Publications of Tai-ping Sun :chronological alphabetical combined bibtex listing:
search PubMed.Papers Published
- Li, J; Cupil-Garcia, V; Wang, H-N; Strobbia, P; Lai, B; Hu, J; Maiwald, M; Sumpf, B; Sun, T-P; Kemner, KM; Vo-Dinh, T, Plasmonics nanorod biosensor for in situ intracellular detection of gene expression biomarkers in intact plant systems., Biosensors & bioelectronics, vol. 261 (October, 2024), pp. 116471 [doi] [abs].
- Huang, X; Zentella, R; Park, J; Reser, L; Bai, DL; Ross, MM; Shabanowitz, J; Hunt, DF; Sun, T-P, Phosphorylation activates master growth regulator DELLA by promoting histone H2A binding at chromatin in Arabidopsis., Nature communications, vol. 15 no. 1 (September, 2024), pp. 7694 [doi] [abs].
- Shani, E; Hedden, P; Sun, T-P, Highlights in gibberellin research: A tale of the dwarf and the slender., Plant physiology, vol. 195 no. 1 (April, 2024), pp. 111-134 [doi] [abs].
- Huang, X; Tian, H; Park, J; Oh, D-H; Hu, J; Zentella, R; Qiao, H; Dassanayake, M; Sun, T-P, The master growth regulator DELLA binding to histone H2A is essential for DELLA-mediated global transcription regulation., Nature plants, vol. 9 no. 8 (August, 2023), pp. 1291-1305 [doi] [abs].
- Hu, J; Li, X; Sun, T-P, Four class A AUXIN RESPONSE FACTORs promote tomato fruit growth despite suppressing fruit set., Nature plants, vol. 9 no. 5 (May, 2023), pp. 706-719 [doi] [abs].
- Zentella, R; Wang, Y; Zahn, E; Hu, J; Jiang, L; Shabanowitz, J; Hunt, DF; Sun, T-P, SPINDLY O-fucosylates nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins involved in diverse cellular processes in plants., Plant physiology, vol. 191 no. 3 (March, 2023), pp. 1546-1560 [doi] [abs].
- Kumar, S; Wang, Y; Zhou, Y; Dillard, L; Li, F-W; Sciandra, CA; Sui, N; Zentella, R; Zahn, E; Shabanowitz, J; Hunt, DF; Borgnia, MJ; Bartesaghi, A; Sun, T-P; Zhou, P, Structure and dynamics of the Arabidopsis O-fucosyltransferase SPINDLY., Nature communications, vol. 14 no. 1 (March, 2023), pp. 1538 [doi] [abs].
- Cupil-Garcia, V; Li, JQ; Norton, SJ; Odion, RA; Strobbia, P; Menozzi, L; Ma, C; Hu, J; Zentella, R; Boyanov, MI; Finfrock, YZ; Gursoy, D; Douglas, DS; Yao, J; Sun, T-P; Kemner, KM; Vo-Dinh, T, Plasmonic nanorod probes' journey inside plant cells for in vivo SERS sensing and multimodal imaging., Nanoscale, vol. 15 no. 13 (March, 2023), pp. 6396-6407 [doi] [abs].
- Sun, T-P, Novel nucleocytoplasmic protein O-fucosylation by SPINDLY regulates diverse developmental processes in plants., Current opinion in structural biology, vol. 68 (June, 2021), pp. 113-121, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs].
- Crawford, BM; Wang, HN; Strobbia, P; Zentella, R; Pei, ZM; Sun, TP; Vo-Dinh, T, Plasmonic Nanobiosensing: From in situ plant monitoring to cancer diagnostics at the point of care, JPhys Photonics, vol. 2 no. 3 (July, 2020) [doi] [abs].
- Wang, Y; He, Y; Su, C; Zentella, R; Sun, T-P; Wang, L, Nuclear Localized O-Fucosyltransferase SPY Facilitates PRR5 Proteolysis to Fine-Tune the Pace of Arabidopsis Circadian Clock., Molecular plant, vol. 13 no. 3 (March, 2020), pp. 446-458 [doi] [abs].
- Strobbia, P; Ran, Y; Crawford, BM; Cupil-Garcia, V; Zentella, R; Wang, H-N; Sun, T-P; Vo-Dinh, T, Inverse Molecular Sentinel-Integrated Fiberoptic Sensor for Direct and in Situ Detection of miRNA Targets., Analytical chemistry, vol. 91 no. 9 (May, 2019), pp. 6345-6352 [doi] [abs].
- Crawford, BM; Strobbia, P; Wang, H-N; Zentella, R; Boyanov, MI; Pei, Z-M; Sun, T-P; Kemner, KM; Vo-Dinh, T, Plasmonic Nanoprobes for in Vivo Multimodal Sensing and Bioimaging of MicroRNA within Plants., ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol. 11 no. 8 (February, 2019), pp. 7743-7754 [doi] [abs].
- Yang, EJ; Yoo, CY; Liu, J; Wang, H; Cao, J; Li, F; Pryer, KM; Sun, T; Weigel, D; Zhou, P, NCP activates chloroplast transcription by controlling phytochrome-dependent dual nuclear and plastidial switches, Nature communications, vol. 10 no. 1 (2019), pp. 1-13, Nature Publishing Group [doi] [abs].
- Shinozaki, Y; Ezura, K; Hu, J; Okabe, Y; Bénard, C; Prodhomme, D; Gibon, Y; Sun, T-P; Ezura, H; Ariizumi, T, Identification and functional study of a mild allele of SlDELLA gene conferring the potential for improved yield in tomato., Scientific reports, vol. 8 no. 1 (August, 2018), pp. 12043, Springer Nature America, Inc [doi] [abs].
- Hu, J; Israeli, A; Ori, N; Sun, T-P, The Interaction between DELLA and ARF/IAA Mediates Crosstalk between Gibberellin and Auxin Signaling to Control Fruit Initiation in Tomato., The Plant cell, vol. 30 no. 8 (August, 2018), pp. 1710-1728, American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) [doi] [abs].
- Zentella, R; Sui, N; Barnhill, B; Hsieh, W-P; Hu, J; Shabanowitz, J; Boyce, M; Olszewski, NE; Zhou, P; Hunt, DF; Sun, T-P, The Arabidopsis O-fucosyltransferase SPINDLY activates nuclear growth repressor DELLA., Nat Chem Biol, vol. 13 no. 5 (May, 2017), pp. 479-485 [doi] [abs].
- Park, J; Oh, D-H; Dassanayake, M; Nguyen, KT; Ogas, J; Choi, G; Sun, T-P, Gibberellin Signaling Requires Chromatin Remodeler PICKLE to Promote Vegetative Growth and Phase Transitions., Plant physiology, vol. 173 no. 2 (February, 2017), pp. 1463-1474 [doi] [abs].
- Hirano, Y; Nakagawa, M; Suyama, T; Murase, K; Shirakawa, M; Takayama, S; Sun, T-P; Hakoshima, T, Structure of the SHR-SCR heterodimer bound to the BIRD/IDD transcriptional factor JKD., Nature plants, vol. 3 no. 3 (February, 2017), pp. 17010 [doi] [abs].
- Zhou, X; Zhang, Z-L; Park, J; Tyler, L; Yusuke, J; Qiu, K; Nam, EA; Lumba, S; Desveaux, D; McCourt, P; Kamiya, Y; Sun, T-P, The ERF11 Transcription Factor Promotes Internode Elongation by Activating Gibberellin Biosynthesis and Signaling., Plant physiology, vol. 171 no. 4 (August, 2016), pp. 2760-2770 [doi] [abs].
- Zentella, R; Hu, J; Hsieh, W-P; Matsumoto, PA; Dawdy, A; Barnhill, B; Oldenhof, H; Hartweck, LM; Maitra, S; Thomas, SG; Cockrell, S; Boyce, M; Shabanowitz, J; Hunt, DF; Olszewski, NE; Sun, T-P, O-GlcNAcylation of master growth repressor DELLA by SECRET AGENT modulates multiple signaling pathways in Arabidopsis., Genes Dev, vol. 30 no. 2 (January, 2016), pp. 164-176 [doi] [abs].
- Acheampong, AK; Hu, J; Rotman, A; Zheng, C; Halaly, T; Takebayashi, Y; Jikumaru, Y; Kamiya, Y; Lichter, A; Sun, T-P; Or, E, Functional characterization and developmental expression profiling of gibberellin signalling components in Vitis vinifera., Journal of experimental botany, vol. 66 no. 5 (March, 2015), pp. 1463-1476 [doi] [abs].
- Sun, T-P, Plant Science. Sex and the single fern., Science (New York, N.Y.), vol. 346 no. 6208 (October, 2014), pp. 423-424 [doi] .
- Gallego-Giraldo, C; Hu, J; Urbez, C; Gomez, MD; Sun, T-P; Perez-Amador, MA, Role of the gibberellin receptors GID1 during fruit-set in Arabidopsis, Plant Journal, vol. 79 no. 6 (2014), pp. 1020-1032 [doi] .
- Miyamoto, T; DeRose, R; Suarez, A; Ueno, T; Chen, M; Sun, T-P; Wolfgang, MJ; Mukherjee, C; Meyers, DJ; Inoue, T, Rapid and orthogonal logic gating with a gibberellin-induced dimerization system., Nature chemical biology, vol. 8 no. 5 (March, 2012), pp. 465-470 [doi] [abs].
- Dayan, J; Voronin, N; Gong, F; Sun, T-P; Hedden, P; Fromm, H; Aloni, R, Leaf-induced gibberellin signaling is essential for internode elongation, cambial activity, and fiber differentiation in tobacco stems., The Plant cell, vol. 24 no. 1 (January, 2012), pp. 66-79 [doi] [abs].
- Chapman, EJ; Greenham, K; Castillejo, C; Sartor, R; Bialy, A; Sun, T-P; Estelle, M, Hypocotyl transcriptome reveals auxin regulation of growth-promoting genes through GA-dependent and -independent pathways., PloS one, vol. 7 no. 5 (January, 2012), pp. e36210 [doi] [abs].
- Bai, MY; Shang, JX; Oh, E; Fan, M; Bai, Y; Zentella, R; Sun, T-P; Wang, Z-Y, Brassinosteroid, gibberellin, and phytochrome signalling pathways impinge on a common transcription module in Arabidopsis, Nature Cell Biology, vol. 14 no. 8 (2012), pp. 810 [doi] [abs].
- Yang, DL; Yao, J; Mei, CS; Tong, XH; Zeng, LJ; Li, Q; Xiao, LT; Sun, T-P; Li, J; Deng, XW; Lee, CM; Thomashow, MF; Yang, Y; He, Z; He, SY, Plant hormone jasmonate prioritizes defense over growth by interfering with gibberellin signaling cascade, PNAS, vol. 109 no. 19 (2012), pp. E1192 [doi] [abs].
- Sun, T-P, The molecular mechanism and evolution of the GA-GID1-DELLA signaling module in plants., Current biology : CB, vol. 21 no. 9 (May, 2011), pp. R338-R345 [doi] [abs].
- Zhang, ZL; Ogawa, M; Fleet, CM; Zentella, R; Hu, J; Heo, JO; Lim, J; Kamiya, Y; Yamaguchi, S; Sun, TP, Scarecrow-like 3 promotes gibberellin signaling by antagonizing master growth repressor DELLA in Arabidopsis., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 108 no. 5 (February, 2011), pp. 2160-2165 [doi] [abs].
- Zhang, ZL; Ogawa, M; Fleet, CM; Zentella, R; Hu, J; Heo, J-O; Lim, J; Kamiya, Y; Yamaguchi, S; Sun, T-P, SCARECROW-LIKE 3 promotes gibberellin signaling by antagonizing DELLA in Arabidopsis, PNAS, vol. 108 (2011), pp. 2160-2165 .
- Sun, T-P, Gibberellin-GID1-DELLA: a pivotal regulatory module for plant growth and development., Plant physiology, vol. 154 no. 2 (October, 2010), pp. 567-570 [doi] .
- Sun, TP, Gibberellin signal transduction in stem elongation & leaf growth, in Plant Hormones: Biosynthesis, Signal Transduction, Action! (January, 2010), pp. 308-328, Springer Netherlands [doi] [abs].
- Gilkerson, J; Hu, J; Brown, J; Jones, A; Sun, T-P; Callis, J, Isolation and characterization of cul1-7, a recessive allele of CULLIN1 that disrupts SCF function at the C terminus of CUL1 in Arabidopsis thaliana., Genetics, vol. 181 no. 3 (March, 2009), pp. 945-963 [doi] [abs].
- Murase, K; Hirano, Y; Sun, T-P; Hakoshima, T, Gibberellin-induced DELLA recognition by the gibberellin receptor GID1., Nature, vol. 456 no. 7221 (November, 2008), pp. 459-463 [doi] [abs].
- Ariizumi, T; Murase, K; Sun, T-P; Steber, CM, Proteolysis-independent downregulation of DELLA repression in Arabidopsis by the gibberellin receptor GIBBERELLIN INSENSITIVE DWARF1., The Plant cell, vol. 20 no. 9 (September, 2008), pp. 2447-2459 [doi] [abs].
- Hu, J; Mitchum, MG; Barnaby, N; Ayele, BT; Ogawa, M; Nam, E; Lai, W-C; Hanada, A; Alonso, JM; Ecker, JR; Swain, SM; Yamaguchi, S; Kamiya, Y; Sun, T-P, Potential sites of bioactive gibberellin production during reproductive growth in Arabidopsis., The Plant cell, vol. 20 no. 2 (February, 2008), pp. 320-336 [doi] [abs].
- Sun, T-P, Gibberellin Metabolism, Perception and Signaling Pathways in Arabidopsis, in The Arabidopsis Book, vol. 6 (2008), BioOne Digital Library [doi] .
- Silverstone, AL; Tseng, T-S; Swain, SM; Dill, A; Jeong, SY; Olszewski, NE; Sun, T-P, Functional analysis of SPINDLY in gibberellin signaling in Arabidopsis., Plant physiology, vol. 143 no. 2 (February, 2007), pp. 987-1000 [doi] [abs].
- Griffiths, J; Murase, K; Rieu, I; Zentella, R; Zhang, ZL; Powers, SJ; Gong, F; Phillips, AL; Hedden, P; Sun, TP; Thomas, SG, Erratum: Genetic characterization and functional analysis of the GID1 gibberellin receptors in Arabidopsis (Plant Cell (2006) 18, (3399-3414)), Plant Cell, vol. 19 no. 2 (January, 2007), pp. 726, American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) [doi] .
- Zentella; R; Zhang; Z-L; Park; M; Thomas, SG; G, S; Endo, A; A; Murase; K; Fleet; CM; Jikumaru; Y; Nambara; E; Kamiya; Sun; T-p, Global Analysis of DELLA Direct Targets in Early Gibberellin Signaling in Arabidopsis, Plant Cell, vol. 19 no. 10 (2007), pp. 3037-3057 [doi] [abs].
- Oh; E; Yamaguchi; S; Hu; J; Yusuke; Jung; B; Paik; I; Lee; H-S; Sun; T-p; Kamiya; Y; Choi; G, PIL5, a phytochrome-interacting bHLH protein, regulates gibberellin responsiveness by binding directly to the GAI and RGA promoters in Arabidopsis seeds, Plant Cell, vol. 19 no. 4 (2007), pp. 1192-1208 [doi] [abs].
- Griffiths, J; Murase, K; Rieu, I; Zentella, R; Zhang, ZL; Powers, SJ; Gong, F; Phillips, AL; Hedden, P; Sun, TP; Thomas, SG, Genetic characterization and functional analysis of the GID1 gibberellin receptors in Arabidopsis., The Plant Cell, vol. 18 no. 12 (December, 2006), pp. 3399-3414 [doi] [abs].
- Seo, M; Hanada, A; Kuwahara, A; Endo, A; Okamoto, M; Yamauchi, Y; North, H; Marion-Poll, A; Sun, T-P; Koshiba, T; Kamiya, Y; Yamaguchi, S; Nambara, E, Regulation of hormone metabolism in Arabidopsis seeds: phytochrome regulation of abscisic acid metabolism and abscisic acid regulation of gibberellin metabolism., The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology, vol. 48 no. 3 (November, 2006), pp. 354-366 [doi] [abs].
- Mitchum, MG; Yamaguchi, S; Hanada, A; Kuwahara, A; Yoshioka, Y; Kato, T; Tabata, S; Kamiya, Y; Sun, T-P, Distinct and overlapping roles of two gibberellin 3-oxidases in Arabidopsis development., The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology, vol. 45 no. 5 (March, 2006), pp. 804-818 [doi] [abs].
- Muangprom, A; Thomas, SG; Sun, T-P; Osborn, TC, A novel dwarfing mutation in a green revolution gene from Brassica rapa., Plant physiology, vol. 137 no. 3 (March, 2005), pp. 931-938 [doi] [abs].
- Fleet, CM; Sun, T-P, A DELLAcate balance: the role of gibberellin in plant morphogenesis., Current opinion in plant biology, vol. 8 no. 1 (February, 2005), pp. 77-85 [doi] [abs].
- Feng, S; Shen, Y; Sullivan, JA; Rubio, V; Xiong, Y; Sun, T-P; Deng, XW, Arabidopsis CAND1, an unmodified CUL1-interacting protein, is involved in multiple developmental pathways controlled by ubiquitin/proteasome-mediated protein Degradation., The Plant cell, vol. 16 no. 7 (July, 2004), pp. 1870-1882 [doi] [abs].
- Thomas, SG; Sun, T-P, Update on gibberellin signaling. A tale of the tall and the short., Plant physiology, vol. 135 no. 2 (June, 2004), pp. 668-676 [doi] .
- Tyler, L; Thomas, SG; Hu, J; Dill, A; Alonso, JM; Ecker, JR; Sun, T-P, Della proteins and gibberellin-regulated seed germination and floral development in Arabidopsis., Plant physiology, vol. 135 no. 2 (June, 2004), pp. 1008-1019 [doi] [abs].
- Dill, A; Thomas, SG; Hu, J; Steber, CM; Sun, T-P, The Arabidopsis F-box protein SLEEPY1 targets gibberellin signaling repressors for gibberellin-induced degradation., The Plant cell, vol. 16 no. 6 (June, 2004), pp. 1392-1405 [doi] [abs].
- Sun, T-P; Gubler, F, Molecular mechanism of gibberellin signaling in plants., Annual review of plant biology, vol. 55 (January, 2004), pp. 197-223 [doi] [abs].
- Dill, A; Thomas, SG; Hu, J; Steber, CM; Sun, T-P, The Arabidopsis F-Box Protein SLEEPY1 Targets GA Signaling Repressors for GA-Induced Degradation, Plant Cell, vol. 16 no. 6 (2004), pp. 1392-1405 [doi] [abs].
- Fleet, CM; Yamaguchi, S; Hanada, A; Kawaide, H; David, CJ; Kamiya, Y; Sun, T-P, Overexpression of AtCPS and AtKS in Arabidopsis confers increased ent-kaurene production but no increase in bioactive gibberellins., Plant physiology, vol. 132 no. 2 (June, 2003), pp. 830-839 [doi] [abs].
- McGinnis, KM; Thomas, SG; Soule, JD; Strader, LC; Zale, JM; Sun, T-P; Steber, CM, The Arabidopsis SLEEPY1 gene encodes a putative F-box subunit of an SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase., The Plant cell, vol. 15 no. 5 (May, 2003), pp. 1120-1130 [doi] [abs].
- McGinnis; M, K; Thomas; G, S; Soule; D, J; Stader; C, L; Zale; M, J; Sun; T-p; Steber; M, C, The GA-response gene SLEEPY1 (SLY1) is a putative F-box subunit of an SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase, Plant Cell, vol. 15 no. 5 (2003), pp. 1120-1130 [doi] [abs].
- Olszewski, N; Sun, T-P; Gubler, F, Gibberellin signaling: biosynthesis, catabolism, and response pathways., The Plant cell, vol. 14 Suppl no. SUPPL. (January, 2002), pp. S61-S80 [doi] .
- Chang, C-W; Sun, T-P, Characterization of cis-regulatory regions responsible for developmental regulation of the gibberellin biosynthetic gene GA1 in Arabidopsis thaliana, Plant Mol. Biol., vol. 49 no. 6 (2002), pp. 579-589 [doi] [abs].
- Yamaguchi, S; Kamiya, Y; Sun, T, Distinct cell-specific expression patterns of early and late gibberellin biosynthetic genes during Arabidopsis seed germination., The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology, vol. 28 no. 4 (November, 2001), pp. 443-453 [11737781], [doi] [abs].
- Dill, A; Jung, HS; Sun, TP, The DELLA motif is essential for gibberellin-induced degradation of RGA., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 98 no. 24 (November, 2001), pp. 14162-14167 [doi] [abs].
- Dill, A; Sun, T, Synergistic derepression of gibberellin signaling by removing RGA and GAI function in Arabidopsis thaliana., Genetics, vol. 159 no. 2 (October, 2001), pp. 777-785 [11606552], [doi] [abs].
- Silverstone, AL; Jung, HS; Dill, A; Kawaide, H; Kamiya, Y; Sun, TP, Repressing a repressor: gibberellin-induced rapid reduction of the RGA protein in Arabidopsis., The Plant cell, vol. 13 no. 7 (July, 2001), pp. 1555-1566 [doi] [abs].
- Sun, T, Gibberellin signal transduction., Current opinion in plant biology, vol. 3 no. 5 (October, 2000), pp. 374-380 [11019804], [doi] [abs].
- Silverstone, AL; Sun, T, Gibberellins and the Green Revolution., Trends in plant science, vol. 5 no. 1 (January, 2000), pp. 1-2 [doi] .
- Yamaguchi, S; Sun, TP; Kawaide, H; Kamiya, Y, The GA2 locus of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes ent-kaurene synthase of gibberellin biosynthesis., Plant physiology, vol. 116 no. 4 (April, 1998), pp. 1271-1278 [doi] [abs].
- Silverstone, AL; Ciampaglio, CN; Sun, T, The Arabidopsis RGA gene encodes a transcriptional regulator repressing the gibberellin signal transduction pathway., The Plant cell, vol. 10 no. 2 (February, 1998), pp. 155-169 [9490740], [doi] [abs].
- Yamaguchi; S; Smith; W, M; Brown; S, RG; Kamiya; Y; Sun; T-p, Phytochrome regulation and differential expression of gibberellin 3b-hydroxylase genes in germinating Arabidopsis seeds, Plant Cell, vol. 10 no. 12 (1998), pp. 2115-2126 [9836749], [doi] [abs].
- Sun, TP; Kamiya, Y, Regulation and cellular localization of ent-kaurene synthesis, Physiologia Plantarum, vol. 101 no. 4 (December, 1997), pp. 701-708, WILEY [doi] [abs].
- Silverstone, AL; Chang, C; Krol, E; Sun, TP, Developmental regulation of the gibberellin biosynthetic gene GA1 in Arabidopsis thaliana., The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology, vol. 12 no. 1 (July, 1997), pp. 9-19 [9263448], [doi] [abs].
- Silverstone, AL; Mak, PY; Martínez, EC; Sun, TP, The new RGA locus encodes a negative regulator of gibberellin response in Arabidopsis thaliana., Genetics, vol. 146 no. 3 (July, 1997), pp. 1087-1099 [doi] [abs].
- Ait-Ali, T; Swain, SM; Reid, JB; Sun, T; Kamiya, Y, The LS locus of pea encodes the gibberellin biosynthesis enzyme ent-kaurene synthase A., The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology, vol. 11 no. 3 (March, 1997), pp. 443-454 [doi] [abs].
- Sun, TP; Kamiya, Y, The Arabidopsis GA1 locus encodes the cyclase ent-kaurene synthetase A of gibberellin biosynthesis., The Plant cell, vol. 6 no. 10 (October, 1994), pp. 1509-1518 [doi] [abs].
- Sun, T.-p., Straus, D., and Ausubel, F.M., Cloning Arabidopsis genes by genomic subtraction, in Methods in Arabidopsis Research, edited by Koncz, C., Chua, N.-H., and Schell, J. (1992), pp. 331-341, World Publishing Co., Singapore .
- Sun; T-p; Goodman; M, H; Ausubel; M, F, Cloning the Arabidopsis GA1 locus by genomic subtraction, Plant Cell, vol. 4 no. 2 (1992), pp. 119-128 [doi] [abs].
- Russel, M; Whirlow, H; Sun, TP; Webster, RE, Low-frequency infection of F- bacteria by transducing particles of filamentous bacteriophages., Journal of bacteriology, vol. 170 no. 11 (November, 1988), pp. 5312-5316 [doi] [abs].
- Sun, TP; Webster, RE, Nucleotide sequence of a gene cluster involved in entry of E colicins and single-stranded DNA of infecting filamentous bacteriophages into Escherichia coli., Journal of bacteriology, vol. 169 no. 6 (June, 1987), pp. 2667-2674 [doi] [abs].
- Sun, TP; Webster, RE, fii, a bacterial locus required for filamentous phage infection and its relation to colicin-tolerant tolA and tolB., Journal of bacteriology, vol. 165 no. 1 (January, 1986), pp. 107-115 [doi] [abs].
Book Chapters
- T. Sun, Cloning plant genes by genomic subtraction, in Molecular Plant Biology Volume I: A practical approach, edited by P Gilmartin and C Bowler (2002), Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK .
Book Chapter
- T. Sun, Update: The Gibberellin Receptor., in Plant Hormones: Biosynthesis, Signal Transduction, Action!, edited by Davies, PJ (2010), Kluwer Academic Publishers .
- T. Sun, Gibberellin Metabolism, Perception and Signaling Pathways, in The Arabidopsis Book, vol. doi: 10.1199/tab.0103 (September, 2008), American Society of Plant Biologists .
- Sun, T.-p., Gibberellin signaling in stem elongation, in Plant Hormones: Biosynthesis, Signal Transduction, Action!, edited by Davies, P.J. (2004), Kluwer Academic Publishers .