElroy and S. Sanders, Consequences of Teen Childbearing for Mothers, in Having Kids: Economic Costs and Social Consequences of Teen Pregnancy, 2nd Ed., edited by S. Hoffman and R. Maynard (2008), pp. 51-74, Urban Institute Press
  7. with Suzanne Bianchi, Kathleen McGarry and Judith Seltzer, Intergenerational Ties: Alternative Theories, Empirical Findings and Trends, and Remaining Challenges, in Intergenerational Caregiving, edited by A. Booth, N. Crouter, S. Bianchi and J. Seltzer (2008), pp. 3-44, Urban Institute Press
  8. Hotz, VJ; Bianchi, S; McGarry, K; Seltzer, S, Intergenerational Ties: Alternative Theories, Empirical Findings and Trends, and Remaining Challenges, in Intergenerational Caregiving, edited by Bianchi, S; Seltzer, J; Booth, A; Crouter, N (2008), Urban Institute Press
  9. with B. Duncan and S. Trejo, Hispanics in the U.S. Labor Market, in Hispanics and the American Future, edited by M. Tienda and F. Mitchell (2006), pp. 228-290, National Academies Press, Washington, DC
  10. with M. Tienda, Education and Employment in a Diverse Society: Generating Inequality through the School-to-Work Transition, in American Diversity: A Demographic Challenge for the Twenty-First Century, edited by N. Denton and S. Tolnay (2002), State SUNY Press
  11. with Hotz, VJ; Scholz, JK, The Earned Income Tax Credit, in Means-Tested Transfer Programs in the U.S., edited by R. Moffitt (January, 2001), pp. 141-197, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, ISBN 0-226-53356-5 [Gateway.cgi]
  12. with A. Ahituv and M. Tienda, Transition from School to Work: Black, Hispanic and White Men in the 1980s, in Back to Shared Prosperity: The Growing Inequality of Wealth and Income in America, edited by R. Marshall (2000), pp. 250-8, M.E. Sharpe, New York
  13. with J. Klerman and R. Willis, The Economics of Fertility in Developed Countries, edited by M. Rosenzweig and O. Stark, Hand-book of Population and Family Economics (1997), pp. 275-347, North-Holland, Amsterdam
  14. with S. McElroy and S. Sanders, The Costs and Consequences of Teenage Childbearing for the Mothers and the Government, in Kids having Kids: The Economic Costs and Social Consequences of Teen Pregnancy, edited by R. Maynard (1997), pp. 55-94, Urban Institute Press
  15. Hotz, VJ; Klerman, JA; Willis, RJ, Chapter 7 The economics of fertility in developed countries, in Handbook of Population and Family Economics, vol. 1 no. PART A (1997), pp. 275-347, Elsevier, ISSN 1574-003X, ISBN 9780444826459 [doi]
  17. V.J. Hotz, Recent Experience in Designing Evaluations of Social Programs: The Case of the National JTPA Study, in Evaluating Welfare and Training Programs, edited by I. Garfinkel and C. Manski (1992), pp. 76-114, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA
  21. with R. Avery, Statistical Approaches to Modeling Absenteeism, in Absenteeism, edited by P. Goodman et al. (1984), pp. 158-93, Jossey-Bass, Inc., San Francisco
  22. V.J. Hotz, The Labor Response of Married Women in the New Jersey Negative Income Tax Experiment, in Follow-Up Study Using Data Generated by the New Jersey Income Maintenance Experiment (1976), pp. 211-42, Institute for Research on Poverty

Working Papers

  1. M. Dalton, V. J. Hotz, D. Thomas, Resources, Composition and Family Decision-Making (January, 2013)  [abs]
  2. with Federico Bugni, Esteban Aucejo, Identification and Inference of Regressions with Missing Covariate Data (November, 2012)
  3. with P. Arcidiacono, E. Aucejo, P. Coate, Estimating the Effects of California’s Affirmative Action Ban on College Enrollment and Graduation Rates: A Cautionary Note (September, 2012)
  4. with L. Hao, G. Jin and J. Pantano, Parental Learning and Teenagers’ Risky Behavior (April, 2009)
  5. with J. Pantano, Strategic Parenting, Birth Order and School Achievement (May, 2008)
  6. with M. Bacolod and D. McKee, How of the Returns to Schooling and Work Experiences Changeover the Last 40 Years? Evidence from the NLS Cohorts (February, 2007) (Preliminary draft..)
  7. with Hector Conroy, Catherine Eckel, Amar Hamoudi, Cathleen Johnson, Cesar Marti-nelli, Susan Parker, Luis Rubalcava, Seth Sanders, Duncan Thomas, and Graciela Teruel, Attitudes to Risk, Time Preferences and Socio-Economic Status: Experimental and Survey Evidence (October, 2006)
  8. with J.K. Scholz and C.Mullin, Examining the Effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit on the Labor Market Participation of Families on Welfare (September, 2006) (Under revision for the Review of Economics and Statistics..)
  9. with J.K. Scholz, Can Administrative Data on Child Support Be Used to Improve the EITC? Evidence from Wisconsin (May, 2006) (Under revision for National Tax Journal..)
  10. with M. Buchinsky and J. Hahn, Estimating Dynamic Discrete Choice Models with Heterogeneous Agents: A Cluster Analysis Approach (April, 2005)
  11. with M. Bacolod, Did the Returns to the Early School and Work Experiences of Young Adults Change Across Cohorts over the Last 40 Years? (October, 2004)
  12. with C. Mullin and J. K. Scholz, Trends in EITC Take-Up and Receipt for California’s Welfare Population, 1992-1999 (August, 2003)
  13. with J.K. Scholz and C.Mullin, The Effects of Welfare Reform on Employment and Income: Evidence from California (March, 2003)
  14. with L. Xu, M. Tienda, and A. Ahituv, The Returns to Early Work Experience in the Transition from School to Work for Young Men in the U.S.: An Analysis of the 1980s (August, 1996)
  15. with R. Kilburn, Regulating Child Care: The Effects of State Regulations on Child Care Demand and Its Cost (March, 1996)
  16. with R. Kilburn, Estimating the Demand for Child Care and Child Care Costs: Should We Ignore Families with Non-Working Mothers? (February, 1992)
  17. with R. Kilburn, A Statistical Portrait of Child Care Utilization in the U.S. by Working and Non-Working Mothers (February, 1992)
  18. with R. Miller, The Economics of Family Planning (May, 1987)
  19. V.J. Hotz, Risk Sharing and the Union Status of Firms: A Study of the Construction Industry (January, 1987)
  20. with R. Avery, Estimating Systems of Nonlinear Equations with Limited Dependent Variables (November, 1985)
  21. with R. Avery, Estimation of Multiple Indicator Multiple Cause Models with Discrete Indicators (March, 1985)


  1. with J.K. Scholz, The Earned Income Tax Credit: Its Impact on California’s Low-Income and Welfare Populations (September, 2005) (Final Project Report to California Franchise Tax Board..)
  2. with J. Klerman, E. Reardon, A. Cox, D. Farley, S. Haider, G. Imbens and R. Schoeni, Welfare Reform in California: Early Results from the Impact Analysis (2002) (Report MR-1358-CDSS, RAND..)
  3. with J. Klerman, G. Imbens, P. Steinberg, E. Reardon, P. Ebener, J. Hawes-Dawson, Welfare Reform in California: Design of the Impact Analysis (2000) (Report MR-1266.0-CDSS, RAND..)
  4. with C. Hill, C. Mullin and J. K. Scholz, EITC Eligibility, Participation and Compliance Rates for AFDC Households: Evidence from the California Caseload (April, 1999) (Final Project Report to the U.S. Depart-ment of Health and Human Services, California Department of Social Services and California Franchise Tax Board..)
  5. Administrative Data for Policy-Relevant Research: Assessment of Current Utility and Recommendations for Development, edited by V.J. Hotz, Robert Goerge, J. Balzekas and F. Margolin (January, 1998) (A Report of the Advisory Panel on Research Uses of Administrative Data of the Northwestern University/University of Chicago Joint Center for Poverty Research..)
  6. with R. Kilburn, The Demand for Child Care and Child Care Costs: Should We Ignore Families with Non- Working Mothers? (December, 1991) (Final Project Report submitted to the Institute for Research on Poverty..)
  7. V.J. Hotz, Designing an Evaluation of Nonexperimental Methods in the National JTPA Study (November, 1990), Abt Associates, Inc., Washington, D.C. (Chapter 7 in The Design of the National JTPA Study..)
  8. V.J. Hotz, The Effects of Child Care Costs and Policies on Women’s Participation in the Labor Market: What Do We Know? (July, 1988) (Report to the U.S. Department of Labor..)
  9. with J. Heckman, On the Use of Nonexperimental Methods of Estimating the Impact of Manpower Training Programs: Re-Evaluating the Evaluations (May, 1987) (Final Project Report submitted to the U.S. Department of Labor..)
  10. with C. Metcalf, Consumption Behavior During the Gary Income Maintenance Experiment (1979), pp. 33-754 (in Final Report of the Gary Income Maintenance Experiment, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare..)
  11. with C. Metcalf, Family Expenditures in the Gary Income Maintenance Experiment (1977), pp. 576-600 (The Gary Income Maintenance Experiment Initial Findings Report, Indiana University..)

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