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Publications of Negar Mottahedeh    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:



  1. Mottahedeh, N. Whisper Tapes Kate Millett in Iran.  Stanford University Press, February, 2019 (224 pages pp.).  [abs]
  2. Mottahedeh, N; Szeman, I; O'Driscoll, M. After oil 2015.  Petrocultures Research Group (in partnership with press), 2016. [available here]
  3. Mottahedeh, N. #iranelection: Hashtag Solidarity and the Transformation of Online Life.  Stanford University Press, 2015.
  4. Mottahedeh, N. Introduction.  Palgrave Macmillan, April, 2013 (1-13 pp.). [doi]
  5. Mottahedeh, N. Abdu'l-Bahá's Journey West: The Course of Human Solidarity.  edited by Mottahedeh, N Palgrave, 2013 (1-196 pp.). [doi]  [abs]
  6. Mottahedeh, N. Representing the Unpresentable: Images of Reform from the Qajars to the Islamic Republic of Iran.  Syracuse University Press, 2008. [html]
  7. Mottahedeh, N. Displaced Allegories: Post-Revolutionary Iranian Cinema.  Duke University Press, 2008. [books.php3]

Articles in a Journal

  1. Mottahedeh, N. "Not Feminism, Human Solidarity: Qurrat al-'~Ayn Tahirih in Early Historical Drama." Hawwa 21.4 (January, 2023): 410-432. [doi]  [abs]
  2. McLARNEY, E; MOTTAHEDEH, N. "Soundscapes of the iranian revolution." Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 16.2 (July, 2020): 227-234. [doi]
  3. LARNEY, EM; Mottahedeh, N. "Images of an undocumented revolution: Interview with claudine mulard." Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 16.2 (July, 2020): 235-243. [doi]
  4. Mottahedeh, N. "Reel Evil." Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 57.4 (June, 2018): 146-150. [doi]
  5. Mottahedeh, N. "Nahid Siamdoust, Soundtrack of the Revolution: The Politics of Music in Iran, Stanford Studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic Societies and Cultures (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2017). Pp. 368. $29.95 paper. ISBN: 9781503600324." International Journal of Middle East Studies 50.2 (May, 2018): 348-349. [doi]
  6. Mottahedeh, N. "Unruly voices and Narratives."   (2016).
  7. Mottahedeh, N. "Crude Extraction in Iran: Territorial Expansion and Benthic depths in sponsored oil films."   (2016).
  8. Mottahedeh, N. "Le Vent Nous Portera: of lovers possessed, times entangled, and bodies carried away."   (2016).
  9. Mottahedeh, N; Kuntsman, A; Stein, R. "Political Consciousness of a Selfie."   (July, 2015). [html]  [abs]
  10. Mottahedeh, N. "'Hashtag solidarity and the radical kinship of Twitter’s #iraneletion' Medium June 12 2015." Medium  (June, 2015). [@negaratduke]
  11. Mottahedeh, N. "Hashtag solidarity in Iran: How the Green Movement mobilized social media in the interest of social change."   (June, 2015). [1KljmmT]
  12. Mottahedeh, N. "Hashtag solidarity in Iran: How the Green Movement mobilized social media in the interest of social change." Stanford University Press Blog  (June, 2015). [hashtag-solidarity-in-iran.html]
  13. Mottahedeh, N. "Anatomy of a Tweet." The Immanent Frame: a journal for the SSRC  (February, 2015). [available here]
  14. Mottahedeh, N. "How #Iranelection Transformed the Public Sphere." IslamiCommentary: Forum for Public Scholarship  (June, 2014). [how-iranelection-transformed-the-public-sphere]
  15. Mottahedeh, N. "Review of Pedram Khosronejad's 'Iranian Sacred Defence Cinema: Religion, Martyrdom, and National Identity'." Anthropology of the Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia 1.2 (2013): 178-180.
  16. Mottahedeh, N. "Review of Nacim Pak-Shiraz's 'Islam in Iranian Cinema: Religion and Spirituality in Film'." Contemporary Islam  (August, 2012): 79-80.
  17. with Saljoughi, S; Mottahedeh, N. "Rethinking Gender in Contemporary Iranian Art and Cinema." Iranian Studies 45.4 (July, 2012): 499-502. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  18. Mottahedeh, N. "Iranian Women in Protest 1953, 1978, 2009." Scholar and Feminist Online: Feminist Media Theory Special Issue: Feminist Media Theory.10.3 (Summer, 2012). [available here]
  19. Mottahedeh, N. "Green is the New Green: Social Media and the Post Election Crisis in Iran 2009." New Politics 8.1 (Summer, 2010). [fromthearchives]  [abs]
  20. Mottahedeh, N. "Brainquake Not Boobquake." Religion Dispatches  (May, 2010). [brainquake_not_boobquake]  [abs]
  21. Mottahedeh, N. "Picturing Ourselves: 1953, 1979 and 2009." Frontline: Tehran Bureau  (2010). [html]  [abs]
  22. Mottahedeh, N. "Iranian Women in Protest." Equilibri Magazine (Italy)  (2010).
  23. Mottahedeh, N. "Iranian Cinema in the Twentieth Century: A Sensory History." Iranian Studies 42.4 (September, 2009): 529-548. [html], [doi]  [abs]
  24. Mottahedeh, N. "Review of Mehrnaz Saeed-Vafa and Jonathan Rosenbaum's 'Abbas Kiarostami'." Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 29.3 (August, 2009): 409-411. [doi]
  25. Mottahedeh, N. "Review of Hamid Dabashi's 'The Making of a Rebel Filmmaker: Makhmalbaf at Large'." Cinema Journal 49.2 (2009): 167-169. [Gateway.cgi]
  26. Mottahedeh, N. "Review of Abbas Kiarostami by Mehrnaz Saeed-Vafa and Jonathan Rosenbaum." Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 29 (2009).
  27. Mottahedeh, N. "Review of The Making of a Rebel Filmmaker: Makhmalbaf at Large by Hamid Dabashi." Cinema Journal 49 (2009).
  28. Mottahedeh, N. "Collection and Recollection: On Studying the Early History of Motion Pictures in Iran." Early Popular Visual Culture 6.2 (June, 2008): 103-120. [doi]
  29. Mottahedeh, N. "Negative Refractions: Recent Feminist Writing on the Middle East." Women’s Studies Quarterly: The Global Intimate Special Issue on the Global Intimate34.1/2 (Winter, 2006): 464-470.
  30. Mottahedeh N. "Review of Richard Tapper's 'The New Iranian Cinema: Politics, Representation, and Identity'." Iranian Studies 38.2 (June, 2005): 341-344.
  31. Mottahedeh, N. "Karbala Drag Kings and Queens." The Drama Review: Ta’ziyeh 49.4 (2005): 73-85. [doi]
  32. Mottahedeh, N. "Karbala Drag Kings and Queens." The Drama Review  (2005).
  33. Mottahedeh, N. "Off the Grid: Reading Iranian Memoirs in Our Time of Total War." Middle East Research and Information Project  (September, 2004). [html]
  34. Mottahedeh, N. "Christine Jeff's 'Rain': Universality and Narrative Displacement in Cinema." World Order Magazine 35.1 (Spring, 2004): 33-41.
  35. Mottahedeh, N. "'Life is Color!' Towards a Transnational Feminist Analysis of Mohsen Makhmalbaf's 'Gabbeh'." Signs 30.1 (2004): 1403-1426. Special Issue on film feminisms [doi]  [abs]
  36. Mottahedeh, N. "Memory and Gender in Iranian History."   (2004).
  37. Mottahedeh, N. "Off the Grid: Reading Iranian Memoirs in Our Time of Total War." MIddle East Research and Information Project  (2004).
  38. Mottahedeh, N. "After-Images of a Revolution." Radical History Review 2003.86 (March, 2003): 183-192. [doi]
  39. Mottahedeh, N. "Review of Nasrin Rahimieh's 'Missing Persians: Discovering Voices in Iranian Cultural History'." Iranian Studies 36.1 (2003): 141-145.
  40. Mottahedeh, N. "Review of Hamid Naficy's 'An Accented Cinema: Exilic and Diasporic Filmmaking'." Iranian Studies 36.3 (2003): 398-400.
  41. Mottahedeh, N. "After Images of a Revolution: On the Work of Shirin Neshat and Gita Hashemi." Radical History Review 86 (2003): 183-192. [Gateway.cgi]
  42. Mottahedeh, N. "The fictive primitives global (short-) circuit." Signs  (2003).
  43. Mottahedeh, N. "'Turbulent'." RADICAL HISTORY REVIEW .86 (2003): 183-192.
  44. Mottahedeh, N. "'Women of Allah'." RADICAL HISTORY REVIEW .86 (2003): 183-192.
  45. Mottahedeh, N. "Of shifting shadows: Returning to the 1979 Iranian Revolution through an exilic journey in memory and history (CD-ROM)." RADICAL HISTORY REVIEW .86 (2003): 183-192.
  46. Mottahedeh, N. "'Rapture'." RADICAL HISTORY REVIEW .86 (2003): 183-192.
  47. Mottahedeh N. "Review of Kamran Talattof and Jerome W. Clinton's 'The Poetry of Nizami Ganjavi: Knowledge, Love, and Rhetoric'." Journal for Iranian Research and Analysis  (2001): 113-114.
  48. Mottahedeh, N. "Review of Nader Ahmadi and Fereshteh Ahmadi's 'Iranian Islam: The Concept of the Individual'." Iranian Studies 33.1-2 (2000): 200-201.
  49. Mottahedeh, N. "Bahram Bayzai'sMaybe...Some Other Time: The un-Present-able Iran." Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies 15.1 (2000): 163-191. [doi]
  50. Mottahedeh, N. "Resurrection, Return, Reform: Ta'ziyeh as Model for Early Babi Historiography." Iranian Studies 32.3 (1999): 387-399. [doi]
  51. Mottahedeh, N. "Ruptured Spaces and Effective Histories: The Unveiling of the Babi Poetess Qurrat al- ’Ayn-Tahirih in the Gardens of Badasht."  2.2 (February, 1998).
  52. Mottahedeh, N. "The Mutilated Body of the Modern Nation: Qurrat al-'Ayn Tahirah's Unveiling and the Iranian Massacre of the Babis." Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 18.2 (1998): 38-50. [doi]
  53. Mottahedeh, N. "Scheduled For Judgment Day: The Ta'ziyeh Performance in Qajar Persia and Walter Benjamin's Dramatic Vision of History." Theatre InSight 8.1 (Spring, 1997): 12-20.
  54. Mottahedeh, N. "Ruptured Spaces and Effective Histories: The Unveiling of the Babi Poetess Qurrat al- ’Ayn-Tahirih in the Gardens of Badasht." UCLA Historical Journal 17 (1997): 59-81.

Articles in a Collection

  1. Mottahedeh, N. "BLACK SEALS: MISSIVE FROM IRAN’S NATIONAL MUSIC." Counter-Memories in Iranian Cinema. January, 2021, 85-98.
  2. Mottahedeh, N. "The people: The #selfie's urform." Selfie Citizenship. Springer International Publishing, January, 2017, 59-62. [doi]  [abs]
  3. Mottahedeh, N. "Tehran in Cinema." Tehran in the Iranian Cultural Imaginary Ed. Rahimieh, N; Parviz Brookshaw, D. 2016.
  4. Mottahedeh, N. "Crude Extractions: the Voice in Iranian Cinema." Locating the Voice in Film Ed. Whittaker, T; Wright, S. 2016.
  5. Mottahedeh, N. "One Light : Cinema and Islamic Spirituality." Whiley-Blackwell Companion to Islamic Spirituality Ed. Lawrence, B; Cornell, V. 2016.
  6. Mottahedeh, N. "Abdu’l Bahá and the Baha’i Message of Human Solidarity." The First Universal Races Congress of 1911: Empires, Civilizations, Encounters Ed. Bonakdarian, M; Fletcher, IC; Simpson Fletcher, Y. 2016.
  7. Mottahedeh, N. "the people [pee-puh l] verb, noun : networked contagion. related forms: #selfie." . 2016.
  9. Mottahedeh, N. "Karbala Drag Kings and Queens." Eternal Performance: Ta'ziyeh and Other Shiite Rituals Ed. Chelkowski, PJ. Seagull Books, 2010, 149-169.
  10. Mottahedeh, N. "Woman is Color: on Mohsen Makhmalbaf’s Gabbeh." Cines del Sul (International Film Festival Book). May, 2008. In English and Spanish  [abs]
  11. Mottahedeh, N. "The New Iranian Cinema." Traditions in World Cinema Ed. Badley, L; Schneider, S; Palmer, RB. Edinburgh University Press, 2006, 176-189.
  12. Mottahedeh, N. "Memory and Gender in Iranian History." Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures Ed. Joseph, S. Brill, 2006.
  13. Mottahedeh, N. "Female Body as Metaphor." Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures Ed. Joseph, S. Brill, 2006.
  14. Mottahedeh, N. "Women, Gender and Constituting the Female Body." Iran, Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures Ed. Joseph, S. Brill, 2006.
  15. Mottahedeh, N. "New Iranian cinema: 1982-present." Traditions in World Cinema. December, 2005, 176-190.
  16. Mottahedeh, N. "Body: Female: Iran." Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures. Brill, 2005.
  17. Mottahedeh, N. "Ta'ziyeh: A Twist of History in Everyday Life." The Women of Karbala: Ritual Performance and Symbolic Discourses in Modern Shi'i Islam Ed. Aghaie, KS. University of Texas Press, 2005, 25-43. (21 pages)  [abs]
  18. Mottahedeh, N. "Memory, Women, and Community: Iran." Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures. Brill, 2005.
  19. Mottahedeh, N. "Ruptured Spaces, Effective Histories." Tahirih in History: Perspective on Qurrat al-'Ayn from East and West, Studies in the Babi and Baha’i Religions Ed. Afaqi, S. Studies in the Babi and Baha’I ReligionsKalimat Press, Fall, 2004, 203-219.
  20. Mottahedeh, N. "Where are Kiarostami’s Women?." Subtitles: On the Foreignness of Film Ed. Egoyan, A; Balfour, I. MIT Press, 2004, 309-333.
  21. Mottahedeh, N. "Where are Kiarostami's women?." . MIT Press, 2003.
  22. Mottahedeh, N. "Images of Women: [08] Middle East." The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women: Global Women's Issues and Knowledge Ed. Kramarae, C; Spender, D. 4 VolsRoutledge, 2000, 1118-1120. (topics editor Angharad N. Valdivia)
  23. Mottahedeh, N. "Bahram Bayza'i: Filmography." Life and Art: The New Iranian Cinema Ed. Issa, R; Whitaker, S. BFI, 1999, 74-82. (Translated into Persian in Zindihgi va honar: sinama-yi novin-i Iran trans. Parvanih Faridi and Omid Rawhani (Tehran, 1379), 101-110)
  24. Mottahedeh, N. "“Ruptured Spaces, Effective Histories”."  Ed. Afaqi, S. Kalimat press, 1997.
  25. Mottahedeh, N. "Ruptured Spaces and Effective Histories: The Unveiling of the Babi Poetess Qurrat al-’Ayn-Tahirih in the Gardens of Badasht." . 1997, 59-81.

Occasional Writing

  1. Mottahedeh, N. A Revolutionary Meme. Cinema Journal: In Media Res  (August, 2015). [revolutionary-meme]
  2. Mottahedeh, N. A Revolution of Flesh and Data. Duke Magazine  (July, 2015). [a-revolution-of-flesh-and-data]
  3. Mottahedeh, N. #iranelection. The Page 99 Test  (July, 2015). [html]
  4. Mottahedeh, N. Hashtag solidarity and the radical kinship of Twitter’s #iraneletion. Medium  (June, 2015). [@negaratduke]
  5. Mottahedeh, N. How #Iranelection transformed the Public Sphere. IslamiCommentary: Forum for Public Scholarship  (June, 2014). [available here]
  6. Mottahedeh, N. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Journey West: The Course of Human Solidarity (Palgrave, April 2013).   (April, 2013).  [abs]
  7. Mottahedeh, N. Allah-o-Akhbar. ArteEast Quarterly C+: The Iran Issue.  (April, 2012). [April]  [abs]
  8. Mottahedeh, N. Brainquake Not Boobquake. Religion Dispatches  (May, 2010).
  9. Mottahedeh, N. Green is the New Green: Social Media and the Post Election Crisis in Iran 2009. New Politics 8.1 (2010). [fromthearchives]
  10. Mottahedeh, N. Picturing Ourselves: 1953, 1979 and 2009. Frontline: Tehran Bureau  (July, 2009). [and-2009.html]
  11. Mottahedeh, N. Reel Evil Industries.   (2005).
  12. Mottahedeh, N. Representing the Unpresentable: Historical Images of Reform from the Qajars to the Islamic Republic of Iran.   (2004).
  13. Mottahedeh, N. “Bahram Bayza‘i’s Maybe Some Other Time: The un-Present-able Iran”. Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture and Media Studies 43 (1999): 163-191.

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