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Publications of Robyn Wiegman    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1. Wiegman, R. Arguments Worth. November, 2015.
  2. Wiegman, R. Racial Sensations. November, 2015.
  3. Elam, D; Wiegman, R. Feminism beside itself.  edited by Wiegman, R Routledge Press, January, 2013 (1-334 pp.). [doi]  [abs]
  4. Wiegman, R. Object Lessons.  Duke University Press, 2012.  [author's comments]
  5.  Women’s Studies on Its Own: A Next Wave Reader in Institutional Change.  edited by Wiegman, R Duke University Press, 2002.
  6. R. Wiegman, edited with Donald E. Pease. The Futures of American Studies.  edited by Wiegman, R; Pease, D Duke University Press, 2002.
  7. Wiegman, R. Literature and Gender: Thinking Critically Through Poetry, Fiction, and Drama (and Teacher’s Manual).  Addison Wesley Longman, 1999.  [abs]
  8. R. Wiegman, ed.. AIDS and the National Body: Essays by Thomas Yingling.  edited by Wiegman, R Duke University Press, 1997.
  9. R. Wiegman, edited with Judith Roof. Who Can Speak? Authority and Critical Identity.  edited by Wiegman, R University of Illinois Press, 1995. (2nd printing 1996)
  10. Wiegman, R. American Anatomies: Theorizing Race and Gender.  Duke University Press, 1995. (2nd printing 1998)

Papers Published

  1. Wiegman, R. "Critical Response VI Creatures of Habit." Critical Inquiry 51.1 (September, 2024): 197-202. [doi]
  2. Wiegman, R. "Feminism and the Impasse of Whiteness; or, Who’s Afraid of Rachel Doležal?." South Atlantic Quarterly 122.3 (July, 2023): 453-483. [doi]
  3. Wiegman, R; Nash, JC. "Object Lessons at 10: a conversation." Feminist Theory 24.2 (April, 2023): 262-276. [doi]  [abs]
  4. Wiegman, R; Berlant, L. "On Reading Berlant Reading the World." American Literary History 35.2 (January, 2023): 873-883. [doi]
  5. Chaudhary, ZR; Wiegman, R. "Un/reading." Differences 34.1 (January, 2023): 276-282. [doi]
  6. Wiegman, R. "Why Can't Homosexuals be Extraordinary? Queer Thinking After Leo Bersani." Postmodern Culture 33.2-3 (January, 2023). [doi]  [abs]
  7. Wiegman, R. "Loss, Hope: The University in Ruins, Again." Feminist Studies 48.3 (January, 2022): 616-637. [doi]
  8. Wiegman, R. "Introduction: Autotheory theory." Arizona Quarterly 76.1 (March, 2020): 1-14. [doi]
  9. Wiegman, R. "Love and Repudiation in the Feminist Canon." Feminist Formations 32.1 (March, 2020): 1-14. [doi]  [abs]
  10. Wiegman, R. "Introduction: Now, not now." Differences 30.1 (January, 2019): 2-14. [doi]
  11. Wiegman, R. "In the margins with the argonauts." Angelaki - Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 23.1 (January, 2018): 209-213. [doi]  [abs]
  12. Wiegman, R. "Sex and Negativity, Or What Queer Theory has for You." Cultural Critique 95.95 (2016): 219-243.
  13. Wiegman, R. "Wearing Out." English Studies in Canada  (2016).  [abs]
  14. Wiegman, R. "The Times We’re In: Queer Feminist Criticism and Sedgwick’s Reparative Turn." Reading Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick: Gender, Sexuality, Embodiment  (2016).
  15. "Orgasmology: A Dossier." Feminist Formations  (2016).
  16. Wiegman, R. "Wearing out speculative ambitions." English Studies in Canada 41.4 (December, 2015): 22. [doi]
  17. Wiegman, R; Wilson, EA. "Introduction: Antinormativity's Queer Conventions." differences 26.1 (January, 2015): 1-25. [doi]
  18. Wiegman, R. "Eve’s Triangles: Queer Studies Beside Itself." Differences 26.1 (January, 2015): 48-73. [doi]
  19. Wiegman, R. "No Guarantee: Feminism’s Academic Affect and Political Fantasy." Atlantis  (2015).
  20. Wiegman, R; Wilson, EA. "Queer Theory Without Anti-Normativity." Differences 26.1 (2015): 1-25.
  21. O'Driscoll, M; Simpson, M; Michaels, WB; Wiegman, R. "The Forty on Forty Project." ENGLISH STUDIES IN CANADA 41.4 (2015): 1-22.
  22. Wiegman, R. "If, Suddenly." The Scholar & Feminist Online Spring.12.1-12.2 (2014). [available here]
  23. Wiegman, R; Dean, T. "What Does Critique Want? A Critical Exchange." English Language Notes 51.2 (2014): 107-122.
  24. Wiegman, R. "Negotiating AMERICA: Gender, Race and the Ideology of the Interracial Male Bond." Cultural Critique 13 (January, 2013): 89-117.
  25. Wiegman, R. "The Times We're In: Queer Feminist Criticism and the Reparative 'Turn'." Feminist Theory 15.1 (2013): 1-24. [doi]  [author's comments]
  26. Wiegman, R. "The Closet, Its Conventions, and Anti-Racist Criticism." Cultural Anthropology 28.3 (2013): 243-245.
  27. Wiegman, R. "Wishful Thinking." Feminist Formations 25.3 (2013): 200-211.  [author's comments]
  28. Wiegman, R; Pease, DE; Smelcer, J. "American Studies at a Crossroads: An Interview with Robyn Wiegman and Donald E. Pease." Ragazine January (2012). [available here]
  29. Wiegman, R. "Eve, At a Distance." Trans-Scripts: An Interdisciplinary On Line Journal in the Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (2012).
  30. Wiegman, R. "When the Lesbian Postmodern Meets the Lesbian Premodern." The Lesbian Premodern  (2011): 203-12.
  31. Wiegman, R. "The Ends of New Americanism." New Literary History 42.3 (2011): 385-407. [doi]
  32. Wiegman, R. "Mapping the Lesbian Postmodern (excerpt)." Feminist Literary Theory: A Reader  (2011): 235-237.
  34. Wiegman, R. "The Intimacy of Critique: Ruminations on Feminism as a Living Thing." Feminist Theory 11.1 (2010): 81-86. [doi]
  35. Wiegman, R. "Outside American Studies: On the Unhappy Pursuits of Non-Complicity." Rivista di Studi Americani 19.2008 (2010): 35-78.  [author's comments]
  36. Wiegman, R. "Whiteness Studies and the Paradox of Particularity." Interdisciplinarity and Social Justice  (2010): 217-243.
  37. Wiegman, R. "Outside American Studies: On the Unhappy Pursuits of Non-Complicity." American Studies/Shifting Gears  (2010): 39-63.
  38. Januzzi, JL; Richards, AM. "Introduction." Literature and Gender: Thinking Critically Through Poetry, Fiction, and Drama 101 (February, 2008): S1-S2. [doi]
  39. Wiegman, R. "Romancing the Future: Internationalization as Symptom and Wish." American Studies: An Anthology  (2008): 578-587.
  40. Wiegman, R; Curcio, A; Hardt, M. "Le presidenziali americane all’ombra della crisi finanziaria: Quale rappresentanza per le presidenziali americane?." Posse Ottobre (2008).
  41. Wiegman, R. "Feminismens, apokalyptiska framtider." Fronesis: Revista de Filosofia Juridica, Social y Politica 25 - 26 (2008): 210-231. translated by Hjalmarsson, S  [abs]
  42. Wiegman, R. "Feminism, Institutionalism, and the Idiom of Failure." Women’s Studies on the Edge  (2008): 39-67.
  43. Wiegman, R. "The Desire for Gender." A Companion to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies  (2007): 217-236.
  44. Wiegman, R; Lubiano, W; Hardt, M. "In the After Life of the Duke Case." Social Text 93 25.4 (2007): 1-16.
  45. Wiegman, R. "Un-Remembering Monique Wittig." GLQ 13.4 (2007): 505-516. [doi]
  46. Wiegman, R. "Heteronormativity and the Desire for Gender." Feminist Theory 7.1 (April, 2006): 89-103. [doi]
  47. Wiegman, R. "The Anatomy of Lynching." Schomberg Studies on the Black Experience  (2006).  [abs]
  48. Wiegman, R. "The Possibility of Women’s Studies." Women’s Studies for the Future  (2005): 40-60.
  49. Wiegman, R. "The Anatomy of Lynching (excerpt)." Short Story Criticism 79 (2005).
  50. Wiegman, R. "On Being in Time with Feminism." Modern Language Quarterly 65.1 (March, 2004): 161-176.
  51. Wiegman, R. "Dear Ian (A Response to Janet Halley)." Duke Journal of Gender, Law and Policy 11.7 (Spring, 2004): 93-120.
  52. Wiegman, R. "What Ails Feminist Criticism? A Second Opinion (excerpt)." Contemporary Literary Criticism 180 (2004): 2-12.
  53. Wiegman, R. "Feminism’s Broken English: A Defense of a Theoretical Humanities." Just Being Difficult: Academic Writing in the Public Arena  (2003): 75-94.
  54. Wiegman, R. "Intimate Publics: Race, Property, and Personhood." Race, Nature, and the Politics of Difference  (2003): 296-319. reprint
  55. Wiegman, R. "My Name is Forrest, Forrest Gump: Whiteness Studies and the Paradox of Particularity." Multiculturalism, Postcoloniality, and Transnational Media  (2003): 227-255. reprint
  56. Wiegman, R. "Intimate Publics: Race, Property, and Personhood." American Literature: Special Issue on Literature and Science, Conceptual Forms, Conceptual Exchanges 74.4 (December, 2002): 859-885. [doi]
  57. Wiegman, R. "Academic Feminism Against Itself." NWSA Journal 14.2 (Summer, 2002): 18-37.
  58. Wiegman, R. "Difference and Disciplinarity." Aesthetics in a Multicultural Age  (January, 2002): 135-156.
  59. Wiegman, R. "Unmaking: Men and Masculinity in Feminist Theory." Masculinity Studies and Feminist Theory: New Directions  (2002): 31-59.
  60. Wiegman, R. "On Location: An Introduction." Women’s Studies On Its Own  (2002): 1-44.
  61. Wiegman, R; Pease, DE. "Futures." The Futures of American Studies  (2002): 1-42.
  62. Wiegman, R. "The Progress of Gender: Whither ‘Women’?." Women’s Studies on Its Own  (2002): 106-140. reprint of Object Lessons
  63. Wiegman, R. "Singleton, John: Robyn Wiegman (excerpt)." Contemporary Literary Criticism 156 (2002).
  64. Wiegman, R. "Destestabilizar la Academia." Sexualidades Transgresoras:una antologia de estudios queer  (2002): 173-246. translated by Merida Jimenez, RM
  65. Wiegman, R. "Bonds of (In)Difference." The Masculinity Studies Reader  (2002): 201-205.
  66. Wiegman, R. "My Name is Forrest, Forrest Gump': Whiteness Studies and the Paradox of Particularity." The Futures of American Studies  (2002): 269-304.
  67. Wiegman, R. "Object Lessons: Men, Masculinity, and the Sign of 'Women'." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 26.2 (Winter, 2001): 355-388. [doi]
  68. Wiegman, R. "Women's Studies: Interdisciplinary Imperatives, Again." Feminist Studies 27.2 (Summer, 2001): 514-518. [doi]
  69. Wiegman, R. "Feminism’s Apocalyptic Futures." New Literary History 31.4 (Fall, 2000): 805-825.
  70. Wiegman, R. "Race, Ethnicity, and Film." Film Studies: Critical Approaches  (2000): 156-166.
  71. Wiegman, R. "Singleton, John: Robyn Wiegman." The Film Studies Reader  (2000): 329-337.
  72. Wiegman, R. "Whiteness Studies and the Paradox of Particularity." boundary 2 26.3 (Fall, 1999): 115-150.
  73. Wiegman, R. "Feminism, Institutionalism, and the Idiom of Failure." differences 11 (Fall, 1999): 107-136.
  74. Wiegman, R. "On Being Married to the Institution." Strangers in the Tower: Power, Race, and Gender in Academe  (March, 1999): 71-82.
  75. Wiegman, R. "What’s New(s) about Whiteness Studies?." Critica  (Spring, 1999): 11-20.
  76. Wiegman, R. "Critical response i what ails feminist criticism? a second opinion." Critical Inquiry 25.2 (Winter, 1999): 362-379. [doi]
  77. Wiegman, R. "Immigrant Acts: On Asian American Cultural Politics (Lisa Lowe) and Where is Your Body? And Other Essays on Race, Gender and the Law (Mari Matsuda)." Signs 25.1 (Fall, 1999): 231-233.
  78. Wiegman, R. "The Queen of America Goes to Washington City: Essays on Sex and Citizenship (Lauren Berlant)." American Literature 70.4 (December, 1998): 918-919.
  79. Wiegman, R. "Race, Ethnicity, and Film." The Oxford Guide to Film Studies  (January, 1998): 158-168. Reprint: Film Studies: Critical Approaches, eds. John Hill and Pamela Church-Gibson (Oxford University Press, 2000): 156-166
  80. Wiegman, R. "Introduction to The Futures of American Studies." Cultural Critique 40.Autumn (Fall, 1998): 5-9.
  81. "The Futures of American Studies." Cultural Critique 40 (1998).
  82. Wiegman, R. "Outing Ellen." gist magazine  (December, 1997). [available here]
  83. Wiegman, R. "Queering the Academy." Genders: Special Issue on The Gay 90s, Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Formations in Queer Studies 26 (Fall, 1997): 3-22. special issue on “The Gay 90s: Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Formations in Queer Studies, eds. Thomas Foster, Carol Siegel, and Ellen E. Berry
  84. Wiegman, R. "Our America: Nativism, Modernism, and Pluralism (Walter Benn Michaels)." American Literature 69.2 (June, 1997): 432-433.
  85. Wiegman, R. "Feminism and Its Mal(e)contents." Masculinities 2.1 (Spring, 1997): 1-7.
  86. Wiegman, R. "Fiedler and Sons." Race and the Subject of Masculinities  (1997): 45-68.
  87. Wiegman, R. "Introduction to 'Homosexuality and Utopian Discourse in American Poetry' by Thomas Yingling." Breaking Bounds: Whitman and American Cultural Studies  (1996): 135-137.
  88. Wiegman, R. "Tendencies (Eve Sedgwick) and Bodies That Matter (Judith Butler)." American Literature 67.4 (December, 1995): 893-895.
  89. Wiegman, R. "On Sex and Discipline." Surfaces 5 (November, 1995). [available here]
  90. Wiegman, R; Zwinger, L. "Tonya’s Bad Boot, or Go Figure." If Looks Could Chill: Feminist Responses to Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan  (1995): 103-121.
  91. Wiegman, R; Elam, D. "Contingencies." Feminism Beside Itself  (1995): 1-8.
  92. Wiegman, R. "White on Black: Images of Africa and Blacks in Western Popular Culture (Jan Nederveen Pieterse)." Ethnic and Racial Studies  (1995): 177-178.
  93. Wiegman, R. "Economies of the Body: Gendered Sites in Robinson Crusoe and Roxana." Reading With a Difference: Gender, Race, and Cultural Identity  (1995): 207-225.
  94. Wiegman, R. "Economies of the Body: Gendered Sites in Robinson Crusoe and Roxana." Major Literary Characters: Robinson Crusoe  (1995): 68-73.
  95. Wiegman, R. "Missiles and Melodrama." Seeing Through the Media: The Persian Gulf War  (March, 1994): 171-187.
  96. Wiegman, R. "Mapping the Lesbian Postmodern." The Lesbian Postmodern  (1994): 1-20.
  97. Wiegman, R. "Melville’s Geography of Gender." Herman Melville: A Collection of Critical Essays  (1994): 187-198.
  98. Wiegman, R. "Feminism, the Boyz, and Other Matters Regarding the Male." Screening the Male: Exploring Masculinities in Hollywood Cinema  (January, 1993): 173-193. Reprints: Contemporary Literary Criticism, 156 (forthcoming) and The Film Studies Reader, eds. Joanne Hollows, Peter Hutchings, and Mark Jancovich (Arnold, 2000): 329-337
  99. Wiegman, R. "The Anatomy of Lynching." Journal of the History of Sexuality: Special Issue on African American Sexuality 3.3 (January, 1993): 445-467. Reprint: American Sexual Politics: Sex, Gender, and Race since the Civil War, eds. John C. Fout and Maura Shaw Tantillo (University of Chicago Press, 1993): 223-245
  100. Wiegman, R. "The Anatomy of Lynching." American Sexual Politics:Sex, Gender, and Race since the Civil War  (1993): 223-245.
  101. Wiegman, R. "Toward a Political Economy of Race and Gender." Bucknell Review: Special Issue on Turning the Century, Feminist Criticism in the 1990s  (1992): 47-67. Special Issue: Turning the Century: Feminist Criticism in the 1990s, ed. Glynis Carr
  102. Wiegman, R. "Black Bodies/American Commodities: Gender, Race, and the Bourgeois Ideal in Contemporary Film." Unspeakable Images: Ethnicity and the American Cinema  (March, 1991): 308-328. Reprint: Blacks in Film, ed. Charlene Regester (Kendall/Hunt, 2002)
  103. Wiegman, R. "Melville’s Geography of Gender." American Literary History 1.4 (Winter, 1989): 735-753. Reprint: Herman Melville: A Collection of Critical Essays, ed. Myra Jehlen (Prentice Hall, 1994): 187-198 [doi]
  104. WIEGMAN, R. "Economies of the Body: Gendered Sites in 'Robinson Crusoe' and 'Roxana'." Criticism 31.1 (1989): 33-51. Reprints: Major Literary Characters: Robinson Crusoe, ed. Harold Bloom (Chelsea House, 1995): 68-73 andReading With a Difference: Gender, Race, and Cultural Identity, eds. Arthur Marotti, Renata R. Mautner Wasserman, Jo Dulan, and Suchitra Mathur (Wayne State University Press, 1995): 207-225 [Gateway.cgi]
  105. Wiegman, R. "Writing the Male Body: Naked Patriarchy and Whitmanian Democracy." Literature and Psychology 33 (March, 1987): 16-26.

Book Reviews

  1. Wiegman, R, Review of Nicholas Mirzoeff's 'The Right to Look: A Counterhistory of Visuality'. MELUS 39:2 (2014): 253-255. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  2. Wiegman, R, Review of 'Immigrant Acts: On Asian American Cultural Politics' by Lisa Lowe and "Where is Your Body? And Other Essays on Race, Gender and the Law' by Mari Matsuda. Signs 25:1 (1999): 231-233.
  3. Wiegman, R, Review of 'The Queen of America Goes to Washington City: Essays on Sex and Citizenship' by Lauren Berlant. American Literature 70:4 (December, 1998): 918-919.
  4. Wiegman, R, Review of 'Our America: Nativism, Modernism, and Pluralism' by Walter Benn Michaels. American Literature 69:2 (June, 1997): 432-433.
  5. Wiegman, R, Review of 'Tendencies' by Eve Sedgwick and 'Bodies That Matter' by Judith Butler. American Literature 67:4 (December, 1995): 893-895.
  6. Wiegman, R, Review of 'White on Black: Images of Africa and Blacks in Western Popular Culture' by Jan Nederveen Pieterse. Ethnic and Racial Studies 18 (1995): 177-178.


  1. Wiegman, R. "Postmodernism." Lesbian Histories and Cultures, 602-604. Ed. Bonnie Zimmerman Vol I, Encyclopedia of HomosexualityGarland, 2000: 602-604.
  2. Wiegman, R. "Masculinity." A Companion to American Thought, 432 434. Ed. Fox, R; Kloppenberg, J Basil Blackwell, 1995: 432-434.
  3. Wiegman, R. "Femininity." A Companion to American Thought, 230-232. Ed. Fox, R; Kloppenberg, J Basil Blackwell, 1995: 230-232.

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