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Publications of David A. Smith    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1. David A. Smith, My Life in Essays (March 11, 2021) [Life%20in%20Essays%203-10-21.pdf]  [abs]
  2. David A. Smith and L. C. Moore, Calculus: Modeling and Application, 2nd Ed. (August, 2010), Mathematical Association of America (an online, interactive textbook.) [calculus-modeling-and-application-2nd-edition]
  3. David A. Smith and L. C. Moore, Calculus: Modeling and Application, Houghton Mifflin Co., Single-Variable Chapters, 1996; Multivariable Chapters, 1997
  4. David A. Smith and L. C. Moore, Mathcad for Windows Laboratory Manual to accompany Calculus: Modeling and Application, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1997
  5. David A. Smith and L. C. Moore, Project CALC Instructor's Guide, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1996
  6. W. H. Barker, David A. Smith, and L. C. Moore, Mathematica Laboratory Manual to accompany Calculus: Modeling and Application, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1996
  7. R. D. Schori, W. H. Barker, David A. Smith, and L. C. Moore, Maple V Laboratory Manual to accompany Calculus: Modeling and Application, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1996
  8. L. D. Blake, David A. Smith, and L. C. Moore, HP-48 Graphing Calculator Laboratory Manual to accompany Calculus: Modeling and Application, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1996
  9. David A. Smith, L. D. Blake, L. C. Moore, and S. Morris, TI-82/85 Graphing Calculator Laboratory Manual to accompany Calculus: Modeling and Application, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1996
  10. P. Lestmann, David A. Smith, and L. C. Moore, Derive Laboratory Manual to accompany Calculus: Modeling and Application, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1996
  11. David A. Smith and L. C. Moore, The Calculus Reader, Parts I, II, and III, Revised Preliminary Edition, D. C. Heath and Co., 1993  [author's comments]
  12. David A. Smith and L. C. Moore, MathCAD/Derive Laboratory Manual to accompany The Calculus Reader, Parts I, II, and III, Revised Preliminary Edition, D. C. Heath and Co., 1993
  13. David A. Smith, G. J. Porter, L. C. Leinbach, and R. H. Wenger (eds.), Computing and Mathematics: The Use of Computers in Undergraduate Mathematics Instruction, MAA Notes No. 9, Mathematical Association of America, 1988
  14. David A. Smith, Logical Problem Solving: Logo Microworlds and Student Guide, Self-published, 1986
  15. David A. Smith, Descriptive Models for Perception of Optical Illusions, I and II, UMAP Units 534 and 535, Undergraduate Mathematics and its Applications Project, 1981  [abs]
  16. David A. Smith, Interface: Calculus and the Computer, Houghton Mifflin Co.,1976; second edition, Saunders College Publishing, 1984
  17. Roy Myers and David A. Smith, SURFACE for the Apple, CONDUIT, 1981
  18. F. J. Murray, R. E. Hodel, M. J. Hodel, T. M. Gallie, R.C. Barr, David A. Smith, and D. A. Smith II, MATHPROGRAM: A Computer Supplement for Calculus, CONDUIT, 1980
  19. David A. Smith, SURFACE: A Graphics Module for Multivariable Calculus, CONDUIT, 1978

Papers Published

  1. Smith, DA; Fey, JT, Algebra as Part of an Integrated High School Curriculum, in And the Rest is Just Algebra, edited by Stewart, S (October, 2016), pp. 119-129, Springer, ISBN 9783319450537 [doi]  [abs]
  2. Smith, DA; Tall, D; Piez, C, Technology and Calculus, in Research on Technology and the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics, Volume 1, Research Syntheses, edited by Heid, MK; Blume, GW (Summer, 2008), pp. 207-258, Information Age Publishing, Inc., Charlotte, NC, ISBN 978-1-931576-19-2
  3. Moore, LC; Smith, DA, Changing technology implies changing pedagogy, in A Fresh Start for Collegiate Mathematics: Rethinking the Courses below Calculus, MAA Notes, edited by Nancy Baxter Hastings et al., vol. 69 (January, 2006), pp. 229-234, The Mathematical Association of America, ISBN 9780883851791 [doi]  [abs]
  4. Smith, DA, Editor's notes, July 2004, Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 4 (July, 2004)
  5. Smith, DA; Moore, LC, Journal of online mathematics and its applications: Raindrops, Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 4 (June, 2004)
  6. Smith, D; Moore, L, The Connected Curriculum Project, Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 1 no. 3 (December, 2001) [html]  [abs]
  7. Smith, D; Moore, L; Chuang, JC; Michel, J, The SIR model for spread of disease, Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 1 no. 3 (December, 2001)
  8. Lipkin, L; Smith, D; Chuang, JC; Michel, J, Logistic growth model, Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 1 no. 3 (December, 2001)
  9. Smith, D; Chuang, JC; Michel, J, World class sprints, Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 1 no. 3 (December, 2001)
  10. Smith, DA; Moore, LC; Barker, WH; Schori, RM; Chuang, JC; Michel, J, World population growth, Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 1 no. 3 (December, 2001)
  11. Moore, L; Smith, D; Mueller, B; Mayfield, B; Chuang, JC; Michel, J, The equiangular spiral, Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 1 no. 3 (December, 2001)
  12. Smith, DA, Editor's notes, Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 1 no. 3 (December, 2001)
  13. Smith, DA, Editor's Notes, Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 1 no. 2 (August, 2001)
  14. Moore, L; Smith, D, Project CALC: Calculus as a laboratory course, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 602 LNCS (January, 1992), pp. 16-20, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 9783540555780 [doi]  [abs]
  15. Smith, DA; Ford, WF; Sidi, A, EXTRAPOLATION METHODS FOR VECTOR SEQUENCES., SIAM Review, vol. 29 no. 2 (January, 1987), pp. 199-233, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM) [doi]  [abs]
  16. Sidi, A; Ford, WF; Smith, DA, ACCELERATION OF CONVERGENCE OF VECTOR SEQUENCES., SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol. 23 no. 1 (January, 1986), pp. 178-196, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM) [doi]  [abs]
  17. Fessler, T; Smith, DA; Ford, F, Algorithm 602: HURRY: An Acceleration Algorithm for Scalar Sequences and Series, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), vol. 9 no. 3 (September, 1983), pp. 355-357, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) [doi]
  18. Fessler, T; Ford, WF; Smith, DA, HURRY: An Acceleration Algorithm for Scalar Sequences and Series, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), vol. 9 no. 3 (September, 1983), pp. 346-354, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) [doi]
  19. Sidi, A; Ford, WF; Smith, DA, ACCELERATION OF CONVERGENCE OF VECTOR SEQUENCES., NASA Technical Paper (January, 1983)  [abs]
  20. Smith, DA; Ford, WF, Numerical comparisons of nonlinear convergence accelerators, Mathematics of Computation, vol. 38 no. 158 (January, 1982), pp. 481-499, JSTOR [doi]  [abs]
  21. Smith, DA, A descriptive model for perception of optical illusions, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, vol. 17 no. 1 (January, 1978), pp. 64-85, Elsevier BV [doi]  [abs]
  22. Smith, DA, Further Comments on “On the Evaluation of [formula omitted] with Applications to 2 Transforms”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 22 no. 6 (January, 1977), pp. 993 [doi]
  23. Smith, DA, Bivariate function algebras on Posets, Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, vol. 1971 no. 251 (January, 1971), pp. 100-109, WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH [doi]
  24. Smith, DA, A calculus-with-computer experiment, Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol. 3 no. 1 (September, 1970), pp. 1-11 [doi]
  25. Smith, DA, Incidence functions as generalized arithmetic functions, iii, Duke Mathematical Journal, vol. 36 no. 2 (January, 1969), pp. 353-367 [doi]
  26. Smith, DA, Incidence functions as generalized arithmetic functions, II, Duke Mathematical Journal, vol. 36 no. 1 (January, 1969), pp. 15-30 [doi]
  27. Smith, DA, Incidence function as generalized arithmetic functions I, Duke Mathematical Journal, vol. 34 no. 4 (January, 1967), pp. 617-633 [doi]
  28. Smith, DA, On semigroups, semirings, and rings of quotients, Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, vol. 30 no. 2 (January, 1966), pp. 123-130 [doi]
  29. Smith, DA, Chevalleyb ases for lie modules, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 115 no. 3 (January, 1965), pp. 283-299 [doi]
  31. Smith, DA, On fixed points of automorphisms of classical lie algebras, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, vol. 14 no. 3 (January, 1964), pp. 1079-1089 [doi]
  32. Jack Bookman, David Malone, Lawrence C. Moore, and David A. Smith, Learning about Online Learning: How Do Students Use Interactive Web-Based Materials?, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Gail Goodell, ed., Addison-Wesley, 2002, pp. 31-34
  33. David A. Smith, Welcome to JOMA, Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 1, no. 1, January, 2001 [html]
  34. David A. Smith, The Active/Interactive Classroom, The Teaching and Learning of Mathematics at University Level: An ICMI Study (Derek Holton, et al., eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, pp. 167-178. [available here]
  35. David A. Smith, Renewal in Collegiate Mathematics Education: Learning from Research, Calculus Renewal: Issues for Undergraduate Mathematics Education in the Next Decade (S. Ganter, ed.), Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2000, pp. 23-40.
  36. David A. Smith, Renewal in Collegiate Mathematics Education, Documenta Mathematica, Extra Volume ICM 1998 III, 777-786 [available here]
  37. David A. Smith, Learning: The Web: Science Magazine Sites, Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 18 (1999), 89-93 [Web]
  38. David A. Smith, What's significant about a digit?, Proceedings of the Ninth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (G. Goodell, ed.), November 7-10, 1996, Addison-Wesley, 1998
  39. M.R. Colvin, L. C. Moore, W. J. Mueller, David A. Smith, and F. A. Wattenberg, Design, development, and use of web-based interactive instructional materials, Proceedings of the Tenth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (G. Goodell, ed.), November 7-9, 1997, Addison-Wesley, 1999
  40. David A. Smith, Learning: The Web: Learning from Original Texts, Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 17 (1998), 285-288
  41. David A. Smith, Learning: The Web: Learning from a .com Site, Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 17 (1998), 291-293 [Site]
  42. Lester Coyle, Lang Moore, William Mueller, David A. Smith, et al., Web-Based Learning Materials: Design, Usage, and Resources, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics, 71-73, Wiley, 1998
  43. David A. Smith, Assessment of student learning with an interactive text, Proceedings of the Eighth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (G. Goodell, ed), November 16-19, 1995, Addison-Wesley, 1997
  44. Jack Bookman and David A. Smith, Assessment in a technological age, Proceedings of the Seventh Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Nov 17-20, 1994; pp 433-437, Addison-Wesley, 1996
  45. David A. Smith, Thinking aobut learning, learning about thinking, Calculus: The Dynamics of Change (A.W. Roberts, ed.) MAA Notes No. 39, pp 31-37, 1996 [available here]
  46. David A. Smith, Learning Software: Retrospective, UME Trends 7 (6) (Jan., 1996), 6-7
  47. David A. Smith, K. Stroyan, D. Mathews, J. Uhl, and L. Senechal, Learning Software: Computers in Calculus Reform, UME Trends 6 (6) (Jan., 1995), 14-15, 31
  48. David A. Smith, Trends in calculus reform, Preparing for a New Calculus (A. Solow et al., eds.), MAA Notes No. 36, pp. 3-13, 1994 [available here]
  49. David A. Smith, Opinion: What's better about reformed calculus?, UME Trends 3 (2) (May, 1991), 5-6. Reprinted in You're the Professor, What Next? (B. A. Case, ed.), MAA Notes No. 35, 1994, pp. B-III-48 to B-III-50
  50. David A. Smith and L. C. Moore, Project CALC (Minicourse), pp. 349-355 in Proceedings of the Fifth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (Lewis Lum, ed.), Addison-Wesley, 1994
  51. David A. Smith, Learning Software: Help from Abroad: Maths&Stats, UME Trends 6 (2) (May, 1994), 4-5
  52. David A. Smith, Learning Software: MPP and MPP3D, UME Trends 5 (4) (Sept., 1993), 6-7
  53. David A. Smith, Calculus and Computers, UME Trends 4 (5) (Dec., 1992), 7
  54. David A. Smith, Question for the future: What about the horse?, Proceedings of the St. Olaf College Conference on Symbolic Computer Systems, October, 1989; reprinted in Symbolic Computation in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Z. Karian, ed.), MAA Notes No. 24, 1992, pp. 1-5
  55. L. C. Moore and David A. Smith, Project CALC: An integrated laboratory course, pp. 81-92 in The Laboratory Approach to Teaching Calculus (L. Carl Leinbach, et al., eds.), MAA Notes No. 20, 1991
  56. David A. Smith, Learning Software: Chaos in the Classroom, UME Trends 3 (2) (May, 1991), 2
  57. David A. Smith, Learning Software: PSL Explorer, UME Trends 2 (6) (Jan., 1991), 2
  58. David A. Smith, Learning Software: GyroGraphics 2.2, UME Trends 2 (4) (Oct., 1990), 2
  59. D. Kraines, V. Kraines, and David A. Smith, Classroom computer capsules, The College Mathematics Journal 20 (1989), 433-438; 21 (1990), 142-145; 21 (1990), 240-241; 21 (1990), 327-329; 21 (1990), 415-419
  60. David A. Smith, Programming in calculus, Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, November 2-4, 1989, Addison-Wesley, 1990
  61. L. C. Moore and David A. Smith, Project CALC, pp. 51-74 in Priming the Calculus Pump: Innovations and Resources (T. W. Tucker, ed.), MAA Notes No. 17, 1990
  62. G. D. Gopen and David A. Smith, What's an assignment like you doing in a course like this?: Writing to learn mathematics, Chapter 17 in Writing to Learn Mathematics and Science (P. Connally and T. Vilardi, eds.), Teachers College Press, 1989; reprinted in The College Mathematics Journal 21 (1990), 2-19
  63. Warren Page and David A. Smith, Learning Software: Phaser, UME Trends 1 (6) (Jan., 1990), 2
  64. David A. Smith, Learning Software: MicroCalc 4.0, UME Trends 1 (4) (Nov., 1989), 2
  65. David A. Smith, What's significant about a digit?, The College Mathematics Journal 20 (1989), 136-139
  66. David A. Smith, Learning Software: MathCAD 2.0, UME Trends 1 (2) (May, 1989), 2
  67. David A. Smith, A minimalist approach to computer use in calculus, Computing and Mathematics: The Use of Computers in Undergraduate Mathematics Instruction, MAA Notes No. 9, 1988
  68. D. P. Kraines and David A. Smith, A computer in the classroom: The time is right, The College Mathematics Journal 19 (1988), 261-267
  69. R. S. Cunningham and David A. Smith, The compleat mathematics software database, The College Mathematics Journal 19 (1988), 268-289
  70. David A. Smith, Newton's n-th root method without derivatives, The College Mathematics Journal 18 (1987), 403-406
  71. David A. Smith, Logo serendipity in calculus lab, Logo Exchange 5, no. 8 (April, 1987), 16-17
  72. R. S. Cunningham and David A. Smith, A mathematics software database update, The College Mathematics Journal 18 (1987), 242-247
  73. David A. Smith, Students benefit from computer-based learning environments, SIAM News, March, 1986, 4, 16-17
  74. R. S. Cunningham and David A. Smith, A mathematics software database, The College Mathematics Journal 17 (1986), 255-266
  75. David A. Smith, It's Showtime!, Collegiate Microcomputer 4 (1986), 261-268
  76. David A. Smith, Editorial note: Three observations on a theme, Mathematics Magazine 58 (1985), 146
  77. David A. Smith and Jack Bookman, The Electronic Study Guide: Precalculus Algebra, The College Mathematics Journal 16 (1985), 218-221
  78. David A. Smith, Apple II mathematics software, CIMSE Newsletter, November 1984
  79. David A. Smith, Using computer graphics to teach mathematics, Pipeline 7, no. 1, Spring, 1982. pp. 14-17  [author's comments]
  80. David A. Smith and W. F. Ford, Numerical comparisons of nonlinear accelerators, Mathematics of Computation 38 (1982), 481-499
  81. David A. Smith, CONDUIT announces new packages in mathematics, CIMSE Newsletter 1, no. 4, February 1982, pp. 5-6
  82. T. M. Gallie, C. H. Lochmuller, S. S. Poss, M. D. Ray, J. O. Rousseau, and David A. Smith, The Duke personal computer project: A strategy for computing literacy, Perspectives in Computing 1 (February, 1981), 4-8  [author's comments]
  83. David A. Smith, A seminar in mathematical model building, American Mathematical Monthly 86 (1979), 777-783
  84. David A. Smith and W. F. Ford, Acceleration of linear and logarithmic convergence, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 16 (1979), 223-240
  85. H. L. Dershem and David A. Smith, Mathematics and statistics, Computers in Teaching: 1979 State of the Art Report of Instructional Computing, CONDUIT, 1980
  86. R. C. Barr, T. M. Gallie, Jr., M. J. Hodel, R. E. Hodel, F. J. Murray, and David A. Smith, A general problem solver for mathematics courses, Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Computers in the Undergraduate Curricula, Denver, 1978, pp. 23-35
  87. David A. Smith, A descriptive model for perception of optical illusions, Journal of Mathematical Psychology 17 (1978), 64-85
  88. David A. Smith, The homicide problem revisited, The Two-Year College Mathematics Journal 9 (1978), 141-145
  89. David A. Smith, An explicit formula for future tenure ratios, AAUP Bulletin 64 (1978), 126-127
  90. David A. Smith, Inexpensive computer graphing of surfaces, Mathematics Magazine 50 (1977), 143-147
  91. G.-C. Rota and David A. Smith, Enumeration under group action, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze, Serie IV, 4 (1977), 637-646  [author's comments]
  92. David A. Smith, Human population growth: Stability or explosion?, Mathematics Magazine 50 (1977), 186-197  [author's comments]
  93. David A. Smith, Computer correction of optical illusions, Creative Computing 3, No. 5 (Sep.-Oct., 1977), 123-125 [showpage.php]
  94. David A. Smith, Further comments on "On the evaluation of the sum of naxn with applications to Z transforms", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control AC22 (1977), 993
  95. David A. Smith, CONDUIT: An information pipeline, Mathematics News, Houghton Mifflin, Jan., 1977
  96. David A. Smith, H. L. Dershem, D. McLaughlin, and A. Ziebur, Computers in teaching mathematics, Computers in Undergraduate Teaching: 1977 CONDUIT State of the Art Reports in Selected Disciplines, CONDUIT, 1977, pp. 147-180
  97. David A. Smith, Numerical differentiation for calculus students, American Mathematical Monthly 82 (1975), 284-287
  98. David A. Smith, Case study: Duke University, pp. 7-8 in Calculus and Computing (S. J. Garland, ed.), American Mathematical Society, 1975
  99. G.-C. Rota and David A. Smith, Fluctuation theory and Baxter algebra, Symposia Mathematica 9 (1972), 179-201
  100. David A. Smith, Generalized arithmetic function algebras, The Theory of Arithmetic Functions, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 251, Springer-Verlag, 1972, 205-245
  101. David A. Smith, Multiplication operators on incidence algebras, Indiana University Journal of Mathematics 20 (1970), 369-383
  102. David A. Smith, Incidence functions as generalized arithmetic functions II, Duke Mathematical Journal 36 (1969), 15-30
  103. David A. Smith, Incidence functions as generalized arithmetic functions III, Duke Mathematical Journal 36 (1969), 353-368
  104. David A. Smith and A. Giovannini, On algebraic structures associated with the 3-j and 6-j symbols, Spectroscopic and Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (F. Bloch, et al., eds.), Racah Memorial Volume, North-Holland Publishing Co., 1968, pp. 87-97
  105. David A. Smith, Circularly generated abelian groups, Fibonacci Quarterly 6 (1968), 36-45
  106. David A. Smith, On the construction of a distributive lattice from a partially ordered set with DCC, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 9 (l968), 515-525
  107. David A. Smith, Incidence functions as generalized arithmetic functions I, Duke Mathematical Journal 34 (1967), 617-634
  108. David A. Smith, The real roots of the equation (x - 1)k = xk-1, American Mathematical Monthly 73 (1966), 754-757
  109. David A. Smith, A basis algorithm for finitely generated abelian groups, Mathematical Algorithms 1 (1966), 13-26


  1. David A. Smith, Technology transitions in college calculus, Proceedings of the Technology Transitions Calculus Conference (J. Harvey, ed) October 9-12, 1997, MAA Notes series , preprint 1998
  2. David A. Smith, L. C. Moore, and J. Goebel, A computer lab for calculus , preprint 1989
  3. David A. Smith, D. Kraines, and V. Kraines, Software in the classroom: The time is right , preprint 1989
  4. David A. Smith, Symbolic computation without a computer algebra system , preprint 1988
  5. David A. Smith, The role of the computer in calculus reform , preprint 1988
  6. David A. Smith, Alternate solutions to educational problems , preprint 1986
  7. David A. Smith, A modest experiment in mathematics education , preprint 1985
  8. David A. Smith, A geometric proof of the sum-of-cubes formula , preprint 1980
  9. David A. Smith and W. F. Ford, On the Cabay-Jackson-Mešina algorithm , preprint 1979
  10. David A. Smith and W. F. Ford, Nonlinear acceleration of linear convergence , preprint 1978
  11. David A. Smith and W. F. Ford, Transformation of divergent series by convergence accelerators , preprint 1978
  12. David A. Smith, Computer calculus without programming , preprint 1975
  13. David A. Smith, The number of 4 by 4 magic squares , preprint 1970
  14. David A. Smith, Baxter algebras, partition lattices, and Polya theory , preprint 1969

Book Reviews

  1. David A. Smith and L. C. Moore, Review of Toward a Lean and Lively Calculus (R. G. Douglas, ed.), The College Mathematics Journal 18 (1987), 439-442
  2. David A. Smith, Apple Logo: The Book, Collegiate Microcomputer 4 (1986) 345-351, 381
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