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Tanya L. Chartrand, Roy J. Bostock Marketing Distinguished Professor

Tanya L. Chartrand
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Teaching (Spring 2025):

  • Hlthmgmt 715.401, Marketng of health & wellness Synopsis
    Fuqua 2008 mba, MTh 01:45 PM-04:00 PM
  • Hlthmgmt 715.402, Marketng of health & wellness Synopsis
    Fuqua 2008 mba, MTh 10:30 AM-12:45 PM
  • Marketng 796.301, Market research Synopsis
    Fuqua 2008 mba, MTh 08:00 AM-10:15 AM
  • Marketng 796.302, Market research Synopsis
    Fuqua 2008 mba, MTh 10:30 AM-12:45 PM

Ph.D.New York University1999

Social Psychology
Research Interests: Consumer Behavior, Social Psychology, Social Cognition, Automaticity and Nonconscious Processes, Research Methods

Areas of Interest:

Nonconscious Goal Pursuit
Automatic Behavioral Mimicry
Consequences of Nonconscious Processes for Mood, Cognition, Judgment, Motivation, and Behavior

Curriculum Vitae
Current Ph.D. Students   (Former Students)

    Postdocs Mentored

    • Terrance Horgan (2001 - 2004)
    Representative Publications   (More Publications)   (search)

    1. Bargh, JA; Chartrand, TL (1999). The unbearable automaticity of being. American Psychologist, 54(7), 462-479. [doi]  [abs]
    2. Chartrand, TL; Bargh, JA (1999). The chameleon effect: the perception-behavior link and social interaction.. Journal of personality and social psychology, 76(6), 893-910. [doi]  [abs]
    3. Chartrand, TL; Bargh, JA (1996). Automatic Activation of Impression Formation and Memorization Goals: Nonconscious Goal Priming Reproduces Effects of Explicit Task Instructions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71(3), 464-478. [doi]  [abs]
    4. Lakin, JL; Chartrand, TL (2003). Using nonconscious behavioral mimicry to create affiliation and rapport.. Psychological science, 14(4), 334-339. [doi]  [abs]
    5. Chartrand, TL (2005). The role of conscious awareness in consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 15(3), 203-210. (in press). [doi]  [abs]

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