Romance Studies
Publications Fredric Jameson
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  1. Jameson, F. Signatures of the visible. January, 2016: 1-350. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Jameson, F. Marxism and form: 20th-Century dialectical theories of literature.  Princeton University Press, January, 2016: 1-432.  [abs]
  3. Jameson, F. The Ancients and the Postmoderns: On the Historicity of Forms.  Verso, 2015.
  4. BENNETT, B; BOWLBY, R; LAWSON, A; STOREY, M; THOMPSON, G; JAMESON, F. Roundtable - Fredric Jameson, The Antinomies of Realism (London: Verso, 2013, £20.00). Pp. 432. isbn: 978 1 7816 8133 6..  Cambridge University Press (CUP), November, 2014: 1069-1089. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  5. Jameson, F. Signatures of the visible.  Routledge, Chapman & Hall, Inc., October, 2013: 1-254. [doi]  [abs]
  6. Jameson, F. Representing Capital: A Commentary on Volume One. 2011.
  7. Jameson, F. The Hegel Variations. 2011.
  8. with Jameson, F; Jameson, F; Usanos, D. Reflexiones sobre la postmodernidad.  Abada Editores, 2010.
  9. Jameson, F. The Hegel Variations: On the Phenomenology of Spirit.  Verso, 2010.
  10. Jameson, F. Jameson on Jameson.  edited by Buchanan, I Duke University Press, 2007.
  11. Jameson, F. The Modernist Papers.  Verso, 2007.
  12. Jameson, F. Archeologies of the Future: The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science Fictions.  Verso Press, 2005.
  13. Jameson, F. A Singular Modernity.  Verso Press, 2002.
  14. Jameson, F. The Jameson Reader.  edited by Hardt, M, ; Weeks, K Blackwell Publishing, July, 2000: 408 pages.  [abs]
  15. Jameson, F. Brecht and Method.  London: Verso Press, 1998.
  16. Jameson, F. The Cultural Turn.  London: Verso Press, 1998.
  17. Jameson, F. Theory of Culture.  Rikkyo University, 1994. (Lectures at Rikkyo University)
  18. Jameson, F. Seeds of Time.  Columbia University Press, 1994.
  19. Jameson, F. The Geopolitical Aesthetic, or, Cinema and Space in the World System.  Inidiana University Press and BFI Publishsing, 1992.
  20. Jameson, F. Late Marxism: Adorno, or, the Persistence of the Dialectic.  London: Verso Press, 1990.
  21. Jameson, F. The Ideology of Theory, Essays 1971-1986.  Vol. 1 Situations of Theory, Vol. 2 The Syntax of History University of Minnesota Press, 1988.
  22. Jameson, F. Postmodernism & Cultural Theories. 1987. (Houxiandaizhuyi he Wenhualilun (Lectures in China) (Xi'an: Shanxi Teacher's University) Reprinted in journals in Taiwan & Hong Kong 1988 Reprinted in Taiwan with new preface by Tang Xiaobing 1989)
  23. Jameson, F. The Political Unconscious.  Cornell University Press, 1981.
  24. Jameson, F. Fables of Aggression: Wyndham Lewis, The Modernist as Fascist.  University of California Press, 1979.
  25. Jameson, F. The Prison-House of Language.  Princeton University Press, 1972. (Reprinted in Japanese 1989 Reprinted in Korean 1989)
  26. Jameson, F. Sartre: The Origins of a Style.  Yale University Press, 1961. (Reissued 1984 (Columbia University Press))

Book in Progress

  1. Jameson, F. Adaptation as a Philosophical Question.  edited by MacCabe, C Oxford University Press, 2012: 215-233.
  2. Jameson, F. Representing Capital.  Verso, 2010.
  3. Jameson, F. Globalization and hybridization.  Routledge, September, 2009: 315-319. [doi]
  4. Jameson, F. Capital in its Time and Space.  Verso, 2007. Ideologies of Theory 2008
  5. Jameson, F. History and elegy in Sokurov.  University of Chicago Press, January, 2006: 1-12. [doi]
  6. Jameson, F. translation of an Italian essay. 2006.

Articles in a Journal

  1. Jameson, F. "Schematizations, or How to Draw a Thought." Critical Inquiry 50:1 (September, 2023): 31-53. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Jameson, F. "STANISŁAW LEM AND THE QUESTION OF ALIENS." Polish Review 68:2 (June, 2023): 14-17. [doi]  [abs]
  3. Jameson, F; Jingfang, H. "CHAPTER TEN Critical Ecotopia in Hao Jingfang's Vagabonds." Prism 19 (December, 2022): 164-180. [doi]
  4. Jameson, F. "Criticism and Categories." PMLA 137:3 (May, 2022): 563-567. [doi]
  5. Jameson, FR. "On levels and categories." Historical Materialism 29:1 (January, 2021): 221-233. [doi]  [abs]
  6. Jameson, F. "Aesthetics today." CLCWeb - Comparative Literature and Culture 22:3 (January, 2020): 1-4. [doi]
  7. Jameson, F. "On Literary and Cultural Import-Substitution in the Third World: The Case of the Testimonio." NOVOE LITERATURNOE OBOZRENIE :165 (2020): 58-74.
  8. Jameson, FR. "ROBERT VENTURI 1925-2018." ARTFORUM INTERNATIONAL 57:5 (2019): 39-40.
  9. Jameson, F. "Preface." Rethinking Marxism 30:3 (July, 2018): 333-335. [doi]
  10. Jameson, F. "Badiou and the French tradition." New Left Review :102 (November, 2016): 99-117.
  11. Jameson, F. "Marxist criticism and hegel." PMLA 131:2 (March, 2016): 430-438. [doi]
  12. Jameson, F. "Gherman's anti-aesthetic." New Left Review :97 (January, 2016): 95-105.
  13. Jameson, FR. "The Structure of World History: From Modes of Production to Modes of Exchange." CRITICISM-A QUARTERLY FOR LITERATURE AND THE ARTS 58:2 (2016): 327-339.
  14. Jameson, F. "In Hyperspace." London Review of Books 37:17 (September, 2015): 17-22.
  15. Jameson, F. "Remarks on Henry James." Henry James Review 36:3 (September, 2015): 296-306. [doi]
  16. Jameson, F. "on Re-reading Life and Fate." New Left Review 95:95 (September, 2015): 81-93.
  17. Jameson, F. "Early Lukács, aesthetics of politics?." Historical Materialism 23:1 (March, 2015): 3-27. [doi]  [abs]
  18. Jameson, F. "The aesthetics of singularity." New Left Review :92 (March, 2015): 101-132.
  19. Jameson, F. "Sartre's actuality." New Left Review :88 (July, 2014): 113-119.
  20. Jameson, F. "Beyond the Cave: Demystifying the Ideology of Modernism." Bulletin of the Midwest Modern Language AssociationContemporary Marxist Literary Criticism  (January, 2014): 1-20. [doi]  [abs]
  21. Jameson, F. "Wagner as Dramatist and Allegorist." Modernist Cultures 8:1 (May, 2013): 9-41. [doi]
  22. Jameson, F. "The Vanishing Mediator: Narrative Structure in Max Weber." New German Critique  (January, 2013): 52-89.
  23. Jameson, F. "Modernism and its Repressed: Robbe-Grillet as Anti-Colonialist." Diacritics 6 (January, 2013): 7-14.
  24. Jameson, F. "Of Islands and Trenches: Neutralization and the Production of Utopian Discourse." Diacritics 7 (January, 2013): 2-21.
  25. Jameson, F. "The Symbolic Inference: or, Kenneth Burke and Ideological Analysis." Critical Inquiry 4 (January, 2013): 507-523.
  26. Jameson, F. "Interview." Diacritics 12 (January, 2013): 72-91.
  27. Jameson, F. "Morality versus Ethical Substance; or Aristotelian Marxism in Alasdair MacIntyre." Social Text 8 (January, 2013): 151-154.
  28. Jameson, F. "Third World Literature in the Era of Multinational Capitalism." Social Text  (January, 2013): 65-88.
  29. Jameson, F. "Discussion: Contemporary Chinese Writing." Polygraph 1 (January, 2013): 3-9.
  30. Jameson, F. "On Literary and Cultural Import-Substitution in the Third World: The Case of the Testimonio." Margins  (January, 2013): 11-34.
  31. Jameson, F. "Soseki and Western Modernism." boundary 2 18 (January, 2013): 123-141.
  32. Jameson, F. "Benjamin’s Readings." Diacritics  (January, 2013): 19-34.
  33. Jameson, F. "Céline and Innocence." South Atlantic Quarterly 93 (January, 2013): 311-319.
  34. Jameson, F. "“ Actualité de Sartre”."   (2013): pp. 177-187.
  35. Jameson, F. "Antinomies of the realism-modernism debate." Modern Language Quarterly 73:3 (September, 2012): 475-485. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  36. Cevasco, ME. "Imagining a Space That Is Outside." the minnesota review 2012:78 (May, 2012): 83-94. [doi]  [abs]
  37. Jiangang, Y; Xian, W; Jameson, F. "Marxism and Form: An Interview with Prof. Fredric Jameson." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 32:2 (March, 2012): 77-81.
  38. Jameson, F. "Dirty Little Secret." London Review of Books 34:22 (2012).
  39. Jameson, F. "Eine Neue Kapital-Lecture." Das Argument 34:22 (2012): 39-42.
  40. Jameson, F. "Red Plenty." NEW LEFT REVIEW :75 (2012): 119-127. [Gateway.cgi]
  41. Jameson, F. "Filming Marx." Europe 89:988-989 (August, 2011): 179-188.
  42. Jameson, F. "Deineke." essay for exhibit catalogue  (2011).
  43. Jameson, F. "Realism and Utopia in the Wire." Criticism vol. 52:3-4 (2011): 359-372. [doi]
  44. Jameson, F. "Dresden’s Clocks." New Left Review vol. 71 (2011): 141-152.
  45. Jameson, F. "The Luck of Per Sedonius." London Review of Books vol. 71:#20 (2011): 17-18.
  46. Jameson, F. "A businessman in love." Teksty Drugie :1-2 (December, 2010): 267-277.  [abs]
  47. Jameson, F. "Regieoper, or Eurotrash?." New Left Review :64 (July, 2010): 111-129.
  48. Jameson, F. "War and representation." PMLA 124:5 (October, 2009): 1532-1547. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs]
  49. Jameson, F. "“Filming Capital”." New Left Review  (2009).
  50. Jameson, F. "“Then You Are Them”." London Review of Books  (2009).
  51. Sofronov, V; Jameson, F; Amariglio, J; Madra, YM. "The theory of marxism:Questions and answers." Rethinking Marxism 20:3 (July, 2008): 367-384. [doi]  [abs]
  52. Jameson, F. "Critical response I: How not to historicize theory." Critical Inquiry 34:3 (January, 2008): 563-582. [doi]
  53. Jameson, F. "The square peg in the round hole or the history of spaceflight." Critical Inquiry 34:2 SUPPL. (January, 2008): 172-183. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  54. Jameson, F. "A note on reification in Hegel's logic." Critical Quarterly 50:3 (January, 2008): 33-42. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  55. Jameson, F. "New Literary History after the End of the New." NEW LITERARY HISTORY 39:3 (2008): 375-387.
  56. Jameson, F. "Introduction to Isozaki Arata's "City Demolition Industry, Inc." and "Rumor City"." South Atlantic Quarterly 106:4 (December, 2007): 849-852. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  57. Jameson, F. "O romance histórico ainda è possível?." Novos Estudos CEBRAP :77 (January, 2007): 185-203. [doi]  [abs]
  58. Jameson, F. "A Note on the Specificity of Newer Turkish Cinema." Ekran  (2007).
  59. Jameson, F. "Note on Literary Realism."   (2007).
  60. Jameson, F. "Lacan and the Dialectic."   (2006).
  61. Jameson, F. "Lolita after Fifty Years"." Playboy  (December, 2005).
  62. Jameson, F. "Marc Angenot, Literary History, and the Study of Culture In the Nineteenth Century." The Yale Journal of Criticism 17:2 (September, 2004): 233-253. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs]
  63. Jameson, F. "Symptoms of theory or symptoms for theory?." Critical Inquiry 30:2 (Winter, 2004): 403-408. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  64. Jameson, F. "The politics of Utopia." New Left Review :25 (January, 2004): 35-54. [Gateway.cgi]
  65. Jameson, F. "Thoughts on Balkan Cinema."   (2004): 231-257.
  66. Jameson, F. "Storia ed Elegia in Sokurov."   (2004): 127-133.
  67. Jameson, F. "Moms: The generic window." New Literary History 34:3 (December, 2003): 431-451. [doi]
  68. Jameson, F. "Fear and loathing in globalization." New Left Review 23:23 (September, 2003): 105-114. [Gateway.cgi]
  69. Jameson, F. "The end of temporality." Critical Inquiry 29:4 (January, 2003): 695-718. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  70. Jameson, F. "Future city." New Left Review 21:21 (January, 2003): 65-79. [Gateway.cgi]
  71. Jameson, F. ""On Kenzburo Oe"." London Review of Books  (2003).
  72. Jameson, F. ""Morus the Generic Window"." New Literary History  (2003).
  73. Jameson, F. "Radical fantasy." Historical Materialism 10:4 (December, 2002): 273-280. [doi]
  74. Jameson, F. "The dialectics of disaster." South Atlantic Quarterly 101:2 (December, 2002): 297-304. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  75. Miller, JH; Imbert, C; Clifford, J; Kaplan, C; Kamuf, P; Conley, V; Terdiman, R; Jameson, F; MacCannell, D. "Questionnaire." Contemporary French and Francophone Studies 5:1 (December, 2001): 221-226. [doi]
  76. Jameson, F. "A defence of history and class consciousness: Tailism and the dialectic." RADICAL PHILOSOPHY 110:110 (2001): 36-40. [Gateway.cgi]
  77. Jameson, F. "Globalization and political strategy." New Left Review 2:4 (Winter, 2000): 49-68. [Gateway.cgi]
  78. Jameson, F. "On the Matrix." Centre Pompidou  (2000).
  79. Jameson, F. "On Neal Bell." South Atlantic Quarterly 99:2/3 (2000).
  80. Jameson, F. "The Theoretical Hesitation: Bejamin’s Sociological Predecessor." Critical Inquiry 25:2 (1999): 267-288. [doi]
  81. Jameson, F. "Persistencies of the dialectic: Three sites." Science and Society 62:3 (September, 1998): 358-372. [Gateway.cgi]  [abs]
  82. Jameson, F. "The Brick and the Baloon." New Left Review 228 (1998): 25-46.
  83. Jameson, F. "Culture and Finance Capital." Critical Inquiry 24:1 (1997): 246-265. [doi]
  84. Jameson, F. "Marxism and dualism in Deleuze." SOUTH ATLANTIC QUARTERLY 96:3 (1997): 393-416. [Gateway.cgi]
  85. Jameson, F. "XXL Rem Koolhaas’s Great Big Bildungsroman." Village Voice 145 (May, 1996).
  86. Jameson, F. "Space Wars." London Review of Books 18:7 (1996).
  87. Jameson, F. "Five theses on actually existing Marxism."  translated Das Argument, Vol. 18: 20 MONTHLY REVIEW-AN INDEPENDENT SOCIALIST MAGAZINE 47:11 (1996): 1-10. [Gateway.cgi]
  88. Jameson, F. "Prussian Blues." London Review of Books 18:20 (1996).
  89. Jameson, F. "Après the Avant Garde." London Review of Books 18:24 (1996).
  90. Jameson, F. "A Message in the Bottle for a Different Future." Materiallien sum Historisch-Kritischen Wörterbuch des Marxismus  (1996).
  91. Jameson, F. "Marx’s Purloined Letter." New Left Review 209:4 (1995): 86-120.
  92. Jameson, F. "The Sartrean Origin." Sartre Studies International 1:1/2 (1995).
  93. Jameson, F. "Culture, Technology & Politics in the Postmodern Conditions." iichiko intercultural 6 (1994): 96-107.
  94. Jameson, F. "Representations of Subjectivity." Social Discourse 6 (1994).
  95. Nicholsen, SW; Jameson, F; Marxism, L. "Adorno in Postmodern Perspective." Thesis Eleven 34:1 (January, 1993): 178-185. [doi]  [abs]
  96. Jameson, F. "On Cultural Studies’." Social Text 34 (1993): 17-52.
  98. Jameson, F. "Actually Existing Marxism." Polygraph 6/7 (1993): 170-195.
  99. with Jameson, F; Speaks, M. "Envelopes and Enclaves: The Space of Post-Civil Society (An Architectural Conversation)." Assemblage 17 (April, 1992): 30-37.
  100. Jameson, F. "After Armageddon: Character Systems in Dr. Bloodmoney."  On Philip K. Dick: 40 Articles Science Fiction Studies  (1992): 26-36.
  101. Jameson, F. "Spatial Systems in North by Northwest." Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Lacan  (1992): 47-72.
  102. Jameson, F. "Spatmarxismus: Adorno in der Postmoderne." Das Argument 188 (1991): 565-575.
  103. Jameson, F. "Postmodernism and the Market." The Retreat of the Intellectuals: Socialist Register 1990The Retreat of the Intellectuals: Socialist Register 1990  (1990): 95-110.
  104. Jameson, F. "On Contemporary Marxist Theory: An Interview with." Alif 10 (1990): 114-131.
  105. Jameson, F. "Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism."  1986 Reprinted (Spanish) Casa de Las Americas 141-173. 1989 Reprinted (Italian) Garzanti Editore, 7-103. 1991 Reprinted Storming the Reality Studio, L. McCaffery, ed. (Duke University Press)219-228  :4604 (1990): 7-7.
  106. Jameson, F. "A Third Stage of Capitalism."  Feb.10 Source: New Left Review 176 July/August 1989 Frontier (India) 22:26 (1990): 8-9.
  107. Jameson, F. "Critical Agendas." Science-Fiction Studies 17 (1990): 93-102.
  108. Jameson, F. "Theory in a New Situation."  Printed in Russian only Voprosy Literatury 6 (1990): 86-89.
  109. Jameson, F. "Postmodernism and the Market."   (1990): 95-110.
  110. JAMESON, F. "NOSTALGIA FOR THE PRESENT." SOUTH ATLANTIC QUARTERLY 88:2 (Spring, 1989): 517-537. [Gateway.cgi]
  111. Jameson, F. "The Space of Science Fiction: Narrative in A. E. Van Vogt." Polygraph 2/3 (1989): 52-65.
  112. Colonna, V; Liebow, C; Allard, L. "La Lecture sans l’interpretation Le postmodernisme et le texte video." Extrait de Communications :48 (November, 1988): 105-120.  [abs]
  113. Jameson, F. "Postmodernism & Utopia." Institute of Contemporary Art  (March, 1988): ll-32.
  114. Jameson, F. "History and Class Consciousness as an "Unfinished Project"." Rethinking MARXISM 1:1 (January, 1988): 49-72. [doi]
  115. Jameson, F. "La lecture sans l'interprétation." Communications 48:1 (1988): 105-120. [doi]
  116. JAMESON, F. "ON NEGT AND KLUGE." OCTOBER 46:46 (Fall, 1988): 151-177. [Gateway.cgi]
  117. Jameson, F. "’Introduction to Borge’ & ’Interview with Thomas Borge’." New Left Review :164 (July, 1987): 51-64.
  118. Jameson, F. "The state of the subject (III)." Critical Quarterly 29:4 (January, 1987): 16-25. [doi]
  120. Jameson, F. "Andrea Ward Speaks with Fredric Jameson."  Interview Impulse  (1987): 8-9.
  122. Jameson, F. "Regarding Postmodernism - A Conversation with Fredric Jameson." Social Text :17 (1987): 29-54.
  123. Jameson, F. "A Brief Response." Social Text :17 (1987): 26-28.
  124. Jameson, F. "Four Ways of Looking at a Fairy Tale."  Artists Space The Fairy Tale: Politics, Desire, and Everyday Life  (October, 1986): 16-24.
  125. Jameson, F. "On Magic Realism in Film." Critical Inquiry 12:2 (January, 1986): 301-325. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  128. Jameson, F. "An Interview with F. R. Jameson by A. Stephanson on Postmodernism." Flash Art :131 (1986): 69-73.
  129. Jameson, F. "Forward to Jacques Attali’s Noise: The Political Economy of Music."   (1985).
  130. Jameson, F. "Introduction to Sartre after Sartre." Yale French Studies :68 (1985): iii-xi.
  131. Jameson, F. "Forward to Jean-Francois Lyotard’s The Postmodern Condition."   (1984).
  132. Jameson, F. "Afterward to Jameson’s Sartre: The Origins of a Style."  2nd edition (1984).
  133. Jameson, F. "Literary Innovation and Modes of Production." Modern Chinese Literature I:1 (1984): 67-68.
  134. Jameson, F. "The Politics of Theory: Ideological Positions in the Postmodernism Debate." New German Critique 33:33 (Fall, 1984): 53-53. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  135. Jameson, F. "Wallace Stevens." New Orleans Review 11:1 (1984): 10-19.
  137. Jameson, F. "Utopian and Fantasy Literature in East Germany - The Development of a Genre of Fiction 1945-1979."  Review Article, H. Heidtmann, "Science Fiction & the German Democratic Republic Science Fiction Studies 11:33 (1984): 194-199.
  139. with Jameson, F; Kavanagh, JH. "The Weakest Link: Marxism & Literary Studies." The Left Academy: Marxist Scholarship on American Campuses 11 (1984): 1-14.
  140. Jameson, F. "Postmodernism, Or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism." New Left Review  (1984): 52-92.
  141. Jameson, F. "L’éclatement du recit et la clôture californienne." Litterature :49 (February, 1983): 89-101.
  142. Jameson, F. "Science Versus Ideology." Humanities in Society 6:2-3 (1983): 283-302.
  143. Jameson, F. "Euphorias of Substitution: Hubert Aquin and the Political Novel in Quebec." Yale French Studies :65 (1983): 214-214. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  144. Jameson, F. "Futuristic Visions that tell us about right now."  on P. K. Dick In These Times VI:23 (May, 1982): 5-11.
  145. Jameson, F. "On Aronson’s Sartre." Minnesota Review :18 (1982): 116-127.
  146. Jameson, F. "On Diva." Social Text :6 (1982): 114-119.
  148. Jameson, F. "Towards a New Awareness of Genre." Science Fiction Studies :28 (1982): 322-324.
  149. Jameson, F. "Reading Hitchcock." October :23 (1982): 15-42.
  150. Jameson, F. "Sartre in Search of Flaubert." New York Times Book Review  (December, 1981): 5-5.
  151. Jameson, F. "From Criticism to History." New Literary History 12:ii (1981): 367-376.
  152. Jameson, F. "In the Destructive Element Immerse: Hans Jurgen Syberberg and Cultural Revolution." October :17 (1981): 99-118.
  153. Jameson, F. "The Shining." Social Text :4 (1981): 114-125.
  154. JAMESON, F. "SF NOVEL - SF FILM." SCIENCE-FICTION STUDIES 7:NOV (1980): 319-322. [Gateway.cgi]
  155. Jameson, F. "But Their Cause Is Just: Israel and the Palestinians." New Haven Advocate  (October, 1979): 6-6.
  156. Jameson, F. "But Their Cause Is Just: Israel and the Palestinians." Seven Days 3:xi (September, 1979): 19-21.
  157. Jameson, F. "Marxism and Historicism." New Literary History 11:1 (1979): 41-41. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  158. Jameson, F. "Marxism and Teaching." New Political Science :2-3 (1979): 3l-35.
  159. Jameson, F. "Reification and Utopia in Mass Culture."  French translation, Quebec Social Text :1 (1979): 130-148.
  160. Jameson, F. "Towards a Libidinal Economy of Three Modern Painters." Social Text :1 (1979): 189-199.
  161. Jameson, F. "Ideology & Symbolic Action: Reply to Kenneth Burke." Critical Inquiry 5:ii (1978): 417-422.
  162. Jameson, F. "Ideology, narrative analysis, and popular culture." Theory and Society 4:4 (December, 1977): 543-559. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  163. Jameson, F. "Class and Allegory in Contemporary Mass Culture: Dog Day Afternoon as a Political Film."  Reissued Screen Education #30 (1979): 75-92 College English 38:8 (April, 1977): 843-843. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  164. Jameson, F. "Imaginary and Symbolic in La Rabouilleuse." Social Science Information 16:1 (January, 1977): 59-81. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  165. Jameson, F. "On Jargon." Minnesota Review :9 (1977): 30-31.
  166. Jameson, F. "Imaginary and Symbolic in Lacan: Marxism, Psychoanalytic Criticism, and the Problem of the Subject." Yale French Studies :55/56 (1977): 338-338. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  167. Jameson, F. "Authentic Ressentiment: The "Experimental" Novels of Gissing." Nineteenth-Century Fiction 31:2 (September, 1976): 127-149. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  168. Jameson, F. "Au then tic Ressentiment: The “Experimental” Novels of Gissing." Nineteenth-Century Fiction 31:2 (January, 1976): 127-149. [doi]
  169. JAMESON, F. "IDEOLOGY OF THE TEXT."  Reissued Winter, 1976 SALMAGUNDI-A QUARTERLY OF THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES :31-3 (Fall, 1976): 204-246. [Gateway.cgi]
  170. Jameson, F. "Collective Art in the Age of Cultural Imperialism." alcheringa :2 (ii) (1976): 108-111.
  171. Jameson, F; White, H. "Figural Relativism, or the Poetics of Historiography." Diacritics 6:1 (Spring, 1976): 2-2. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  174. Jameson, F. "On Goffman’s Frame Analysis." Theory and Society 3:1 (1976): 119-133. [doi]
  175. Jameson, F. "Political Painting: New Perspectives on the Realism Controversy." Praxis :2 (1976): 225-230.
  176. Jameson, F. "The re-invention of Marx." Times Literary Supplement  (August, 1975): 942-943.
  178. Jameson, F. "Magical Narratives: Romance as Genre." New Literary History 7:1 (1975): 135-135. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  180. Jameson, F. "World Reduction in Le Guin: The Emergence of Utopian Narrative." Science Fiction Studies :2 (iii) (1975): 221-230.
  181. Jameson, F. "Metacommentary." PMLA :86(1) (January, 1974): 9-18.
  182. Jameson, F. "Benjamin as Historian, Or How to Write a Marxist Literary History." Minnesota Review :3 (1974): 116-136.
  183. Jameson, F. "Change, Science Fiction, and Marxism: Open or Closed Universes? In Retrospect." Science Fiction Studies :1 (iv) (1974): 272-276.
  184. Jameson, F. "Demystifying Literary History." New Literary History :5 (1974): 605-612.
  185. Jameson, F. "Generic Discontinuities in Science Fiction: Brian Aldiss’ Starship." Science Fiction Studies :2 (1973): 57-68.
  186. Jameson, F. "Wyndham Lewis as Futurist." Hudson Review :26 (1973): 295-329.
  187. Jameson, F. "The Great American Hunter: Ideological Content in the Novel." College English :34 (1972): 180-197.
  188. Jameson, F. "Metacommentary." PMLA :86(1) (January, 1971): 9-18.
  189. Jameson, F. "The Case for Georg Lukács." Salmagundi :13 (1970): 3-35.
  190. Jameson, F. "On Raymond Chandler." Southern Review :6 (1970): 624-650.
  191. Jameson, F. "Seriality in Modern Literature." Bucknell Review :18 (1970): 63-80.
  192. Jameson, F. "La Cousine Bette and Allegorical Realism." PMLA :86 (1970): 241-254.
  193. Jameson, F. "Walter Benjamin; or, Nostalgia." Salmagundi :10-11 (1969): 52-68.
  194. Jameson, F. "Introduction to T. W. Adorno." Salmagundi 10-11 (1969): 140-143.
  195. Jameson, F. "Walter Benjamin; or, Nostalgia." Salmagundi :10-11 (1969): 52-68.
  196. Jameson, F. "On Politics and Literature." Salmagundi 2:iii (1968): 17-26.
  197. Jameson, F. "T. W. Adorno; or, Historical Tropes." Salmagundi 5 (1967): 3-43.

Articles in a Collection

  1. Jameson, F. "A BRIEF RESPONSE." Postcolonialism: Critical concepts in literary and cultural studies. January, 2023, 589-591.  [abs]
  2. Jameson, F. "THIRD-WORLD LITERATURE IN THE ERA OF MULTINATIONAL CAPITALISM." Postcolonialism: Critical concepts in literary and cultural studies. January, 2023, 541-564.  [abs]
  3. Jameson, F. "The Experiments of Time: Providence and Realism." The Novel: Forms and Themes: Volume 2. January, 2022, 95-127.
  4. Jameson, F. "A Businessman in Love." The Novel: Forms and Themes: Volume 2. January, 2022, 436-446.
  5. Said, E; Jameson, F; Ahmad, A. "Orientalism, Postmodernity, and the Problem with Capitalist Culture." Capitalism and Its Uncertain Future. January, 2021, 169-178. [doi]  [abs]
  6. Jameson, F. "Marxism and Form: Twentieth-Century Dialectical Theories of Literature." A Century in Books: Princeton University Press 1905–2005. January, 2021, 79.
  7. Jameson, F. "The cultural logic of late capitalism." Karl Marx. May, 2017, 437-453.
  8. Jameson, F. "Progress versus Utopia; or, can we imagine the future?." Science Fiction Criticism: An Anthology of Essential Writings. January, 2017, 211-224.
  9. Jameson, F. "The vanishing mediator: Narrative structure in max weber." Max Weber. January, 2017, 233-270. [doi]  [abs]
  10. Jameson, F. "‘In the destructive element immerse’: Hans-Jürgen Syberberg and cultural revolution." Hans-Jurgen Syberberg, the Film Director as Critical Thinker: Essays and Interviews. SensePublishers, January, 2016, 81-97. [doi]  [abs]
  11. Jameson, F. "Suffocating kinesis: The late films of Aleksey Gherman." The Global Auteur: the Politics of Authorship in 21st Century Cinema. January, 2016, 149-158.
  12. Jameson, F. "'Ulysses' in history." James Joyce and Modern Literature Ed. McCormack, WJ; Stead, A. Routledge & Kegan Paul, December, 2015, 126-141.  [abs]
  13. Jameson, F; Kouvelakis, S. "Angelopoulos & Collective Narrative." The Cinema of Theo Angelopoulos. October, 2015, 169-192.  [abs]
  14.  "Angelopoulos & Collective Narrative." The Cinema of Theo Angelopoulos. October, 2015.  [abs]
  15. Hansen, MBN; Carman, T. "Introduction." The Cambridge Companion to Merleau-Ponty Ed. Hansen, MBN; Carman, T. Johns Hopkins University Press, September, 2015, 197-198. [doi]
  16. Crome, I; Wu, LT; Rao, RT; Crome, P. "Introduction." . December, 2014, xxiv-xxv.
  17. Jameson, F. "On cultural studies." The Identity in Question. January, 2014, 251-295. [doi]  [abs]
  18. Jameson, F. "Magical Narratives: On the Dialectical Use of Genre Criticism*." Modern Genre Theory. January, 2014, 167-192. [doi]  [abs]
  19. Jameson, F. "“ Actualité de Sartre”." Qu’estce que la subjectivité? Ed. Kail, E; Kirchmayr,. 2013, pp. 177-187.
  20. Jameson, F. "A Note on Literary Realism in Conclusion." Adventures in Realism. April, 2008, 261-271. [doi]
  21. Jameson, F. "Persistencies of the dialectic: Three sites." Dialectics for the New Century. Palgrave Macmillan UK, February, 2008, 118-131. [doi]
  22. Gillespie, MA. "Afterword." Homo Politicus, Homo Economicus. Routledge, 2008, 247-251. [doi]
  23. Jameson, F. "Note on Literary Realism." Adventures in Realism Ed. Beaumont, M. Blackwell, 2007.
  24. Jameson, F. "Lacan and the Dialectic." Lacan: The Silent Partners Ed. Zizek, S. Verso, 2006.
  25. Shun, KL; Wong, DB. "Introduction." Confucian Ethics: A Comparative Study of Self, Autonomy, and Community. Cambridge University Press, January, 2004, 1-8. [doi]  [abs]
  26. Jameson, F. "The Doll." The Novel Ed. Moretti, F. Einaudi Press, 2004.
  27. Jameson, F. "Thoughts on Balkan Cinema." Alphabet City: Subtitles Ed. Balfour, I; Egoyan, A. MIT Press, 2004, 231-257.
  28. Jameson, F. "Dekalog as Decameron." Fredric Jameson: A Critical Reader Ed. Homer, S; Kellner, D. Palgrave MacMillan, 2004, 210-222.
  29. Jameson, F. "Storia ed Elegia in Sokurov." Alessandr Sokurov: Eclissi di Cinema Ed. Celle, SFD; Ghezzi, E; Jankowski, A. 2004, 127-133. (21st Torino Film Festival, 2003)
  30. Jameson, F. "History lessons." Architecture and Revolution: Contemporary Perspectives on Central and Eastern Europe. September, 2003, 69-80.
  31. Jameson, F. ""Experiments with Time: Realism and the Providential"." Il Romanzo Ed. Moretti, F. 2003, 183-213.
  32. Jameson, F. ""Europe and Its Others"." Unpacking Europe Ed. Hassan, S; Dadi, I. NAi Publishers, 2001, 294-303.
  33. Jameson, F. "The Imaginary of Globalization." Collective Imagination: Limits and Beyond Ed. Larreta, E. 2001, 21-52.
  34. Jameson, F. "The Story of a Year: Continuities and Discontinuities in Marc Angenot’s 1889." Peripheries of 19th Century French Studies: Views from the Edge. University of Delaware Press, 2000.
  35. Jameson, F. "Kim Stanley Robinson." Estrangement and Cognition in Science Fiction and Utopian Literature Ed. Paarrinder, P. Liverpool University Press, 2000.
  36. Jameson, F. "Theo Angelopolous: The Past as History, The Future as Form." The Last Modernist Ed. Horton, A. Flicks Books, January, 1998.
  37. Dzau, VJ. "Introduction." . Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), January, 1990, V-VI. [doi]
  38. Jameson, F. "Spatial Equivalents: Postmodern Architecture and the World System." The States of Theory Ed. Carroll, D. Columbia U. Press, 1990, 125-148.
  39. Jameson, F. "Postmodernism and the Market." The Retreat of the Intellectuals: Socialist Register 1990 Ed. Ralph,. Melin Press, 1990, 95-110.
  40. Jameson, F. "Marxism & Postmodernism." Postmodernism/Jameson Critique Ed. Kellner, D. Maisonneuve Press, 1989. (reprinted in New Left Review #176, (July/August)31-45)
  41. Jameson, F. "Cognitive Mapping." Marxism & the Interpretation of Culture Ed. Nelson, C; Grossberg, L. Urbana: U. of Illinois Press, 1988.
  42. Jameson, F. "Modernism & Imperialism." Nationalism, Colonialism & Literature. Field Day Pamphlet, Derry, Ireland, 1988, 5-25. (Reprinted 1990 University of Minnesota Press, 43-66)
  43. Jameson, F. "Postmodernism & Consumer Society." Postmodernism & Its Discontents Ed. Kaplan, EA. Verso Press, 1988, 13-29.
  44. Jameson, F. "Postmodernism: Commodification & Cultural Expansion." . March, 1987. (Houxiandaizhuyi: Shangpinghua yu Wenhuakuouzhang (Interview in China - March); Reprinted in Taiwan, 1988)
  45. Jameson, F. "Post Modernism & Video Text." Poetics of Writing Ed. al, NFE. Manchester Press, 1987.
  46. JAMESON, F. "ON 'HABITS OF THE HEART'." . Fall, 1987, 545-565. (Reprinted 1988 in Community in America C. Reynolds, R. Norman, eds. (University of California)) [Gateway.cgi]
  47. Sanfilippo, F; Bollinger, R. "Foreword." Caliban & Other Essays. Elsevier BV, January, 1985, v-vi. (Roberto Fernandez Retamar) [doi]
  48. Jameson, F. "Baudelaire as Modernist and Postmodernist: The Dissolution of the Referent and the Artificial ‘Sublime’." Lyric Poetry: Beyond New Criticism Ed. Hosek, C; Parker, P. Cornell University Press, 1985, 247-263.
  49. Jameson, F. "The Realist Floor Plan." On Signs Ed. Blonsky, M. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985, 373-383.
  50. Jameson, F. "Architecture and the Critique of Ideology." Architecture Criticism Ideology. Princeton Architectural Press, 1985, 51-87.
  51. Jameson, F. "Periodizing the Sixties." The Sixties Without Apologies Ed. al, SE. University of Minnesota Press, 1984, 178-209.
  52. Jameson, F. "An Overview." Rewriting Literary History Ed. Wong, T-W; Abbas, MA. Hong Kong University Press, 1984, 338-347.
  53. Jameson, F. "Flaubert’s Libidinal Historicism: Trois Contes." Flaubert and Postmodernism Ed. Schor, N; Majewski, HF. University of Nebraska Press, 1984, 76-83.
  54. Jameson, F. "Rimbaud and the Spatial Text." Rewriting Literary History Ed. Wong, T-W. Hong Kong University Press, 1984, 66-88.
  55. Jameson, F. "Postmodernism and Consumer Society." The Anti-Aesthetic Ed. Foster, H. Bay Press, 1983, 111-125.
  56. Jameson, F. "Pleasure: A Political Issue." Formations of Pleasure Ed. al, TBE. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983.
  57. Jameson, F. "Religion and Ideology: A Political Reading of Paradise Lost." "1642" Proceedings of 1980 Essex Sociology of Literature Conference Ed. Barker, F. University of Essex, 1981. (Reissued 1986 in Literature, Politics & Theory F. Barker, et al., eds., (Methuen Press))
  58. Jameson, F. "Balzac et le problème du sujet." Le Roman de Balzac Ed. Huenen, RL; Perron, P. Didier, 1980, 65-76.
  59. Jameson, F. "Reflections in Conclusion." Aesthetics and Politics. New Left Books, 1977, 196-213.
  60. Jameson, F. "Criticism in History." Weapons of Criticism: Marxism in America and the Literary Tradition Ed. Rudich, N. Palo Alto, CA: Ramparts Press, 1976, 31-50.
  61. Jameson, F. "L’Inconscient politique." La lecture sociocritique du texte romanesque Ed. Falconer, G; Metterand, H. Hakkert, 1975, 39-48.
  62. Jameson, F. "Three Methods in Sartre’s Literary Criticism." Modern French Criticism Ed. Simon, JK. University of Chicago Press, 1972, 193-227.
  63. Jameson, F. ""Introduction" to and translation of W. Dilthey, "The Rise of Hermeneutics"." . 1972, 229-244.