Click here for a printer-ready
version, or download as a PDF file. Books
- Mignolo, W. The Politics of Decolonial Investigations (forthcoming). edited by Carballo, F Duke University Press, 2021. [abs]
- Mignolo, W. Disobedientia Epistemica. IDEAS Publishing House, March, 2016. [available here] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. Psicoanalisis y pensamiento decolonial. Surgimiento de Nuevas Fronteras. edited by Castagnola, MA Ecole Lacanniene de Psychoanalyse, 2016. [abs]
- Mignolo, W. La désobeissance épistemique. Rhétorique de la modernité, logique de la colonialité et grammair de la decolonialité. Peter Lang, 2015. [index.cfm] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. Trayectorias de re-existencia: ensayos en torno a la colonialidad/decolonialidad del saber, el sentir y el creer. edited by Gomez, PP Facultad de Artes Asab, 2015. [abs]
- Mignolo, W. Habitar la frontera. Pensar y sentir la descolonialidad. edited by Carballo, F; Robles, LAH CIDOB, 2015: 514 pages. [habitar_la_frontera_sentir_y_pensar_la_descolonialidad_antologia_1999_2014_walter_d_mignolo] [abs]
- with Mignolo, W; Carballo, F. Una concepcion descolonial del mundo Conversacion de Francisco Carballo con Walter Mignolo. Ediciones del Signo and Globalization and Humanities Project, 2014: 158 pages. [available here] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. Desobediencia epistemica. 2014. [abs]
- Capitalismo y geopolitica del conocimiento. La filosofía de la liberación en el debate intelectual contemporáneo. edited by Mignolo, W2014. [abs]
- W.D. Mignolo. L’ idea di America Latina. Geostoria di una teoria decoloniale. Mimesis, July, 2013: 208. Translation of The Idea of Latin America, published by
Balckwell, London, 2005 (translated by Mignolo, WD) [9788857513058]
- Decolonizing the Cold War: BE-BOP 2013, Black Europe Body Politics. edited by Mignolo, W; Lockward, A ArtLabour Archives, May, 2013.
- Mignolo, W. Local Histories/Global Designs. Coloniallity, Subaltern Knowledges and Border Thinking. Princeton University Press, September, 2012: 408 pages. [abs]
- with Mignolo, WD; Tlostanova, M. Learning to Unlearn: Decolonial Reflections from Eurasia and the Americas. Ohio University Press, 2012. [pages/tlostanova%20learning.html]
- Mignolo, WD. Modernity and Decoloniality. 2012: 48 pages. (An annotated bibliography of the research program modernity/coloniality/decoloniality after 13 years of its formation.) [xml] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. Epistemischer Ungehorsam. Rhetorik der Moderne, Logik der Kolonialität und Grammatik der Dekolonialität (German Translation). Verlag Turia + Kant, 2012: 210 pages. Translation into German of "Desobediencia
published by Editorial del Signo, Buenos
Aires, 2010. (Translated with an introduction, by Jens Katsner and Tom Waibel.) [pdf_3] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. The Darker Side of Western Modernity: Global Futures, Decolonial Options. Latin America Otherwise Duke University Press, 2011: 408 pages. (http://www.latamrob.com/archives/2551) [ViewProduct.php] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. De la hermenéutica y la semiosis colonial al pensar descolonial. Abya Yala y Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, 2011: 145 pages. (A collection of five articles, in Spanish, from 1983 to 1995 that are the foundation of my major books since ¨The Darker Side of the Renaissance.¨ An introduction by Gustavo Verdesio explains the trajectory.) [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. El vuelco de la razón: diferencia colonial y pensamiento fronterizo. Ediciones del Signo and Center for Global Studies and the Humanities, Duke University, 2011: 182 pages. [available here] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. The idea of Latin America (Korean Translation). Editorial Greenbee, May, 2010. [articleView.html]
- Mignolo, WD. Desobediencia epistemica: retorica de la modernidad, logica de la colonialidad y gramatica de la descolonialidad. Ediciones del Signos y Center for Global Studies and the Humanities, Duke U, March, 2010: 126 pages. [html] [abs]
- W.D. Mignolo. Historia Locais-Projetos Globais. Colonialidade, saberes subalternos e pensamento liminar. Humanitas Humanitas Editora UFMG, 2010. (translated by Mignolo, WD) [176]
- Arte y estetica en la encrucijada descolonial. edited by Mignolo, W; Palermo, Z Ediciones del Signo and Center for Global Studies and the Humanities, December, 2009: 152 pages.
- Globalization and the Decolonial Option. edited by Mignolo, W; Escobar, ASeptember, 2009: 415 pages.
- La teoria politica en la encrucijada descolonial. Ediciones del Signo and Center for Global Studies and the Humanities, Duke University, July, 2009: 160 pages.
- Mignolo, W. Histórias locais/projetos globais. Colonialidade, saberes subalternos e pensamiento liminar. Belo Horizonte, Universidad Mina Gerais, 2008.
- Mignolo, WD; Grosfóguel, R; Berkeley, UOCA; Studies, E. Intervenciones descoloniales. edited by Mignolo, W; Grosfóguel, R Tabula Rasa: Revista de HumanidadesUniversidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, 2008: 29-310.
- Lugones, WMEM; jiménez-Lucena, I; Tlostanova, M. Genero y Descolonialidad. edited by Mignolo, W; Lugones, M; Jimenez-Lucena, I; Tlostanova, M Ediciones del Signo and Globalization and the Humanities Project, Duke University, 2008: 122 pages.
- Capitalismo y geopolítica del conocimiento. El eurocentrismo y la filosofía de la liberación en el debate intelectual contemporáneo. edited by Mignolo, W Editorial El Perro y la Rana, 2008.
- Las vertientes americanas del pensamiento y el proyecto descolonial. edited by Mignolo, W; Cairo, H Trama Editorial, 2008.
- La idea de América Latina la herida colonial y la opción decolonial. Gedisa, 2007: 241 pages. (translated by Mignolo, MD)
- Re-reading the Black Legend: The Discourses of Religion and Racial Differences in the European Renaissance. edited by Mignolo, W; Greer, MARGARET; Quilligan, MAUREEN Chicago University Press, 2007.
- Mignolo, WD. La idea de America Latina. Gedisa, 2006. (translated by Mignolo, WD) [htm]
- Ïnterculturalidad, descolonización del estado y del conocimiento. El desprendimiento: pensamiento crítico y giro des-colonial. edited by Mignolo, W Editorial del Signos and Center for Global Studies and the Humanities, Duke University, 2006.
- Descolonialidad del Ser y del Saber: Videos Indígenas y los Límites
Coloniales de la Izquierda. edited by Mignolo, W Ediciones del Signo, 2006.
- Mignolo, W. The Idea of Latin America. Blackwell, 2005.
- Historias Locales/Diseños Globales. Colonialidad, conocimientos subalternos y pensamiento fronterizo. Akal, 2003. (translated by Mignolo, WD) [articulo]
- Mignolo, W. Capitalismo y geopolitica del conocimiento. Duke University, 2001.
- Capitalismo y geopolitica del concimiento. El eurocentrismo y la filosofia de la liberacion en el debate intellectual contemporaneo. edited by Mignolo, W Editorial del Signo/Duke University, 2001.
- Mignolo, WD. Local Histories/Global Designs. Coloniallity, Subaltern Knowledges and Border Thinking. Second Edition Princeton University Press, 1999: 408 pages. (With a new preface by the author) [html] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. The Darker Side of the Renaissance: Literacy, Territoriality and Colonization. The University of Michigan Press, 1995. [abs]
- Writing Without Words: Alternative Literacies in Mesoamerica and the Andes. edited by Mignolo, W; Hill Boone, E Duke University Press, 1994.
- Mignolo, W. Teoría del texto e interpretación de textos. Universidad Autonoma de México, 1986. (Reviews: 1) Elide Pittarello, Rassegna
Iberistica, Italy, 29, 1987; 2) Frances
Aparicio, Yearbook of Comparative
Literature, 1988)
- Mignolo, W. Textos, modelos y metáforas. Universidad Veracruzana, 1984: 267 pages.
- Mignolo, W. Elementos para una teoría del texto literario. Crítica Grijalbo, 1978: 383 pages. (Reviews: 1) Alcazar, Jorge, Acta Poetica,
Mexico, 1981, 258-266; 2) Costa, Gustavo,
Romance Philology, Berkeley, 1981, 2, 436-
438; 3) Deredita, John, Hispania, 1980, 63,
620; 4) Forastieri Braschi, Eduardo, La
Torre, Puerto Rico, 1979, 103-106; 5)
Garrido Gallardo, Miguel Angel, Revista de
Literature, Madrid, 1980, 211-215; 6)
Bazquez Ayora, Gerardo, Hispamerica,
Maryland, 1982, 31, 107-109; 7) Poetics
Today, Tel-Aviv, 4/4, 1983, 810)
Papers Published
- Mignolo, W. "The Power of Labeling." (2009). [abs]
Special Issues
- Mignolo, W, Spirit Out of Bound Returns to the East: The Closing of the Social Sciences and the Opening of Independent Thoughts. Sage Journal (March, 2014): 584-602. [abs]
- Mignolo, W, (De) coloniality and (Un) easy postcolonialilsm. WKO WKO (World and Knowledges Otherwise) 3:3 (November, 2013): 1-4. [abs]
- Mignolo, WD, (De) coloniality and (Un) easy postcolonialilsm. Web Journal, WKO WKO, World and Knowledges Otherwise3:3 (2013): 1-4. [volume-3-dossier-3-uneasy-postcolonialisms] [abs]
- Decolonial AestheSis: Colonial Wounds/Decolonial Healings. Social Text- Periscope: An Online Journal---Social Text Editors (2013). [abs]
- Mignolo, W, Las Meninas: A Decolonial Response. Art Bulletin XCII:1/2 (2010): 40-47.
- Mignolo, W, Ïslamophobia/Hispanophobia: The (re)Configuration of the Racia Imperial/Colonial Matrix. Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge 1:Human Architecture (January, 2007): 13-28.
- Mignolo, WALTER, Globalization and the Decolonial Option. Cultural Studies 21:2-3 (2007). [title~content=g776420754~db=all]
- Mignolo, W, On De-coloniality. WKO (Worlds and Knowledges Otherwise) 2:1 (2007). [abs]
- with Mignolo, WALTER, Double Critique: Knowledges and Scholars at Risk in the Post-Socialist World. SAQ: The South Atlantic Quarterly 105:3 (2006): 479-500. [available here]
- Cano, A, Para qué la decolonización en educación: Entrevista con Walter Mignolo. Revista Educativa Cultural Saint Andrew’s I.2:Colonialidad del saber y educación (2006): 62-66.
- Walter D. Mignolo, Loci of enunciation and imaginary constructions: The Case of (Latin) America. Poetics Today I & II:4 (1995).
- Mignolo, WALTER, Colonial Discourse. Dispositio (1989): 36-38.
- Mignolo, W, Literacy and colonization. Hispanic Issues 4:Re/discovering Colonial Writing (1989): 51-96. (Special issue devoted to "Re/discovering
Colonial Writing"). Eds. R. Jara and N.
- Cedomil Goic and Walter Mignolo (Eds), Literature and Historiography in the New World. Dispositio (1986): 28-29.
Articles in a Journal
- Mignolo, WD; Bussmann, FS. "Coloniality and the State: Race, Nation and Dependency." Theory, Culture and Society 40:6 (November, 2023): 3-18. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, AW; Mignolo, WD. "Preface." Artistic Cartography and Design Explorations Towards the Pluriverse (January, 2022): xix-xxii.
- Mignolo, WD. "Ayni and Neltilitztli: The reconstitutions of the destituted." Cultural Dynamics 33:3 (August, 2021): 246-252. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Coloniality and globalization: a decolonial take." Globalizations 18:5 (January, 2021): 720-737. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "The Logic of the In-Visible: Decolonial Reflections on the Change of Epoch." Theory, Culture and Society 37:7-8 (December, 2020): 205-218. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "On decoloniality: second thoughts." Postcolonial Studies 23:4 (October, 2020): 612-618. [doi]
- Mignolo, W. "Epistemiczne nieposłuszeństwo i dekolonialna opcja: manifest." Konteksty 74:4 (January, 2020): 15-28.
- Mignolo, WD. "The geopolitics of knowledge and the colonial difference." Revista Lusofona de Educacao 48:48 (January, 2020): 187-224. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Decoloniality and phenomenology: The geopolitics of knowing and epistemic/ontological colonial differences." Journal of Speculative Philosophy 32:3 (January, 2018): 360-387. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Coloniality is far from over, and so must be decoloniality." Afterall 43 (January, 2017): 38-45. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD; Oliveira, TDM. "COLONIALITY: THE DARKEST SIDE OF MODERNITY." Revista Brasileira de Ciencias Sociais 32:94 (January, 2017): 1-18. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "The Making and Closing of Eurocentric International Law and The Opening of a Multipolar World Order (forthcoming)." CSSAAME (Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East) 36:1 (May, 2016): 182-195. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "El desprendimiento." Boca de Sapo. Arte, Literatura y Pensamiento (Buenos Aires) VVI:20 (August, 2015): 55-60. [html]
- Mignolo, W. "Islamophobia/Hispanophobia: The (re)Configuration of the Racial Imperial/Colonial Matrix." Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge 1 (July, 2015): 13-28.
- .. "Global coloniality and the Asian century." Cultural Dynamics 27:2 (July, 2015): 185-190. [toc], [doi]
- Mignolo, WD. "Spirit out of bounds returns to the East: The closing of the social sciences and the opening of independent thoughts." Special issue devote to Eurocentrism and the Production of Knoweldge
Current Sociology 62:4 (January, 2014): 584-602. [584.abstract], [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Liberal democracy, path of human authority and transition to living well." Sociedade e Estado 29:1 (January, 2014): 21-44. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "The point of nonreturn: The reemergence of the disavowed." Invited esponse to the "Mission Statement"
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 33:3 (December, 2013): 268-271. [current], [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "The geopolitics of sensibility and knowledge on colonialism, border thinking and epistemic disobedience." Revista de Filosofia (Venezuela) 74:2 (January, 2013): 7-23. [abs]
- with Mignolo, WD; Vazquez, R. "Introduction to Decolonial Aesthesis: Colonial Wounds, Decolonial Healings." Social Text-Periscope (Web Publication) (2013): 9-9. [available here]
- Mignolo, W. "Geopolitics of sensing and kowing: on (de) coloniality, border thinking and epistemic disobedience." Confero. Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics 1:1 (2013): 129-150.
- Mignolo, WD; Vazquez, R. "Decolonial AestheSis: Colonial Wounds/Decolonial Healings." Social Text-Periscope: An Online Journal— (2013).
- Mignolo, WD. "Hacia la desoccidentalizacion." Op-ed related to the myth of Latin America "turn to the Left."
Pagina 12 (2012). [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "The Geopolitics of Sensing and Kowing." Transversal. Multilingual Web Journal (2012). Translated into German and Spanish, in the
same journal. Reprinted in Spanish in [esfera
publica], Bogota, Colombia, under the title
of "Geopolitica de la sensibilidad y del
http://esferapublica.org/nfblog/?p=24089 [en] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD; Liang, H. "From Global Colonialism to Global Coloniality: Introduction to a Round Table Discussion." An introduction to 7 position statements derived from a Round Table on the topic that took place at the Advanced Institute of Cross Disciplinary Studies, City University of Hong Kong in March of 2012.The remaining statements will be published in Volume 3
Localities 2:2 (2012): 331-336. [board.php]
- Mignolo, W. "Crossing gazes and the silence of the "Indians": Theodor de Bry and Guaman Poma de Ayala." Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies Theodor De Bry’s Voyages to the New and Old Worlds.41:1 (December, 2011): 173-223. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Mignolo, WD. "The Global South and world dis/order." Journal of Anthropological Research 67:2 (January, 2011): 165-188. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Modernity and Decoloniality. An annotated bibliography." This doesn't fit in any of the categories available so far, "articles in book or journals"
Oxford Bibliography On LineOBO (2011): 14500 words-14500 words. [xml]
- Mignolo, WD. "Geopolitics of sensing and knowing: on (de) coloniality, border thinking and epistemic disobedience." Postcolonial Studies 14:3 (2011): 273-285. [3], [doi]
- Mignolo, W. "At the end of the university as we know it." Campaign for the Public University (November, 2010). [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Aiesthesis Decolonial." Calle 14: Revista de Investigacion en el Campo del Arte 4:4 (June, 2010): 10-25. [calle14]
- Mignolo, WD. "Las Meninas: A Decolonial Response." Art Bulletin 92:1-2 (Spring, 2010): 40-47. [html], [doi]
- Mignolo, W. "Immigrant Consciousness." Rodolfo Kusch, Indigenous and Popular Thought in America (February, 2010): xii-llv.
- Mignolo, WD. "El vuelco de la razon." Revista Jicara July-December:6 (2010): 20-29. Reprint of an op-ed published originally in
my blog and secondly in the web page, "Otros
Bicentenarios", [html]
- Mignolo, W. "El pensamiento descolonial. Desprendimiento y apertura." El pensamiento filosofico latinoamerica, del Cabire y "latino". 1300-2000El pensamiento filosofico latinoamerica, del Cabire y "latino". 1300-2000 (2010): 659-672. [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Desobediencia epistemica, pensamiento independiente y liberacion decolonial." Otros Logos. Revista de Estuidios Criticos I:1 (2010). Translation of "Epistemic Disobedience,
Independent Thought and Decolonial Freedom",
Published in TCS, London, December 2009 [available here] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Enduring enchantment: Secularism and the epistemic privileges of modernity." (December, 2009): 273-292. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Epistemic Disobedience, Independent Thought and Decolonial Freedom." Theory, Culture and Society 26:7-8 (December, 2009): 159-181. [doi]
- Mignolo, WD. "Cosmopolitanism and the Decolonial Option." Online Version, December 9, 2009
Studies in Philosophy and Education 29:2 (December, 2009): 111-127. [available here], [doi]
- with Mignolo, WD; Tlostanova, M. "On Pluritopic Hermeneuics, Trans-modern Thinking and Decolonial Philosophy." Encounters: International Journal for the Study of Culture and Society 1:1 (October, 2009): 9-26. [pdf]
- with Mignolo, WD; Tlostanova, M. "Global Coloniality and the Decolonial Option." Kultur (Special Issue: Epistemologies of Transformation) 6:6 (September, 2009): 130-147. [pdf]
- Mignolo, W. "La idea de América Latina (la derecha, la izquierda y la opción descolonial)." Crítica y Emancipación 1:2 (May, 2009): 251-276. [db]
- Mignolo, WD. "Who Speaks for the "Human" in Human Rights?." Hispanic Issues On Line (Special Issue: Human Rights in Latin America and Iberian Cultures) 5:1 (2009): 7-25. [pdf]
- Mignolo, WD. "The Power of Labeling." A team report on Nino Korin Bolivian ancheological collection requested to be repatriated by the State of Bolivia. The collective report traces the history of the collection, elaborates on the coloniality of knoweldge, and consider the Bolivian population in Sweden, and in Europe, as well as Latin American migrants who can benefit from the collection remaining in Sweden.
Report for the Museum of World Culture, Goteborg (Spring, 2009). [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Dispensable and Bare Lives: Coloniality and the Hidden Politica/Economy Agenda of Modernity." Human Architecture. Journal of the Sociology of Self-knowledge 2:2 (Fall, 2009): 69-88. [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "La opción descolonial." Letral. Revista Electrónica de Estudios Transatlánticos (2008): 4-22. [#void]
- Mignolo, WD. "Revisando las Reglas del Juego." Tabula Rasa. Revista de Humanidades. Bogota: Colombia 8 (2008): 321-334. [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "Delinking: The rhetoric of modernity, the logic of coloniality and the grammar of de-coloniality." Cultural Studies 21:2-3 (March, 2007): 449-514. [doi]
- Mignolo, WD. "El pensamiento descolonial: Reflexiones finales." Comentario International (Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar, Quito, Ecuador) 7:7 (2007): 186-194.
- with Mignolo, WD. "Introduction." South Atlantic Quarterly 105:3 (December, 2006): 497-499. [479], [doi]
- Mignolo, WD. "A globalizacion e a xeopolitica do coñecemento: o papel das humanidades na universidade corporativa." I do not know where to put this information
among the many multiple choices in the menu.
A Literatura Compadad Oxe. Boletín Galego da Literatura 33:1/2 (August, 2006): 97-119. Translation to Galego, the language of
Galicia Spain, of an article published in
Nepantla, titled "Globalization and the
Geopolitics of Knowledge: The Role of the
Humanities in the Corporate University."
- Mignolo, AWD. "Introduction to Knowledges and Scholars at Risk in the Post-Socialist World." South Atlantic Quarterly 105 (July, 2006): 479-499. [479]
- Mignolo, WD. "Introduction to Double Critique." SAQ 105 (July, 2006).
- Mignolo, WD; Tlostanova, MV. "Theorizing from the borders: Shifting to geo- and body-politics of knowledge." European Journal of Social Theory 9:2 (May, 2006): 205-221. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "Citizenship, Knolwedge and the Limits of Humanity." American Literary History 18:2 (March, 2006): 312-331. [ajj019v1]
- Mignolo, WD. "Cambiando las eticas y las políticas del conocimiento: La lógica de la colonialidad y la post-colonialidad imperial." Tristes Topicos, Web Dossiers (January, 2006). reproduced in Tristestopicos [walter]
- Mignolo, WD. "La opción descolonial. El Pachakuti conceptual de nuestro tiempo.." Ön Line Dictionary (2006): 2600 words-2600 words. [leer_trabajo.php]
- Mignolo, WD. "Introduction to Double Critique: Knowledges and Scholars at Risk in Post-Soviet Societies." SAQ 105:3 (2006): 479-500.
- Mignolo, WD. "Globalizacion, doble traduccion y interculturalidad." Revista Educativa Cultural Saint Andrew’s (Special Issue on "Colonialidad del Saber y Educación) 1:2 (2006): 52-61. This is a reprint of an article published in
Spain/France, last year (2005), in De Signis
(Revista Latinoamericana de Semiotica),
- Ed, WDM; Lasch P. "Ïnterculturalidad, descolonización del estado y del conocimiento." 2nd volume (2006).
- Mignolo, WD. "Introduction to Double Critique: Knowledges and Scholars at Risk." SAQ 105 (2006): 479-500.
- Mignolo, WD. "Introduction to Double Critique." SAQ 105 (2006): 479-500.
- Mignolo, WD. "Prophets facing sidewise: The geopolitics of knowledge and the colonial difference." Social Epistemology 19:1 (March, 2005): 111-127. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "Huntington’s Fear: Latinos/as in the Colonial Horizon of Modernity." To be published in the proceedings of the
conference "Latino/as in the Modern World
System" Berkeley, April 2004
- Mignolo, W. "Un paradigma otro’: Colonialidad global, pensamiento fronterizo y cosmopolitanismo crítico." Latin American Subaltern Studies Revisited., Gustavo Verdesio, ed. Dispositio/n 52. American Journal of Cultural Histories and Theories. XXV:52 (2005): 127-147.
- Mignolo, W. "Silencios da autoridade: A colonialidade do ser e do saber." Grial: Revista Galega de Cultura 165:26-31 (2005): 26-31.
- Mignolo, W. "Prophets Facing Sidewise: The Geopolitics of Knowledge and the Colonial Difference." Social Epistemology 19 (2005): 111-128.
- Mignolo, W. "The Maker of Race: Knowledge and the Differential/Colonial Accumulation of Meaning." Neohelicon, Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum XXX:1 (2003): 89-102.
- Mignolo, WD. "The Zapatistas's theoretical revolution: Its historical, ethical, and political consequences." Review: A Journal of the Fernand Braudel
Center for the Study of Economies,
Historical Systems, and Civilizations 25,3
(2002): 245-275
Review 25:3 (December, 2002): 245-275. Portuguese translation, "A revolucao
teorica dos Zapatistas: seu historico, sua
etica e suas consequencias politicas," in
Brasil: Perspectivas Internacioanais, Amos
Nascimento, ed., pp. 173-206 [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "The Enduring Enchantment: (Or the Epistemic Privilege of Modernity and Where to Go from Here)." South Atlantic Quarterly 101:4 (Fall, 2002): 927-954. [doi]
- Mignolo, WD. "El pensamiento des-colonial: desprendimiento y apertura. Un manifiesto." Tristestópicos (2002). [walter]
- Mignolo, W. "Latin American Cultural Studies?." Revista Iberoamericana (2002).
- Mignolo, W. "The Geopolitics of Knowledge and the Colonial Difference." SAQ: The South Atlantic Quarterly 101.1 (Winter, 2002): 56-96.
- Mignolo, W. "Géopolitique de la connaissance, colonialité du pouvoir et différence coloniale." Multitudes (September, 2001): 56-71.
- Mignolo, W. "La revolución teórica del zapatismo: sus consecuencias históricas, éticas y políticas." Orbs Tertius: Revista de Teoría y Critica Literaria 5:11 (February, 2000).
- Mignolo, W. "Colonialidad del poder y subalternidad." Hueso Humero 36 (2000): 91-119.
- Mignolo, W. "The Role of the Humanities in the Corporate University." MLA publication (2000).
- Mignolo, WD. "Coloniality at large: Knowledge at the late stage of the modern/colonial world system." Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research 5:2 (January, 1999): 1-10. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "I am where I think: Epistemology and the Colonial Difference, a debate with Peter Hulme apropos of The Darker Side of the Renaissance." Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 8:2 (1999): 234-248.
- Mignolo, W. "Philosophy and the Colonial Difference." released January 2000
Philosophy Today (section: Is There a Latin American Philosophy?) 43 (1999): 36-41.
- Mignolo, W. "Stock to Watch: Colonial Difference, Planetary ’Multiculturalism,’ and Radical Planning." Plurimondi 1/2 (1999): 7-33.
- Mignolo, WD. "Cultural studies questionnaire." Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 7:1 (January, 1998): 111-119. [doi]
- Mignolo, W. "Espacios geográficos y localizaciones epistemológicas o la ratio entre la localización geográfica y la subalternizacion de conocimientos." Brazil: Proceedings of the 5th Congress of Comparative Literature, 91-96 1 (1998): 11-32.
- Mignolo, W. "The allocation and relocation of identities: Colonialism, nationalism, transnationalism." MESTER 27 (1998): 1-16. [Gateway.cgi]
- Mignolo, W. "Post-occidentalismo: el argumento desde América Latina." Cuadernos Americanos 1:67 (1998): 144-165. Reprinted in Teorías Sin Disciplina:
Latinamericanismo, Poscolonialidad y
Globalizació en Debate. Ed. Castro-
Gómez and Eduardo Mendieta (México:
Miguel Ángel Porrúa, 1998): 26-49
- Mignolo, W. "Remodeling the Store: The End of Foreign Languages and the Beginning of Transcultural Education." ADLF BULLETIN 29:3 (1998).
- Mignolo, W. "Espacios geográficos y localizaciones epistemológicas." Diseño. Revista Interacional de Pensamiento Latinoamericano Frankfurt,3 (1997): 1-18.
- Mignolo, W. "Los estudios subalternos, son posmodernos o poscoloniales." Casa de Las Americas, Cuba 104/1996 (1997): 20-40.
- Mignolo, W. "La razón postcolonial: Herencias coloniales y teorías postcoloniales." (Nov.-Dec. 1996)
Gragota :1 (Spring, 1997): 7-30.
- Mignolo, WD. "Linguistic maps, literary geographies, and cultural landscapes: Languages, languaging, and (trans)nationalism." Modern Language Quarterly 57:2 (June, 1996): 181-196. [doi]
- Mignolo, W. "Posoccidentalismo: las epistemologías fronterizas y el dilema de los estudios (Latinamericanos) de área." Revista Iberoamericana (1996): 176-177.
- Mignolo, W. "Occidentalizacion, imperialismo, globalización: herencias coloniales y teorías postcoloniales." Revista Iberoamericana 179071 (1995): 27-40.
- Mignolo, W. "Human Understanding and (Latin) American interests." Poetics Today 16:1 (1995): 171-214.
- Mignolo, W. "Decires fuera de lugar: sujetos dicentes, roles sociales y formas de inscripción." Revista de Critica Literaria Latinoamericana 41 (1995): 9-32.
- Mignolo, WD. "Loci of enunciation and imaginary constructions: The Case of (Latin) America." Special issue of Poetics Today I and II (1995).
- Mignolo, W. "Critica, historia y politica cultural: Agendas para la proxima decada." Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana 20:40 (1994): 363-363. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Mignolo, W. "Editor’s Introduction, Loci of Enunciation and Imaginary Constructions: The Case of (Latin) America." Poetics Today 15 (1994): 505-521.
- Mignolo, W. "Colonial and Post-Colonial Discourse: Cultural Critique or Academic Colonialism?." Latin American Research Review (November, 1993).
- Mignolo, W. "Colonial and Postcolonial Discourse: Cultural Critique or Academic Colonialism?." Latin American Research Review 28:3 (1993): 120-131.
- Mignolo, W. "Misunderstanding and colonization: the reconfiguration of memory and space." South Atlantic Quarterly 92:2 (1993): 209-260.
- Mignolo, WD. "Putting the Americas on the Map (Geography and the Colonization of Space)." Colonial Latin American Review 1:1-2 (January, 1992): 25-63. [doi]
- Mignolo, W. "On the colonization of Amerindian languages and memories: Renaissance theories of writing and the discontinuity of the classical tradition." Comparative Studies in Society and History 34:2 (1992): 301-330. [doi]
- Mignolo, W. "The Darker Side of the Renaissance: colonization and the discontinuity of the classical tradition." Renaissance Quarterly xlv:4 (1992): 808-828.
- Mignolo, W. "Theoretical and fuzzy domains. An essay in conceptual elucidation." Proceedings of the XII Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association 5 (1991): 253-264.
- Mignolo, W. "Canon and corpus: an alternative view of comparative literary studies in colonial situations." Dedalus. Revista Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada 1 (1991): 219-244.
- Mignolo, W. "Canon a(nd) cultural boundaries: or Whose canon are we talking about?." Poetics Today 12:1 (1991): 2-28.
- Mignolo, W. "Review article. "A dialogue between the two cultures: Merrell’s Deconstruction Reframed." Semiotica (Journal of the International Association of Semiotic Studies) 81:1/2 (1990): 135-144.
- Mignolo, W. "La grafía, la voz y el silencio: la Relaciones Geográficas de Indias en el contexto de las letras virreinales." Insula, núumero especial preparado por Enrique Pupo-Walker 522 (1990): 11-12.
- Mignolo, W. "Invited comments, "On Brian Harley’s ’Deconstructing the Map’." Cartographica (National Archives of Canada) 26:3 (1989): 109-114. [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "Colonial Situations, Geographical Discourses and Territorial Representations: Toward a Diatopical Understanding of Colonial Semiosis." Speical issue of Dispositio on Colonial Discourse XIV:36-38 (1989): 93-140.
- Mignolo, W. "Anáhuac y sus Otros: la cuestión de la letra en el Nuevo Mundo." Revista de crítica literaria latinoamericana 28 (1988): 29-53.
- Mignolo, W. "Diálogo y Conversación." Diálogos Hispánicos 6 (1987): 3-26.
- Mignolo, W. "El mandato y la ofrenda: Descripción de la Provincia y Ciudad de Tlaxcala de Diego Muñoz Camargo y las ’Relaciones de Indias." Neuva Revista de Filología Hispánica XXXV (1987): 451-484.
- Mignolo, W. "Histórica, Relaciones y Tlatollótl: los Preceptos historiales de Fuentes y Guzmán y la historiográfica Indiana." Filología, Bs. As. XXI:2 (1986): 153-177.
- Mignolo, W. "La lengua, la letra, el territorio (o la crisis de los estudios literarios coloniales)." Dispositio 28:29 (1986): 135-160.
- Mignolo, W. "Dominios borrosos y dominios teóricos. Ensayo de elucidación conceptual." Filologia XX:I (1985): 21-40.
- Mignolo, W. "Sobre la condiciones de la ficción literaria." Cuadernos de Literatura 17 (1984): 21-26.
- Mignolo, W. "Semiosis y universos de sentido." Lexis 2 (1983): 219-237.
- Mignolo, W. "Comprensión hermenenéutica y comprensión teórica." Revista de Literatura 90 (1983): 5-38.
- Mignolo, W. "Qué clase de textos son géneros? Fundamentos de topología textual." Acta poética 4-5 (1982): 25-51.
- Mignolo, W. "La figura del poeta en la lírica de vanguardia." Revista Iberoamericana 118-119 (1982): 131-148.
- Mignolo, W. "El metatexto historiográfico y la historiografía indiana." MLN 94 (1981): 358-402.
- Mignolo, W. "Semantización de la ficción literaria." Dispositio 15-16 (1980): 85-127.
- Mignolo, W. "Paradiso: derivación y red." Texto Crítico (1979): 90-111.
- Mignolo, W. "La teoría en el campo de los Estudios Literarios." Dispositio 7-8 (1978): 1-20.
- Mignolo, W. "Emergencia, Espacio, “Mundos Posibles”: Las Propuestas Epistemológicas de Jorge L. Borges." Revista Iberoamericana 43:100-101 (December, 1977): 357-379. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Mignolo, W. "Emergencia, espacios, ’mundos posibles’: las propuestas epistemológicas de J.L. Borges." Revista Iberoamericana 100-101 (1977): 357-79.
- Mignolo, W. "Aspectos del Cambio Literario (A Propósito de la
Historia de la novela hispanoamericana
de Cedomil Goić
)." Revista Iberoamericana 42:94 (March, 1976): 31-49. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Mignolo, W. "La noción de competencia en poética." Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos :300 (1976): 605-622.
- Mignolo, W. "Conexidad, coherencia, ambigüedad: Todos los guegos el fuego’." Hispamérica :14 (1976): 3-26.
- Mignolo, W. "Aspectos del cambio literario." Revista Iberoamericana :94 (1976): 31-49.
- Mignolo, W. "La poétique et les changements littéraire." Études littéraires 8:2-3 (1975): 241-241. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Mignolo, W. "La poètique et les changement littèraires." Etudes Littèraires (1975): 241-268.
- Mignolo, W. "Los abatares del discurso mimético." Chasqui V.2 (1975): 5-13.
- Mignolo, W. "Los abatares del discurso mimético." Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana 2 (1975): 5-13.
- Mignolo, W; Wert, WV. "The Semiology of Julia Kristeva and the Cinematographic Semiotic Practice." Sub-Stance 9 (1974).
- Mignolo, W. "La escena y la escritura: una hipótesis de trabajo sobre la poética en América." Hispamérica :4-5 (1973): 3-39.
- Mignolo, W. "Cadaver Ileno de mundo (J.A. Mora)." Caravelle 18 (1972).
- Mignolo, W. "Reviews: La última mujer y el próximo combate (M. Cofino Lopez)." Caravelle 17 (1972).
- Mignolo, W. "La dispersión de la palabra (aproximación lingüística a un poema ’Vallejo’)." Neuva Revista de Filología Hispánica Tomo XXI:2 (1972): 399-411.
- Mignolo, W. "Lectures notes on Latin American Culture." Caravelle 17 (1971).
- Mignolo, W. "Ensayos de Literatura Argentina (Noé Jitrik)." Caravelle 16 (1971).
- Mignolo, W; Mora, JA. "Borges el libro y la escritura." Ceravelle :17 (1971): 187-194.
- Mignolo, W. "El amor, los orsinis y la muerte (N. Sanchez)." Caravelle 15 (1970).
- Mignolo, W. "Boquitas pintadas (M. Puig)." Caravelle 15 (1970).
Articles in a Collection
- Mignolo, W. "The explosion of globalism and the advent of the third nomos of the earth." Globalization: Past, Present, Future. December, 2023, 193-207. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "The Colonial Matrix of Power." Talking About Global Inequality: Personal Experiences and Historical Perspectives. January, 2023, 39-46. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "The Third Nomos of the Earth: The Decline of Western Hegemony and the Continuity of Capitalism." Knowledge Production and Epistemic Decolonization at the End of Pax Americana. January, 2023, 89-111. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "The Refiguration of the Social and the Re-Configuration of the Communa." Considering Space: A Critical Concept for the Social Sciences. January, 2023, 159-185. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Second thoughts on the historical foundations of modernity/coloniality and the advent of decolonial thinking." A Companion to Latin American Literature and Culture, 2nd Edition. May, 2022, 9-17. [doi]
- Mignolo, WD. "Walking decolonially with nick shepherd." Colonial and Decolonial Linguistics: Knowledges and Epistemes. January, 2021, 325-332. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Coloniality at large: Time and the colonial difference." Enchantments of Modernity: Empire, Nation, Globalization. August, 2020, 67-95.
- Mignolo, WD. "The Enduring Enchantment: (Or the Epistemic Privilege of Modernity and Where To Go from Here)." Unbecoming Modern: Colonialism, Modernity, Colonial Modernities, Second Edition. January, 2019, 228-254. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Border thinking and decolonial cosmopolitanism: Overcoming colonial/imperial differences." Routledge International Handbook of Cosmopolitanism Studies: 2nd edition. July, 2018, 101-116.
- Mignolo, WD. "Racism and coloniality: The invention of “HUMAN(ITY)" and the three pillars of the colonial matrix of power (racism, sexism, and nature)." The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Race. Routledge,
January, 2017, 461-474. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD; Tlostanova, MV. "Theorizing from the borders (Argentina & Russia)." International Critical Pedagogy Reader. January, 2017, 129-135. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "DECOLONIAL REFLECTIONS ON HEMISPHERIC PARTITIONS: From the “Western Hemisphere” to the “Eastern Hemisphere”." The Routledge Companion to Inter-American Studies. January, 2017, 59-67. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "Geopolitics of Knowing/Understanding and American Studies. A decolonial Argument from the Global South (forthcoming)." American Studies as Transnational Practice: Turning Towards the Transpacific Ed. Shu, Y; Pease, DE. Duke University Press,
June, 2016, 279-310.
- Mignolo, WD. "The historiographical metatext and new world historiography." Inca Garcilaso and Contemporary World-Making. January, 2016, 316-354.
- Mignolo, WD. "Border Thinking, Decolonial Cosmopolitanism and Dialogues Among Civilizations." The Ashgate Research Companion to Cosmopolitanism. January, 2016, 329-347. [doi]
- Mignolo, W. "Decolonial Reflections on Hemispheric Partitions. The 'Western Hemisphere' in the Colonial Horizon of Modernity and the Irreversible Historical Shift to the 'Eastern Hemisphere' (forthcoming)." Companion to Inter-American Studies Ed. Raussert, W. International Association of American Studies,
- Mignolo, W. "The Advent of Black Thinkers and the Limits of Continental Philosophy (forthcoming)." The Handbook of African Philosophy Ed. Afolayan, A; Falola, T. Palgrave,
2016, 287-301. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "The Idea of Latin America." . Blackwell,
December, 2015.
- Fields, B; Page, K. "Preface." . June, 2015.
- Mignolo, WD. "Huntington’s Fears: “Latinidad” in the Horizon of the Modern/Colonial World." Latin@s in the World-system: Decolonization Struggles in the Twenty-First Century U.S. Empire. January, 2015, 57-71. [doi]
- Mignolo, W. "Re:emerging, Decentring and Delinking: Shifting the Geographies of Sensing, Believing and Knowing." Global Activism: Art and Conflict in the 21st Century Ed. Weibel, P. Published by ZKM / Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe & MIT Press,
2015, 211-225. [global-activism] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "Decolonial Reflections: Art and archaeology." Two Days After Forever. A Reader on the Choreography of Time Ed. Kholoif, O. Cytrus Pavilion at the Venice Biennale of Art,
2015, 172-192. [index.php]
- Mignolo, W. "Anomie, resurgences and de-noming." The Anomie of the Earth. Philosophy, Politics and Autonomy in Europe and the Americas Ed. Luisetti, F; et al.,. Durha-Duke University Press,
2015, vii-xvi. [The_Anomie_of_the_Earth]
- Mignolo, W. "Yes, we can." Can non-European Think? by Hamid Dabashi. Zed Books,
2015, viii-xl. [20828]
- Mignolo, W. "Sylvia Wynter: What Does it Mean to be Human?." Sylvia Wynter. On Being Human as a Praxis Ed. McKittrick, K. Duke University Press,
2015, 106-123. [html]
- Mignolo, W. "Democracia liberal, camino de la autoridad humana y transición al bien vivir." Escuela del Senado Ed. Pinto, J; et al.,. Escuela del Senado,
March, 2014, 21-44. [pdf]
- Mignolo, W. "From 'Human Right' to 'Life Rights'." Meaning of Rights. The Philosophy and Social Theory of Human Rights Ed. Douzinas, C; Gearly, C. Oxford University Press,
March, 2014, 161-181.
- Mignolo, W. "Looking for the meaning of 'Decolonial Gesture'." Ed. Taylor, D; Gomez-Barris, M. Hemispheric Institute,
March, 2014, 6600 words.
- Mignolo, WD. "(Re)modeling the letter: Literacy and literature at the intersection of semiotics and literary studies." On Semiotic Modeling. January, 2014, 357-394.
- Kramer, R; Xiao, N; Zhou, X-N. "Preface. Malaria control and elimination programme in the People’s Republic of China.." Natural and Moral History of the Indies (1590). 2014, xvii-xxi. [doi]
- Mignolo, W. "Further Thoughts on (De) Coloniality." Postcoloniality-Decolonality-Black Critique.Joints and Fissures Ed. Broeck, S; Junker, C. The University of Chicago Press,
2014. [html] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Decolonizing the nation-state: Zionism in the colonial horizon of modernity." Deconstructing Zionism: A Critique of Political Metaphysics Ed. Vattimo, G; Marder, M. Political Theory and Contemporary PhilosophyBloomsbury,
November, 2013, 57-74. [9781441105943]
- Mignolo, WD. "Border thinking, decolonial cosmopolitanism and dialogues among civilizations." The Ashgate Research Companion to Cosmopolitanism. January, 2013, 329-348.
- Mignolo, WD. "On Compaison: Who is Comparing What and Why?." Comparison Ed. Flesh, R; Friedman, SS. The John Hopkins University Press,
2013. [1421409127]
- Mignolo, WD. "Imperial/Colonial Metamorphosis. A decolonial Narrative from the Ottoman Sultanate and Spanish Empire to the US and the EU." The Oxford Handbook of Postcolonial Studies Ed. Huggan, G. Oxford University Press,
2013, 107-127. [9780199588251]
- Mignolo, WD. "Who Speaks for the ´Human¨ in Human Rights?." Human Rights from the Third World Perspectives. Critique, History and International Law Ed. Barreto, JM. Cambridge Scholar PUblishers,
2013. [1443840580]
- Mignolo, WD. "Desobediencia epistemica y descolonizacion de las ciencias sociales." Formas de Comprender el Presente. Conferencias reunidas de la catedra Norbert Lechner, 2010-11 Ed. Vega, RC. Universidad Diego Portales,
2013. [available here]
- Mignolo, WD. "On the colonization of Amerindian languages and memories." Literacy Studies, Vol 1. Sage Publication,
2013. Reprint of an article published in
Comparative Studies in
society and History, 1992, 331-330 [pdf]
- Easley, ME. "Preface." Jose de Acosta’s Natural and Moral History of the Indies (1590). Durham: Duke University Press,
March, 2012, xvii.
- Mignolo, WD. "From “human rights” to “life rights”." The Meanings of Rights: The Philosophy and Social Theory of Human Rights. Cambridge University Press,
January, 2012, 161-180. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Coloniality at large: Time and the colonial difference." Enchantments of Modernity: Empire, Nation, Globalization. Routledge India,
January, 2012, 67-95. [doi]
- Mignolo, WD. "The larger picture: Hispanics/Latinos (and Latino studies) in the colonial horizon of modernity." Hispanics/Latinos in the United States: Ethnicity, Race, and Rights Ed. Gracia, JJE; Greiff, PD. New York: Routledge,
January, 2012, 99-124. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Mariátegui and Gramsci in ‘Latin’ America: Between revolution and decoloniality." The Postcolonial Gramsci Ed. Neelam Srivastava and Baidik Bhattacharya. Routledge,
January, 2012, 191-218. (Dated 2011, it came out in 2012) [9537844], [doi]
- Mignolo, WD. "Mariàtegui and Gramsci in “Latin” America: Between Revolution and Decoloniality1." The Postcolonial Gramsci. January, 2012, 191-217. [doi] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Para Des-Inventar America Latina." Disturbios Culturales. Conversaciones con varios autores Ed. Vodanovic, JOYL. Universidad Diego Portales,
2012, 195-211. [available here]
- Mignolo, WD. "The role of BRICS countries in the becoming world order: ¨humanity¨, imperial/colonial difference and the racial distribution of capital and knoweldge." Humanity and Difference in the Global Age. Candido MendesUNESCO and Universidad Candido Mendes, Brazil,
2012, 41-89. (Pre-publication for the International Conference ¨Humanity and Difference in a Global Age¨ organized by UNESCO, Tsinghua University and Universidade Candido Mendes, Beijing May, 23-25, 2012) [php]
- Mignolo, WD. "Desobediencia Epistemica. Pensamiento independiente y libertad descolonial." Observaciones Latinoamericanas Ed. Caba, S; Garcia, G. Ediciones Universidad de Valparaiso, Chile,
2012, 71-97. Reprint of a translation. The original in
English was published in Theory, Culture and
Society, 2010. Spanish translation in Otros
Logos (a web journal, in Argentina,
Universidad del Comahue). [observaciones-latinoamericanas-comentarios-iniciales]
- Mignolo, WD. "Decolonial Cosmopolitanism and Dialogue Among Civilizations." Routledge Handbook on Cosmoplitanism Studies Ed. Delanty, G. Routledge,
2012. [1028828152]
- Mignolo, W. "Decolonizing western epistemology/building decolonial epistemologies." Decolonizing Epistemologies: Latina/o Theology and Philosophy. November, 2011, 19-43. [doi]
- Mignolo, WD. "Preface." Postcolonial Literatures. Continental Europe and its Empires Ed. Poddar, P; Patke, RS; Jensen, L. Edimburg University Press,
September, 2011, xiv-xvi. [books]
- Mignolo, WD. "The Darker Side of the Enlightenment: A Decolonial Reading of Kant’s Geography." Reading Kant’s Geography Ed. Elden, S; Mendieta, E. SUNY Press,
July, 2011, 319-344. [143843605X]
- Mignolo, WD. "Museums in the Colonial Horizon of Modernity: Fred Wilson’s "Mining the Museum"." Fred Wilson: A Critical Reader Ed. Globus, D. Ridinghouse,
June, 2011, 71-85. Reprint from Globalization and Contemporary
Art, edited by Jonathan Harris, London,
Willey, 2011 [available here]
- Mignolo, WD. "I Am Where I Think. Remapping the Order of Knowing." The Creolization of Theory Ed. Lionnet, F; Shih, S-M. Duke University Press,
May, 2011, 159-192. [ViewProduct.php]
- Mignolo, WD. "L’ option decoloniale." Nouvelle Critique Sociales. Europe-Amerique Latin-Retour Ed. Loute, MMEA. Plimetrica. International Scientic Publisher,
2011, 233-257. [available here]
- Mignolo, WD. "Globalization and the Geopolitics of Knowledge: The Role of the Humanities in the Corporate University." The American-Style University at Large. Transplants, Outposts, and the Globalization of Higher Educaton Ed. Kleypass, KL; Dougall, JIM. Lexington Books,The Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Group,
2011, 3-40. An expanded version of an article published
in Nepantla in 2002. [9780739150207] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Museums in the Colonial Horizon of Modernity." Globalization and Contemporary Art Ed. Harris, J. Willey,
2011, 71-86. [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "El vuelco de la razón: sobre las revoluciones, independencias y rebeliones de finales del xviii y principios del xix." Bicentenarios (Otros), transiciones y resistencias Ed. Giarraca, N. La Ventana,
2011, 27-38. [Detalles.aspx]
- Mignolo, W. "Modernity and Decoloniality. An annotated bibliography." Oxford Bibliography On Line. Oxford University Press,
- Mignolo, W. "Crossing Gazes and the Silence of the 'Indians': Theodor De Bry and Guaman Poma de Ayala." Theodor De Bry’s Voyages to the New and Old Worlds Ed. Quilligan, M. Duke University Press,
2011, 173-223.
- W.D. Mignolo. "Cosmopolitan localism: a decolonial shiting of the Kantian’s legacies." Working Papers, Institute of Locatology and the Humanities, National Univeristy at Pusan, South Korea.. Humanities Center, Pusan, National University,,
May, 2010. (translated by Mignolo, WD) [abs]
- W.D. Mignolo. "Nicht-Kapitalische Vergangenheiten nutzen! (Die Indigenen Konzeptionen durfen nicht dem Eurozentismus zum Opfer fallen)." Analyze & Kritik. April, 2010. (translated by Mignolo, WD) [htm]
- Mignolo, WD. "Epistemic Disobedience: The Decolonial Option and the Meaning of Identity in Politics." Ed. Reis, L. Universidad Fluminense Rio Janeiro, Brazil,
2010, 34-72.
- Mignolo, WD. "Coloniality at Large: The Western Hemisphere in the Colonial Horizon of Modernity." Teaching and Studying the Americas Ed. al, CLE. Palgrave-McMillan,
2010, 35-65. (Introduction; A.Byrd, M.Emerson, C.Levander & A.B.Pinn
Good Neighbor/Bad Neighbor: Boltonian Americanism and Hemispheric Studies; A.Barrenechea
Bad Neighbor/Good Neighbor: Across the Disciplines Toward a Hemispheric Studies; C.Levander
Coloniality at Large: The Western Hemisphere and the Colonial Horizon of Modernity; W.Mignolo
A Major Motion Picture: Studying and Teaching the Americas; M.O.Emerson
Embodied Meaning: The 'Look' and 'Location' of Religion in the American Hemisphere; A.B.Pinn
Primeval Whiteness: White Supremacies, (Latin) American History, and the Transamerican Challenge to Critical Race Studies; R.Hill
The Making of 'Americans': Old Boundaries, New Realities; K.Manges Douglas & R.Saenz
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching the History of the Western Hemisphere; M.López-Alonso
Beyond National Borders: Researching and Teaching Jovita González; H.Miner & R.Sager
Migrant Archives: New Routes In and Out of American Studies; R.Lazo
Partnering Across the Americas: Crossing National and Disciplinary Borders in Archival Development; M.Bailar
Ghosts of the American Century: The Intellectual, Programmatic and Institutional Challenges for Transnational/Hemispheric American Studies; M.Guterl & D.Cohn) [title.aspx]
- Mignolo, WD. "Immigrant Consciousness." Indigenous and Popular Thought in America Ed. Kusch, R. Duke University Press,
2010, xii-liv. [books]
- Mignolo, WD. "Decolonial Aesthetics: Unlearning and Relearning the Museum Through Pedro Lasch’s Black Mirror/Espejo Negro." Black Mirror/Expejo Negro (Exhibition Catalog) Ed. Lasch, P; González, JA. John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute/Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University,
2010, 86-103. [ViewProduct.php] [abs]
- Mingnolo, WD. "El pensamiento descolonial. Desprendimiento y apertura." El pensamiento filosofico latinoamerica, del Cabire y "latino". 1300-2000. 2010, 659-672. (translated by Mignolo, W)
- Mignolo, WD. "La colonialidad: la cara oculta de la modernidad." Catalog of museum exhibit: Modernologies. Museo de Arte Moderno de Barcelona,
December, 2009. (Spanish translation of "Coloniality: The Darker Side of Modernity.") [pdf]
- Mignolo, WD. "Enduring Enchantment: Secularism and the Epistemic Privileges of Modernity." Postcolonial Philosophy of Religion Ed. Billmoria, P; Irvine, AB. Springer Science,
October, 2009, 273-292. [978-90-481-2537-1]
- Mignolo, WD. "Regeneración y reciclaje: descolonizar la ciencia y la tecnología para liberar la vida." Rastros y rostros de la biopolítica Ed. Gonzalo, IM. Editorial Anthropos,
September, 2009, 181-200. [2900001342095]
- Mignolo, W. "Desobediencia epistemica: retorica de la modernidad, logica de la colonialidad y gramatica de la descolonialidad." Globalization and the Decolonial Option Ed. Mignolo, W; Escobar, A. Routledge,
September, 2009. [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Frantz Fanon y la opción decolonial: el conocimiento y lo político." Frantz Fanon, Piel Negra, máscaras blancas Ed. Campo, CPD. Cuestiones de antagonismo2009, 309-326.
- Mignolo, WD. "Coloniality: The Darker Side of Modernity." Modernologies. Contemporary Artists Researching Modernity and Modernism Catalog of the Exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art, Barcelona, Spain Ed. Breitwisser, CS. MACBA,
Fall, 2009, 39-49. (Catalog of the exhibit Modernologia/Modernologies/Modernology) [available here]
- Mignolo, WD; Benfield, D. "Decolonizing digital media/digital media decolonization." Web Dossier Ed. Benfield, D. Center for Global Studies and the Humanities, Duke University,
2009, about 6 screens-about 6 screens.
- Mignolo, WD. "Preamble: The Historical Foundation of Modernity/Coloniality and the Emergence of Decolonial Thinking." A Companion to Latin American Literature and Culture. BLACKWELL PUBLISHING LTD,
April, 2008, 12-52. [doi]
- Mignolo, WD. "The Geopolitics of Knowledge and the Colonial Difference." Coloniality at Large. Latin America and the Postcolonial Debate Ed. Moraña, M; Dussel, E; Jáuregui, A. Latin America Otherwise, W. Mignolo, I. Silverblatt and Sonia Saldívar-Hull, edsDuke Univesrity Press,
2008, 225-258. This is a reprint of an article published in
SAQ, 2002.
- Cairo, WDMYH. "Epílogo: Pensamiento descoloial y proyectos políticos descoloniales: genealogías, problemas y bases para la interfecundación." Vertientes Americanas del Pensamiento Descolonial. Trama Editorial, Madrid,
2008, 257-269. [Detail.aspx]
- Grosfóguel, WDMYR. "Ïntervenciones descoloniales: una breve introduccion." . Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Bogota, Colombia,
2008, 29-37. [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "Histórias locais/projetos globais. Colonialidade, saberes subalternos e pensamiento liminar." Translation into portugues. Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Universidad Mina Gerais,
- Lugones, WMEM; jiménez-Lucena, I; Tlostanova, M. "Genero y Descolonialidad." El desprendimiento: pensamiento crítico y opción descolonial Ed. Mignolo, W; Lugones, M; Jimenez-Lucena, I; Tlostanova, M. Ediciones del Signo and Globalization and the Humanities Project, Duke University,
2008, 122-122.
- Mignolo, WD. "Human Understanding and (Latin) American Interests - The Politicsand Sensibilities of Geohistorical Locations." A Companion to Postcolonial Studies Ed. Schwarz, H; Ray, S. BLACKWELL PUBLISHING LTD,
November, 2007, 180-202. [doi]
- Walter.D. Mignolo. "Geopolíticas del conocimiento y diferencia colonial." Geopolíticas de la Animación: Catalogo de Exposición de Arte, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo Ed. Ose, ED. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Andaluz,
2007, 12-39 and 90-116-12-39 and 90-116. The exhibit "Geopolitics of Animation" was
planned around my article. The article has
been translated into Spanish and it appears
on page 12-39. They published also in the
same catalog the original version, on page
90-116. (translated by Mignolo, WD) [available here] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "The De-Colonial Option and the Meaning of Identity in Politics." Studies in Honor of Heitor Martins. Indiana University, Department of Spanish and Portuguese,
2007, 11-31.
- Mignolo, WD. "The Many Faces of Cosmo-Polis: Border Thinking and Critical Cosmopolitanism." The ’Universal’ in Human Rights: A Precondition for a Dialogue of Cultures Ed. Mendez, C. UNESCO-University Candido Mendes,
Spring, 2007, 225-278. This is a reprint of an original article
published in Public Culture, 2000. [abs]
- Mignolo, W; Tlostanova, M. "The Logic of Coloniality and the Limits of Postcoloniality." The Postcolonial and the Global Ed. Hawley, J; Krishnaswamy, R. University of Minnessota Press,
Fall, 2007. [102-5968639-0946566]
- "Epistemic Disobedience: The Decolonial Option and the Meaning of Identity in Politics (Translated into Portuguese)." Gragoatá (Revista de la Escuela de Postgrado, Universiadad Fluminense, Rio Janeiro, Brazil) Ed. Reis, L. Universidad Fluminense Rio Janeiro,
2007, 34-72. (translated by Mignolo, W)
- Mignolo, WD; Tlostanova, M. "Double Critique: Knowledges and Scholars at Risk in Post-Soviet Societies." Ed. Mignolo, W; Tlostanova, M. July, 2006, 479-662.
- Mignolo, WD. "Evo Morales, giro a la izquierda o giro descolonial?." Democracias en desconfianza. Ensayos de Sociedad Civil y Política en América Latina. Montevideo Ed. Cruz, JD. Editorial Coscoroba,
March, 2006, 93-116. [htm]
- Mignolo, WD. "El giro gnoseológico decolonial: la contribución de Aimé Césaire a la geopolítica y la corpo-política del conocimiento." Aimé Césaire, Discurso sobre el Colonialismo Ed. Campo, CPD. Cuestiones de AntagonismoEditorial Akal,
2006, 197-221.
- Mignolo, WD. "Postoccidentalismo: Las epistemologías fronterizas y el dilema de los estudios (latinoamericanos) de area." America Latina: Giro Optico. Nuevas visiones desde los estudios literarios y culturales Ed. Prado, IS. Puebla: Universidad de las Americas,
2006, 191-218. This is a reprint of an article published in
1997 in Cuadernos Americanos (Universidad
Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico).
- Mignolo, WD. "Museums in the Colonial Horizon of Modernity." Proceeding, Annual CIMAM Conference (International Association of Museums of Modern Art) Ed. CIMAM, BO. Museum of Modern Art, Barcelona,
- Mignolo, W. "9) Africanity, Indianity, Latinity: Racism and the Colonial Matrix of Power." Ltinité et identité Haitienne: Entre la Tradition et la modernité Ed. Mendes, C. Universidade Candido Mendes,
September, 2005, 50-73.
- Mignolo, W. "8) Imperial/Colonial Metamorphosis: from the Ottoman and Spanish Empires to the US and European Union." Islam, Latinité, Transmodernité Ed. Méndes, C. Universidad Cándido Méndes,
March, 2005, 91-145.
- Mignolo, W. "Huntington's Fear: Latinos/as in the Colonial Horizon of Modernity." Ed. Grosfoguel, R; Maldonado-Torres, N; Saldivar, J. Paradigm Press,
- Mignolo, W. "Splendors and Miseries of "Science": Coloniality, Geopolitics of Knowledge, and Epistemic Pluri-versality." Prudent Knowledge for a Decent Life, forthcoming Ed. Santos, BDS. University of Wisconsin Press,
2005. Re-translated into English from the original
Original titles: "Os esplendores e as
miseries da 'sciencia': colonialidade,
geopolitica do conhecimento a pluri-
versalidade epistemica" in Conhecimento
Prudente para uma Vida Decente (Um Discurso
sobre as Ciencias Revisitado), published in
Portugal and Brazil in 2003.
- Mignolo, W. "2) Colonialidad global, capitalismo y hegemonía epistémica." Culturas Imperiales. Experiencia y representación en América, Asia y Africa Ed. Salvatore, R. Beatriz Viterbo Editora,
2005, 55-88.
- Mignolo, W. "1) Globalización, procesos civilizatorios y reubicación de las lenguas y las culturas." Globalización y diversidad cultural. Una mirada desde América Latina Ed. Pajuelo, RO; Sandoval, P. IEP ediciones,
2005, 203-228.
- Mignolo, W. "6) Huntington’s Fears: ‘Latinidad’iin the Horizon of the Modern/Colonial World." Latin@s in the World-System. Decolonization Struggles in the 21st. Century US Empire Ed. Grosfoguel, R; Madonado-Torres, N; Saldívar, JD. Paradigm Publishers,
2005, 57-74.
- Mignolo, W. "4) Preface." Pensamiento crítica y matriz (de)colonial Ed. Walsh, C. Editorial Abya-Yala/Universidad Andina Simón Bolivar,
2005, 7-12.
- Mignolo, W. "7) Prophets Facing Sidewise: The Geopolitics of Knowledge and the Colonial Difference." Ed. Maffie, J. Routledge,
2005, 111-128.
- Mignolo, W. "3) 'Un paradigma otro’: Colonialidad global, pensamiento fronterizo y cosmopolitanismo crítico." Ed. Verdesio, G. The University of Michigan (Department of Romance Studies),
2005, 127-147.
- Mignolo, WD. "Philosophy and the colonial difference." Latin American Philosophy: Currents, Issues, Debates Ed. Eduardo Mendieta. Indiana University Press,
December, 2003, 80-86.
- Mignolo, W; Schiwy, F. "Double Translation: Transculturation and the Colonial Difference." Translation and Ethnography: The Anthropological Challenge of Intercultural Understanding Ed. Maranhao, T; Streck, B. University of Arizona Press,
2003, 3-30.
- Mignolo, W. "Capitalism and Geopolitics of Knowledge: Latin American Social Thought and Latino/American Studies." Critical Latin American and Latino Studies Ed. Poblete, J. University of Minnesota Press,
2003, 32-75.
- Mignolo, W. "José de Acosta’s Historia Natural y Moral de Las Indias: Occidentalism, the Modern/Colonial World System and the First Stage of the Colonial Difference." Natural and Moral History of the Indies Ed. López-Morillas, FM. trans. Durham, NC: Duke University Press,
- Mignolo, W. "Las geopolíticas de conocimiento y colonialidad del poder. Entrevista a Walter Mignolo." Perspectives desde lo Andino Ed. Walsh, C; Schiwy, F; Castro-Gómez, S. Quito: UASB/Abya Yala,
- Mignolo, W; Schiwy, F. "Beyond Dichotomies: Translation/transculturation and the Colonial Difference." Beond Dichotomies Ed. Mudimbe, E. Syracuse University Press,
2002, 251-286.
- Mignolo, W. "Colonialidad global, capitalismo y hegemonía epistémica." Indisciplinar las ciencias sociales, Geopolíticas del conocimiento y colonialidad del poder. Quito: Universidad Andina/Abya Yala,
2002, 215-244.
- Mignolo, W. "Rethinking the Colonial Model." Rethinking Literary History Ed. Hutcheon, L; Valdez, M. Oxford University Press,
2002, 153-193.
- Mignolo, W. "Globalization and the Borders of Latinity." The Latin American Perspectives on Globalization. Ethics, Politics and Alternative Visions Ed. Saenz, M. New York: Bowman and Littlefield,
2002, 77-101.
- Mignolo, W. "A revolucao teorica dos Zapatistas: seu historico, sua etica e suas consequencias politicas." Ed. Nascimento, A. 2002, 173-206. [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "Globalization and the Borders of Latinity." Latin American Perspectives on Globalization: Ethnics, Politics, and Alternative Visions Ed. Saenz, M. New York: Bowman and Littlefield,
2002, 77-101.
- Mignolo, W. "Rethinking the Colonial Model." Rethinking Literary History: A Dialogue on Theory Ed. Hutcheon, L; Valdés, M. New York: Oxford University Press,
- Mignolo, W. "La storiografia nascente: forme della memoria nelle tradizione amerindie e nella tradizione europea." Storia della civilita letteraria ispano-americana Ed. Yurkievich, DPES. 1Torino: UTET,
2000, 75-90.
- Mignolo, W. "Diferencia colonial y razón postoccidental." La reestructuración de las ciencias sociales en América Latina. Bogota: Universidad Javerina Press (Pensar: Instituto de Estudios Sociales y Culturales,
2000, 3-28.
- Mignolo, W. "Dussel’s Philosophy of Liberation: Ethics and the Geopolitics of Knowledge." Thinking from the Underside of History: Enrique Dussel’s Philosophy of Liberation Ed. Alcoff, L; Mendieta, E. New York: Roman and Little Field,
2000, 27-50.
- Mignolo, W. "(Post) Occidentalism, (Post) Coloniality, and (Post) Subalternity." Pre-Occupation of Postcolonial Studies Ed. Afza-Khan, F; Seshadri-Crooks, K. Duke University Press,
2000, 86-118.
- Mignolo, W. "Signs and their Transmission: the Question of the Book in the New World." A Book of the Book: Some Works and Projections about the Book and Writing Ed. Rothemberg, J; Clay, S. New York: Granary Books,
2000, 351-374.
- Mignolo, W. "Coloniality at Large: Time and the Colonial Difference." Time in the Making and Possible Futures Ed. Larreta, ER. UNESCO-ISSC-EDUCAM,
2000, 237-272.
- Mignolo, W. "La colonialidad a lo largo y a lo ancho: el hemisferio occidental en el horizonte colonial de la modernidad." La colonialidad del saber: eurocentrismo y ciencias sociales. Perspectivas latinomericanas Ed. Lander, E. Buenos Aires: CLASCO,
2000, 55-86.
- Mignolo, W. "Linguistic Maps, Literary Geographies, Cultural Landscapes." History and Recognition Ed. Sommer, D. Durham, NC: Duke University Press,
- Mignolo, W. "Globalización, procesos civilizatorios, y la reubicación de lenguas y culturas." Pensar (en) los intersticios, Teoría y practica de la critica postcolonial Ed. Castro-Gómez, S; Guardiolo, O; Millán, C. Bogota: Universidad Javeriana,
- W. Mignolo. "Los cánones y (mas allá de) las fronteras culturales (o de quien es el canon del que hablamos) Spanish Translation." El Canon Literario Ed. Sulla, EE. Lecturas,
1998, 238-270. (translated by Mignolo, WD)
- Mignolo, W. "Globalization, Civilization Processes and the Relocation of Languages and Cultures." The Cultures of Globalization Ed. Jameson, F; Miyoshi, M. Durham: Duke University Press,
- Mignolo, W. "Post-occidentalismo: el argumento desde América Latina." Teorías Sin Disciplina: Latinamericanismo, Poscolonialidad y Globalizació en Debate Ed. Castro- Gómez, ; Mendieta, E. Miguel Ángel Porrúa,
1998, 26-49.
- Mignolo, W. "Globalization, Civilization Processes and the Relocation of Languages and Cultures." The Cultures of Globalization Ed. Jameson, F; Miyoshi, M. Durham: Duke University Press,
- Mignolo, W. "Indigenous Intellectuals." Forum: Publications of the Modern Languages Association of America. 1997, 1140-1141.
- Mignolo, W. "Gnosis, Colonialism and Cultures of Scholarship." Cultures of Scholarships Ed. Humphreys, SC. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press,
1997, 311-338.
- Mignolo, W. "Literacy and the reconfiguration of memory: writing histories of people without history." Literacy: Interdisciplinary Conversations Ed. Keller-Cohen, D. Ablex,
- Mignolo, W. "Discursos pronunciados con el corazón caliente: conceptciones del habla y de la escritura en situaciones coloniales." América Latina: palabra, literatura y cultura. Temas de historia comparada. 1994.
- Mignolo, W. "Afterword: Writing and Recorded Knowledge in Colonial and Postcolonial Situations." Writing without Words: Alternative Literacies in Mesoamerica and the Andes. Durham, NC: Duke University Press,
1994, 292-312.
- Mignolo, W. "Signs and Their Transmission: The Question of the Book in the New World." Writing without Words: Alternative Literacies in Mesoamerica and the Andes Ed. Boone, EH; Mignolo, WD. Durham: Duke University Press,
1994, 220-270.
- Mignolo, W. "La colonización del lenguaje y la memoria: complicidades de la letra, el libro y la historia." Discursos sobre la "Invención" de América Ed. Zavala, IM; coordinadora,. Amsterdam: Rodopi,
1993, 182-220.
- Mignolo, W. "Quand parler ne suffisait pas: illettrés, barbares, sauvages et cannibales." L"Indien" instance discursive Ed. Trottier, AG-MED. Montreal: Les Editions Balzac,
1993, 149-184.
- Mignolo, W. "When speaking was not good enough: illiterates, barbarians, savages and cannibals." Amerindian Images and the Legac of Columbus Ed. Jara, R; Spadaccini, N. Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press,
1992, 312-345.
- Mignolo, W. "Zur Frage der Schriftlichkeit in der Legitimation der Conquista." Der eroberte Kontinent Ed. Kohut, K; Hrsg,. Frankfurt: Vervuert,
1991, 86-102.
- Mignolo, W. "One Hundred Years of Solitude and the Undergraduate Curriculum." Approaches to Teaching Gabriel Garcia Marquez ’One Hundred Years of Solitude’ Ed. Valdez, M. MLA Publications,
1990, 63-78.
- Mignolo, W. "Semiosis, Coherence and Universes of Meaning." Proceedings of the Conference on Text, Connexity, Coherence Ed. Petofi, J; Conte, ME; Sozer, E. (Urbino, July 1984). Philadelphia: John Benjamin,
1989, 477-499.
- Mignolo, W. "Teorías literarias o de la literatura? Qué son y para que sirven?." Teorías literarias en la actudalidad Ed. Reyes, G. Madrid: Fundación Ortega/El Arquero,
1989, 41-78.
- Mignolo, W. "Jorge Luis Borges." Historia crítica de la literatura hispanoamericana Ed. Goic, C. Spain: Crítica-Grijalbo,
1988, 285-340.
- Mignolo, W. "Semiosis y universos de sentido." La crisis de la literariedad Ed. Gallardo, G. Madrid: Taurus,
1987, 47-65.
- Mignolo, W. "La historia de la escritura y la escritura de la historia." De la crónica a la nueva narrativa mexicana Ed. Forster, MH; Ortega, J. México: Oasis Editorial,
1986, 13-28.
- Mignolo, W. "Aesthetic Function, Literariness and Góngora’s Poetry." Language and Literary Theory Ed. Stolz, B; Dolezel, L. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications,
1985, 443-462.
- Mignolo, W. "Ficción Fantástuca y Mundos Posibles (Borges, Bioy y Blanqui)." Homenaje a Ana María Barrenechea. Madrid: Cátedra,
1985, 481-486.
- Mignolo, W. "Discurso ensayístico y tipología textual." El Ensayo Hispánico Ed. al, JLE. University of South Carolina,
- Mignolo, W. "Cartas, Crónicas y Relaciones del Descubrimiento y de la Conquista." Historia de la Literatura Hispanoamericana (Epoca Colonial) Ed. Madrigal, I. Madrid: Cátedra,
1982, 56-125.
- Mignolo, W. "What is Wrong with the Theory of Literature?." The Sign: Semiotics Around the World Ed. Matejka, L; Bailey, R. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications,
1978, 305-307.
- Mignolo, W. "La instancia del Y O en ’Las dos Historias’ de F. Hernández." Felisberto Hernández ante la crítica actual Ed. Sicard, A. Caracas: Mone Avila,
1977, 171-185.
- Mignolo, W. "Alguenos aspectos de la coherencia del discurso (literario)." The Analysis of Hispanic Texts: Current Trends in Methodology Ed. Keller, G; Teran, I. New York: Bilingual Press,
1975, 273-99.
- Mignolo, W. "La dispersión de la palabra." Cesar Vallejo Ed. Ortega,. Madrid: Taurus,
1972, 470-95.
Articles Online
- Mignolo, W. "Decolonial thoughts." . December, 2015
<http://www.waltermignolo.com/> - Mignolo, W. "La desoccidentalizacion es irreversible." . April, 2012
<http://lavaca.org/notas/la-re-nacionalizacion-de-repsol-ypf-un-ejemplo-de-como-es-irreversible-la-desoccidentalizacion/> [abs] - Mignolo, W. "The Failures of Neoliberalism and the Road to the Future." . February, 2012
<http://www.wpfdc.org/en/society/857-the-failure-of-neoliberalism-and-the-roads-to-the-future> - Mignolo, W. "The Geopolitics of Sensing and Kowing." . January, 2012
<http://esferapublica.org/nfblog/?p=24089> [abs] - Mignolo, WD. "La desoccidentalizacion es irreversible." . 2012
<http://lavaca.org/notas/la-re-nacionalizacion-de-repsol-ypf-un-ejemplo-de-como-es-irreversible-la-desoccidentalizacion/> Op-ed related to REPSOL-YPF [abs] - Mignolo, W. "De-Secularization as a Condition for the Dialogue of Civilizations." . December, 2011
<http://www.wpfdc.org/en/politics/361-de-secularization-as-a-condition-for-the-dialogue-of-civilizations> - Mignolo, W. "Hacia la desoccidentalizacion." . December, 2011
<http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmundo/4-182727-2011-12-06.html> [abs] - Mignolo, WD; Benfield, D. "Decolonizing the Digital/Digital Decolonization." . 2009
[abs] - Mignolo, WD; Casimir, J; Dubois, LAURENT. "Thinking Haiti, Thinking Jean Casimir." . 2008
<https://globalstudies.trinity.duke.edu/wko-v2d3> [abs] - Mignolo, W. "La opción descolonial." . 2008
<http://www.proyectoletral.es/revista/#void> - Mignolo, W. "On De-coloniality; Vol. 2 No. 1." . October, 2007
<https://globalstudies.trinity.duke.edu/wko-v2d1> - Mignolo, W. "Cambiando las eticas y las políticas del conocimiento: La lógica de la colonialidad y la post-colonialidad imperial." . January, 2006
<http://www.tristestopicos.org/walter> - Mignolo, W. "La opción descolonial. El Pachakuti conceptual de nuestro tiempo.." . 2006
<http://http//conceptos.sociales.unam.mx/leer_trabajo.php?id_trabajo=53&categoria=c&b=con> - Mignolo, W. "El pensamiento des-colonial: desprendimiento y apertura. Un manifiesto.." Translation of the inaugural
lectured delivered at the Center for Advanced
Studies, Univeristy of Coimbra, Portugal,
. Spring, 2006
<http://www.tristestopicos.org/walter> Published previously in Tabula Rasa, Bogota,
Colombia, April 2005, 3, 47-72. [abs]
Book Reviews
- Mignolo, W, "A dialogue between the two cultures: Merrell's Deconstruction Reframed". Semiotica 81:1/2 (1990): 135-144.
- Mignolo, W, "On Brian Harley's 'Deconstructing the Map'". Cartographica 26:3 (1989): 109-114. [abs]
- Mignolo, W, "Cadaver Ileno de mundo (J.A. Mora)". Caravelle: cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-bresilien 18 (1972).
- Mignolo, W, "Reviews: La última mujer y el próximo combate (M. Cofino Lopez)". Caravelle: cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-bresilien 17 (1972).
- Mignolo, W, "Lectures notes on Latin American Culture". Caravelle: cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-bresilien 17 (1971).
- Mignolo, W, "Ensayos de Literatura Argentina (Noé Jitrik)". Caravelle: cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-bresilien 16 (1971).
- Mignolo, W, "El amor, los orsinis y la muerte (N. Sanchez)". Caravelle: cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-bresilien 15 (1970).
- Mignolo, W, "Roquitas pintadas (M. Puig)". Caravelle: cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-bresilien 15 (1970).
- Mignolo, W. "Laudation to Abel Rodriguez Main Award Prince Claus Foundation." Catalog of 2014 Awardess (December, 2014): 1000 Words. [html]
- with Mignolo, W. "No se trata de resistir sino de existir." LA PRENSA de Panamá (November, 2014). [html]
- with Mignolo, W; Martinez, AR. "La civilización occidental no es ni global ni universal." La Prensa (Newspaper) Panama
La Prensa (November, 2014). [424575]
- Mignolo, W. "The North of the South and the West of the East. A Provocation to the Question." IBRAAZ. Contemporary Visual Culture in North Africa and the Middle East Platform 8 (November, 2014): 4200 words. [108]
- with Mignolo, W; Elhers, J. "Global South, Colonial Wound, Decolonial Healing." IBRAAZ. Contemporary Visual Culture in North Africa and the Middle East Platform 8 (November, 2014): 2100 Words. [available here] [abs]
- with Mignolo, W; Lorca, J. "El control de los cuerpos y los saberes." Newspaper interview
Pagina 12 Seccion Universidad (July, 2014). [html] [abs]
- with Mignolo, W; He, W. "The Prospect of Harmony and the Deolonial View of the World." CLT is a platform for critical legal scholars and allied thinkers to publish theoretically informed comment and analysis.
Critical Legal Thinking (June, 2014): 23000 Words. It was reprinted on June 19, 2014 in World
Public Forum web page,
http://wpfdc.org/blog/politics/19104-the-prospect-of-harmony-and-the-decolonial-view-of-the-world [available here]
- Mignolo, W. "Initial entry in exhibit-event catalog: Spirituality, Subjectivity and (Im) migrant Consciousness: The Tasks Ahead." CATALOG OF BE-BOP 2014, EXHIBITS, PERFORMANCES AND LECTURESCATALOG OF BE-BOP 2014, EXHIBITS, PERFORMANCES AND LECTURES (May, 2014). [pdf] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "Sobre la diferencia colonial, o acerca de la emergencia de un pensamiento quo no ha sido considerado como tal: Entrevista con Walter Mignolo." Foreign Sensibilities, Fernando Gómez ((forthcoming)).
- Mignolo, W. "The City, the Country and the Resurgence of the Disavowed." Polis : Revista de la Universidad Bolivariana 4.4:The South as State of Main. Main Focus (March, 2014): 70-72. [available here]
- Mignolo, WD. "Walter Mignolo y el pensamiento descolonial." Interview conducted in November 2013
elPeriodico (January, 2014): 2-4. [available here] [abs]
- with Mignolo, W; Gortazar, A. "Pensar como sudaca." Interview during my visit and lecturing in Montevideo, in April of 2014
La Diaria (2014). [available here] [abs]
- with Mignolo, W; Gaztambide-Fernández, R. "Decolonial options and aesthetic/aesthesic entanglements: an interview with Walter Mignolo." 311:1 (2014): 196-212. [21310] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "Decolonial aesthetic/aesthesis has become connector across the continents." Contemporary And (2014): 2000. [available here] [abs]
- with Mignolo, W; Kalantidou, E; Fry, T. "Designs in the Borderland: And Exchange." A closing interview of an edited book
Designs in the BorderlandDesigns in the Borderland (2014): 173-188. [0415725194]
- Mignolo, WD. "Re-emerger. El retorno del este global y del sur global." Causa Sur. Pensar Nuestra America. Revista de Pensamiento Politico 5:5 (December, 2013): 7-7. [-se-lanz%C3%B3-la-revista-causa-sur-n%C2%B0-5.html#.Usd9BfZfiv1]
- Mignolo, W. "The Point of Non-Return:The Re-Emergence of the Disavowed." Comparative Studies of Asia, Africa and the Middle East 3:3 (December, 2013): 268-271. [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Enacting the archive, displacing the muses: on the Doha Museum of Islamic Art and the Singapoore Museum of Asian Civilizations." IBRAAZ. Contemporary Visual Culture in South Africa and the Middle East Platform 6 (November, 2013): 4000 words-4000 words. [77]
- with Mignolo, WD. "Middelburg Decolonial Summer School." An interview organized and orchestrated, filmed and put together by students of the Summer School.
VIMEO (November, 2013). [79558377] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "Geopolitics of sensing and knowing: On (de)coloniality, border thinking, and epistemic disobedience." Confero Essays on Education Philosophy and Politics 1:1 (March, 2013): 129-150. [confero.2001-4562.13v1i1], [doi]
- Mignolo, WD. "Reflections on Be.Bop 2012. Black Europe Body Politics." IDEA. Art + Society 42 (2013): 7-7. [available here]
- Mignolo, WD. "Yes, We Can: Non-European Thinkers and Philosophers." Al Jazeera (2013). [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "Going Both Ways: An interview with Yuko Hasegawa." An interview with Yuko Hasegawa, Curator of the Sharjah Biennial 11, conducted by Stephanie Bailey and Walter Mignolo
IBRAAZ: Contemporary Visual Cultures in North Africa and the Middle East Platform 6 (2013). [79] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Re:Emerging, Discentering and Delinking: Shifing thte Geographies of Sensing, Knowing and Believing." A report on Sharjah Biennial 11, March 13-May 13, 2013.
IBRAAZ: Contemporary Visual Cultures in North Africa and the Middle East Platform 6 (2013). [available here]
- Mignolo, WD. "Sensing Otherwise. A Story of an Exhibition." IBRAAZ. Contemporary Visual Culture in North Africa and the Middle East (2013). [57] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD; Lockward, A. "Decolonizing the Cold War:: BE-BOP 2013, Black Europe Body Politics." Catalogue of the Exhibit and Workshop— (2013).
- Mignolo, WD. "Hacia la cartografía de un nuevo mundo: Pensamiento descolonial y desoccidentalización. Un diálogo de Francisco Carballo con Walter Mignolo." Otros Logos :3 (December, 2012): 237-266. [1044-con-exito-se-desarrollo-encuentro-de-lenguas-y-literatura-en-la-ufro]
- with Mignolo, WD; He, W. "The prospect of harmony and the decolonial conception of the world." An interview translated into Chinese and published in Beijing.
Marxism and Reality :4 (July, 2012): 110-120. [available here] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD; Domínguez, C. "Compared literature, world literature and decolonization." Insula :787-788 (July, 2012): 26-30.
- Mignolo, WD. "Dispatches from Hong Kong 3: Corruption and the Myths of Democratic and Authoritarian States." My Personal Blog (June, 2012). [available here]
- Mignolo, WD. "Dheli 2012: La desoccidentalización, los BRICS y la distribución racial del capital y del conocimiento." My Personal Blog (April, 2012). [available here]
- Mignolo, WD. "Dispatches from Hong Kong:The Myths of Democratic and Authoritarian States." My Personal Blog (April, 2012). [available here]
- Mignolo, WD. "The 'economy of more' is not longer sustainable." World Public Forum Web Page (April, 2012). [883-w-mignolo-the-economy-of-more-is-no-longer-sustainable] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "Para Des-Inventar America Latina." Disturbios Culturales. Conversaciones con varios autores (March, 2012): 195-211.
- Mattison, C; Mignolo W. "Neither Capitalism, nor Communism but Decolonization." Critical Legal Thinking (March, 2012). Original published in "Intraview", Advanced
Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Research,
reproduced also in World Public Forum under
the title "The Economy of 'More' is no Longer
economy-of-more-is-no-longer-sustainable [available here] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Occidente: Surveying the Present, Rereading the Past, Building Pluriveral Futures." A series of four interviews, about 1 hour long by Cecilia Hecht, BioeconTV and Occidente Web Project, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Video BioeconTV and Occidente (Spring, 2012). [available here] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "The Failures of Neoliberalism and the Road to the Future." World Public Forum Web Page (2012). [857-the-failure-of-neoliberalism-and-the-roads-to-the-future]
- Mignolo, WD. "De-Secularization as a Condition for the Dialogue of Civilizations." World Public Forum Web Page (2012). [361-de-secularization-as-a-condition-for-the-dialogue-of-civilizations]
- Mignolo, WD. "Cinco Siglos Igual." La Opinion on Line (December, 2011). [VerNoticia.aspx]
- Mignolo, WD. "El reordenamiento global." Pagina 12, Argentine newspaper (2011). [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "Hacia la desoccidentalizacion." Pagina 12, Argentine newspaper (2011). [html] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Decolonizzare la conoscenza." Mensile di Cultura 1:1 (December, 2010): 26-29. [mag] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "At the end of the university as we know it." This is a Web Page in England Campaigning for Preserving the Function of the Public University
Campaign for the Public University (November, 2010). Reprint of a long op ed published in my blog,
and of a shorter version published in Pagina
12, Argentina under the title "Retorica del
desarrollo y colonialidad del saber"
http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/universidad/10-124958-2009-05-15.html [available here] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Existe algo asi como America Latina? Una entrevista con Franco Gamboa." An interview conducted in Santiago de Chile for praxispublica.org
PodCast Praxis Publica PodCast:PodCast (November, 2010). [available here] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Esteticas Descoloniales, an interview with Walter Mignolo." http://esferapublica.org/nfblog/?p=12247
Esfera Publica, Web in the Public Spheres (November, 2010). [available here]
- Mignolo, WD. "Conversando sobre colonialidad." Web Page UniCauca (Universidad del Cauca) Web UniCauca (September, 2010). [index.php]
- Mignolo, WD. "Só descolonização da subjetividade trará mudança à América Latina, diz Walter Mignolo." DW-World.de Deutsche Welle (June, 2010). [html] [abs]
- Lorca, J; Mignolo W. "Desobediencia epistemica: retorica de la modernidad, logica de la colonialidad y gramatica de la descolonialidad." Note on the book just published Editorial del Signo. See the "Book" section. This web format doesn't have a place to insert notes periodistic notes about author's works or books.
Pagina 12 (June, 2010). [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "Without critical reflection on decoloniality, it would be difficult to supersed modernity (In Korean)." Kyosu Shinmoon, Faculty News Paper (June, 2010). [articleView.html]
- Mignolo, WD. "The problem is coloniality hidden under modernity (In Korean)." Hankyoreh (June, 2010). [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "To overcome Eurocentrism it is necessary to overcome Western epistmology (In Korean)." Hankook Ilbo (June, 2010). [htm]
- Mignolo, WD. "Critique to Kant and the decolonial genealogy of thoughts (In Korean)." Journalistic note in Kyosu Shinmoon (Faculty Journal) (May, 2010). [articleView.html]
- Mignolo, WD. "The decolonial era requires epistemic disobedience (a journal note) (In Korean)." The Daehak Shinmoon (May, 2010). [articleView.html]
- Mignolo, WD. "The Idea of Latin America (translated into Korean)." (May, 2010).
- Mignolo, WD. "Desafio para um continente de muitas faces." O Globo (January, 2010). [asp]
- Mignolo, WD. "Second Period of the Colonial Matrix of Power." LatArt.com. An Online Journal of Art and Culture (2010). [aiview.cfm]
- Mignolo, W; Tlostanova, M; Bozic, K. "It is about telling it foward." An interview by Kristina Bozic, in Lujbjana, Slovenia, from February 2009, recently was posted on the web. About Bozic: "A journalist with a diploma in law, I travel and ask to write stories of people, their quests and ideas. Human rights in their broadest sense are a red line through my writings. I have traveled and written about Iran, Uganda, Rwanda, Turkey, Georgia, Palestine and Europe, where I live in the city of Ljubljana."
contact: kristinabozic@hotmail.com
Web (2010). [available here] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "La colonialidad en cuestion. Entrevista a Walter Mignolo por Norma Fernandez." Revista Sociedad 28:28 (2010): 16-28.
- Mignolo, WD. "El pensamiento descolonial. Desprendimiento y apertura." El pensamiento filosofico latinoamerica, del Cabire y "latino". 1300-2000 (2010): 659-672. Reprint of an article originally published in
Tabula Rasa 8, 2008, Universidad de
Cundinamarca, Colombia. [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "Decolonial Aesthetics: Unlearning and Relearning the Museum Through Pedro Lasch's Black Mirror/Espejo Negro. Black Mirror/Expejo Negro.." (2010): 86-103. [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Decolonizzare la conoscenza." Magazine d' arte della Gam 1 (2010): 26-29.
- Mignolo, WD; Palermo, Z. "Arte y estetica en la encrucijada descolonial." (December, 2009): pp 152-pp 152. [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "The communal and the declonial." Turbulence. Ideas for Movement 5 (November, 2009): 29-31. [available here]
- Mignolo, WD. "Grenzdenken un die decoloniale Option." Bildpunk (November, 2009). [2507]
- Mignolo, WD; Escobar, A. "Globalization and the Decolonial Option." (September, 2009): pp. 415-pp. 415. [abs]
- Mignolo, WD; Oto, AD. "La teoria politica en la encrucijada descolonial." (July, 2009): 160-160. [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Esclavitud moderna y capitalismo global: la crisis financiera en su justa proporcion." Blog
(May, 2009). [available here]
- Mignolo, WD. "At the end of the university as we know it." Blog
(May, 2009). [available here]
- Mignolo, WD. "Retorica del desarollo y colonialidad del saber." Pagina 12 (Newspaper, Buenos Aires) Section: Universidad/Opinion (May, 2009). [html]
- with Mignolo, WD; Grzinic, M. "Delinking Epistemology from Capitalism and Pluriversality." Reartikulacija 6:6 (March, 2009): 1-3. [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "Barack y Evo." Pagina 12, News Paper, Buenos Aires, Argentina (December, 2008). [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "La llaga latinoamericana. Entrevista con Claudio Pereda Madrid." Diario La Nacion (September, 2008). [20081129173341.html;]
- Mignolo, WD. "Delinking Epistemology. An Interview with Marina Grzinick." Reartikulacija 5:Part II (September, 2008): Part II-Part II. [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "Economía Global, Mundo Policéntrico." Patina 12, News Paper, Buenos Aires, Argentina (August, 2008). [html]
- with Mignolo, WD; Lastra, A. "La Idea de America Latina. Un Intercambio de Opiniones." Tabula Rasa. Revista de Humanidades. 9 (2008): 285-310. This is a reprint on an interview published
last year in La Torre del Virrey, Valencia,
Spain. [pdf] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Delinking Epistemology. An Interview with Marina Grzinick." Reartikulacija 4:Part 1 (2008): Part 1-Part 1. [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "La Democracia y el Espíritu Global del Capitalismo." Pagina 12, News Paper, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2008). [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "La Mercantilización de la Vida." Pagina 12, News Paper, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2008). [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "Decolonial thoughts." Online blog (2008). [available here]
- Mignolo, WD; Schiwy, F. "Double Translation. Transculturation and the Colonial Difference." Información y Comunicación. Revista Científica 4 (2008): 12-34. This is a reprint of an article published in
2005. [htm]
- Mignolo, WD. "La opcion descolonial. Desprendimiento y Apertura. Un Manifiesto y un caso.." This was an advance of the book Vertientes
Americanas del Pensamiento Descolonial
Tabula Rasa. Revista de Humanidades 8 (2008): 243-281. [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "Revisando las reglas del juego." Tabula Rasa. Revista de Humanidades. Bogota: Colombia 8Las vertientes Americanas del Pensamiento Descolonial. (2008): 321-334. Response to a critique of my article,
published in the same volume.
- Mignolo, WD. "La opción descolonial. Desprendimiento y apertura. Un Manifiesto y un Caso." Las vertientes Americanas del Pensamiento Descolonial. (2008): 175-208. [Detail.aspx]
- Mignolo, WD. "Thinking Decolonially: Citizenship, Knowledge and the Limits of Humanity." Candido Mendes. A Aventura da Consciencia. Essaios Homenagem aois seus 80 años (2008): 225-258.
- Mignolo, WD. "Futuros Globales y Opciones Descoloniales." XVIII Conference de la Latinité, Textes de Reference (2008): 137-152.
- Mignolo, WD. "Racism As We Sense It Today." PMLA 123:5 (2008): 1737-42. [5]
- Mignolo, WD. "Hermeutics of Democracy: The Thought of Limits and the Colonial Difference." Tabula Rasa. Revista de Humanidades. Bogota: Colombia 9 (2008): 39-60. [html]
- Casimir, J; Dubois, L; ed, WM. "Thinking Haiti, Thinking Jean Casimir." WKO, a web dossier 2 (2008).
- Lugones, WDMEM; Jiménez-Lucena, I; Tlostanova, M. "Gender and Decoloniality." WKO, a web dossier 2 (2008).
- Mignolo, WD; Grosfóguel, R; Berkeley, UOCA; Studies, E. "Intervenciones descoloniales." Tabula Rasa. Revista de Humanidades 9 (2008): 29-310.
- Mignolo, WD. "Capitalismo y geopolítica del conocimiento. El eurocentrismo y la filosofía de la liberación en el debate intelectual contemporáneo." (2008).
- Co-edited; Heriberto Cairo Political Sciences, UCDM. "Las vertientes americanas del pensamiento y el proyecto descolonial.." (2008).
- Lastra, WDMYA. "Walter Mignolo y La Idea de América Latina: Un Intercambio de Opiniones (entrevista con Antonio Lastra)." La Torre del Virrey 3, Otoño 2007:3 (December, 2007): 88-110. [available here]
- Mignolo, WD. "Cambiando las éticas y las políticas del conocimiento: lógica de la colonialidad y postcolonialidad imperial." Educación superior, interculturalidad y descolonizaciónEducación superior, interculturalidad y descolonización (August, 2007): 55-86. Reprint of an article published in Tabula
Rasa, Colombia and in Tristes Tropicos,
f, 2006 [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Una vida dedicada al proyecto de-colonial." Nómadas :26 (June, 2007): 186-198.
- Mignolo, WD. "Prólogo: Separar las palabras de las cosas." La idea de América Latina: Le herida colonial y la opción de-colonial (May, 2007): 15-26.
- Mignolo, WD. "Introduction: Coloniality of power and de-colonial thinking." Cultural Studies 21:2-3 (March, 2007): 155-167. [title~content=g776420754~db=all], [doi]
- Mignolo, WD. "The Rhetoric of Modernity, the Logic of Coloniality and the Grammar of De-coloniality." Cultural Studies 21 (March, 2007): 449-514.
- collaboration, WMEI; Escobar, A. "Globalization and the De-Colonial Option." Cultural Studies 21 (March, 2007).
- Mignolo, WD. "Ïslamophobia/Hispanophobia: The (re)Configuration of the Racia Imperial/Colonial Matrix"." Human Architecture. Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge V:Human Architecture (January, 2007): 13-28. [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "Geopolitics of Knowledge and Coloniality of Power. An Interview with Catherine Walsh." Documenta (2007). This is a reprint and translation of an
interview originally published in Spanish.
Shall count also as translation. [article.php] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "The De-Colonial Option and the Meaning of Identity in Politics." Anales. Instituto Iberoamericano, Universidad de Goteborg, Sweden :9/10 (2007): 43-72.
- Mignolo, WD. "El pensamiento descolonial: desprendimiento y apertura." Ël Giro Descolonial. Reflexiones para una diversidad epistémica más allá del capitalismo global (2007): 25-46.
- Mignolo, WD. "The Splendors and Miseries of ’Science’: Coloniality, Geopolitics of Knowledge and Spistemic Pluriversality." Cognitive Justice in a Global World. Prudent Knowledge for a Decent Life (Fall, 2007): 353-375. This is an English translation of an
original article published in Portugues in
2003, edited also by Boaventura de Sousa
- Mignolo, WD. "On De-coloniality." WKO (Worlds and Knowledges Otherwise), a web-dossier 2:1 (Fall, 2007): Size: 10.96 KB (11-222 bytes). [php] [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "The De-Colonial Option and the Meaning of Identity in Politics." Studies in Honor of Heitor Martins (2007): 11-31.
- Mignolo, W. "El pensamiento descolonial: Reflexiones finales." Comentario International (Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar, Quito, Ecuador) 7 (2007): 186-194.
- Mignolo, W. "The Many Faces of Cosmo-polis: Border Thinking and Critical Cosmopolitanism." The 'Universal' in Human Rights: A Precondition for a Dialogue of Cultures. XVth Conference of the Académie de la Latinité. Reference Text (2007): 225-278. [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Citizenship, knowledge, and the limits of humanity." American Literary History 18:2 (December, 2006): 312-331. [ajj019v1], [doi]
- Mignolo, WD. "On the Idea of Latin America." Lucero (Journal of the Graduate Students in Spanish and Portuguese, University of California at Berkeley) 17:17 (November, 2006): 11-36.
- Ed, WDM. "Descolonialidad del Ser y del Saber. Videos Indígenas y los Límites Coloniales de la Izquierda." (March, 2006).
- Mignolo, WD. "Op-ed:“Beyond Populism: Decolonizing the Economy”." Counterpunch (2006). [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "Op-ed: “Giro a la izquierda o giro descolonial? Evo Morales en Bolivia”." Revista del Sur, 164 (2006). [texto_completo.php]
- Mignolo, WD. "Op-ed: “El pensamiento descolonial”." Oldep.net (Observatorio Latino-Americano de Políticas Educacionales, Brazil (2006). [exibir_opiniao.asp]
- Mignolo, WD. "Op-ed: 12) “Giro a la izquierda o giro descolonial? Evo Morales en Bolivia”." Revista del Sur (2006): 164-164. [texto_completo.php]
- Mignolo, WD. "Op-ed: “El pensamiento descolonial”." Amauta.in.br (2006). [index2.php]
- Mignolo, WD. "Op-ed: “El pensamiento descolonial”." Oldep.net (Observatorio Latino-Americano de Políticas Educacionales, Brazil (2006). [exibir_opiniao.asp]
- Mignolo, WD. "Op-ed: “El pensamiento descolonial”." Alai Amlatina (2006). [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "Op-ed: “Populism or another rout to democracy”." Voltaire.net (2006). [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "Op-ed “Nationalization of Natural Gas in Bolivia”." Canadian Dimension (2006). [available here]
- Mignolo, WD. "Op-ed: “Nationalization of Natural Gas in Bolivia”." Resources Center of the Americas.Org (2006). [item_27209]
- Mignolo, WD. "Op-ed: “Bolivian New President is Something Altogether Different”." Duke in the News (2006). [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "Op-ed: “Populism or another rout to democracy”." Alai Amlatina (2006). [html]
- Mignolo, WD. "Op-ed: “Another way to democracy”." Associacao Brazileira de Grandes Consumidores Industriais de Energia (2006).
- Mignolo, WD. "Ser Post.Latinoamericano. Discernir la Nueva Izquierda Latinoamericana." An interview that takes up on several op-eds
previously published.
Revista de Critica Cultural 66: Junio 1966 66:Junio 1966 (2006). [critica%20cultural_tristestopicos.pdf] [abs]
- Mignolo, WD. "Double Critique: Knowledges and Scholars at Risk in the Post-Socialist World." SAQ 105 (2006): 479-500.
- Mignolo, W. "Local Histories/Global Designs." (2004). Translated into Portuguese in 2004
- Mignolo, W. "Le Salaire de la Peur: The Rhetoric of Modernity and the Logic of Coloniality (In French)." Hegemonie et Civilisation de la Peur, Proceedings of the Colloque International de l'Academie de la Latinite (2004).
- Mignolo, WD. "Historias Locales/Diseños Globales; colonialidad, conocimiento subalternos y pensamiento fronterizo." Cuestiones de Antagonismo (2003): 443-443. [pdf]
- Mignolo, W. "The Enduring Enchantment." South Atlantic Quarterly 101:4 (2002). Translated into Russian in 2004 [abs]
- Mignolo, W. "Las geopolíticas de conocimiento y colonialidad del poder. Entrevista a Walter Mignolo.." Indisciplinar las ciencias sociales. Geopolíticas de concimiento y colonialidad del poderPerspectives desde lo Andino (2002).
- Mignolo, W. "José de Acosta's Historia Natural y Moral de Las Indias: Occidentalism, the Modern/Colonial World System and the First Stage of the Colonial Difference." translated by López-Morillas, FM
Natural and Moral History of the Indies (2002).
- Mignolo, W. "Capitalismo y geopolitica del concimiento. El eurocentrismo y la filosofia de la liberacion en el debate intellectual contemporaneo.." (2001).
- Mignolo, WD. "The Many Faces of Cosmo-polis: Border Thinking and Critical Cosmopolitanism." Public Culture 12:3 (Fall, 2000): 721-748. [doi]
- Mignolo, W. "Local Histories and Global Designs: An Interview with Walter Mignolo." Discourse 22:3 (Fall, 2000): 7-33.
- Boone, EH; Mignolo, W. "Writing Without Words: Alternative Literacies in Mesoamerica and the Andes." (1994).
- Adorno, R; Mignolo, W. "Colonial Discourse." Dispositio (1989): 36-38.
- Goic, C; Mignolo, W. "Literature and Historiography in the New World." Dispositio (1986): 28-29.
- Mignolo, W. "Literatura Fantástica y Realismo Maravilloso." 60 slides
(1983): 50-50.
- Mignolo, W. "Cartas, Crónicas y Relaciones del Descubrimiento y de la Conquista." Historia de la Literatura Hispanoamericana (Epoca Colonial) (1982): 56-125.
- Mignolo, W. "El decir de Mansilla." Essays on Lucio Victorio Mansilla 5 (1980): 73-87.