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Faculty: Catherine Reilly  

Catherine Reilly
Title: Andrew W. Mellon Assistant Professor
Office Location: 101A Friedl Building, 1316 Campus Drive, Durham, NC 27708
Office Phone: +1 919 668 6204
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Office Hours:

: SPRING 2024 | Wednesdays 12-2 pm and by appointment.

Recent Publications   (More Publications)


  • Reilly, C. Psychic Empire: Literary Modernism and the Clinical State.  Columbia University Press, May, 2024 (352 pages pp.).  [abs]
Articles in a Journal
  • Reilly, C. "The Brain in History: Neurocolonialism and the Anthropocene." Journal of Ecohumanism  (October, 2024).
  • Reilly, CI. "RUSSIAN ROULETTE: SPECULATION AND THE MEDICAL HUMANITIES IN VSEVOLOD IVANOV'S NOVEL y." Slavic and East European Journal 66.4 (December, 2022): 518-537.  [abs]
  • Reilly, C. "Neuromimesis: Picturing the Humanities Picturing the Brain.." Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 16 (January, 2022): 760785. [doi]  [abs]
Articles in a Collection
  • Reilly, C. "Psychoanalytic States: Translating from Freud to Lenin and Au-delĂ ." Translation and Universality: Sites of Struggle Ed. Arnall, G; Chenoweth, K. Fordham University Press (Forthcoming Winter 2024), December, 2024.

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