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Publications of Owen Flanagan    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:

Duke :: Philosophy :: Faculty :: Owen Flanagan


  1. Caruso, G; Flanagan, O, Neuroexistentialism: Meaning, morals, and purpose in the age of neuroscience (January, 2018), pp. 1-374 [doi[abs].
  2. Flanagan, O, Foreword: Cross-cultural philosophy and the moral project (January, 2017), pp. xi-xvii [doi].
  3. O. Flanagan Jr., MORAL SPROUTS AND NATURAL TELEOLOGIES 21st CENTURY MORAL PSYCHOLOGY MEETS CLASSICAL CHINESE PHILOSOPHY (2014), Marquette University Press (Monograph pp. 120 for Aquinas Lecture Series.).
  4. Flanagan, O, Moral Sprouts and Natural Teleology: 21st century Moral Psychology Meets Classical Chinese Philosophy (2014), Marquette University Press [abs].
  5. Virtue Epistemology Naturalized, edited by Fairweather, A; Flanagan, O (2014), Cambridge University Press.
  6. Abrol Fairweather & O. Flanagan Jr. (Eds.), Naturalized Virtue Epistemology, edited by Fairweather & Flanagan (2013), Cambridge University Press.
  7. Fireman, GD; McVay, TE; Flanagan, OJ, Narrative and Consciousness: Literature, Psychology and the Brain (March, 2012), pp. 1-264, Oxford University Press [doi[abs].
  8. Fairweather, A, Naturalizing epistemic virtue (January, 2012), pp. 1-272, Cambridge University Press [doi[abs].
  9. O. Flanagan Jr., The Bodhisattva's Brain: Buddhism Naturalized (paper 2013) (October, 2011), MIT PRESS.
  10. Flanagan, O, The Bodhisattva’s Brain: Buddhism Naturalized (July, 2011), M I T PRESS.
  11. O. Flanagan, The Really Hard Problem: Meaning in a Material World (Fall, 2007), MIT Press [author's comments].
  12. Flanagan, O, The Really Hard Problem: Meaning in a Material World (September, 2007), M I T PRESS.
  13. Narrative and Consciousness: Literature, Psychology, and the Brain. Eds. Gary Fireman, Ted McVay, and Owen Flanagan, edited by Gary Fireman, Ted McVay, and Owen Flanagan (2003), Oxford University Press [abs] [author's comments].
  14. Flanagan, O, The Problem of the Soul: Two Visions of Mind and How to Reconcile Them (2003), Basic Books.
  15. Flanagan, O, Almas Que Suenan (Fall, 2003), Oceano [abs].
  16. Flanagan, O, Dreaming Souls (Fall, 1999), Oxford University Press.
  17. The Nature of Consciousness, edited by Block, N; Guzeldere, G; Flanagan, O (1998), M I T PRESS.
  18. Flanagan, O, Self Expressions: Mind, Morals and the Meaning of Life (1996), Oxford University Press.
  19. Flanagan, O, Consciousness Reconsidered (1992), M I T PRESS.
  20. Flanagan, O, Varieties of Moral Personality: Ethics and Psychological Realism (1991), Harvard University Press.
  21. Identity, Character, and Morality: Essays in Moral Psychology, edited by Flanagan, O; Rorty, AO (1990), M I T PRESS.
  22. Flanagan, O, The Science of the Mind (1984), M I T PRESS (2nd edition 1991.).

Book Reviews

  1. O. Flanagan Jr., Kristján Kristjánsson The Self and Its Emotions Kristján Kristjánsson, The Self and Its Emotions, Cambridge University Press, 2010, 288pp., ISBN 9780521114783., NOTRE DAME PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEWS (2012) [available here].
  2. O. Flanagan Jr., SISSELA BOK Exploring Happiness: From Aristotle to Brain Science, Notre Dame Review of Books (April, 2011).
  3. O. Flanagan Jr., The Ego Tunnel, New Scientist (March 21, 2009).
  4. O. Flanagan Jr., “The Left Brain Conspiracy,” New Scientist, December 9, 2009 (2009).
  5. O. Flanagan Jr., “The Literate Ape,” New Scientist November 23, 2009 (2009).

Articles and Chapters

  1. Flanagan, O, Moral contagion and logical persuasion in the Mozi 1, Journal of Chinese Philosophy, vol. 35 no. 3 (January, 2021), pp. 473-491 [doi].
  2. Flanagan, O; Hu, J, Han fei zi’s philosophical psychology: Human nature, scarcity, and the Neo-Darwinian consensus, Journal of Chinese Philosophy, vol. 38 no. 2 (January, 2021), pp. 293-316 [doi].
  3. Flanagan, O, The disunity of addictive cravings, Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology, vol. 27 no. 3 (September, 2020), pp. 243-246 [doi].
  4. Flanagan, O, Cross-cultural philosophy and well-being, in Naturalism, Human Flourishing, and Asian Philosophy: Owen Flanagan and Beyond (October, 2019), pp. 227-247.
  5. Flanagan, O, Is Oneness an Over-belief?, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 99 no. 2 (September, 2019), pp. 508-513 [doi].
  6. Flanagan, O, Identity and addiction, in The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Science of Addiction (May, 2018), pp. 77-89.
  7. Flanagan, O; Zhao, W, The self and its good vary cross-culturally: A dozen self-variations and Chinese familial selves, in Self, Culture and Consciousness: Interdisciplinary Convergences on Knowing and Being (February, 2018), pp. 287-301, Springer Singapore [doi].
  8. Flanagan, O; Caruso, G, Neuroexistentialism: Third-wave existentialism, in Neuroexistentialism: Meaning, Morals, and Purpose in the Age of Neuroscience (January, 2018), pp. 1-22, Oxford University Press [doi[abs].
  9. Tononi, G; Flanagan, O, Philosophy and Science Dialogue: Consciousness, Frontiers of Philosophy in China, vol. 13 no. 3 (January, 2018), pp. 332-348 [doi[abs].
  10. Flanagan, O; Caruso, GD, Neuroexistentialism, The Philosophers' Magazine no. 83 (2018), pp. 68-72, Philosophy Documentation Center [doi].
  11. Flanagan, O, Philosophy of Multicultures, The Philosophers' Magazine no. 82 (2018), pp. 99-104, Philosophy Documentation Center [doi].
  12. Gyal, P; Flanagan, O, The role of pain in buddhism: The conquest of suffering, in The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Pain (June, 2017), pp. 288-296, Routledge [doi].
  13. Flanagan, O, Addiction Doesn’t Exist, But it is Bad for You, Neuroethics, vol. 10 no. 1 (April, 2017), pp. 91-98, Springer Nature [doi[abs].
  14. Tekin, Ş; Flanagan, O; Graham, G, Against the Drug Cure Model: Addiction, Identity, and Pharmaceuticals, in Philosophy and Medicine, vol. 122 (January, 2017), pp. 221-236 [doi[abs].
  15. Flanagan, O; Wallace, H, The Character of Consciousness, in UNDERSTANDING JAMES, UNDERSTANDING MODERNISM (2017), pp. 17-30.
  16. Flanagan, O; Graham, G, Truth and Sanity: Positive Illusions, Spiritual Delusions, and Metaphysical Hallucinations, in EXTRAORDINARY SCIENCE AND PSYCHIATRY: RESPONSES TO THE CRISIS IN MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH (2017), pp. 293-313.
  17. Flanagan, O, Negative dialectics in comparative philosophy: The case of Buddhist free will quietism, in Buddhist Perspectives on Free Will: Agentless Agency? (July, 2016), pp. 59-71, Routledge [doi].
  18. Flanagan, O, Does yoga induce metaphysical hallucinations? Interdisciplinarity at the edge: Comments on Evan Thompson's waking, dreaming, being, Philosophy East and West, vol. 66 no. 3 (July, 2016), pp. 952-958, Johns Hopkins University Press [doi].
  19. Flanagan, O; Sarkissian, H; Wong, D, Naturalizing Ethics, in The Blackwell Companion to Naturalism (February, 2016), pp. 16-33, JOHN WILEY & SONS INC [doi[abs].
  20. Flanagan, O; Wallace, H, William James and the problem of consciousness, in Consciousness and the Great Philosophers: What would they have said about our Mind-Body Problem? (January, 2016), pp. 152-161, Routledge [doi].
  21. Flanagan, O; Jackson, K, Justice, care, and gender: The Kohlberg-Gilligan debate revisited, in An Ethic of Care: Feminist and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (January, 2016), pp. 69-84 [doi[abs].
  22. Flanagan, O; Geisz, S, Confucian Moral Sources, PHILOSOPHICAL CHALLENGE FROM CHINA (2015), pp. 205-227.
  23. Flanagan, O, Buddhism and the scientific image: Reply to critics, Zygon(R), vol. 49 no. 1 (January, 2014), pp. 242-258, WILEY [doi[abs].
  24. Crome, I; Wu, L-T; Rao, RT; Crome, P, Introduction, in Naturalized Virtue Epistemology, edited by A. Fairweather & O. Flanagan (2014), pp. xxiv-xxv, Cambridge University Press.
  25. Flanagan, O; Hu, J, Han Fei Zi’s Philosophical Psychology: Human Nature, Scarcity, and the Neo-Darwinian Consensus, in The State of Nature in Comparative Political Thought: Western and Non-Western Perspectives, edited by Carlson, JD; Fox, RA (2014), Lexington Books.
  26. Flanagan, O, PERFORMING ONESELF, in Philosophy of Creativity, edited by Samuels, E; Kaufmann, SB (2014), Oxford University Press.
  27. Flanagan, O, *It Takes a Metaphysics, Raising Virtuous Buddhists*, in *Cultivating Virtue*, edited by Snow, N (2014), Oxford University Press [abs].
  28. Flanagan, O, Phenomenal Authority: The Epistemic Authority of Alcoholics Anonymous, in The Nature of Addiction, edited by Levy, N (2014), Oxford University Press [abs].
  29. Flanagan, O, The shame of addiction., Frontiers in Psychiatry, vol. 4 (October, 2013), pp. 120 [24115936], [doi[abs] [author's comments].
  30. Flanagan, O, The Social Epistemological Normalization of Contestable Narratives:* Stories of Just Deserts, in What Happened In and To Moral Philosophy in the Twentieth Century, edited by Rourke, FO (2013), pp. 358-375, notre dame university press.
  31. Flanagan, O; Geisz, S, Confucian Moral Sources, in The Philosophical Challenge from China, edited by Burya, B (2013), M I T PRESS.
  32. Flanagan, O; Ancell, A; Martin, S; Steenbergen, G, Empiricism and Normative Ethics What do the biology and the psychology of morality have to do with ethics?, in Evolved Morality: The Biology & Philosophy of Human Conscience, edited by Waal, FD; al, PSCE (2013), Brill.
  33. Flanagan Jr, O; Lane, T, Neuroexistentialism, Eudaimonics, and Positive Illusions, SYNTHESE Philosophy Library: Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science (2013), SPRINGER.
  34. Flanagan, O, Buddhism and The Scientific Image, Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science (2013).
  35. Flanagan, O, The View From the East Pole: Buddhist and Confucian Tolerance, in Religion and Tolerance, edited by Clarke, S; Powell, R (2013), Oxford University Press [abs].
  36. Flanagan, B; Flanagan, O, Anguished Art: Coming Through the Dark to the Light the Hard Way, in Blues-Philosophy for Everyone: Thinking Deep About Feeling Low (April, 2012), pp. 75-83, WILEY-BLACKWELL [doi].
  37. Einstein, G; Flanagan, O, Sexual Identities and Narratives of Self, in Narrative and Consciousness: Literature, Psychology and the Brain (March, 2012), pp. 209-231, Oxford University Press [doi[abs].
  38. Flanagan, O, Phenomenal and historical selves, edited by Katja Crone, Kristina Musholt & Anna Strasser, Grazer Philosophische Studien, vol. 84 (January, 2012), pp. 217-240 [doi[abs].
  39. Fairweather, A, Introduction: Naturalized virtue epistemology, in Naturalizing Epistemic Virtue (January, 2012), pp. 1-14, Cambridge University Press [doi[abs].
  40. O. Flanagan Jr. & Stephen Martin, Science and the Modest Image of Epistemology, Human.Mente - Journal of Philosophical Studies 21 (2012) [abs].
  41. Flanagan Jr, O; Ancell, A; Martin, S; Steenbergen, G, What do the Psychology and Biology of Morality have to do with Ethics?: Ethics as Human Ecology, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (2012).
  42. Paulson, S; Flanagan, O; Bloom, P; Baumeister, R, Quid pro quo: the ecology of the self., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1234 (October, 2011), pp. 29-43 [doi[abs].
  43. Flanagan, O; Hu, J, HAN FEI ZI'S PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY: HUMAN NATURE, SCARCITY, AND THE NEO-DARWINIAN CONSENSUS, Journal of Chinese Philosophy, vol. 38 no. 2 (June, 2011), pp. 293-316, WILEY [doi].
  44. Flanagan, O, Wittgenstein's Ethical Nonnaturalism: An Interpretation of Tractatus 6.41-47 and the 'Lecture on Ethics', American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 48 no. 2 (April, 2011), pp. 185-198, University of Illinois Press.
  45. Flanagan, O, Neuroscience: Knowing and feeling, Nature, vol. 469 no. 7329 (January, 2011), pp. 160-161, Springer Nature [doi].
  46. Flanagan, O, My Non-Narrative, Non-Forensic Dasein: The First and Second Self, in Self and Consciousness, edited by Liu, JL; Perry, J (2011), pp. 214-240, Cambridge University Press.
  47. Flanagan, O, Performing Oneself, in Philosophy and Creativity, edited by Paul, E; Kaufmann, SB (2011), Oxford University Press [abs].
  48. Flanagan, O, I, hypocrite, New Scientist, vol. 208 no. 2791 (December, 2010), pp. 44-44 [Gateway.cgi], [doi].
  49. Flanagan, O, Neuroexistentialism, with David Barack, EURAMERICA, vol. 40 no. 3 (September, 2010).
  50. O. Flanagan Jr., 1. “What does the Modularity of Ethics have to do with Ethics? Four Moral Sprouts Plus or Minus a Few” with Robert A. Williams, TopiCS (Topics in Cognitive Science). (July, 2010).
  51. Flanagan, O; Williams, RA, What does the modularity of morals have to do with ethics? Four moral sprouts plus or minus a few., Topics in Cognitive Science, vol. 2 no. 3 (July, 2010), pp. 430-453 [Gateway.cgi], [doi[abs].
  52. Flanagan, O, What is it Like to be an Addict?, in Addiction and Responsibility, edited by Graham, G; Poland, G (2010), M I T PRESS.
  53. Flanagan, O, Can do attitudes: Some positive illusions are not misbeliefs, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 32 no. 6 (December, 2009), pp. 519-520, Cambridge University Press (CUP) [Gateway.cgi], [doi[abs].
  54. Flanagan, O, The Literate Ape, New Scientist (November, 2009) [php].
  55. Flanagan, O, The Ego Tunnel, New Scientist (March, 2009) [html].
  56. Flanagan, O, One Enchanted Being: Neuroexistentialism & Meaning, Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, vol. 44 no. 1 (March, 2009), pp. 41-49, WILEY [doi].
  57. Flanagan, O, Your mind is more than your brain, New Scientist, vol. 201 no. 2691 (January, 2009), pp. 42-43 [html], [doi[abs].
  58. Flanagan, O, Ethical expressions: Why moralists scowl, frown and smile, in The Cambridge Companion to Darwin (January, 2009), pp. 413-434, Cambridge University Press [doi[abs].
  59. Flanagan, O, Moral Science? Still Metaphysical After All These Years, in Moral Personality, Identity and Character: Explorations in Moral Psychology, edited by Narvaez, D; Lapsley, DK (2009), pp. 52-78, Cambridge University Press [ojf/Moral].
  60. Flanagan, O, “Buddhist Persons & Eudaimonia Buddha”, in Routledge Companion to Philosophical Psychology, edited by Symons, J (2009) [ojf/BuddhistPersons.pdf].
  61. Flanagan, O, Five Questions, in Mind & Consciousness, edited by Grim, P (2009), VIP Press.
  62. Flanagan, O, Neuro-Eudaimonics, or Buddhists Lead Neuroscientists to the Seat of Happiness, in Oxford Handbook on Philosophy and Neuroscience, edited by Bickle, J (2009) [ojf/Ch23Neuro-Eudaimonics.pdf].
  63. Flanagan, O, The Structures of Meaningful Life Stories, Argentinian Journal of Philosophy and Psychology (2009).
  64. Flanagan, O, Moral contagion and logical persuasion in the Mozi, Journal of Chinese Philosophy, vol. 35 no. 3 (September, 2008), pp. 473-491, WILEY [doi].
  65. Flanagan, O, The Neural Pathway to the White House, The New Scientist (July, 2008) [mg19826586.300-review-ithe-political-mindi-by-george-lakoff.html].
  66. Flanagan, O, Review: The Political Mind by George Lakoff, New Scientist, vol. 198 no. 2658 (May, 2008), pp. 48-49 [doi[abs].
  67. Flanagan, O, Consciousness, edited by Honderich, T (February, 2008), pp. 176-185, Oxford University Press [doi[abs].
  68. Flanagan, O, Where is the Happiness, in Oxford Companion to Philosophy and Neuroscience (2008), Oxford University Press (OUP).
  69. Flanagan, O; Sarkissian, H; Wong, D, "What is the Nature of Morality? A Response to Casebeer, Railton, and Ruse", in *Moral Psychology: The Evolution of Morality*, edited by Sinnott-Armstrong, W, vol. 1 (2007), pp. 45-52, M I T PRESS.
  70. Flanagan, O; Sarkissian, H; Wong, D, Naturalizing Ethics, in *Moral Psychology: The Evolution of Morality*, edited by Sinnott-Armstrong, W, vol. 1 (2007), pp. 1-26, M I T PRESS.
  71. O. Flanagan, “The Bodhisattva’s Brain: Neuroscience and Happiness” in, in The Buddha’s Way: The Confluence of Buddhist Thought and Applied Psychological Research in the Post-Modern Age: Routledge: Cruzon, London, In Press: Editors, D. K. Nauriyal, Michael Drummond, Y. B. Lal: Forward: His Holiness, XIV Dalai Lama (Fall, 2006).
  72. Flanagan, O, Varieties of Naturalism, in Oxford Companion to Religion and Science (Winter, 2006), OUP.
  73. Flanagan, O, The Bodhisattva’s Brain: Neuroscience and Happiness, in The Buddha’s Way: The Confluence of Buddhist Thought and Applied Psychological Research in the Post-Modern Age, edited by Nauriyal, DK; Drummond, YB (2006), Routledge.
  74. Greene, M; Schill, K; Takahashi, S; Bateman-House, A; Beauchamp, T; Bok, H; Cheney, D; Coyle, J; Deacon, T; Dennett, D; Donovan, P; Flanagan, O; Goldman, S; Greely, H; Martin, L; Miller, E; Mueller, D; Siegel, A; Solter, D; Gearhart, J; McKhann, G; Faden, R, Ethics: Moral issues of human-non-human primate neural grafting., Science (New York, N.Y.), vol. 309 no. 5733 (July, 2005), pp. 385-386 [doi].
  75. Flanagan, O, The colour of happiness, New Scientist, vol. 178 no. 2396 (December, 2003), pp. 44.
  76. Flanagan, O, Ethical expressions: Why moralists scowl, frown and smile, in The Cambridge Companion to Darwin (January, 2003), pp. 377-398, Cambridge University Press [doi[abs].
  77. Flanagan, O, Emotional Expressions: Why Moralists Scowl, Frown, and Smile, in The Cambridge Companion to Darwin, edited by Radick, G; Hodges, J (2003), Cambridge University Press.
  78. Flanagan, O, The Neurobiology of Sexual Self-Consciousness: Mind and the Interplay of Brain and Body, in Narrative and Consciousness: Literature, Psychology, and the Brain., edited by Fireman, G; McVay, T; Flanagan, O (Spring, 2003), Oxford University Press [abs].
  79. Flanagan, O, Emotional Expressions, in The Cambridge Companion to Darwin, edited by Radick, ; Hodge, (2003), Cambridge University Press.
  80. Polger, T; Flanagan, O, A decade of teleofunctionalism: Lycan's consciousness and consciousness and experience, Minds and Machines, vol. 11 no. 1 (February, 2001), pp. 113-126 [doi[abs].
  81. Polger, T; Flanagan, O, Natural Questions to Natural Answers, in Biology Meets Psychology: Constraints, Connections, Conjectures, vol. 5 (2001), M I T PRESS.
  82. Polger, T; Flanagan, O, Is Consciousness an Adaptation?, in Evolving Consciousness, edited by Mulhauser, G (2001), Johns Benjamin, Amsterdam.
  83. Flanagan, O, Dreaming is not an adaptation, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 23 no. 6 (December, 2000), pp. 936-939, Cambridge University Press (CUP) [doi[abs].
  84. Hardcastle, VG; Flanagan, O, Multiplex vs. Multiple Selves: Distinguishing Dissociative Disorders, The Monist, vol. 82 no. 4 (1999), pp. 645-657 [Gateway.cgi], [doi].
  85. Patton, LL; Griffiths, PJ, Foreward, in David Peter Lawrence - Rediscovering God with Transcendental Argument: A Contemporary Interpretation of Monistic Kashmiri Éaiva Philosophy (1999), pp. ix-xi, Albany: State University of New York Press [doi].
  86. Flanagan, O, Moral Confidence: Three Cheers for Naturalistic Ethics, in In The Face of Facts: Moral Inquiry in American Scholarship, edited by Westbrook, ; Bethe-Elstain, ; Fox, (1997), Cambridge University Press.
  87. Flanagan, O; Guzeldere, G, Consciousness: A Philosophical Tour, in Consciousness, Cognition, and Computation, edited by Rolls, E (1997), Oxford University Press.
  88. Flanagan, O, How to Study Consciousness Empirically: The Case of Dreams, in Consciousness, Cognition, and Computation, edited by Rolls, E (1997), Oxford University Press.
  89. Flanagan, O, Consciousness as a Pragmatist Views It, in The Cambridge Companion to William James, edited by Putnam, RA (1997), Cambridge University Press.
  90. Flanagan, O; Dryden, D, Consciousness and the Mind, in Invitation to Cognitive Science, edited by Sternberg, S (1997), M I T PRESS.
  91. Flanagan, O, Ethics Naturalized: Ethics and Human Ecology, in Mind and Morals, edited by May, ; Clark, ; Friedman, (1996), M I T PRESS.
  92. Flanagan, O, Moral Network, in The Churchlands and Their Critics, edited by McCauley, R (1996), Basil Blackwell.
  93. Flanagan, O; Polger, T, Zombies and the Function of Consciousness, The Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 2 no. 4 (1996).
  94. Flanagan, O, Prospects For A Unified Theory of Consciousness or, What Dreams are Made Of, in Scientific Approaches to the Question of Consciousness: 25th Carnegie Symposium on Cognition, edited by Cohen, J; Schooler, J (1996), Erlbaum.
  95. Flanagan, O, Consciousness and the natural method., Neuropsychologia, vol. 33 no. 9 (September, 1995), pp. 1103-1115 [7501132], [doi[abs].
  96. O. Flanagan Jr., "Consciousness", in The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, edited by Ted Honderich (1995), Oxford University Press.
  97. Flanagan, O, Multiple Identity, Character Transformation, and Self-Reclamation, in Philosophical Psychopathology, edited by Graham, G; Stephens, L (1995), pp. 135-162, MIT.
  98. Flanagan, O, Behaviorism, in The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, edited by Honderich, T (1995), Oxford University Press.
  99. Flanagan, O, D. C. Dennett, in The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, edited by Honderich, T (1995), Oxford University Press.
  100. Flanagan, O, Stream of Consciousness, in The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, edited by Honderich, T (1995), Oxford University Press.
  101. Flanagan, O, History of the Philosophy of Mind, in The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, edited by Honderich, T (1995), Oxford University Press.
  102. Flanagan, O, Consciousness, in The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, edited by Honderich, T (1995), Oxford University Press.
  103. Flanagan, O, The Moment of Truth on the Dublin Bridge, South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 94 no. 2 (1995).
  104. Flanagan, O, Deconstructing Dreams: The Spandrels of Sleep, edited by Hameroff, SR; Kaszniak, AW; Scott, AC, Journal of Philosophy, vol. 92 no. 1 (1995), pp. 5-27, M I T PRESS (Version in Proceedings of Tucson I Conference on Consciousness (MIT Press)..) [Gateway.cgi], [doi].
  105. Jr, OF, "Stream of Consciousness", edited by Honderich, T (1995), Oxford University Press.
  106. FLANAGAN, O, THE MOMENT OF TRUTH ON DUBLIN BRIDGE, A RESPONSE TO PICKERING,ANDREW, South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 94 no. 2 (1995), pp. 467-474.
  107. Flanagan, O, The Malaise of Modernity.Charles Taylor, Ethics, vol. 104 no. 1 (October, 1993), pp. 192-194, University of Chicago Press [doi].
  108. Flanagan, O, Situations and Dispositions, in Readings in Philosophy and Cognitive Science, edited by Goldman, AI (1993), pp. 681-695, Cambridge: MIT Press ((reprint from Varieties of Moral Personality).).
  110. Flanagan, O, Other Minds, Obligation, and Honesty, in Social and Cognitive Factors in Preschoolers’ Deception, edited by Ceci, S; DeSimone, M; Putnick, ME (1992), Lawrence Erlbaum.
  111. Flanagan, O, Identity, Gender, and Strong Evaluation, Nous, vol. 25 no. 2 (April, 1991), pp. 198-198, JSTOR ((short version of invited address to Central Division of American Philosophical Association).) [2215579], [doi].
  112. Flanagan, O, The modularity of consciousness, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 14 no. 3 (January, 1991), pp. 446-447, Cambridge University Press (CUP) [doi].
  113. Flanagan, O, Virtue and Ignorance, Journal of Philosophy, vol. 87 no. 8 (August, 1990), pp. 420-420, Philosophy Documentation Center [2026736], [doi].
  114. Flanagan, O, Identity and Strong and Weak Evaluation, in Identity, Character, and Morality, edited by Flanagan, O; Rorty, AO (1990), pp. 37-65.
  115. Flanagan, O, Pragmatism, Ethics, and Correspondence Truth: Response to Gibson and Quine, Ethics, vol. 98 no. 3 (April, 1988), pp. 541-549, University of Chicago Press [2380967], [doi].
  116. Flanagan, O; Jackson, K, Justice, Care, and Gender: The Kohlberg-Gilligan Debate Revisited, Ethics, vol. 97 no. 3 (April, 1987), pp. 622-637, University of Chicago Press (Reprinted in Feminism and Political Theory, ed. Cass R. Sunstein (Chicago, 1990).) [doi].
  117. Flanagan, O, Materialism and immaterialism: A reply to Robinson, Contemporary Psychology: a Journal of Reviews, vol. 31 no. 9 (September, 1986), pp. 722-722, Portico [doi].
  118. Flanagan, OJ, Psychoanalysis as a social activity, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 9 no. 2 (January, 1986), pp. 238-239, Cambridge University Press (CUP) [doi].
  119. Flanagan, O, Psychoanalysis and Social Practice: A Comment on Grünbaum, The Behavioral and Brain Sciences no. Fall (Fall, 1986).
  120. Flanagan, O, Admirable Immorality and Admirable Imperfection, Journal of Philosophy, vol. 83 no. 1 (1986), pp. 41-60, Philosophy Documentation Center [2026466], [doi].
  121. FLANAGAN, O, CONSCIOUSNESS, NATURALISM, AND NAGEL, Journal of Mind and Behavior, vol. 6 no. 3 (June, 1985), pp. 373-390, INST MIND BEHAVIOR INC.
  122. Flanagan, O; Adler, J, Impartiality and Particularity, Social Research, vol. 50 no. 3 (1983), pp. 576-596 [40970910], [doi].
  123. Flanagan,, OJ, Quinean Ethics, Ethics, vol. 93 no. 1 (October, 1982), pp. 56-74, University of Chicago Press [2380762], [doi].
  124. Flanagan,, OJ, Virtue, Sex, and Gender: Some Philosophical Reflections on the Moral Psychology Debate, Ethics, vol. 92 no. 3 (April, 1982), pp. 499-512, University of Chicago Press [2380735], [doi].
  125. Flanagan,, OJ, A Reply to Lawrence Kohlberg, Ethics, vol. 92 no. 3 (April, 1982), pp. 529-532, University of Chicago Press [2380737], [doi].
  126. Flanagan, OJ, Moral Structures?, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, vol. 12 no. 3 (January, 1982), pp. 255-270, SAGE Publications [doi].
  127. Flanagan, OJ, Psychology, progress and the problem of reflexivity: a study in the epistemological foundations of psychology., Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, vol. 17 (January, 1981), pp. 375-386 [doi].
  128. Flanagan, O, Skinnerian Metaphysics and the Problem of Operationism, Behaviorism, vol. 8 no. 1 (1980), pp. 1-13 [27758948], [doi].
  129. Flanagan, OJ; McCreadie-Albright, T, Malcolm and the fallacy of behaviorism, Philosophical Studies, vol. 26 no. 5-6 (December, 1974), pp. 425-430, Springer Nature [doi].

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