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Publications of Herbert E Covington, III    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:

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Journal Articles

  1. Miczek, Klaus A. and Nikulina, Ella M. and Takahashi, Aki and Covington, Herbert E. and Yap, Jasmine J. and Boyson, Christopher O. and Shimamoto, Akiko and de Almeida, Rosa M. M. (2011). Gene expression in aminergic and peptidergic cells during aggression and defeat: relevance to violence, depression and drug abuse.. Behavior genetics, 41(6), 787--802. [21416141], [doi]  [abs]
  2. Covington, Herbert E. and Maze, Ian and Sun, HaoSheng and Bomze, Howard M. and DeMaio, Kristine D. and Wu, Emma Y. and Dietz, David M. and Lobo, Mary Kay and Ghose, Subroto and Mouzon, Ezekiel and Neve, Rachael L. and Tamminga, Carol A. and Nestler, Eric J. (2011). A role for repressive histone methylation in cocaine-induced vulnerability to stress.. Neuron, 71(4), 656--670. [21867882], [doi]  [abs]
  3. Golden, Sam A. and Covington, Herbert E. and Berton, Olivier and Russo, Scott J. (2011). A standardized protocol for repeated social defeat stress in mice.. Nature protocols, 6(8), 1183--1191. [21799487], [doi]  [abs]
  4. Miczek, Klaus A. and Nikulina, Ella M. and Shimamoto, Akiko and Covington, Herbert E. (2011). Escalated or suppressed cocaine reward, tegmental BDNF, and accumbal dopamine caused by episodic versus continuous social stress in rats.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 31(27), 9848--9857. [21734276], [doi]  [abs]
  5. Covington, Herbert E. and Vialou, Vincent F. and LaPlant, Quincey and Ohnishi, Yoshinori N. and Nestler, Eric J. (2011). Hippocampal-dependent antidepressant-like activity of histone deacetylase inhibition.. Neuroscience letters, 493(3), 122--126. [21335060], [doi]  [abs]
  6. Cao, Jun-Li and Covington, Herbert E. and Friedman, Allyson K. and Wilkinson, Matthew B. and Walsh, Jessica J. and Cooper, Donald C. and Nestler, Eric J. and Han, Ming-Hu (2010). Mesolimbic dopamine neurons in the brain reward circuit mediate susceptibility to social defeat and antidepressant action.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 30(49), 16453--16458. [21147984], [doi]  [abs]
  7. Covington, Herbert E. and Lobo, Mary Kay and Maze, Ian and Vialou, Vincent and Hyman, James M. and Zaman, Samir and LaPlant, Quincey and Mouzon, Ezekiel and Ghose, Subroto and Tamminga, Carol A. and Neve, Rachael L. and Deisseroth, Karl and Nestler, Eric J. (2010). Antidepressant effect of optogenetic stimulation of the medial prefrontal cortex.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 30(48), 16082--16090. [21123555], [doi]  [abs]
  8. Lobo, Mary Kay and Covington, Herbert E. and Chaudhury, Dipesh and Friedman, Allyson K. and Sun, HaoSheng and Damez-Werno, Diane and Dietz, David M. and Zaman, Samir and Koo, Ja Wook and Kennedy, Pamela J. and Mouzon, Ezekiell and Mogri, Murtaza and Neve, Rachael L. and Deisseroth, Karl and Han, Ming-Hu and Nestler, Eric J. (2010). Cell type-specific loss of BDNF signaling mimics optogenetic control of cocaine reward.. Science (New York, N.Y.), 330(6002), 385--390. [20947769], [doi]  [abs]
  9. LaPlant, Quincey and Vialou, Vincent and Covington, Herbert E. and Dumitriu, Dani and Feng, Jian and Warren, Brandon L. and Maze, Ian and Dietz, David M. and Watts, Emily L. and I{\~n}iguez, Sergio D. and Koo, Ja Wook and Mouzon, Ezekiell and Renthal, William and Hollis, Fiona and Wang, Hui and Noonan, Michele A. and Ren, Yanhua and Eisch, Amelia J. and Bola{\~n}os, Carlos A. and Kabbaj, Mohamed and Xiao, Guanghua and Neve, Rachael L. and Hurd, Yasmin L. and Oosting, Ronald S. and Fan, Gouping and Morrison, John H. and Nestler, Eric J. (2010). Dnmt3a regulates emotional behavior and spine plasticity in the nucleus accumbens.. Nature neuroscience, 13(9), 1137--1143. [20729844], [doi]  [abs]
  10. Vialou, Vincent and Robison, Alfred J. and Laplant, Quincey C. and Covington, Herbert E. and Dietz, David M. and Ohnishi, Yoshinori N. and Mouzon, Ezekiell and Rush, Augustus J. and Watts, Emily L. and Wallace, Deanna L. and I{\~n}iguez, Sergio D. and Ohnishi, Yoko H. and Steiner, Michel A. and Warren, Brandon L. and Krishnan, Vaishnav and Bola{\~n}os, Carlos A. and Neve, Rachael L. and Ghose, Subroto and Berton, Olivier and Tamminga, Carol A. and Nestler, Eric J. (2010). DeltaFosB in brain reward circuits mediates resilience to stress and antidepressant responses.. Nature neuroscience, 13(6), 745--752. [20473292], [doi]  [abs]
  11. Covington, Herbert E. and Vialou, Vincent and Nestler, Eric J. (2010). From synapse to nucleus: novel targets for treating depression.. Neuropharmacology, 58(4-5), 683--693. [20018197], [doi]  [abs]
  12. Maze, Ian and Covington, Herbert E. and Dietz, David M. and LaPlant, Quincey and Renthal, William and Russo, Scott J. and Mechanic, Max and Mouzon, Ezekiell and Neve, Rachael L. and Haggarty, Stephen J. and Ren, Yanhua and Sampath, Srihari C. and Hurd, Yasmin L. and Greengard, Paul and Tarakhovsky, Alexander and Schaefer, Anne and Nestler, Eric J. (2010). Essential role of the histone methyltransferase G9a in cocaine-induced plasticity.. Science (New York, N.Y.), 327(5962), 213--216. [20056891], [doi]  [abs]
  13. Covington, Herbert E. and Maze, Ian and LaPlant, Quincey C. and Vialou, Vincent F. and Ohnishi, Yoshinori N. and Berton, Olivier and Fass, Dan M. and Renthal, William and Rush, Augustus J. and Wu, Emma Y. and Ghose, Subroto and Krishnan, Vaishnav and Russo, Scott J. and Tamminga, Carol and Haggarty, Stephen J. and Nestler, Eric J. (2009). Antidepressant actions of histone deacetylase inhibitors.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 29(37), 11451--11460. [19759294], [doi]  [abs]
  14. Renthal, William and Kumar, Arvind and Xiao, Guanghua and Wilkinson, Matthew and Covington, Herbert E. and Maze, Ian and Sikder, Devanjan and Robison, Alfred J. and LaPlant, Quincey and Dietz, David M. and Russo, Scott J. and Vialou, Vincent and Chakravarty, Sumana and Kodadek, Thomas J. and Stack, Ashley and Kabbaj, Mohamed and Nestler, Eric J. (2009). Genome-wide analysis of chromatin regulation by cocaine reveals a role for sirtuins.. Neuron, 62(3), 335--348. [19447090], [doi]  [abs]
  15. Adachi, Megumi and Autry, Anita E. and Covington, Herb E. and Monteggia, Lisa M. (2009). MeCP2-mediated transcription repression in the basolateral amygdala may underlie heightened anxiety in a mouse model of Rett syndrome.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 29(13), 4218--4227. [19339616], [doi]  [abs]
  16. Miczek, Klaus A. and Yap, Jasmine J. and Covington, Herbert E. (2008). Social stress, therapeutics and drug abuse: preclinical models of escalated and depressed intake.. Pharmacology & therapeutics, 120(2), 102--128. [18789966], [doi]  [abs]
  17. Krishnan, Vaishnav and Han, Ming-Hu and Mazei-Robison, Michelle and I{\~n}iguez, Sergio D. and Ables, Jessica L. and Vialou, Vincent and Berton, Olivier and Ghose, Subroto and Covington, Herbert E. and Wiley, Matthew D. and Henderson, Ross P. and Neve, Rachael L. and Eisch, Amelia J. and Tamminga, Carol A. and Russo, Scott J. and Bola{\~n}os, Carlos A. and Nestler, Eric J. (2008). AKT signaling within the ventral tegmental area regulates cellular and behavioral responses to stressful stimuli.. Biological psychiatry, 64(8), 691--700. [18639865], [doi]  [abs]
  18. Renthal, William and Carle, Tiffany L. and Maze, Ian and Covington, Herbert E. and Truong, Hoang-Trang and Alibhai, Imran and Kumar, Arvind and Montgomery, Rusty L. and Olson, Eric N. and Nestler, Eric J. (2008). Delta FosB mediates epigenetic desensitization of the c-fos gene after chronic amphetamine exposure.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 28(29), 7344--7349. [18632938], [doi]  [abs]
  19. Covington, Herbert E. and Tropea, Thomas F. and Rajadhyaksha, Anjali M. and Kosofsky, Barry E. and Miczek, Klaus A. (2008). NMDA receptors in the rat VTA: a critical site for social stress to intensify cocaine taking.. Psychopharmacology, 197(2), 203--216. [18097654], [doi]  [abs]
  20. Renthal, William and Maze, Ian and Krishnan, Vaishnav and Covington, Herbert E. and Xiao, Guanghua and Kumar, Arvind and Russo, Scott J. and Graham, Ami and Tsankova, Nadia and Kippin, Tod E. and Kerstetter, Kerry A. and Neve, Rachael L. and Haggarty, Stephen J. and McKinsey, Timothy A. and Bassel-Duby, Rhonda and Olson, Eric N. and Nestler, Eric J. (2007). Histone deacetylase 5 epigenetically controls behavioral adaptations to chronic emotional stimuli.. Neuron, 56(3), 517--529. [17988634], [doi]  [abs]
  21. Fowler, Stephen C. and Covington, Herbert E. and Miczek, Klaus A. (2007). Stereotyped and complex motor routines expressed during cocaine self-administration: results from a 24-h binge of unlimited cocaine access in rats.. Psychopharmacology, 192(4), 465--478. [17333134], [doi]  [abs]
  22. Berton, Olivier and Covington, Herbert E. and Ebner, Karl and Tsankova, Nadia M. and Carle, Tiffany L. and Ulery, Paula and Bhonsle, Akshay and Barrot, Michel and Krishnan, Vaishnav and Singewald, Georg M. and Singewald, Nicolas and Birnbaum, Shari and Neve, Rachael L. and Nestler, Eric J. (2007). Induction of deltaFosB in the periaqueductal gray by stress promotes active coping responses.. Neuron, 55(2), 289--300. [17640529], [doi]  [abs]
  23. Covington, Herbert E. and Miczek, Klaus A. (2005). Intense cocaine self-administration after episodic social defeat stress, but not after aggressive behavior: dissociation from corticosterone activation.. Psychopharmacology, 183(3), 331--340. [16249907], [doi]  [abs]
  24. Yap, Jasmine J. and Covington, Herbert E. and Gale, Melissa C. and Datta, Rupak and Miczek, Klaus A. (2005). Behavioral sensitization due to social defeat stress in mice: antagonism at mGluR5 and NMDA receptors.. Psychopharmacology, 179(1), 230--239. [15517195], [doi]  [abs]
  25. Covington, Herbert E. and Kikusui, Takefumi and Goodhue, Justin and Nikulina, Ella M. and Hammer, Ronald P. and Miczek, Klaus A. (2005). Brief social defeat stress: long lasting effects on cocaine taking during a binge and zif268 mRNA expression in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex.. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 30(2), 310--321. [15496936], [doi]  [abs]
  26. Philibin, Scott D. and Vann, Robert E. and Varvel, Stephen A. and Covington, Herbert E. and Rosecrans, John A. and James, John R. and Robinson, Susan E. (2005). Differential behavioral responses to nicotine in Lewis and Fischer-344 rats.. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior, 80(1), 87--92. [15652384], [doi]  [abs]
  27. Miczek, Klaus A. and Covington, Herbert E. and Nikulina, Ella M. and Hammer, Ronald P. (2004). Aggression and defeat: persistent effects on cocaine self-administration and gene expression in peptidergic and aminergic mesocorticolimbic circuits.. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 27(8), 787--802. [15019428], [doi]  [abs]
  28. Nikulina, E. M. and Covington, H. E. and Ganschow, L. and Hammer, R. P. and Miczek, K. A. (2004). Long-term behavioral and neuronal cross-sensitization to amphetamine induced by repeated brief social defeat stress: Fos in the ventral tegmental area and amygdala.. Neuroscience, 123(4), 857--865. [14751279]  [abs]
  29. Covington, Herbert E. and Miczek, Klaus A. (2003). Vocalizations during withdrawal from opiates and cocaine: possible expressions of affective distress.. European journal of pharmacology, 467(1-3), 1--13. [12706449]  [abs]
  30. Covington, H. E. and Miczek, K. A. (2001). Repeated social-defeat stress, cocaine or morphine. Effects on behavioral sensitization and intravenous cocaine self-administration ``binges''.. Psychopharmacology, 158(4), 388--398. [11797060], [doi]  [abs]
  31. Mutschler, N. H. and Covington, H. E. and Miczek, K. A. (2001). Repeated self-administered cocaine ``binges'' in rats: effects on cocaine intake and withdrawal.. Psychopharmacology, 154(3), 292--300. [11351936]  [abs]


  1. H.E. Covington, III and K.A. Miczek (2010). Binge drug taking. In C. Olmstead (Ed.).  Neuromethods: Animal Models of Drug Addiction. The Humana Press.

Chapters in Books

  1. H.E. Covington, III and O. Berton "Chromatin-based treatments for affective disorders - insight or utopia?."  Ed. Cryan J and Leonard BE Psychopathology and Pharmacotherapy of DepressionS. Karger, 2011

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