Click here for a printer-ready
version, or download as a PDF file. Books
- Jameson, F. Signatures of the visible. January, 2016: 1-350. [doi] [abs]
- Jameson, F. Marxism and form: 20th-Century dialectical theories of literature. Princeton University Press, January, 2016: 1-432. [abs]
- Jameson, F. The Ancients and the Postmoderns: On the Historicity of Forms. Verso, 2015.
- BENNETT, B; BOWLBY, R; LAWSON, A; STOREY, M; THOMPSON, G; JAMESON, F. Roundtable - Fredric Jameson, The Antinomies of Realism
(London: Verso,
2013, £20.00). Pp. 432. isbn: 978 1 7816
8133 6.. Cambridge University Press (CUP), November, 2014: 1069-1089. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Jameson, F. Signatures of the visible. Routledge, Chapman & Hall, Inc., October, 2013: 1-254. [doi] [abs]
- Jameson, F. Representing Capital: A Commentary on Volume One. 2011.
- Jameson, F. The Hegel Variations. 2011.
- with Jameson, F; Jameson, F; Usanos, D. Reflexiones sobre la postmodernidad. Abada Editores, 2010.
- Jameson, F. The Hegel Variations: On the Phenomenology of Spirit. Verso, 2010.
- Jameson, F. Jameson on Jameson. edited by Buchanan, I Duke University Press, 2007.
- Jameson, F. The Modernist Papers. Verso, 2007.
- Jameson, F. Archeologies of the Future: The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science Fictions. Verso Press, 2005.
- Jameson, F. A Singular Modernity. Verso Press, 2002.
- Jameson, F. The Jameson Reader. edited by Hardt, M, ; Weeks, K Blackwell Publishing, July, 2000: 408 pages. [abs]
- Jameson, F. Brecht and Method. London: Verso Press, 1998.
- Jameson, F. The Cultural Turn. London: Verso Press, 1998.
- Jameson, F. Theory of Culture. Rikkyo University, 1994. (Lectures at Rikkyo University)
- Jameson, F. Seeds of Time. Columbia University Press, 1994.
- Jameson, F. The Geopolitical Aesthetic, or, Cinema and Space in the World System. Inidiana University Press and BFI Publishsing, 1992.
- Jameson, F. Late Marxism: Adorno, or, the Persistence of the Dialectic. London: Verso Press, 1990.
- Jameson, F. The Ideology of Theory, Essays 1971-1986. Vol. 1 Situations of Theory, Vol. 2 The Syntax of History University of Minnesota Press, 1988.
- Jameson, F. Postmodernism & Cultural Theories. 1987. (Houxiandaizhuyi he Wenhualilun (Lectures in
China) (Xi'an: Shanxi Teacher's University)
Reprinted in journals in Taiwan & Hong Kong
1988 Reprinted in Taiwan with new preface by
Tang Xiaobing 1989)
- Jameson, F. The Political Unconscious. Cornell University Press, 1981.
- Jameson, F. Fables of Aggression: Wyndham Lewis, The Modernist as Fascist. University of California Press, 1979.
- Jameson, F. The Prison-House of Language. Princeton University Press, 1972. (Reprinted in Japanese 1989
Reprinted in Korean 1989)
- Jameson, F. Sartre: The Origins of a Style. Yale University Press, 1961. (Reissued 1984 (Columbia University Press))
Book in Progress
- Jameson, F. Adaptation as a Philosophical Question. edited by MacCabe, C Oxford University Press, 2012: 215-233.
- Jameson, F. Representing Capital. Verso, 2010.
- Jameson, F. Globalization and hybridization. Routledge, September, 2009: 315-319. [doi]
- Jameson, F. Capital in its Time and Space. Verso, 2007. Ideologies of Theory 2008
- Jameson, F. History and elegy in Sokurov. University of Chicago Press, January, 2006: 1-12. [doi]
- Jameson, F. translation of an Italian essay. 2006.
Articles in a Journal
- Jameson, F. "Schematizations, or How to Draw a Thought." Critical Inquiry 50:1 (September, 2023): 31-53. [doi] [abs]
- Jameson, F. "STANISŁAW LEM AND THE QUESTION OF ALIENS." Polish Review 68:2 (June, 2023): 14-17. [doi] [abs]
- Jameson, F; Jingfang, H. "CHAPTER TEN Critical Ecotopia in Hao Jingfang's Vagabonds." Prism 19 (December, 2022): 164-180. [doi]
- Jameson, F. "Criticism and Categories." PMLA 137:3 (May, 2022): 563-567. [doi]
- Jameson, FR. "On levels and categories." Historical Materialism 29:1 (January, 2021): 221-233. [doi] [abs]
- Jameson, F. "Aesthetics today." CLCWeb - Comparative Literature and Culture 22:3 (January, 2020): 1-4. [doi]
- Jameson, F. "On Literary and Cultural Import-Substitution in the Third World: The Case of the Testimonio." NOVOE LITERATURNOE OBOZRENIE :165 (2020): 58-74.
- Jameson, FR. "ROBERT VENTURI 1925-2018." ARTFORUM INTERNATIONAL 57:5 (2019): 39-40.
- Jameson, F. "Preface." Rethinking Marxism 30:3 (July, 2018): 333-335. [doi]
- Jameson, F. "Badiou and the French tradition." New Left Review :102 (November, 2016): 99-117.
- Jameson, F. "Marxist criticism and hegel." PMLA 131:2 (March, 2016): 430-438. [doi]
- Jameson, F. "Gherman's anti-aesthetic." New Left Review :97 (January, 2016): 95-105.
- Jameson, FR. "The Structure of World History: From Modes of Production to Modes of Exchange." CRITICISM-A QUARTERLY FOR LITERATURE AND THE ARTS 58:2 (2016): 327-339.
- Jameson, F. "In Hyperspace." London Review of Books 37:17 (September, 2015): 17-22.
- Jameson, F. "Remarks on Henry James." Henry James Review 36:3 (September, 2015): 296-306. [doi]
- Jameson, F. "on Re-reading Life and Fate." New Left Review 95:95 (September, 2015): 81-93.
- Jameson, F. "Early Lukács, aesthetics of politics?." Historical Materialism 23:1 (March, 2015): 3-27. [doi] [abs]
- Jameson, F. "The aesthetics of singularity." New Left Review :92 (March, 2015): 101-132.
- Jameson, F. "Sartre's actuality." New Left Review :88 (July, 2014): 113-119.
- Jameson, F. "Beyond the Cave: Demystifying the Ideology of Modernism." Bulletin of the Midwest Modern Language AssociationContemporary Marxist Literary Criticism (January, 2014): 1-20. [doi] [abs]
- Jameson, F. "Wagner as Dramatist and Allegorist." Modernist Cultures 8:1 (May, 2013): 9-41. [doi]
- Jameson, F. "The Vanishing Mediator: Narrative Structure in Max Weber." New German Critique (January, 2013): 52-89.
- Jameson, F. "Modernism and its Repressed: Robbe-Grillet as Anti-Colonialist." Diacritics 6 (January, 2013): 7-14.
- Jameson, F. "Of Islands and Trenches: Neutralization and the Production of Utopian Discourse." Diacritics 7 (January, 2013): 2-21.
- Jameson, F. "The Symbolic Inference: or, Kenneth Burke and Ideological Analysis." Critical Inquiry 4 (January, 2013): 507-523.
- Jameson, F. "Interview." Diacritics 12 (January, 2013): 72-91.
- Jameson, F. "Morality versus Ethical Substance; or Aristotelian Marxism in Alasdair MacIntyre." Social Text 8 (January, 2013): 151-154.
- Jameson, F. "Third World Literature in the Era of Multinational Capitalism." Social Text (January, 2013): 65-88.
- Jameson, F. "Discussion: Contemporary Chinese Writing." Polygraph 1 (January, 2013): 3-9.
- Jameson, F. "On Literary and Cultural Import-Substitution in the Third World: The Case of the Testimonio." Margins (January, 2013): 11-34.
- Jameson, F. "Soseki and Western Modernism." boundary 2 18 (January, 2013): 123-141.
- Jameson, F. "Benjamin’s Readings." Diacritics (January, 2013): 19-34.
- Jameson, F. "Céline and Innocence." South Atlantic Quarterly 93 (January, 2013): 311-319.
- Jameson, F. "“ Actualité de Sartre”." (2013): pp. 177-187.
- Jameson, F. "Antinomies of the realism-modernism debate." Modern Language Quarterly 73:3 (September, 2012): 475-485. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Cevasco, ME. "Imagining a Space That Is Outside." the minnesota review 2012:78 (May, 2012): 83-94. [doi] [abs]
- Jiangang, Y; Xian, W; Jameson, F. "Marxism and Form: An Interview with Prof. Fredric Jameson." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 32:2 (March, 2012): 77-81.
- Jameson, F. "Dirty Little Secret." London Review of Books 34:22 (2012).
- Jameson, F. "Eine Neue Kapital-Lecture." Das Argument 34:22 (2012): 39-42.
- Jameson, F. "Red Plenty." NEW LEFT REVIEW :75 (2012): 119-127. [Gateway.cgi]
- Jameson, F. "Filming Marx." Europe 89:988-989 (August, 2011): 179-188.
- Jameson, F. "Deineke." essay for exhibit catalogue (2011).
- Jameson, F. "Realism and Utopia in the Wire." Criticism vol. 52:3-4 (2011): 359-372. [doi]
- Jameson, F. "Dresden’s Clocks." New Left Review vol. 71 (2011): 141-152.
- Jameson, F. "The Luck of Per Sedonius." London Review of Books vol. 71:#20 (2011): 17-18.
- Jameson, F. "A businessman in love." Teksty Drugie :1-2 (December, 2010): 267-277. [abs]
- Jameson, F. "Regieoper, or Eurotrash?." New Left Review :64 (July, 2010): 111-129.
- Jameson, F. "War and representation." PMLA 124:5 (October, 2009): 1532-1547. [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Jameson, F. "“Filming Capital”." New Left Review (2009).
- Jameson, F. "“Then You Are Them”." London Review of Books (2009).
- Sofronov, V; Jameson, F; Amariglio, J; Madra, YM. "The theory of marxism:Questions and answers." Rethinking Marxism 20:3 (July, 2008): 367-384. [doi] [abs]
- Jameson, F. "Critical response I: How not to historicize theory." Critical Inquiry 34:3 (January, 2008): 563-582. [doi]
- Jameson, F. "The square peg in the round hole or the history of spaceflight." Critical Inquiry 34:2 SUPPL. (January, 2008): 172-183. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Jameson, F. "A note on reification in Hegel's logic." Critical Quarterly 50:3 (January, 2008): 33-42. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Jameson, F. "New Literary History after the End of the New." NEW LITERARY HISTORY 39:3 (2008): 375-387.
- Jameson, F. "Introduction to Isozaki Arata's "City Demolition Industry, Inc." and "Rumor City"." South Atlantic Quarterly 106:4 (December, 2007): 849-852. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Jameson, F. "O romance histórico ainda è possível?." Novos Estudos CEBRAP :77 (January, 2007): 185-203. [doi] [abs]
- Jameson, F. "A Note on the Specificity of Newer Turkish Cinema." Ekran (2007).
- Jameson, F. "Note on Literary Realism." (2007).
- Jameson, F. "Lacan and the Dialectic." (2006).
- Jameson, F. "Lolita after Fifty Years"." Playboy (December, 2005).
- Jameson, F. "Marc Angenot, Literary History, and the Study of Culture In the Nineteenth Century." The Yale Journal of Criticism 17:2 (September, 2004): 233-253. [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Jameson, F. "Symptoms of theory or symptoms for theory?." Critical Inquiry 30:2 (Winter, 2004): 403-408. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Jameson, F. "The politics of Utopia." New Left Review :25 (January, 2004): 35-54. [Gateway.cgi]
- Jameson, F. "Thoughts on Balkan Cinema." (2004): 231-257.
- Jameson, F. "Storia ed Elegia in Sokurov." (2004): 127-133.
- Jameson, F. "Moms: The generic window." New Literary History 34:3 (December, 2003): 431-451. [doi]
- Jameson, F. "Fear and loathing in globalization." New Left Review 23:23 (September, 2003): 105-114. [Gateway.cgi]
- Jameson, F. "The end of temporality." Critical Inquiry 29:4 (January, 2003): 695-718. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Jameson, F. "Future city." New Left Review 21:21 (January, 2003): 65-79. [Gateway.cgi]
- Jameson, F. ""On Kenzburo Oe"." London Review of Books (2003).
- Jameson, F. ""Morus the Generic Window"." New Literary History (2003).
- Jameson, F. "Radical fantasy." Historical Materialism 10:4 (December, 2002): 273-280. [doi]
- Jameson, F. "The dialectics of disaster." South Atlantic Quarterly 101:2 (December, 2002): 297-304. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Miller, JH; Imbert, C; Clifford, J; Kaplan, C; Kamuf, P; Conley, V; Terdiman, R; Jameson, F; MacCannell, D. "Questionnaire." Contemporary French and Francophone Studies 5:1 (December, 2001): 221-226. [doi]
- Jameson, F. "A defence of history and class consciousness: Tailism and the dialectic." RADICAL PHILOSOPHY 110:110 (2001): 36-40. [Gateway.cgi]
- Jameson, F. "Globalization and political strategy." New Left Review 2:4 (Winter, 2000): 49-68. [Gateway.cgi]
- Jameson, F. "On the Matrix." Centre Pompidou (2000).
- Jameson, F. "On Neal Bell." South Atlantic Quarterly 99:2/3 (2000).
- Jameson, F. "The Theoretical Hesitation: Bejamin’s Sociological Predecessor." Critical Inquiry 25:2 (1999): 267-288. [doi]
- Jameson, F. "Persistencies of the dialectic: Three sites." Science and Society 62:3 (September, 1998): 358-372. [Gateway.cgi] [abs]
- Jameson, F. "The Brick and the Baloon." New Left Review 228 (1998): 25-46.
- Jameson, F. "Culture and Finance Capital." Critical Inquiry 24:1 (1997): 246-265. [doi]
- Jameson, F. "Marxism and dualism in Deleuze." SOUTH ATLANTIC QUARTERLY 96:3 (1997): 393-416. [Gateway.cgi]
- Jameson, F. "XXL Rem Koolhaas’s Great Big Bildungsroman." Village Voice 145 (May, 1996).
- Jameson, F. "Space Wars." London Review of Books 18:7 (1996).
- Jameson, F. "Five theses on actually existing Marxism." translated Das Argument, Vol. 18: 20
- Jameson, F. "Prussian Blues." London Review of Books 18:20 (1996).
- Jameson, F. "Après the Avant Garde." London Review of Books 18:24 (1996).
- Jameson, F. "A Message in the Bottle for a Different Future." Materiallien sum Historisch-Kritischen Wörterbuch des Marxismus (1996).
- Jameson, F. "Marx’s Purloined Letter." New Left Review 209:4 (1995): 86-120.
- Jameson, F. "The Sartrean Origin." Sartre Studies International 1:1/2 (1995).
- Jameson, F. "Culture, Technology & Politics in the Postmodern Conditions." iichiko intercultural 6 (1994): 96-107.
- Jameson, F. "Representations of Subjectivity." Social Discourse 6 (1994).
- Nicholsen, SW; Jameson, F; Marxism, L. "Adorno in Postmodern Perspective." Thesis Eleven 34:1 (January, 1993): 178-185. [doi] [abs]
- Jameson, F. "On Cultural Studies’." Social Text 34 (1993): 17-52.
- Jameson, F. "Actually Existing Marxism." Polygraph 6/7 (1993): 170-195.
- with Jameson, F; Speaks, M. "Envelopes and Enclaves: The Space of Post-Civil Society (An Architectural Conversation)." Assemblage 17 (April, 1992): 30-37.
- Jameson, F. "After Armageddon: Character Systems in Dr. Bloodmoney." On Philip K. Dick: 40 Articles
Science Fiction Studies (1992): 26-36.
- Jameson, F. "Spatial Systems in North by Northwest." Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Lacan (1992): 47-72.
- Jameson, F. "Spatmarxismus: Adorno in der Postmoderne." Das Argument 188 (1991): 565-575.
- Jameson, F. "Postmodernism and the Market." The Retreat of the Intellectuals: Socialist Register 1990The Retreat of the Intellectuals: Socialist Register 1990 (1990): 95-110.
- Jameson, F. "On Contemporary Marxist Theory: An Interview with." Alif 10 (1990): 114-131.
- Jameson, F. "Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism." 1986 Reprinted (Spanish) Casa de Las
Americas 141-173. 1989 Reprinted (Italian)
Garzanti Editore, 7-103. 1991 Reprinted
Storming the Reality Studio, L. McCaffery,
ed. (Duke University Press)219-228
:4604 (1990): 7-7.
- Jameson, F. "A Third Stage of Capitalism." Feb.10 Source: New Left Review 176
July/August 1989
Frontier (India) 22:26 (1990): 8-9.
- Jameson, F. "Critical Agendas." Science-Fiction Studies 17 (1990): 93-102.
- Jameson, F. "Theory in a New Situation." Printed in Russian only
Voprosy Literatury 6 (1990): 86-89.
- Jameson, F. "Postmodernism and the Market." (1990): 95-110.
- JAMESON, F. "NOSTALGIA FOR THE PRESENT." SOUTH ATLANTIC QUARTERLY 88:2 (Spring, 1989): 517-537. [Gateway.cgi]
- Jameson, F. "The Space of Science Fiction: Narrative in A. E. Van Vogt." Polygraph 2/3 (1989): 52-65.
- Colonna, V; Liebow, C; Allard, L. "La Lecture sans l’interpretation Le postmodernisme et le texte video." Extrait de Communications :48 (November, 1988): 105-120. [abs]
- Jameson, F. "Postmodernism & Utopia." Institute of Contemporary Art (March, 1988): ll-32.
- Jameson, F. "History and Class Consciousness as an "Unfinished Project"." Rethinking MARXISM 1:1 (January, 1988): 49-72. [doi]
- Jameson, F. "La lecture sans l'interprétation." Communications 48:1 (1988): 105-120. [doi]
- JAMESON, F. "ON NEGT AND KLUGE." OCTOBER 46:46 (Fall, 1988): 151-177. [Gateway.cgi]
- Jameson, F. "’Introduction to Borge’ & ’Interview with Thomas Borge’." New Left Review :164 (July, 1987): 51-64.
- Jameson, F. "The state of the subject (III)." Critical Quarterly 29:4 (January, 1987): 16-25. [doi]
Future" 241-247
SCIENCE-FICTION STUDIES 14 (1987): 44-59. [Gateway.cgi]
- Jameson, F. "Andrea Ward Speaks with Fredric Jameson." Interview
Impulse (1987): 8-9.
WEIMARER BEITRAGE 33:8 (1987): 1393-1398. [Gateway.cgi]
- Jameson, F. "Regarding Postmodernism - A Conversation with Fredric Jameson." Social Text :17 (1987): 29-54.
- Jameson, F. "A Brief Response." Social Text :17 (1987): 26-28.
- Jameson, F. "Four Ways of Looking at a Fairy Tale." Artists Space
The Fairy Tale: Politics, Desire, and Everyday Life (October, 1986): 16-24.
- Jameson, F. "On Magic Realism in Film." Critical Inquiry 12:2 (January, 1986): 301-325. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Jameson, F. "An Interview with F. R. Jameson by A. Stephanson on Postmodernism." Flash Art :131 (1986): 69-73.
- Jameson, F. "Forward to Jacques Attali’s Noise: The Political Economy of Music." (1985).
- Jameson, F. "Introduction to Sartre after Sartre." Yale French Studies :68 (1985): iii-xi.
- Jameson, F. "Forward to Jean-Francois Lyotard’s The Postmodern Condition." (1984).
- Jameson, F. "Afterward to Jameson’s Sartre: The Origins of a Style." 2nd edition (1984).
- Jameson, F. "Literary Innovation and Modes of Production." Modern Chinese Literature I:1 (1984): 67-68.
- Jameson, F. "The Politics of Theory: Ideological Positions in the Postmodernism Debate." New German Critique 33:33 (Fall, 1984): 53-53. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Jameson, F. "Wallace Stevens." New Orleans Review 11:1 (1984): 10-19.
- Jameson, F. "Utopian and Fantasy Literature in East Germany - The Development of a Genre of Fiction 1945-1979." Review Article, H. Heidtmann, "Science
Fiction & the German Democratic Republic
Science Fiction Studies 11:33 (1984): 194-199.
- with Jameson, F; Kavanagh, JH. "The Weakest Link: Marxism & Literary Studies." The Left Academy: Marxist Scholarship on American Campuses 11 (1984): 1-14.
- Jameson, F. "Postmodernism, Or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism." New Left Review (1984): 52-92.
- Jameson, F. "L’éclatement du recit et la clôture californienne." Litterature :49 (February, 1983): 89-101.
- Jameson, F. "Science Versus Ideology." Humanities in Society 6:2-3 (1983): 283-302.
- Jameson, F. "Euphorias of Substitution: Hubert Aquin and the Political Novel in Quebec." Yale French Studies :65 (1983): 214-214. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Jameson, F. "Futuristic Visions that tell us about right now." on P. K. Dick
In These Times VI:23 (May, 1982): 5-11.
- Jameson, F. "On Aronson’s Sartre." Minnesota Review :18 (1982): 116-127.
- Jameson, F. "On Diva." Social Text :6 (1982): 114-119.
- Jameson, F. "Towards a New Awareness of Genre." Science Fiction Studies :28 (1982): 322-324.
- Jameson, F. "Reading Hitchcock." October :23 (1982): 15-42.
- Jameson, F. "Sartre in Search of Flaubert." New York Times Book Review (December, 1981): 5-5.
- Jameson, F. "From Criticism to History." New Literary History 12:ii (1981): 367-376.
- Jameson, F. "In the Destructive Element Immerse: Hans Jurgen Syberberg and Cultural Revolution." October :17 (1981): 99-118.
- Jameson, F. "The Shining." Social Text :4 (1981): 114-125.
- JAMESON, F. "SF NOVEL - SF FILM." SCIENCE-FICTION STUDIES 7:NOV (1980): 319-322. [Gateway.cgi]
- Jameson, F. "But Their Cause Is Just: Israel and the Palestinians." New Haven Advocate (October, 1979): 6-6.
- Jameson, F. "But Their Cause Is Just: Israel and the Palestinians." Seven Days 3:xi (September, 1979): 19-21.
- Jameson, F. "Marxism and Historicism." New Literary History 11:1 (1979): 41-41. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Jameson, F. "Marxism and Teaching." New Political Science :2-3 (1979): 3l-35.
- Jameson, F. "Reification and Utopia in Mass Culture." French translation, Quebec
Social Text :1 (1979): 130-148.
- Jameson, F. "Towards a Libidinal Economy of Three Modern Painters." Social Text :1 (1979): 189-199.
- Jameson, F. "Ideology & Symbolic Action: Reply to Kenneth Burke." Critical Inquiry 5:ii (1978): 417-422.
- Jameson, F. "Ideology, narrative analysis, and popular culture." Theory and Society 4:4 (December, 1977): 543-559. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Jameson, F. "Class and Allegory in Contemporary Mass Culture: Dog Day Afternoon as a Political Film." Reissued Screen Education #30 (1979): 75-92
College English 38:8 (April, 1977): 843-843. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Jameson, F. "Imaginary and Symbolic in La Rabouilleuse." Social Science Information 16:1 (January, 1977): 59-81. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Jameson, F. "On Jargon." Minnesota Review :9 (1977): 30-31.
- Jameson, F. "Imaginary and Symbolic in Lacan: Marxism, Psychoanalytic Criticism, and the Problem of the Subject." Yale French Studies :55/56 (1977): 338-338. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Jameson, F. "Authentic Ressentiment: The "Experimental" Novels of Gissing." Nineteenth-Century Fiction 31:2 (September, 1976): 127-149. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Jameson, F. "Au then tic Ressentiment: The “Experimental” Novels of Gissing." Nineteenth-Century Fiction 31:2 (January, 1976): 127-149. [doi]
- JAMESON, F. "IDEOLOGY OF THE TEXT." Reissued Winter, 1976
- Jameson, F. "Collective Art in the Age of Cultural Imperialism." alcheringa :2 (ii) (1976): 108-111.
- Jameson, F; White, H. "Figural Relativism, or the Poetics of Historiography." Diacritics 6:1 (Spring, 1976): 2-2. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Jameson, F. "On Goffman’s Frame Analysis." Theory and Society 3:1 (1976): 119-133. [doi]
- Jameson, F. "Political Painting: New Perspectives on the Realism Controversy." Praxis :2 (1976): 225-230.
- Jameson, F. "The re-invention of Marx." Times Literary Supplement (August, 1975): 942-943.
- Jameson, F. "Magical Narratives: Romance as Genre." New Literary History 7:1 (1975): 135-135. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Jameson, F. "World Reduction in Le Guin: The Emergence of Utopian Narrative." Science Fiction Studies :2 (iii) (1975): 221-230.
- Jameson, F. "Metacommentary." PMLA :86(1) (January, 1974): 9-18.
- Jameson, F. "Benjamin as Historian, Or How to Write a Marxist Literary History." Minnesota Review :3 (1974): 116-136.
- Jameson, F. "Change, Science Fiction, and Marxism: Open or Closed Universes? In Retrospect." Science Fiction Studies :1 (iv) (1974): 272-276.
- Jameson, F. "Demystifying Literary History." New Literary History :5 (1974): 605-612.
- Jameson, F. "Generic Discontinuities in Science Fiction: Brian Aldiss’ Starship." Science Fiction Studies :2 (1973): 57-68.
- Jameson, F. "Wyndham Lewis as Futurist." Hudson Review :26 (1973): 295-329.
- Jameson, F. "The Great American Hunter: Ideological Content in the Novel." College English :34 (1972): 180-197.
- Jameson, F. "Metacommentary." PMLA :86(1) (January, 1971): 9-18.
- Jameson, F. "The Case for Georg Lukács." Salmagundi :13 (1970): 3-35.
- Jameson, F. "On Raymond Chandler." Southern Review :6 (1970): 624-650.
- Jameson, F. "Seriality in Modern Literature." Bucknell Review :18 (1970): 63-80.
- Jameson, F. "La Cousine Bette and Allegorical Realism." PMLA :86 (1970): 241-254.
- Jameson, F. "Walter Benjamin; or, Nostalgia." Salmagundi :10-11 (1969): 52-68.
- Jameson, F. "Introduction to T. W. Adorno." Salmagundi 10-11 (1969): 140-143.
- Jameson, F. "Walter Benjamin; or, Nostalgia." Salmagundi :10-11 (1969): 52-68.
- Jameson, F. "On Politics and Literature." Salmagundi 2:iii (1968): 17-26.
- Jameson, F. "T. W. Adorno; or, Historical Tropes." Salmagundi 5 (1967): 3-43.
Articles in a Collection
- Jameson, F. "A BRIEF RESPONSE." Postcolonialism: Critical concepts in literary and cultural studies. January, 2023, 589-591. [abs]
- Jameson, F. "THIRD-WORLD LITERATURE IN THE ERA OF MULTINATIONAL CAPITALISM." Postcolonialism: Critical concepts in literary and cultural studies. January, 2023, 541-564. [abs]
- Jameson, F. "The Experiments of Time: Providence and Realism." The Novel: Forms and Themes: Volume 2. January, 2022, 95-127.
- Jameson, F. "A Businessman in Love." The Novel: Forms and Themes: Volume 2. January, 2022, 436-446.
- Said, E; Jameson, F; Ahmad, A. "Orientalism, Postmodernity, and the Problem with Capitalist Culture." Capitalism and Its Uncertain Future. January, 2021, 169-178. [doi] [abs]
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- Jameson, F. "Progress versus Utopia; or, can we imagine the future?." Science Fiction Criticism: An Anthology of Essential Writings. January, 2017, 211-224.
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- Jameson, F. "Suffocating kinesis: The late films of Aleksey Gherman." The Global Auteur: the Politics of Authorship in 21st Century Cinema. January, 2016, 149-158.
- Jameson, F. "'Ulysses' in history." James Joyce and Modern Literature Ed. McCormack, WJ; Stead, A. Routledge & Kegan Paul,
December, 2015, 126-141. [abs]
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- Jameson, F. "Dekalog as Decameron." Fredric Jameson: A Critical Reader Ed. Homer, S; Kellner, D. Palgrave MacMillan,
2004, 210-222.
- Jameson, F. "Storia ed Elegia in Sokurov." Alessandr Sokurov: Eclissi di Cinema Ed. Celle, SFD; Ghezzi, E; Jankowski, A. 2004, 127-133. (21st Torino Film Festival, 2003)
- Jameson, F. "History lessons." Architecture and Revolution: Contemporary Perspectives on Central and Eastern Europe. September, 2003, 69-80.
- Jameson, F. ""Experiments with Time: Realism and the Providential"." Il Romanzo Ed. Moretti, F. 2003, 183-213.
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- Jameson, F. "The Imaginary of Globalization." Collective Imagination: Limits and Beyond Ed. Larreta, E. 2001, 21-52.
- Jameson, F. "The Story of a Year: Continuities and Discontinuities in Marc Angenot’s 1889." Peripheries of 19th Century French Studies: Views from the Edge. University of Delaware Press,
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- Jameson, F. "Cognitive Mapping." Marxism & the Interpretation of Culture Ed. Nelson, C; Grossberg, L. Urbana: U. of Illinois Press,
- Jameson, F. "Modernism & Imperialism." Nationalism, Colonialism & Literature. Field Day Pamphlet, Derry, Ireland,
1988, 5-25. (Reprinted 1990 University of Minnesota
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- Jameson, F. "Postmodernism & Consumer Society." Postmodernism & Its Discontents Ed. Kaplan, EA. Verso Press,
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- Jameson, F. "Postmodernism: Commodification & Cultural Expansion." . March, 1987. (Houxiandaizhuyi: Shangpinghua yu
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- Jameson, F. "Post Modernism & Video Text." Poetics of Writing Ed. al, NFE. Manchester Press,
- JAMESON, F. "ON 'HABITS OF THE HEART'." . Fall, 1987, 545-565. (Reprinted 1988 in Community in America C.
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- Sanfilippo, F; Bollinger, R. "Foreword." Caliban & Other Essays. Elsevier BV,
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- Jameson, F. "Baudelaire as Modernist and Postmodernist: The Dissolution of the Referent and the Artificial ‘Sublime’." Lyric Poetry: Beyond New Criticism Ed. Hosek, C; Parker, P. Cornell University Press,
1985, 247-263.
- Jameson, F. "The Realist Floor Plan." On Signs Ed. Blonsky, M. Johns Hopkins University Press,
1985, 373-383.
- Jameson, F. "Architecture and the Critique of Ideology." Architecture Criticism Ideology. Princeton Architectural Press,
1985, 51-87.
- Jameson, F. "Periodizing the Sixties." The Sixties Without Apologies Ed. al, SE. University of Minnesota Press,
1984, 178-209.
- Jameson, F. "An Overview." Rewriting Literary History Ed. Wong, T-W; Abbas, MA. Hong Kong University Press,
1984, 338-347.
- Jameson, F. "Flaubert’s Libidinal Historicism: Trois Contes." Flaubert and Postmodernism Ed. Schor, N; Majewski, HF. University of Nebraska Press,
1984, 76-83.
- Jameson, F. "Rimbaud and the Spatial Text." Rewriting Literary History Ed. Wong, T-W. Hong Kong University Press,
1984, 66-88.
- Jameson, F. "Postmodernism and Consumer Society." The Anti-Aesthetic Ed. Foster, H. Bay Press,
1983, 111-125.
- Jameson, F. "Pleasure: A Political Issue." Formations of Pleasure Ed. al, TBE. Routledge & Kegan Paul,
- Jameson, F. "Religion and Ideology: A Political Reading of Paradise Lost." "1642" Proceedings of 1980 Essex Sociology of Literature Conference Ed. Barker, F. University of Essex,
1981. (Reissued 1986 in Literature, Politics &
Theory F. Barker, et al., eds., (Methuen
- Jameson, F. "Balzac et le problème du sujet." Le Roman de Balzac Ed. Huenen, RL; Perron, P. Didier,
1980, 65-76.
- Jameson, F. "Reflections in Conclusion." Aesthetics and Politics. New Left Books,
1977, 196-213.
- Jameson, F. "Criticism in History." Weapons of Criticism: Marxism in America and the Literary Tradition Ed. Rudich, N. Palo Alto, CA: Ramparts Press,
1976, 31-50.
- Jameson, F. "L’Inconscient politique." La lecture sociocritique du texte romanesque Ed. Falconer, G; Metterand, H. Hakkert,
1975, 39-48.
- Jameson, F. "Three Methods in Sartre’s Literary Criticism." Modern French Criticism Ed. Simon, JK. University of Chicago Press,
1972, 193-227.
- Jameson, F. ""Introduction" to and translation of W. Dilthey, "The Rise of Hermeneutics"." . 1972, 229-244.