- Hardt, M. The subversive seventies. July, 2023 (1-312 pp.). [doi] [abs]
- Hardt, M; Negri, A. Assembly. Oxford University Press, 2017 (336 pages pp.). [abs]
- with Hardt, M; Negri, A. Declaration. Argo Navis (self-published), 2012.
- Hardt, M. The Procedures of Love. Documenta, 2012. [abs]
- Hardt, M. The Procedures of Love. Documenta, 2012. [abs]
- with Hardt, M; Negri, A. Commonwealth. Harvard University Press, 2009.
- Hardt, M; Negri, A. Commonwealth. Harvard University Press, 2009.
- Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence.
edited by Hardt, M Verso, 2007.
- Jefferson, T. The Declaration of Independence. Verso Books, 2007 (106 pages pp.). [abs]
- with Hardt, M; Negri, A. Multitude. Penguin Press, 2004.
- with Hardt, M; Negri, A. Empire. Harvard University Press, 2000.
- Jameson, F. The Jameson Reader.
edited by Hardt, M; Weeks, K Blackwell, 2000 (408 pages pp.). [abs]
- Hardt, M. The Jameson Reader.
edited by weeks, kathi, Oxford: Blackwell, 2000.
- Radical Thought in Italy.
edited by Hardt, M; Virno, P University of Minnesota Press, 1996.
- with Hardt, M; Negri, A. Labor of Dionysus: A Critique of the State-Form. University of Minnesota Press, 1994.
- Agamben, G. The Coming Community. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993.
- Hardt, M. Gilles Deleuze: An Apprenticeship in Philosophy. University of Minnesota Press, 1993.
- Agamben, G. Language and Death: The Place of Negativity. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1991.
Special Issues
- with Hardt, M; Farred, G, Theory Now. SAQ: The South Atlantic Quarterly 11:1
(Winter, 2011).
Articles in a Journal
- Hardt, M. "BERLANT’S AMERICA." Cultural Critique .125 (September, 2024): 196-207. [doi]
- Hardt, M; Negri, A. "A Reply to Xifaras." Law and Critique 35.1 (April, 2024): 63-71. [doi]
- Hardt, M. "Standpoint theory and double abolition." Cultural Dynamics 35.4 (November, 2023): 252-257. [doi] [abs]
- Hardt, M. "The Politics of Articulation and Strategic Multiplicities." Journal of Speculative Philosophy 37.3 (January, 2023): 243-270. [doi] [abs]
- Means, AJ; Sojot, AN; Ida, Y; Hardt, M. "A dialogue with Michael Hardt on revolution, joy, and learning to let go." Educational Philosophy and Theory 54.7 (January, 2022): 892-905. [doi] [abs]
- Metz, A; Hardt, M; Mezzadra, S. "From social worker to social ship owner: Interview with Alessandro Metz." South Atlantic Quarterly 119.1 (January, 2020): 176-181. [doi]
- Hardt, M; Mezzadra, S. "Introduction: Migrant projects of freedom." South Atlantic Quarterly 119.1 (January, 2020): 168-175. [doi]
- Hardt, M; Negri, A. "EMPIRE, TWENTY YEARS ON." New Left Review 120 (November, 2019): 67-92.
- Hardt, M. "Nuclear Sovereignty." Theory and Event 22.4 (October, 2019): 842-868. [doi] [abs]
- Hardt, M; Negri, T. "The multiplicities within capitalist rule and the articulation of struggles." TripleC 16.2 (May, 2018): 440-448. [doi] [abs]
- Hardt, M; Negri, T. "The powers of the exploited and the social ontology of praxis." TripleC 16.2 (May, 2018): 415-423. [doi] [abs]
- Hardt, M; Mezzadra, S. "October! to commemorate the future." South Atlantic Quarterly 116.4 (October, 2017): 649-668. [doi]
- Hardt, M. "Red love." South Atlantic Quarterly 116.4 (October, 2017): 781-796. [doi]
- Hardt, M. "Multiple temporalities of the movements." TripleC 15.2 (January, 2017): 390-392. [doi]
- Hardt, M. "MANAGING UP." ARTFORUM INTERNATIONAL 56.2 (2017): 229-231.
- Hardt, M. "The Power to be Affected." International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society 28.3 (September, 2015): 215-222. [doi] [abs]
- Hardt, M; Negri, A. "Foreword to the First Edition." Another World is Possible: World Social Forum proposals for an alternative globalization (January, 2015): xxvii-xxx.
- Hardt, M; Negri, A. "Adventures of the Multitude: Response of the Authors." Rethinking Marxism 13.3/4 (February, 2014): 236-243.
- Hardt, M; Wiegman, R; Lubiano, W. "In the Aftermath of the Duke Case." Social Text 25.4 (February, 2014): 1-16.
- Hardt, M. "Insolubility of marriage, sacramental communion and remarriage as reflected in the ecumenical dialogues." Catholica 68.3 (January, 2014): 750. [abs]
- Hardt, M. "Sleep No More (Review of Jonathan Crary's "24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep")." Artforum International 52.1 (September, 2013): 77-78. [Gateway.cgi]
- Hardt, M. "How to Write with Four Hands." Genre 46.2 (Summer, 2013): 175-182. Essay in honor of Toni Negri's 80th birthday.
- Hardt, M; Makdisi, S. "Romantisme et multitudes Politique du langage." Multitudes 55.4 (January, 2013): 62-70. [doi] [abs]
- Hardt, M; Espinoza, M. "El reconocimento de nuestra condición común." Youkali 15 (2013): 155-158. [author's comments]
- Hardt, M. "Note from the editor." South Atlantic Quarterly 111.1 (December, 2012): 194. [doi]
- Hardt, M. "Note from the editor." South Atlantic Quarterly 111.4 (September, 2012): 826. [doi]
- Hardt, M. "Note from the editor." South Atlantic Quarterly 111.3 (June, 2012): 564. [doi]
- Hardt, M. "Falsify the Currency!." South Atlantic Quarterly 111.2 (Spring, 2012): 359-379. [doi]
- Hardt, M; Holloway, J. "Creating commonwealth and cracking capitalism: a cross-reading (part 1)." Bajo el volcán 11.18 (March, 2012): 121-141. translated by Hardt, M
- Hardt, M. "A note from the editor." South Atlantic Quarterly 111.2 (March, 2012): 382. [doi]
- with Hardt, M; Holloway, J. "Creating Commonwealth and Cracking Capitalism: A Cross-Reading (Part 1)." Shift Magazine 14.14 (January, 2012): 13-17. Spanish version in Bajo el volcán, vol 11, no
18, March 2012, pp. 121-141.
- Hardt, M. "Response: Reveal the apparatus." Focaal 64.64 (January, 2012): 61-65. [doi] [author's comments]
- Hardt, M; Reyes, A. ""New Ways of Doing": The Construction of Another World in Latin America: An Interview with Raúl Zibechi." South Atlantic Quarterly 111.1 (January, 2012): 165-191. [doi]
- Hardt, M. "For Love or Money." Cultural Anthropology 26.4 (November, 2011): 676-682. [doi]
- Hardt, M. "Note from the editor." South Atlantic Quarterly 110.4 (September, 2011): 964. [doi]
- with Hardt, M; Negri, A. "La costituzione del comune e le ragioni della sinistra." MicroMega (August, 2011): 16-27.
- Hardt, M. "Note from the editor." South Atlantic Quarterly 110.3 (June, 2011): 746. [doi]
- Hardt, M. "The Militancy of Theory." South Atlantic Quarterly 110.1 (Winter, 2011): 19-35. [doi]
- Hardt, M; Berlant, L; Davis, H; Sarlin, P. "No One is Sovereign in Love." No More Potlucks 18.18 (2011). [available here] [abs]
- Hardt, M; Wissa, K; Catanese, C. "Interview." The White Review .2 (2011).
- Hardt, M; Lubiano, W. "Obama and the Left at Midterm." South Atlantic Quarterly 110.1 (2011): 233-234. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Hardt, M. "The common in communism." Rethinking Marxism 22.3 (July, 2010): 346-356. [doi] [abs] [author's comments]
- Hardt, M; Negri, A. "Editors' introduction." Rethinking Marxism 22.3 (July, 2010): 296-302. [doi] [abs]
- Hardt, M. "Militant Life (Review of Michel Foucault's "Le gouvernement de soi et des autres" and "Le courage de la vérité")." New Left Review 64 (2010): 151-160. [michael-hardt-militant-life]
- Hardt, M. "Tronti’s Topography of Revolt." Genre 43.3/4 (Fall, 2010): 337-338. [author's comments]
- Hardt, M. "Two Faces of Apocalypse: A Letter from Copenhagen." 22.22 (2010): 265-274. [pdf]
- Hardt, M; Negri, A; Harvey, D. "Commonwealth: An exchange." Artforum International 48.3 (December, 2009).
- with Hardt, M; Negri, A. "Response to David Harvey’s Review of "Commonwealth"." Artforum International (November, 2009): 211-215.
- Hardt, M. "Production and Distribution of the Common." Open: Cahier on Art and the Public Domain 16.16 (2009): 20-31. Reprinted in Pascal Gielen and Paul de Bruyne, eds., Being an
Artist in Post-Fordist Times, Rotterdam: NAi Publishers,
2009, pp. 45-54.
- Hardt, M. "Pasolini Discovers Love Outside." Diacritics: A Review of Contemporary Criticism 39.4 (Winter, 2009): 113-129. [Gateway.cgi] [author's comments]
- Hardt, M. "Review of Giovanni Arrighi, Adam Smith in Beijing and Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine." Art Forum (December, 2008): 83-83.
- Hardt, M; Kohso, S. "Toward a Revolutionary Theory of the Common." Vol 3.1 (2008): 2-15.
- Hardt, M. "Ne Darbo Islaisvinimas, O Issilaisvinimas Nuo Darbo!." Juodraštis 1.1 (2008): 28-32.
- with Hardt, M; El Kilombo. "Organizing Encounters and Generating Events." In the Middle of a Whirlwind: Web Publication for the 2008 RNC Protests (2008).
- Hardt, M. "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism." ARTFORUM INTERNATIONAL 47.4 (2008): 83-83. [Gateway.cgi]
- Hardt, M. "Capitalist Violence (Review of Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism")." New Left Review 48 (November, 2007): 153-160.
- Hardt, M; Kinsman, G. "From the Perspective of Resistance." Upping the Anti .5 (October, 2007): 73-85.
- Hardt, M. "Jefferson and Democracy." American Quarterly 59.1 (March, 2007): 41-78.
- Hardt, M; Schwartz, L. "Talking into Being." Rain Taxi 12.3 (Fall, 2007): 50-52. [abs]
- Hight, C; Hardt, M. "Designing Commonspaces: Riffing with Michael Hardt on the Multitude and Collective Intelligence." Architectural Design 76.5 (September, 2006): 70-73. [doi]
- Morgan, J. "Interview with Michael Hardt." Theory, Culture & Society 23.5 (September, 2006): 93-113. [doi]
- Hardt, M. "From Imperialism to Empire." The Nation 283.4 (July, 2006): 26-26.
- Hardt, M. "Second Empire; Or, The Eighteenth Brumaire of George W. Bush." Radical History Review 2006.95 (Spring, 2006): 89-92. [doi]
- Hardt, M. "Incisive Retort: Michael Hardt on "Afflicted Powers" (Review of Iain Boal, T. J. Clark, Joseph Matthews, and Michael Watts' "Afflicted Powers: Capital and Spectacle in a New Age of War")." Artforum International 44.2 (October, 2005): 35-36.
- Hardt, M. "Immaterial labor and artistic production." Rethinking Marxism 17.2 (January, 2005): 175-177. [doi] [abs]
- Hardt, M. "La rivoluzione permanente negli affari militari." Posse 10.10 (2005). [abs]
- Hardt, M. "Flesh exposure of Pasolini." Multitudes 18.4 (December, 2004): 159-167. [doi]
- Hardt, M; Negri, T. "Multitude: War and democracy in the Empire era - Good selections." Multitudes 18.4 (December, 2004): 107-117. [doi] [abs]
- Hardt, M; Smith, C; Minardi, E. "The collaborator and the multitude: An interview with Michael Hardt." Minnesota Review .61-62 (March, 2004): 63-77.
- with Hardt, M; Smith, C; Minardi, E. "The Collaborator and the Multitude." Minnesota Review .61-62 (Spring, 2004): 63-77.
- Hardt, M. "The Collective Project for a Global Commons (Review of Naomi Klein's "No Logo")." New Formations 45 (2004): 223-224. Review of No Logo by Naomi Klein.
- with Hardt, M; Negri, A. "Why We Need a Multilateral Magna Carta." Global Agenda: The Magazine of the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting 2.2 (2004): 76-77.
- Hardt, M. "Collective Tyranny." Arab Journal for the Humanities 22.88 (Fall, 2004): 279-285.
- Hardt, M. "Toward a foreigner's science? September 2003 - Interview with Brian Holmes and Jon Solomon." Multitudes 14.4 (December, 2003): 73-79. [doi]
- with Hardt, M; Moreiras, A; Leyte, A. "Travallar por unha domocracia mundial e a unica resposta." Grial: Revista Galega de Cultura .158 (April, 2003): 50-59.
- Hardt, M. "The 18th Brumaire of George W. Bush." Global Magazine 1.1 (March, 2003). [author's comments]
- Hardt, M; Negri, A. "The Rod of the Forest Warden: A Response to Timothy Brennan." Critical Inquiry 29.2 (January, 2003): 368-373. [doi]
- with Hardt, M; Maffezzini, I. "Après Empire." Conjunctures 36 & 37.36/37 (2003): 15-30. [abs]
- Hardt, M. "Il tramonto del mondo contadino nell’Impero." Posse (May, 2002): 189-211. [author's comments]
- Hardt, M. "From Porto Alegre: Today’s Bandung?”." New Left Review 14.14 (March, 2002): 112-118. [author's comments]
- Barchiesi, F; Dit Bifo, FB; Bettin, G; Caccia, G; Casarini, L; Cocco, G; Hardt, M; Lazzarato, M; Boutang, YM; Pelbart, PP; Rolnik, S; Roque, T; Sant'Anna, D; Silva, G. "Porto Alegre: The work of multitudes." Multitudes 8.1 (January, 2002): 5-14. [doi]
- Hardt, M; Negri, A. "Adventures of the multitude: Response of the authors." Rethinking Marxism 13.3-4 (January, 2001): 236-243. [doi]
- Hardt, M. "The Eurocentrism of History (Review of Dipesh Chakrabarty's "Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference")." Postcolonial Studies 4.2 (2001): 243-249. Review of Provincializing Europe by Dipesh
- Hardt, M; Negri, A. "Biopolitical production." Multitudes 1.1 (December, 2000): 16-28. [doi]
- with Hardt, M; Dumm, T. "Sovereignty, Multitudes, Absolute Democracy." Theory and Event 4.3 (2000).
- Hardt, M. "La coscienza oscura degli studi postcoloniali (Review of Gayatri Spivak's "A Critique of Postcolonial Reason")." Posse 1.1 (2000). Review of A Critique of Postcolonial Reason
by Gayatri Spivak.
[author's comments]
- Hardt, M. "Guaranteed Income, or, The Separation of Labor from Income." Hybrid: Journal of Law and Social Change 5 (Spring, 2000): 21-32. [author's comments]
- Hardt, M. "Affective Labor." boundary2 26.2 (January, 1999): 89-100. [author's comments]
- Hardt, M. "Introduction." 19.2 (1999): xix-2. [doi] [author's comments]
- Hardt, M. "The Global Society of Control." Discourse 20.3 (1998): 139-152. [author's comments]
- Hardt, M. "Exposure: Pasolini in the Flesh." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 24.3 (September, 1997): 579-587. [Gateway.cgi]
- Hardt, M. "Prison Time." Yale French Studies 91.91 (1997): 64-79. Genet: In the Language of the Enemy
[author's comments]
- Hardt, M; Negri, A. "Postmodern Law and the withering of civil society." Angelaki - Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 1.3 (December, 1996): 57-72. [doi]
- Hardt, M. "L’ Eterno ritorno del capitalismo (Review of Giovanni Arrighi's "The Long Twentieth Century")." Il Manifesto (November, 1996).
- with Hardt, M; Negri, A. "Le lotte non nascono dalla teoria." DeriveApprodi 9/10 (February, 1996): 42-43. [author's comments]
- Hardt, M. "L’hibridité de l’Empire." Futur antérieur 27.27 (Fall, 1995). [author's comments]
- Hardt, M. "The Withering of Civil Society." Social Text 45.45 (Winter, 1995). [author's comments]
- Hardt, M. "Autocritique dans les années 90: le courage des Black Panthers (Review of Elaine Brown's "A Taste of Power: A Black Woman's Story")." Futur antérieur 17 (1993).
- Hardt, M. "Les raisonnables et les différents: le libéralisme politique de John Rawls (Review of John Rawls' "Political Liberalism")." Futur antérieur 18/19 (1993): 59-70.
- Hardt, M. "La constitución de la ontología: Negri entre los filósofos." Anthropos 144.144 (1993): 40-44. Antonio Negri
- Hardt, M. "Los Angeles Novos." Futur antérieur 12/13.12-13 (Fall, 1992): 12-26. [author's comments]
- Hardt, M. "La conversation rortyenne (Review of Alan Malachowski's "Reading Rorty")." Futur antérieur (1991).
- Hardt, M. "L’art de l’organisation: agencements ontologiques et agencements politiques chez Spinoza." Futur antérieur 7.7 (Fall, 1991): 118-43.
- Hardt, M. "La politique et la moralité dans les universités américaines (Review of Dinesh D'Souza's "Illiberal Education: The Politics of Race and Sex on Campus")." Futur antérieur 8 (1991).
- Hardt, M. "La violence de la fraternité: hommage à Malcolm X." Futur antérieur 7.7 (Fall, 1991): 20-22. (Introduction to speech by Malcolm X.)
- Hardt, M. "La renaissance hégélienne américaine et l’intériorisation du conflit." Futur antérieur 2.2 (Summer, 1990): 133-146.
- Hardt, M. "Review of Toni Negri's "Revolution Retrieved: Writings on Marx, Keynes, Capitalist Crisis and New Social Subjects (1967-83)"." Rethinking Marxism 3.2 (Summer, 1990): 173-81. [doi]
- Hardt, M. "What Is To Be Done, After Foucault." Papers in Romance 6.1 (1989): 34-50. University of Washington
Articles in a Collection
- Foucault, M; Hardt, M; Negri, A. "The Disciplinary Empire and the Resisting Multitude." Capitalism and Its Uncertain Future. January, 2021, 217-225. [doi] [abs]
- Hardt, M. "Immaterial labor and artistic production." Rethinking Marxism. August, 2020, 175-177. [abs]
- Hardt, M; Zournazi, M. "Thinking love and politics in the world." Thinking in the World: A Reader. January, 2019, 291-312.
- Lanteri, A; Vromen, J. "Introduction." The Economics of Economists. Cambridge University Press, January, 2013, 1-8. [doi] [abs]
- Hardt, M. "The Procedures of Love." More Love
Ed. Schneider, C. Ackland Art Museum, 2013, 161-165.
- Hardt, M. "Question of Space and Experimentation with Democracy Go Together (interview with Pulska group)." . August, 2012.
- Hardt, M. ""Alte Verträge" und die gesellschaftliche Macht des Rheingoldes." Götterdämmerung, Bayerische Staatsoper at Nationalstheater München. June, 2012, 52-62. Book published to accompany the premiere
- Hardt, M. ""Alte Verträge" und die gesellschaftliche Macht des Rheingoldes." Götterdämmerung, Bayerische Staatsoper at Nationalstheater München. June, 2012, 52-62.
- M Hardt. "The Procedures of Love." The Book of Books. 2012, 430-431. Also published in The Book of Books
(Documenta 13 Catalogue), pp. 430-431.
Reprinted in More Love, ed. by Claire
Schneider, Ackland Art Museum, Chapel Hill,
2013, pp. 161-165 [abs]
- Hardt, M. "Preface." 19 & 20: Notes for a New Social Protagonism by Colectivo situaciones. JOHN WILEY & SONS INC, 2012, 15-18. [doi]
- Hardt, M. "The Procedures of Love." Published as separate booklet in English and German by Documenta (13), Kassel, Germany. 2012.
- Hardt, M; Horsfield, C; Manning, E; Massumi, B; Murphie, A. "A Conversation." Biennale of Sydney Catalogue. 2012, 53-63.
- Hardt, M. "Art, Politics, and Love." Common Love. Wallach Art Gallery, Columbia University, New York, 2011, 95-101. [abs]
- Hardt, M. "Revolution." Examined Life: Excursions with Contemporary Thinkers
Ed. Taylor, A. 2009, 133-154. [abs]
- Hardt, M. "Three Keys to Understanding Constituent Power." Insurgencies by Antonio Negri. University of Minnesota Press, 2009, vii-xiii.
- Hardt, M. "Creation Beyond Measure." The Labor of Job by Antonio Negri. Duke University Press, 2009, vii-xv.
- Hardt, M. "Production and Distribution of the Common." Being an Artist in Post-Fordist Times
Ed. Gielen, P; de Bruyne, P. NAi Publishers, 2009, 45-54.
- Hardt, M. "Revolution (interview with Astra Taylor)." Astra Taylor, ed., Examined Life: Excursions with Contemporary Thinkers. New York: The New Press, 2009, 133-154.
- Hardt, M. "Language at Work." Capital and Language
Ed. Marazzi, C. Semiotext(e), 2008, 7-11.
- Hardt, M. "Il carattere non nazionale-popolare della letteratura italiana." Vincenzo Binetti, Città nomadi. Ombre corte, 2008.
- Hardt, M. "Und jetzt, Herr Hardt?." Und jetzt? Politik, Protest und Propaganda
Ed. Geiselberger, H. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt, 2007, 347-360. [abs]
- Hardt, M. "What Affects Are Good For." The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social
Ed. Clough, P; Halley, J. Duke University Press, 2007, viii-xiii.
- Hardt, M. "Thomas Jefferson, or, The Transition of Democracy." Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence
Ed. Hardt, M. Verso, 2007, vii-xxv.
- Hardt, M. "Forward." Gilles Deleuze, Nietzsche and Philosophy. Columbia University Press, 2006, ix-xiii.
- Hardt, M. "Bathing in the Multitude." Crowds
Ed. Schnapp, J; Tiews, M. Stanford University Press, 2006, 35-40.
- Hardt, M. "Bathing in the Multitude." Crowds
Ed. Schnapp, J; Tiews, M. Stanford University Press, 2006, 35-40.
- Hardt, M. "Exposure: Pasolini in the flesh." A Shock to Thought: Expression after Deleuze and Guattari. January, 2005, 77-84. [doi] [abs]
- Hardt, M. "Into the Factory: Negri's Lenin and the Subjective Caesura (1968-1973)." The Philosophy of Antonio Negri
Ed. Murphy, T; Mustapha, A-K. Pluto Press, 2005, 7-37. [abs]
- Hardt, M. "Into the Factory: Negri’s Lenin and the Subjective Caesura (1968-1973)." The Philosophy of Antonio Negri, ed. by Timothy Murphy and Abdul-Karim Mustapha. London: Pluto Press, 2005, 7-37. [abs]
- with Hardt, M; Hall, S. "Changing States: In the Shadows of Empire." Changing States: Contemporary Arts and Ideas in the Era of Globalisation
Ed. Tawadros, G. Institute of International Visual Arts, 2004, 132-137. [author's comments]
- Hardt, M; Hall, S. "Changing States: In the Shadows of Empire." Changing States: Contemporary Arts and Ideas in the Era of Globalisation. Institute of International Visual Arts, 2004, 132-137.
- with Hardt, M; Negri, A. "Foreword." Another World is Possible: Popular Alternatives to Globalization at the World Social Forum
Ed. Fisher, W; Ponniah, T. Zed Books, 2003, xvi-xix. (edited by William Fisher and Thomas Ponniah)
- with Hardt, M; Böhnel, M; Lehmann, V. "Versallen am Hofe Bushs." American Empire – No Thank You: Andere Stimmen Aus Amerika. Berlin: Kai Homilius Verlag, 2003, 75-90. [abs]
- Hardt, M. "Il brulichio." Diario Palestinese. Rome: Manifestolibri, 2002, 151-155.
- with Hardt, M; Negri, A. "Globalization and Democracy." Democracy Unrealized: Documenta 11
Ed. Enwezor, O. Hatje Cantz, 2002, 323-336. [author's comments]
- Hardt, M. "Un’Europa aperta al mondo." Europa politica: ragioni di una necessità
Ed. Friese, H; Negri, A; Wagner, P. Manifestolibri, 2002, 159-166.
- Hardt, M. "Gemeinschaftseigentum." Singularitäten – Allianzen. Institut für Theorie der Gestaltung und Kunst, 2002, 61-84.
- Hardt, M. "Il brulichio." Diario Palestinese
Ed. POSSE,. Manifestolibri, 2002, 151-155.
- Hardt, M. "Gemeinschaftseigentum." Singularitäten – Allianzen. Zurich: Institut für Theorie der Gestaltung und Kunst, 2002, 61-84.
- Hardt, M. "Un’Europa aperta al mondo." Europa politica: ragioni di una necessità
Ed. Friese, H; Negri, A; Wagner, P. Rome: Manifestolibri, 2002, 159-166.
- Hardt, M; Negri, A. "Globalization and Democracy." Democracy Unrealized: Documenta 11
Ed. al, OEE. Ostfildern-Ruit, Germany: Hatje Cantz, 2002, 323-336.
- Hardt, M. "Impero." Lessico postfordista
Ed. Zanini, A; Fadini, U. Feltrinelli, 2001, 167-171. (edited by Adelino Zanini and Ubaldo Fadini)
- Hardt, M. "Internazionalismo e comunicazione." Il manifesto del partito comunista 150 anni dopo
Ed. Rossandra, R. Manifestolibri, 2000, 287-293. (edited by Rossana Rossanda)
- Hardt, M. "Internazionalismo e comunicazione." Il manifesto del partito comunista 150 anni dopo. Rome: Manifestolibri, 2000, 287-293.
- Hardt, M. "Keywords." New Media Logbook (Kunst.NRW.NL festival document). Kunst.nrw.nl, 1999, 62-63.
- Hardt, M. "Laboratory Italy." Radical Thought in Italy
Ed. Hardt, M; Virno, P. University of Minnesota Press, 1996, 1-10. [author's comments]
Ed. Callari, A; Cullenberg, S; Biewener, C. GUILFORD PRESS, January, 1995, 24-32.
- Hardt, M. "Spinozian Democracy." Marxism in the Postmodern Age
Ed. Biewener, C; Callari, A; Cullenberg, S. Guilford Press, 1995, 24-32.
- Hardt, M. "Spinozian Democracy." Marxism in the Postmodern Age
Ed. Biewener, C; Callari, A; Cullenberg, S. Guilford Press, 1995, 24-32.
- Hardt, M. "Toni Negri’s Practical Philosophy." Body Politics: Disease, Desire, and the Family
Ed. Gordon, A; Ryan, M. Westview Press, 1994, 225-28. (edited by Avery Gordon and Michael Ryan)
- Hardt, M. "The Anatomy of Power." The Savage Anomaly. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1990, xi-xvi.
- Hardt, M, Toni Negri’s practical philosophy.
(January, 2019): 225-228. [doi] [abs]
- Hardt, M; Curcio, A; Roggiero, G, Un’alternativa in cerca di autori. Il manifesto
(September, 2013).
- Hardt, M; Machado, U, Protestos recusam representação política por uma "democracia real", diz professor dos EUA. Fohla de São Paulo
(July, 2013).
- Hardt, M, Preoccupying: Michael Hardt. The Occupied Times of London :21
(May, 2013): 12-13.
- Kornblatt, I, Interview. Swarthmore Review 1:2
(May, 2013): 19-21.
- Ariadad, S, Interview. Brand :1
(2013): 21-23.
- with Hardt, M; Schwartz, L, The Production of Subjectivity: Conversations with Michael Hardt.
(2013). (edited by Holly Melgard, 60 pages)
- Hardt, M, Wall Street, War Street, Debt Machine. Tidal: Occupy Theory 4
(2013): 18-19.
- Hardt, M; Praktyka Teoretyczna Collective, Communism is the Ruthless Critique of All that Exists. UniNnomade
(December, 2012).
- Hardt, M; Sundell, T; Toivanen, T, Even When You Don’t See It, It’s Still There. Commons.fi
(December, 2012).
- Hardt, M; Schwartz, L, Love as Such. The Conversant
(December, 2012).
- Hardt, M, La seconda volta di Obama. alfabeta 3:25
(December, 2012): 2-2.
- Hardt, M, Between Schmitt and Foucault: An Interview with Michael Hardt. Spectra 2:1
(November, 2012).
- Hardt, M; Negri, T; Darío Mosquera, F, Hay que abordar la manera en que los movimientos se piensan a sí mismos. El Telégrafo
(November, 2012).
- Hardt, M; Pulska Group, Question of Space and Experimentation with Democracy Go Together. Venice Architecture Biennale
(August, 2012).
- Hardt, M; Brigaldino, G, Democracy on the Defensive. Newtopia Magazine
(March, 2012).
- Holloway, J, Creating commonwealth and cracking capitalism: a cross-reading (part 1). Shift Magazine 14
(January, 2012). (translated by Hardt, M)
- Hjemdal, TI; Durmann Melson, A, A Conversation with Michael Hardt.
- with Horsfield, C; Manning, E; Massumi, B; Murphie, A, A Conversation. Biennale of Sydney CatalogueBiennale of Sydney Catalogue
(2012): 53-63.
- Berlant, L; Davis, H; Sardin, P, On the Risk of a New Relationality. Reviews in Cultural Theory 2:3
(2012): 6-27. (shorter version was published in No More Potlucks, 2011.) [abs]
- Hoffman, J, Practices of Love. Mousse 34
(2012): 158-161.
- Hardt, M, Herrschaft ohne Herrscher. The European
(Winter, 2012): 81-83.
- Christensen, P; Nielsen, P; Poulsen, L, Magt og Modstand (Power and Resistance).
(2012). [author's comments]
- Hardt, M, A Conversation with Michael Hardt (interview with Tor Inge Hjemdal & Anders Durmann Melsom).
- Hardt, M; Horsfield, C; Manning, E; Massumi, B; Murphie, A, A Conversation.
(2012): 53-63.
- with Hardt, M; Negri, A, What To Expect in 2012. Adbusters
(December, 2011).
- with Hardt, M; Negri, A, The Fight for 'Real Democracy'. Foreign Affairs Magazine Blog
(October, 2011).
- Hardt, M, Real Democracy: An Interview with Michael Hardt. Shift Magazine
(October, 2011).
- Hardt, M, Recent Uprisings in the United States and Europe Follow the Lead of Al-Tahir Square. Etemaad Newspaper
(July, 2011).
- Hardt, M; Ganji, I, Fra Seattle til Kairo. Morgenbladet
(May, 2011): 35-35.
- with Hardt, M; Negri, A, Arabs are Democracy's New Pioneers. The Guardian
(February, 2011): 34-34.
- Hardt, M, Da occupywallstreet a occupyeverywhere. Global Project WebsiteGlobal Project website
(2011). [9967]
- Hardt, M, Art, Politics, and Love. Common LoveCommon Love
(2011): 95-101. [abs]
- Hardt, M, No One is Sovereign in Love. No More Potlucks 18
(2011). [abs]
- Art, Politics, and Love.
(2011): 95-101. [abs]
- Hardt, M, L'erreur d'orientation des campus américains. Libération
(December, 2010).
- Hardt, M, Kommunismus neu denken. Prager Frühling: Magazin für freiheit und sozialismus :8
(October, 2010): 9-11.
- Hardt, M; Marmaras, I, ΣΕ άΓάΠω ΓιάΤι μΕΣω ΤήΣ ΣχΕΣήΣ μου μΕ ΣΕΝά μΠοΡω Νά ΔΡάΣω ιΣχυΡοΤΕΡα. Container :9
(July, 2010): 30-31.
- Hardt, M, Jenseits von Markt und Staat. Telepolis
(May, 2010).
- Hardt, M; Vogel, S, Es gab immer Alternativen. Der Freitag
(April, 2010): 17-17.
- Hardt, M; Dean, M, Ni público ni privado, sino común. Desinformémonos :5
(March, 2010).
- Hardt, M; Gerbaudo, P, Sul clima un nuovo movimento. Il Manifesto
(December, 2009).
- Hardt, M; Santoro, G, Orizzonte comune. Carta :24
(July, 2009): 22-25.
- with Hardt, M; Horvat, S, Neoliberalizam je mrtav, ali jos se ne vidi alternativa. Obzor
(April, 2009): 10-12.
- with White, M, An Interview with Michael Hardt.
(January, 2009).
- Revolution (interview with Astra Taylor).
(2009): 133-154.
- Creation Beyond Measure.
(2009): vii-xv.
- Three Keys to Understanding Constituent Power.
(2009): vii-xiii.
- with Hardt, M; Maurette, P, ¿El imperio se acerca a su fin?. N: Revista de cultura
(November, 2008): 10-11. (Appeared in the weekly cultural supplement to
Clarin, national newspaper in Argentina.)
- with Hardt, M; Curcio, A, Rappresentanza vs differenza. Carta 10:35
(September, 2008): 54-55.
- with Hardt, M; Negri, A, Mot Imperiet och Herrarna. Dagens Nyheter
(September, 2008): 6-7.
- Hardt, M, A New Cycle of Struggles. Shukan Kinyobi :707
(June, 2008): 10-13. [abs]
- with Hardt, M; Negri, T; Cocco, G; Revel, J; Linera, AG; Tapia, L, Imperio, multitud y sociedad abigarrada.
(2008). [author's comments]
- Hardt, M, Ne Darbo Islaisvinimas, O Issilaisvinimas Nuo Darbo!.. Juodrastis (Lithuania) 1:1
(2008): 28-32.
- Kohso, S, Toward a Revolutionary Theory of the Common. 3:1
(2008): 2-15.
- Il carattere non nazionale-popolare della letteratura italiana.
- Hardt, M; Eikmeyer, R, Die Erfindung eines neuen politischen Vokabulars. ReMarx
(2007). [html]
- Eikmeyer, R, Interview. online journal ReMarx
(2007). [abs]
- Und jetzt, Herr Hardt? (Interview with Paul-Philipp Hanske).
(2007): 347-360.
- What Affects Are Good For.
(2007): viii-xiii.
- Thomas Jefferson, or, The Transition of Democracy.
(2007): vii-xxv.
- Favaro, A; Hardt, M, Anche l’amore contro l’impero del biopotere. Il Gazzettino
(December, 2006).
- Hight, C; Hardt, M, Designing Commonspaces. Architectural Design
(September, 2006).
- Tsuda, K, Welcoming the Multitude. The Brown Journal of World Affairs 13:1
(Fall, 2006): 11-18. [abs]
- Hardt, M, A Tribute to Hannah Arendt. Tikkun Magazine
(2006): 83-83.
- Kemmerer, A, Starker Tobak. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
(November, 2004). [abs]
- with Senne de Moraes, M, A Rede Concreta. Folha de S. Paulo
(August, 2004): 7-8. (Sunday supplement, Mais) [abs]
- with Dangl, B, Interview. Dissident Voice
(April, 2004). [author's comments]
- with Hardt, M; Kjersgaard, CB, In Fact I Want All of Us to Be Rich. Nyhedsmagasinet RÆSON
(February, 2004).
- Smith, C; Minardi, E, The Collaborator and the Multitude. The Minnesota Review 61 & 62
(2004): 63-77. [abs]
- Kemmerer, A, Starker Tobak. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (German daily newspaper)
- with Hardt, M; Lie, T, Fra arbeid til samarbeid. Le monde diplomatique (Scandinavian edition)
(December, 2003): 3-5.
- Moreiras, A; Leyte, A, Travallar por unha domocracia mundial e a unica resposta. Grial: Revista Galega de Cultura 158
(April, 2003): 50-59. [abs]
- Hardt, M, Anti-Europeanism and Anti-Americanism. The Guardian
(February, 2003): 34. [author's comments]
- with Budgen, S; Colás, A, Interview. Historical Materialism 11:3
(2003): 121-152. [abs]
- Burdick, K; Mastrogiovanni, A, On Global Democracy. Bard Politik: The Bard Journal of Global Affairs
(2003): 30-34. [abs]
- with Hardt, M; Burdick, K; Mastrogiovanni, A, On Global Democracy. Bard Politik: The Bard Journal of Global Affairs
(Winter, 2003): 30-34.
- Böhnel, M; Lehmann, V, Versallen am Hofe Bushs. American Empire – No Thank You: Andere Stimmen Aus Amerika
(2003): 75-90. [abs]
- Maffezzini, I, Après Empire. Conjunctures (Quebec) 36 & 37
(2003): 15-30. [abs]
- Hardt, M, On Global Democracy. Dagens Nyheter Newspaper (Sweden)
(December, 2002).
- with Veroli, N; Mudede, C, Challenging Empire. Radical Society 29:4
(December, 2002): 59-73. [abs] [author's comments]
- Hardt, M, Une conception non libérale du pluralisme. Magazine littéraire :406
(February, 2002): 51-51. (On Gilles Deleuze)
- with Negri, A; Brown, N; Szeman, I, Subterranean Passages of Thought: Empire’s Inserts. Cultural Studies 16:2
(2002): 193-212. [abs]
- Hardt, M, Global Elites Must Realise that US Imperialism Isn’t in Their Interest. The Guardian
(2002). [author's comments]
- Hardt, M, Ett verkligt krig mot en overklig fiende. Dagens Nyheter Newspaper
(2002): B2-B3. [abs]
- Hardt, M, On Empire and Cant: A Response to Mitchell Cohen. Dissent
(Fall, 2002): 107-108.
- with Bliwise, R, Empire: Not So Evil. Duke Magazine
(November, 2001): 43-47. [abs]
- with Engelson, A, Sovereignty, Multitudes, Absolute Democracy. Washington Law and Politics
(October, 2001): 22-23. [abs]
- with Hardt, M; Negri, A, What the Protestors in Genoa Want. The New York Times
(July, 2001): A23-A23.
- Impero.
(2001): 167-171.
- Dumm, T, Sovereignty, Multitudes, Absolute Democracy. Theory and Event: an online journal of political theory 43:3
(2000). [abs]
- Hardt, M, La nuda vita sotto l’Impero. Il Manifesto Newspaper
(1999). (Essay on the war in Kosovo) [author's comments]
- Hardt, M, Le lotte non nascono dalla teoria. DeriveApprodi 9/10
(February, 1996): 42-43.
- Laboratory Italy.
(1996): 1-10.
- Negri, A, The Savage Anomaly: The Power of Spinoza’s Metaphysics and Politics.
- The Anatomy of Power.
(1990): xi-xvi.