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Gregory R. Lockhead, Professor Emeritus of Psychological and Brain Sciences

Gregory R. Lockhead
Contact Info:
Office Location:  242 Soc-Psych, Durham, NC 27708
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Ph.D.Johns Hopkins University1965
BSTufts University, Medford, Massachusetts1958
Research Interests: Perception, Sensation, and Psychophysics

Theoretical issues of cognitive processes (perception and categorization), and measurement issues of psychophysics (vision, audition, judgment, context), as they relate to questions about identification and classification (e.g., How will I recognize you the next time I see you?).

Recent Publications   (More Publications)   (search)

  1. Needham, A, Dueker, G, & Lockhead, G., (2005). Infants’ formation and use of categories to segregate objects. Cognition, 94, 215-240...
  2. Lockhead, GR (2004). Absolute judgments are relative: A reinterpretation of some psychophysical ideas. Review of General Psychology, 8(4), 265-272. [doi]  [abs]
  3. Lockhead, G.R. & Wolbarsht, M. "The moon illusion and other toys." The Moon Illusion. Ed. M. Hershenson Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 2004: 259-266.
  4. Huettel, SA; Lockhead, G (2001). Variability is not uniformily bad: The practices of psychologists generate research questions. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24(3), 418-419. [doi]  [abs]
  5. G. Lockhead "Context and Judgment." Fechner Day 2001. Pabst Science Publishers, Leipzig, Germany, 2001: 186-192.

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