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Publications [#372369] of Michael Hardt

Articles in a Journal

  1. Hardt, M. "The Politics of Articulation and Strategic Multiplicities." Journal of Speculative Philosophy 37.3 (January, 2023): 243-270. [doi]
    (last updated on 2024/07/16)

    A prerequisite for today’s most powerful social movements is not only to analyze the interwoven and mutually constitutive nature of different structures of power but also to discover the means to articulate in a coherent organizational project diverse struggles for liberation, including, among others, those focused on class, race, sexuality, and gender. This article focuses on the ways that activists and theorists in the 1970s framed and addressed the political problematic of multiplicity and articulation. In some respects, one can trace back to that period the beginnings of contemporary practices and paradigms, but, in other ways, the theorizing and organizing of the 1970s were actually ahead of us, and our task is to catch up to those earlier projects for liberation.

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