Publications of Daniel A. Livingstone    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:

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  1. D.A. Livingstone, A geological perspective on the conservation of African forests, in African Rain Forest Ecology and Conservation, p. 50-56, edited by W. Weber, L.J.T. White, A. Vedder, and L. Naughton-Treves (2001), Yale University Press, New Haven and London, xii + 588 p. .

Papers Published

  1. HE Wright, F Oldfield and DA Livingstone, Erratum to: (J Paleolimnol (2010) 44, 2), Journal of Paleolimnology, vol. 46 no. 1 (2011), pp. 171-171 [doi] .
  2. DA Livingstone, Sixty years of paleolimnology, Journal of Paleolimnology, vol. 44 no. 2 (2010), pp. 511-515 [doi] .
  3. ES Msaky, D Livingstone and OK Davis, Paleolimnological investigations of anthropogenic environmental change in Lake Tanganyika: V. Palynological evidence for deforestation and increased erosion, Journal of Paleolimnology, vol. 34 no. 1 (2005), pp. 73-83 [doi]  [abs].
  4. DA Livingstone, Ecology. Global climate change strikes a tropical lake., Science, vol. 301 no. 5632 (July, 2003), pp. 468-469 [12881557], [doi] .
  5. KRM Beuning, MR Talbot, DA Livingstone and G Schmukler, Sensitivity of carbon isotopic proxies to paleoclimatic forcing: A case study from Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana, over the last 32,000 years, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, vol. 17 no. 4 (2003), pp. 32-31  [abs].
  6. DA Livingstone, Historical geochemistry of tropical Africa, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED LIMNOLOGY, VOL 27, PT 1, PROCEEDINGS, vol. 27 (1999), pp. 27-34 (Kilham Memorial Lecture.) [Gateway.cgi] .
  7. J Maley, DA Livingstone, P Giresse, P Brenac, G Kling, C Stager, N Thouveny, K Kelts, M Haag, M Fournier and E al, West Cameroon Quaternary lacustrine deposits: preliminary results, Journal of African Earth Sciences, vol. 12 no. 1-2 (1991), pp. 147-157  [abs].
  8. J Maley, DA Livingstone, P Giresse, N Thouveny, P Brenac, K Kelts, G Kling, C Stager, M Haag, M Fournier and E al, Lithostratigraphy, volcanism, paleomagnetism and palynology of Quaternary lacustrine deposits from Barombi Mbo (West Cameroon): Preliminary results, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol. 42 no. 4 (1990), pp. 319-335  [abs].
  9. MR Talbot and DA Livingstone, Hydrogen index and carbon isotopes of lacustrine organic matter as lake level indicators, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 70 no. 1-3 (1989), pp. 121-137  [abs].
  10. JC Stager, PN Reinthal and DA Livingstone, A 25 000-year history for Lake Victoria, East Africa, and some comments on its significance for the evolution of cichlid fishes., Freshwater Biology, vol. 16 no. 1 (1986), pp. 15-19  [abs].
  11. CJ Ebinger, MJ Crow, BR Rosendahl, DA Livingstone and J Lefournier, Structural evolution of Lake MalaĆ”i, Africa, Nature, vol. 308 no. 5960 (1984), pp. 627-629 [doi]  [abs].
  12. DA Livingstone and JM Melack, Some lakes of Subsaharan Africa., Ecosystems of the world 23: lakes and reservoirs (1984), pp. 467-497  [abs].
  13. J Maley and DA Livingstone, ( Late Pleistocene and early Holocene extension of a mountain element in southern Ghana ( West Africa): preliminary pollen data)., Comptes Rendus des Seances - Academie des Sciences Serie II, vol. 296 no. 6 (1983), pp. 505-510  [abs].
  14. J Maley and DA Livingstone, ( Late Pleistocene and early Holocene extension of a mountain element in southern Ghana, West Africa: preliminary pollen data, Olean hochstetteri)., Comptes Rendus des Seances - Academie des Sciences, Serie III, vol. 296 no. 16 (1983), pp. 761-766  [abs].
  15. J Maley and DA Livingstone, ( Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene extension of a mountain element in southern Ghana, West Africa: preliminary pollen data)., Comptes Rendus des Seances - Academie des Sciences, Serie III, vol. 296 no. 6 (1983), pp. 251-256  [abs].
  16. BR Rosendahl and DA Livingstone, Rift lakes of East Africa: new seismic data and implications for future research., Episodes, vol. 1 (1983), pp. 14-19  [abs].
  17. D Livingstone, Potential sites for a long core in the East African Rift., Bulletin - Centres de Recherches Exploration-Production Elf- Aquitaine, vol. 7 no. 1 (1983), pp. 443-448  [abs].
  18. DA Livingstone, M Rowland and PE Bailey, On the size of African riverine fish faunas., American Zoologist, vol. 22 no. 2 (1982), pp. 361-369  [abs].
  19. DA Livingstone, M Rowland and PE Bailey, On the size of african riverine fish faunas, Integrative and Comparative Biology, vol. 22 no. 2 (1982), pp. 361-369 [doi]  [abs].
  20. DA Livingstone and WD Clayton, An altitudinal cline in tropical African grass floras and its paleoecological significance, Quaternary Research, vol. 13 no. 3 (1980), pp. 392-402  [abs].
  21. DA Livingstone, The sodium cycle and the age of the ocean, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 27 no. 10 (1963), pp. 1055-1069  [abs].
  22. DA Livingstone, Age of deglaciation in the Ruwenzori Range, Uganda, Nature, vol. 194 no. 4831 (1962), pp. 859-860 [doi]  [abs].
  23. DA Livingstone, M Ewing and WL Donn, Theory of ice ages, Science, vol. 129 no. 3347 (1959), pp. 463-464 .

Book Chapters

  1. D.A. Livingstone, An historical view of African Inland waters, in Science in Africa: Emerging Water Management Issues, edited by J. Schoneboom (1998), pp. 1-11, Washington, DC: AAAS .