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English Faculty: Publications since January 2024

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Aers, David

  1. Aers, D. Community, Gender, and Individual Identity: English Writing 1360-1430. Routledge, January, 2024. 1-215 pp. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Aers, D. "The Letter Kills but the Spirit Gives Life (2 Corinthians 3:6): Or, What Happened to Enemy Love?." Form and Power in Medieval and Early Modern Literature.  2024. 275-292.

Baran, Dominika M

  1. Baran, D. "The Discursive Construction of “Truth” in the Email Newsletter of an Anti-Genderist Polish NGO." Journal of Right-Wing Studies 2.2California Digital Library (CDL), (January, 2025) [doi]  [abs]
  2. Baran, D. "“Crown Jesus, Not the Virus”." COVID Semiotics. Routledge, 2024. 41-61. [doi]

Hart, Kevin

  1. Hart, K. Contemplation The Movements of the Soul. July, 2024.  [abs]
  2. Hart, K. Dark-Land: Memoir of a Secret Childhood. Paul Dry Books, June, 2024. 265 pages pp.  [abs]
  3. Hart, K. "“The Reserve of Truth”." Modern Theology 40.2Wiley, (April, 2024): 449-457. [doi]
  4. Hart, K. "“The Anamorphic Journey”: JEAN-LUC Marion on Revelation." Modern Theology  (January, 2024) [doi]  [abs]
  5. Hart, K. ""Mystical Revelation": On and around L'Abandon à la Providence Divine." Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 6.1 (January, 2024): 87-116. [doi]  [abs]
  6. Hart, K. "Image as Theology: The Power of Art in Shaping Christian Thought, Devotion, and Imagination. Edited by C. A.Strine, MarkMcInroy, AlexisTorrance. Turnhout: Brepols, 2021. Pp. 239. €110.00.." The Heythrop Journal 65.1Wiley, (January, 2024): 102-104. [doi]
  7. Hart, K. Twentieth Century to the Present Day. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2024. 569 pages pp.  [abs]
  8. Hart, K. "Ways of Contemplating." CONTEMPLATION.  2024. 59-+.
  9. Hart, K. "Contemplation Introduction." CONTEMPLATION.  2024. 1-2.
  10. Hart, K. "What to Contemplate." CONTEMPLATION.  2024. 89-+.
  11. Hart, K. "Questions of Practice and Cognition." CONTEMPLATION.  2024. 31-+.
  12. Hart, K. "First Thoughts About Contemplation." CONTEMPLATION.  2024. 3-+.
  13. Hart, K. "Why Contemplate?." CONTEMPLATION.  2024. 115-+.

Hayles, N. Katherine

  1. Hayles, NK; Lawtoo, N. "Posthuman Mimesis: A Dialogic Prelude with Katherine Hayles." Critical Posthumanisms. 5 2025. 37-50. [doi]
  2. Hayles, NK. "“Don’t Ban AI from Your Writing Classroom; Require It!”." Poetics Today 45.2 (June, 2024): 259-265. [doi]
  3. Hayles, NK. "Good technology is biophilic." The Good Robot: Why Technology Needs Feminism.  2024. 28-35.  [abs]

Khanna, Ranjana

  1. Khanna, R. "Freud’s “Mourning and Melancholia”." The Palgrave Handbook of Psychosocial Studies.  2024. 17-32. [doi]  [abs]

Moi, Toril

  1. Moi, T. "What can literature do? Simone de Beauvoir, literature theorist." Simone de Beauvoir Studies 35.1-2 (January, 2024): 45-61. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Moi, T. "While We Wait: Notes on the English Translation of The Second Sex." The Legacy of Simone de Beauvoir.  2024. 37-68. [doi]  [abs]

Neal, Mark A.

  1. Neal, M. “Nearer to Thee”: The Still Evolving Legacy and Politics of Sam Cooke.  Medium (December, 2024).  [abs]
  2. Neal, M. The Other Three-Album Run that Defined Quincy Jones' Black Pop Sound.  LEVEL Magazine (November, 2024).  [abs]
  3. Neal, M. How Frankie Beverly Built a Band for Black America.  LEVEL Magazine (September, 2024).  [abs]
  4. Neal, M. Revisiting Rap's Groundbreaking Book, Black Noise.  LEVEL Magazine (August, 2024).  [abs]
  5. Neal, M. Center Fielder Willie Mays Has Left the Field for the Last Time.  LEVEL Magazine (June, 2024).  [abs]
  6. Neal, M. Black Men and the Shame of Absenteeism.  LEVEL Magazine (June, 2024).  [abs]

Ouma, Christopher E.

  1. Ouma, C. "READING THE NEW DIASPORA IN YEWANDE OMOTOSO’S FICTION." The Routledge Handbook of the New African Diasporic Literature.  2024. 555-567. [doi]  [abs]

Pfau, Thomas

  1. Pfau, T. "Grandeur et Misère de l'Homme : AI and/or Human Flourishing." Logos (United States) 27.3 (June, 2024): 11-32. [doi]
  2. Pfau, T. "Response to My Interlocutors." Modern Theology 40.2 (April, 2024): 478-495. [doi]

Stan, Corina M

  1. Stan, C. "What Future for a Europe of the Past? Myth, Memory, and the Map of Time in the Work of Jean Raspail and Georgi Gospodinov." Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction Taylor & Francis Online, (July, 2024)

Sussman, Charlotte S.

  1. Sussman, C. "The masterless." The Routledge Companion to Eighteenth-Century Literatures in English.  2024. 131-143. [doi]

Torgovnick, Marianna

  1. Torgovnick, M. "Me Thiele, You Tarzan." Enchanted by Cinema: Wilhelm Thiele between Vienna, Berlin, and Hollywood.  2024. 184-198. [doi]

Werlin, Julianne

  1. Werlin, J. "Demographic History and English Culture." Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 54.3 (September, 2024): 445-456. [doi]

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