Papers Published
Song, J; Rotsch, D; Nolen, JA; Gampa, R; De Kruijff, RM; Brossard, T; Howell, CR; Krishichayan, F; Wu, YK; Mikhailov, S; Ahmed, MW; Janssens, RVF, Photonuclear cross sections for Au 197: An update on the gold standard,
Physical Review C, vol. 110 no. 6
(December, 2024), American Physical Society (APS) [doi] [abs]
Liu, P; Yan, J; Afanasev, A; Benson, SV; Hao, H; Mikhailov, SF; Popov, VG; Wu, YK, Generation of superposed orbital angular momentum beams using a free-electron laser oscillator.,
Optics express, vol. 32 no. 2
(January, 2024),
pp. 2235-2244, Optica Publishing Group [doi] [abs]
Kochanneck, L; Ehlers, H; Mikhailov, S; Yan, J; Popov, V; Wallace, P; Swift, G; Ahmed, M; Wu, YK; Jensen, LO; Ristau, D, Enabling Storage Ring FEL for lasing below 170 nm and production of 120 MeV circularly polarized γ-ray by VUV mirrors,
European Quantum Electronics Conference, EQEC 2023 in Proceedings Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe, CLEO/Europe 2023 and European Quantum Electronics Conference EQEC 2023, Part of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe, CLEO/Europe 2023 and European Quantum Electroni
(January, 2023) .
Kochanneck, L; Ehlers, H; Mikhailov, S; Yan, J; Popov, V; Wallace, P; Swift, G; Ahmed, M; Wu, YK; Jensen, LO; Ristau, D, Enabling Storage Ring FEL for lasing below 170 nm and production of 120 MeV circularly polarized γ-ray by VUV mirrors,
2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023
(January, 2023) [doi] [abs]
Li, W; Yan, J; Liu, P; Wu, YK, Synchrotron radiation interferometry for beam size measurement at low current and in large dynamic range,
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, vol. 25 no. 8
(August, 2022), American Physical Society (APS) [doi] [abs]
Li, X; Ahmed, MW; Banu, A; Bartram, C; Crowe, B; Downie, EJ; Emamian, M; Feldman, G; Gao, H; Godagama, D; Grießhammer, HW; Howell, CR; Karwowski, HJ; Kendellen, DP; Kovash, MA; Leung, KKH; Markoff, DM; McGovern, JA; Mikhailov, S; Pywell, RE; Sikora, MH; Silano, JA; Sosa, RS; Spraker, MC; Swift, G; Wallace, P; Weller, HR; Whisnant, CS; Wu, YK; Zhao, ZW, Proton Compton Scattering from Linearly Polarized Gamma Rays.,
Physical review letters, vol. 128 no. 13
(April, 2022),
pp. 132502 [doi] [abs]
Calvin R. Howell, Mohammad W. Ahmed, Andrei Afanasev, David Alesini, John Annand, Ani Aprahamian, Dimiter Balabanski, Stephen Benson, Aron Bernstein, Carl Brune, J.M. Byrd, Bruce Carlsten, Arthur Champagne, Swapan Chattopadhyay, David Davis, Evie Downie, J. Matthew Durham, Gerald Feldman, Haiyan Gao, Cameron G.R. Geddes, Harald Griesshammer, Ryoichi Hajim9, Hao Hao, David Hornidge, Johann Isaak, R.V.F. Janssens, David Kendellen, Mike Kovash, Phillip Martel, Ulf-G Meissner, Rory Miskimen, Barbara Pasquini, Daniel R. Phillips, Norbert Pietralla, Deniz Savran, Matthias Schinuler, Mark Sikora, W. Michael Snow, Roxanne Springer, C.M. Sun, Chuanxiang Tang, Brian Tiburzi, Anton Tonchev, Werner Tornow, Calin Alexander Ur, Dong Wang, H.R. Weller, V. Werner, Ying K. Wu, Jun Yan, Zheng Zhao, Andreas Zilges and F.Z. Zomer, International Workshop on Next Generation Gamma-Ray Source,
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys., vol. 49 no. 010502
(2022) .
Springer, R; Ahmed, M; Howell, C; phillips, D; Griesshammer, H; Wu, Y, International Workshop on Next Generation Gamma-Ray Source,
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, vol. 49
(December, 2021), IOP Publishing .
Wu, YK; Mikhailov, S; Yan, J; Wallace, P; Popov, V; Pentico, M; Swift, G; Ahmed, MW; Kochanneck, L; Ehlers, H; Jensen, LO, Lasing below 170 nm using an oscillator FEL,
Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 130 no. 18
(November, 2021) [doi] [abs]
Liu, P; Yan, J; Li, W; Wu, YK, Transverse mode analysis for free-space laser beams using Bayesian analysis.,
Applied optics, vol. 60 no. 12
(April, 2021),
pp. 3344-3352, The Optical Society [doi] [abs]
Laskaris, G; Ji, W; Yan, X; Zhou, J; Zimmerman, WR; Ahmed, MW; Averett, T; Deltuva, A; Fonseca, AC; Gao, H; Golak, J; Kafkarkou, A; Karwowski, HJ; Lalremruata, B; Manfredi, J; Mueller, JM; Sauer, PU; Skibiński, R; Smith, AP; Tsang, MB; Weller, HR; Witała, H; Wu, YK; Zhao, ZW, First measurement of the asymmetry and the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn integrand from the He 3- (γ-,p) H 2 reaction at an incident photon energy of 29 MeV,
Physical Review C, vol. 103 no. 3
(March, 2021) [doi] [abs]
Liu, P; Yan, J; Hao, H; Wu, YK, Phase retrieval for short wavelength orbital angular momentum beams using knife-edge diffraction,
Optics Communications, vol. 474
(November, 2020) [doi] [abs]
Yan, J; Hao, H; Huang, S; Li, J; Litvinenko, VN; Liu, P; Mikhailov, SF; Popov, VG; Swift, G; Vinokurov, NA; Wu, YK, Polarization control of a free-electron laser oscillator using helical undulators of opposite helicities,
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, vol. 23 no. 6
(June, 2020) [doi] [abs]
Li, X; Ahmed, MW; Banu, A; Bartram, C; Crowe, B; Downie, EJ; Emamian, M; Feldman, G; Gao, H; Godagama, D; Grießhammer, HW; Howell, CR; Karwowski, HJ; Kendellen, DP; Kovash, MA; Leung, KKH; Markoff, D; Mikhailov, S; Pywell, RE; Sikora, MH; Silano, JA; Sosa, RS; Spraker, MC; Swift, G; Wallace, P; Weller, HR; Whisnant, CS; Wu, YK; Zhao, ZW, Compton scattering from $^{4}\mathrm{He}$ at the TUNL $\mathrm{HI}\ensuremath{\gamma}\mathrm{S}$ facility,
PRC, vol. 101 no. 3
(March, 2020),
pp. 034618, American Physical Society [doi] [abs]
Gai, M; Schweitzer, D; Stern, SR; Young, AH; Smith, R; Cwiok, M; Bihalowicz, JS; Czyrkowski, H; Dabrowski, R; Dominik, W; Fijalkowska, A; Janas, Z; Janiak, L; Korgul, A; Matulewicz, T; Mazzocchi, C; Pfützner, M; Zaremba, M; Balabanski, D; Gheorghe, I; Matei, C; Tesileanu, O; Zamfir, NV; Ahmed, MW; Henshaw, SS; Howell, CR; Mueller, JM; Myers, LS; Stave, S; Sun, C; Weller, HR; Wu, YK; Breskin, A; Dangendorf, V; Tittelmeier, K; Freer, M, Time Projection Chamber (TPC) detectors for nuclear astrophysics studies with gamma beams,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, vol. 954
(February, 2020) [doi] [abs]
Placzek, W; Abramov, A; Alden, SE; Fernandez, RA; Antsiferov, PS; Apyan, A; Bartosik, H; Bessonov, EG; Biancacci, N; Bieron, J; Bogacz, A; Bosco, A; Bruce, R; Budker, D; Cassou, K; Castelli, F; Chaikovska, I; Curatolo, C; Czodrowski, P; Derevianko, A; Dupraz, K; Dutheil, Y; Dzierzega, K; Fedosseev, V; Martinez, NF; Gibson, SM; Goddard, B; Gorzawski, A; Hirlander, S; Jowett, JM; Kersevan, R; Kowalska, M; Krasny, MW; Kroeger, F; Kuchler, D; Lamont, M; Lefevre, T; Manglunki, D; Marsh, B; Martens, A; Molson, J; Nutarelli, D; Nevay, LJ; Petrenko, A; Petrillo, V; Redaelli, S; Peinaud, Y; Pustelny, S; Rochester, S; Sapinski, M; Schaumann, M; Scrivens, R; Serafini, L; Shevelko, VP; Stoehlker, T; Surzhykov, A; Tolstikhina, I; Velotti, F; Weber, G; Wu, YK; Yin-Vallgren, C; Zanetti, M; Zimmermann, F; Zolotorev, MS; Zomer, F, The gamma factory project at cern: A new generation of research tools made of light,
Acta Physica Polonica B, Proceedings Supplement, vol. 13 no. 4
(January, 2020),
pp. 645-652 [doi] [abs]
Yan, J; Mueller, JM; Ahmed, MW; Hao, H; Huang, S; Li, J; Litvinenko, VN; Liu, P; Mikhailov, SF; Popov, VG; Sikora, MH; Vinokurov, NA; Wu, YK, Precision control of gamma-ray polarization using a crossed helical undulator free-electron laser,
Nature Photonics, vol. 13 no. 9
(September, 2019),
pp. 629-635 [doi] [abs]
Pan, Z; Byrd, J; Hao, H; Huang, W; Li, D; Sun, C; Wu, YK; Tang, C, Design and dynamic studies for a compact storage ring to generate gamma-ray light source based on Compton backscattering technique,
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, vol. 22 no. 4
(April, 2019) [doi] [abs]
Płaczek, W; Abramov, A; Alden, SE; Alemany Fernandez, R; Antsiferov, PS; Apyan, A; Bartosik, H; Bessonov, EG; Biancacci, N; Bieroń, J; Bogacz, A; Bosco, A; Bruce, R; Budker, D; Cassou, K; Castelli, F; Chaikovska, I; Curatolo, C; Czodrowski, P; Derevianko, A; Dupraz, K; Dutheil, Y; Dzierżęga, K; Fedosseev, V; Fuster Martinez, N; Gibson, SM; Goddard, B; Gorzawski, A; Hirlander, S; Jowett, J; Kersevan, R; Kowalska, M; Krasny, MW; Kroeger, F; Lamont, M; Lefevre, T; Manglunki, D; Marsh, B; Martens, A; Molson, J; Nutarelli, D; Nevay, LJ; Petrenko, A; Petrillo, V; Radaelli, S; Pustelny, S; Rochester, S; Sapinski, M; Schaumann, M; Serafini, L; Shevelko, VP; Stoehlker, T; Surzhikov, A; Tolstikhina, I; Velotti, F; Weber, G; Wu, YK; Yin-Vallgren, C; Zanetti, M; Zimmermann, F; Zolotorev, MS; Zomer, F, Gamma factory at CERN - Novel research tools made of light,
Acta Physica Polonica B, vol. 50 no. 6
(January, 2019),
pp. 1191-1203 [doi] [abs]
Dutheil, Y; Abramov, A; Alden, SE; Alemany Fernández, R; Antsiferov, PS; Apyan, A; Bartosik, H; Bessonov, EG; Biancacci, N; Bieron, J; Bogacz, A; Bosco, A; Bruce, R; Budker, D; Cassou, K; Castelli, F; Chaikovska, I; Curatolo, C; Czodrowski, P; Derevianko, A; Dupraz, K; Dzierzega, K; Fedosseev, V; Fuster Martinez, N; Gibson, SM; Goddard, B; Gorzawski, A; Hirlander, S; Jowett, JM; Kersevan, R; Kowalska, M; Krasny, MW; Kroeger, F; Kuchler, D; Lamont, M; Lefevre, T; Manglunki, D; Marsh, B; Martens, A; Molson, J; Nutarelli, D; Nevay, LJ; Petrenko, A; Petrillo, V; Płaczek, W; Redaelli, S; Peinaud, Y; Pustelny, S; Rochester, S; Sapinski, M; Schaumann, M; Scrivens, R; Serafini, L; Shevelko, VP; Stoehlker, T; Surzhykov, A; Tolstikhina, I; Velotti, F; Weber, G; Wu, YK; Yin-Vallgren, C; Zanetti, M; Zimmermann, F; Zolotorev, MS; Zomer, F, Gamma factory for CERN initiative - Progress report,
Proceedings of Science, vol. 364
(January, 2019) [abs]
Li, B; Hao, H; Li, JY; Wu, YK, Transverse beam profile measurement system for the Duke storage ring,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, vol. 911
(December, 2018),
pp. 45-50 [doi] [abs]
Krasny, MW; Bessonov, EG; Budker, D; Cassou, K; Chaikovska, I; Chehab, R; Dupraz, K; Martens, A; Zomer, F; Curatolo, C; Serafini, L; Dadoun, O; Czodrowski, P; Jowett, J; Fernandez, RA; Kowalska, M; Lamont, M; Manglunki, D; Petrenko, A; Zimmermann, F; Placzek, W; Wu, YK; Zolotorev, MS, The Gamma Factory proposal for CERN,
CERN-Proceedings, vol. 1
(January, 2018),
pp. 253-256 [doi] [abs]
Pan, Z; Sun, C; Byrd, J; Huang, W; Tang, C; Wu, YK; Hao, H, Low energy compact storage ring design for Compton gamma-ray light source,
IPAC 2017 - Proceedings of the 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference
(July, 2017),
pp. 921-923 [abs]
Li, W; Hao, H; Mikhailov, SF; Popov, V; Li, WM; Wu, YK, Compensation for booster leakage field in the Duke storage ring,
Chinese Physics C, vol. 41 no. 1
(January, 2017),
pp. 017002-017002, IOP Publishing [doi] [abs]
Yan, J; Hao, H; Mikhailov, S; Popov, V; Huang, S; Li, JY; Litvinenko, VN; Vinokurov, NA; Wu, YK, Polarization control of storage ring FELs using cross polarized helical undulators,
Proceedings of the 38th International Free-Electron Laser Conference, FEL 2017
(January, 2017),
pp. 235-239 [doi] [abs]
Li, W; Hao, H; Mikhailov, SF; Xu, W; Li, JY; Li, WM; Wu, YK, Study of magnetic hysteresis effects in a storage ring using precision tune measurement,
Chinese Physics C, vol. 40 no. 12
(December, 2016),
pp. 127002-127002, IOP Publishing [doi] [abs]
Yan, J; Hao, H; Li, JY; Mikhailov, SF; Popov, VG; Vinokurov, NA; Huang, S; Wu, J; Günster, S; Wu, YK, Storage ring two-color free-electron laser,
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, vol. 19 no. 7
(July, 2016), American Physical Society (APS) [doi] [abs]
Li, W; Hao, H; Xu, W; Wu, YK, Direct and high resolution beta-function measurements for storage ring lattice characterization,
IPAC 2016 - Proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference
(January, 2016),
pp. 3272-3274 [abs]
Laskaris, G; Yan, X; Mueller, JM; Zimmerman, WR; Xiong, W; Ahmed, MW; Averett, T; Chu, PH; Deltuva, A; Flower, C; Fonseca, AC; Gao, H; Golak, J; Heideman, JN; Karwowski, HJ; Meziane, M; Sauer, PU; Skibiński, R; Strakovsky, II; Weller, HR; Witała, H; Wu, YK, Measurement of the doubly-polarized He3→(γ→,n)pp reaction at 16.5 MeV and its implications for the GDH sum rule,
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, vol. 750
(November, 2015),
pp. 547-551, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Wu, YK; Yan, J; Hao, H; Li, JY; Mikhailov, SF; Popov, VG; Vinokurov, NA; Huang, S; Wu, J, Widely Tunable Two-Color Free-Electron Laser on a Storage Ring.,
Physical review letters, vol. 115 no. 18
(October, 2015),
pp. 184801 [doi] [abs]
Weller, HR; Ahmed, MW; Wu, YK, Nuclear Physics Research at the High Intensity Gamma-Ray Source (HIγS),
Nuclear Physics News, vol. 25 no. 3
(July, 2015),
pp. 19-24, Informa UK Limited [doi] [abs]
Li, W; Li, J; Hao, H; Mikhailov, SF; Popov, V; Wu, YK, Measuring Duke storage ring lattice using tune based technique,
6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC 2015
(January, 2015),
pp. 293-296 [abs]
Wu, YK, Light source and accelerator physics research program at Duke university,
6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC 2015
(January, 2015),
pp. 1866-1868 [abs]
Mikhailov, SF; Hao, H; Popov, VG; Wu, YK, Developing an improved pulsed mode operation for Duke storage ring based FEL,
6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC 2015
(January, 2015),
pp. 1860-1862 [abs]
Wallace, PW; Emamian, M; Hao, H; Mikhailov, SF; Popov, V; Wu, YK; Li, J, Extending ok5 wiggler operational limit at duke fel/higs facility,
6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC 2015
(January, 2015),
pp. 1863-1865 [abs]
Yan, J; Wu, YK; Mikhailov, S; Hao, H; Popov, V; Li, J; Wu, J; Vinokurov, NA; Huang, S, Experimental study of a two-color storage ring FEL ?,
6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC 2015
(January, 2015),
pp. 1198-1200 [abs]
Hao, H; Mikhailov, S; Popov, V; Wu, YK; Li, J, Characterizing betatron tune knobs at Duke storage ring,
6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC 2015
(January, 2015),
pp. 672-674 [abs]
Xu, W; Li, JY; Huang, SL; Wu, WZ; Hao, H; Wang, P; Wu, YK, Conditioning of BPM pickup signals for operations of the Duke storage ring with a wide range of single-bunch current,
Chinese Physics C, vol. 38 no. 10
(October, 2014),
pp. 107003-107003, IOP Publishing [doi] [abs]
Laskaris, G; Ye, Q; Lalremruata, B; Ye, QJ; Ahmed, MW; Averett, T; Deltuva, A; Dutta, D; Fonseca, AC; Gao, H; Golak, J; Huang, M; Karwowski, HJ; Mueller, JM; Myers, LS; Peng, C; Perdue, BA; Qian, X; Sauer, PU; Skibiński, R; Stave, S; Tompkins, JR; Weller, HR; Witała, H; Wu, YK; Zhang, Y; Zheng, W, Spin-dependent cross sections from the three-body photodisintegration of He 3 at incident energies of 12.8 and 14.7 MeV,
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, vol. 89 no. 2
(February, 2014), American Physical Society (APS) [doi] [abs]
Huang, S; Li, JY; Jia, B; Wu, YK, Relative spectral response measurement of spectrometers using undulator radiation,
Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 9 no. 3
(January, 2014),
pp. P03002-P03002, IOP Publishing [doi] [abs]
Leviner, LE; Aalseth, CE; Ahmed, MW; Avignone, FT; Back, HO; Barabash, AS; Boswell, M; De Braeckeleer, L; Brudanin, VB; Chan, YD; Egorov, VG; Elliott, SR; Gehman, VM; Hossbach, TW; Kephart, JD; Kidd, MF; Konovalov, SI; Lesko, KT; Li, J; Mei, DM; Mikhailov, S; Miley, H; Radford, DC; Reeves, J; Sandukovsky, VG; Umatov, VI; Underwood, TA; Tornow, W; Wu, YK; Young, AR, A segmented, enriched N-type germanium detector for neutrinoless double beta-decay experiments,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, vol. 735
(January, 2014),
pp. 66-77, Elsevier BV [1304.5477v1], [doi] [abs]
Wu, YK, Accelerator physics and light source research program at duke university,
IPAC 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2013),
pp. 264-266 [abs]
Hao, H; Mikhailov, SF; Li, J; Wu, YK, Design of a soft orbit bump for FEL mirror protection at duke FEL/HIGS facility,
IPAC 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2013),
pp. 2006-2008 [abs]
Mikhailov, SF; Hao, H; Li, JY; Popov, VG; Wallace, PW; Wu, YK, Protection of VUV FEL mirrors using soft orbit bump at duke FEL / HIγS facility,
IPAC 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2013),
pp. 1301-1303 [abs]
Li, JY; Hao, H; Wu, WZ; Mikhailov, S; Popov, V; Wu, YK, Compensation schemes for operation of FEL wigglers on duke storage ring,
IPAC 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2013),
pp. 3270-3272 [abs]
Wu, YK; Hao, H; Li, J; Mikhailov, S; Popov, V; Wu, WZ; Yan, J; Emamian, M; Busch, M; Faircloth, J; Swift, G; Wallace, P; Wang, P, Commissioning and operation of wiggler switchyard system for duke FEL and HIGS,
IPAC 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2013),
pp. 267-269 [abs]
Laskaris, G; Ye, Q; Lalremruata, B; Ye, QJ; Ahmed, MW; Averett, T; Deltuva, A; Dutta, D; Fonseca, AC; Gao, H; Golak, J; Huang, M; Karwowski, HJ; Mueller, JM; Myers, LS; Peng, C; Perdue, BA; Qian, X; Sauer, PU; Skibiński, R; Stave, S; Tompkins, JR; Weller, HR; Witała, H; Wu, YK; Zhang, Y; Zheng, W, First measurements of spin-dependent double-differential cross sections and the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Integrand from 3He(γ,n)pp at incident photon energies of 12.8 and 14.7 MeV.,
Physical review letters, vol. 110 no. 20
(May, 2013),
pp. 202501 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Zimmerman, WR; Ahmed, MW; Bromberger, B; Stave, SC; Breskin, A; Dangendorf, V; Delbar, T; Gai, M; Henshaw, SS; Mueller, JM; Sun, C; Tittelmeier, K; Weller, HR; Wu, YK, Unambiguous identification of the second 2+ state in 12C and the structure of the Hoyle state.,
Physical review letters, vol. 110 no. 15
(April, 2013),
pp. 152502 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Omer, M; Negm, H; Zen, H; Hori, T; Kii, T; Masuda, K; Ohgaki, H; Hajima, R; Hayakawa, T; Dait, O; Shizuma, T; Fujiwara, M; Park, SH; Kikuzawa, N; Rusev, G; Tonchev, AP; Wu, YK, Active interrogation of nuclear materials using LaBr3: Ce detectors,
Energy Procedia, vol. 34
(January, 2013),
pp. 50-56, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Stepan F. Mikhailov, Hao Hao, Jingyi Li, Victor Popov, Patrick Walter Wallace, Y.K. Wu, `Protection of VUV FEL Mirrors using Soft Orbit Bump at Duke FEL/HIGS facility,
Proceedings of the 2013 International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'13), Shanghai, China, May 12 -- 17, 2013
pp. 1301 -- 1303 .
Popov, V; Mikhailov, S; Wallace, P; Wu, Y, Cold cathode thyratron based high-voltage kicker generators at the duke accelerators: Six year experience,
IPAC 2012 - International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012
(December, 2012),
pp. 3698-3700 [abs]
Hao, H; Li, J; Wu, YK, New storage ring lattice for the duke fel wiggler switchyard system,
IPAC 2012 - International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012
(December, 2012),
pp. 1272-1274 [abs]
Mikhailov, SF; Li, JY; Popov, VG; Wallace, PW; Wu, YK, Soft orbit bump for duke storage ring VUV FEL operation,
IPAC 2012 - International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012
(December, 2012),
pp. 1774-1776 [abs]
Xu, W; He, D; Wu, WZ; Li, J; Wu, YK, Electron beam diagnostics based on transverse feedback system at duke storage ring,
IPAC 2012 - International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012
(December, 2012),
pp. 849-851 [abs]
Omer, M; Negm, H; Zen, H; Hori, T; Kii, T; Masuda, K; Ohgaki, H; Hajima, R; Hayakawa, T; Daito, I; Shizuma, T; Fujiwara, M; Park, SH; Kikuzawa, N; Rusev, G; Tonchev, AP; Wu, YK, Detection of photon-induced excitations in 235U with LaBr 3:Ce scintillating detectors,
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record
(December, 2012),
pp. 55-58, IEEE [doi] [abs]
Wei, X; Wu, WZ; Li, JY; Due-Hui, H; Wu, YK, Betatron Tune Measurement System Based on Bunch-by-bunch Transverse Feedback at Duke Storage Ring,
Chinese Phys. C, vol. 37 no. 7
pp. 077006 [doi] [abs]
Wei, X; Wu, WZ; Due-Hui, H; Wu, YK, Design and Optimization of Longitudinal Feedback Kicker Cavity for HLS-II Storage Ring,
Chinese Phys. C, vol. 37 no. 3
pp. 037003-037003, IOP Publishing [doi] [abs]
W. Xu, D. He, W. Z.Wu, Y. K. Wu, Design of Longitudinal Feedback Kicker for HLS Storage Ring,
Proceedings of the 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC'11)
(March, 2011),
pp. 612 -- 614 .
Y. K. Wu, J. Y. Li, S. F. Mikhailov, V. G. Popov, G. Swift, P. Wallace, W. Z. Wu, S. Huang, A VUV FEL for Producing 70 -- 100 MeV Circularly Polarized Compton Gamma-ray Beams,
Proceedings of the 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC'11)
(March, 2011),
pp. 778 -- 780 .
S. Huang, B. Jia, J. Y. Li, Y. K. Wu, Calibration of Spectrometers with Undulator Radiation,
Proceedings of the 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC'11)
(March, 2011),
pp. 2402 -- 2404 .
J. Y. Li, B. Jia, S. F. Mikhailov, V. Popov, Y. K. Wu, S. Huang, Manipulating the FEL gain process with an In-cavity Aperture Syste,
Proceedings of the 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC'11)
(March, 2011),
pp. 2405 -- 2407 .
S. F. Mikhailov, J. Y. Li, V. Popov, Y. K. Wu, Experience of FEL Mirror Degradation at the Duke FEL and HIGS Facility,
Proceedings of the 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC'11)
(March, 2011),
pp. 2489 -- 2491 .
V. Popov, J. Y. Li, S. F. Mikhailov, P. Wallace, P. Wang, Y. K. Wu, Upgrade of the RF Photo-Injector for the Duke Storage Ring,
Proceedings of the 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC'11)
(March, 2011),
pp. 2408 -- 2410 .
Wu, WZ; Kim, Y; Li, JY; Teytelman, D; Busch, M; Wang, P; Swift, G; Park, IS; Ko, IS; Wu, YK, Development of a bunch-by-bunch longitudinal feedback system with a wide dynamic range for the HIGS facility,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, vol. 632 no. 1
(March, 2011),
pp. 32-42, Elsevier BV [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Sun, C; Wu, YK, Theoretical and simulation studies of characteristics of a Compton light source,
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams, vol. 14 no. 4
pp. 044701, American Physical Society (APS) [doi] [abs]
Quarati, FGA; Owens, A; Dorenbos, P; deHaas, JTM; Benzoni, G; Blasi, N; Boiano, C; Brambilla, S; Camera, F; Alba, R; Bellia, G; Maiolino, C; Santonocito, D; Ahmed, M; Brown, N; Stave, S; Weller, HR; Wu, YK, High energy gamma-ray spectroscopy with LaBr3 scintillation detectors,
Nucl. Instr. Methods A, vol. 629 no. 1
pp. 157-169, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Wu, YK, Accelerator physics research and light source development at Duke University,
IPAC 2010 - 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2010),
pp. 2648-2650 [abs]
Sun, C; Wu, YK, A semi-analytical algorithm for modelling Compton gamma-ray beams,
IPAC 2010 - 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2010),
pp. 265-267 [abs]
Mikhailov, SF; Popov, VG; Li, J; Wu, YK, Study of FEL mirror degradation at the DUKE FEL and higs facility,
IPAC 2010 - 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2010),
pp. 2275-2277 [abs]
Sun, C; Li, J; Wu, WZ; Mikhailov, SF; Popov, VG; Wu, YK; Zhang, J; Xu, HL; Chao, AW, Electron beam polarization measurement using touschek lifetime technique,
IPAC 2010 - 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2010),
pp. 262-264 [abs]
Jia, B; Li, J; Huang, S; Schmidler, SC; Wu, YK, Electron beam energy spread measurements using optical klystron radiation,
Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams, vol. 13 no. 8
(August, 2010),
pp. 080702, American Physical Society (APS) [repository], [doi] [abs]
Jia, B; Wu, YK; Bisognano, JJ; Chao, AW; Wu, J, Influence of an imperfect energy profile on a seeded free electron laser performance,,
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams, vol. 13 no. 13
pp. 060701, American Physical Society (APS) [repository], [doi] [abs]
Sun, C; Zhang, J; Li, J; Wu, WZ; Mikhailov, SF; Popov, VG; Xu, HL; Chao, AW; Wu, YK, Polarization measurement of stored electron beam using Touschek lifetime,
Nucl. Instr. Methods A, vol. 614 no. 3
pp. 339-344, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Sun, C; Wu, YK, A 4D Monte Carlo Compton scattering code,
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record
(December, 2009),
pp. 477-480, IEEE [doi] [abs]
Y. K. Wu, Storage Ring Compton Gamma-ray Source, edited by W. Chou,
ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter, vol. 50
(2009) .
Y. K. Wu, M. Busch, M. Emamian, J. Faircloth, S. Hartman, C. Howell, J. Li, S. Mikhailov, V. Popov, G. Swift, P. Wallace, P. Wang, Performance and Capabilities of Upgraded High Intensity Gamma-ray Source at Duke University,
Proceedings of 2009 Particle Accelerator Conference
pp. 3181-3183 [abs]
Stepan. F. Mikhailov, Jngyi Li, Victor Popov, Patrick W. Wallace, Ping Wang, Ying K. Wu, Oleg Anchugov, Multibunch injection scheme for the Duke booster synchrotron for top-off injection,
Proceedings of 2009 Particle Accelerator Conference
pp. 1238-1240 [abs]
Stepan F. Mikhailov, Jingyi Li, Victor Popov, Ying K. Wu, Pass-by-pass multistage FEL gain measurement technique for a storage ring FEL,
Proceedings of 2009 Particle Accelerator Conference
pp. 1241-1243 [abs]
H. Hao, X. Q. Wang, Y. K. Wu, Nonlinear Dynamics Study of Storage Ring with Super Periods,
Proceedings of 2009 Particle Accelerator Conference
pp. 1904-1906 [abs]
W. Z. Wu, Y. Kim, J. Li, Ping Wang, Matthew Busch, Gary Swift, Ying K. Wu, Dmitry Teytelman, In-Soo Park, In Soo Ko, Development and commissioning of bunch-by-bunch longitudinal feedback system for Duke storage ring,
Proceedings of 2009 Particle Accelerator Conference
pp. 4117-4119 [abs]
C. Sun, Y. K. Wu, J. Li, G. Rusev, A. P. Tonchev, Accurate energy measurement of an electron beam in a storage ring using Compton scattering technique,
Proceedings of 2009 Particle Accelerator Conference
pp. 3552-3554 [abs]
C. Sun, Y. K. Wu, G. Rusev, A. P. Tonchev, End-to-End Spectrum Reconstruction of Compton Gamma-Ray Beam to Determine Electron Beam Parameter,
Proceedings of 2009 Particle Accelerator Conference
pp. 1363-1365 [abs]
J. Zhang, C. Sun, W. Wu, J. Li, Y. K. Wu, A. W. Chao, Feasibility study of electron beam polarization measurement using Touschek lifetime,
Proceedings of 2009 Particle Accelerator Conference
pp. 1671-1673 [abs]
B. Jia, J. Li, Y. K. Wu, Experimental study of storage ring FEL output power scaling with electron beam energy spread,
Proceedings of 2009 Particle Accelerator Conference
pp. 1248-1250 [abs]
J. Li, S. Huang, Y. K. Wu, FEL transverse mode manipulation using an in-cavity aperture system,
Proceedings of 2009 Particle Accelerator Conference
pp. 1235-1237 [abs]
S. Huang, J. Y. Li, Y. K. Wu, Experiments on Madey Theorem with Optical Klystron Free-Electron Laser,
Proceedings of 2009 Particle Accelerator Conference
pp. 1244-1246 [abs]
Y. K. Wu, Accelerator Physics Research and Development Programs at Duke University,
Proceedings of 2009 Particle Accelerator Conference
pp. 1245-1247 [abs]
Pietralla, N; Li, TC; Fritzsche, M; Ahmed, MW; Costin, TAA; Enders, J; Li, J; uller, SM; Neumann-Cosel, PV; Pinayev, IV; Ponomarev, VY; Savran, D; Tonchev, AP; Tornow, W; Weller, HR; Werner, V; Wu, YK; Zilges, A, Competition Between Excited Core States and $1$ $\hbar \omega$ Single-particle Excitations at Comparable Energies in $^{207}$Pb from Photon Scattering,
Phys. Lett. B, vol. 681 no. 2
pp. 134-138, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Bernstein, AM; Ahmed, MW; Stave, S; Wu, YK; Weller, HR, Chiral Dynamics in Photo-Pion Physics: Theory, Experiment, and Future Studies at the HI$\gamma$S Facility,
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science, vol. 59 no. 1
pp. 115-144, ANNUAL REVIEWS [doi] [abs]
Huang, S; Li, J; Wu, YK, Water Cooled, In-cavity Apertures for High Power Operation of FEL Oscillators,
Nucl. Instr. Methods A, vol. 606 no. 3
pp. 762-769, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Sun, C; Li, J; Rusev, G; Tonchev, AP; Wu, YK, Energy and energy spread measurements of an electron beam by Compton scattering method,
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams, vol. 12 no. 6
pp. 062801, American Physical Society (APS) [doi] [abs]
Sun, C; Wu, YK; Rusev, G; Tonchev, AP, End-to-end spectrum reconstruction method for analyzing Compton gamma-ray beams,
Nucl. Instr. Methods A, vol. 605 no. 3
pp. 312-317, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Rusev, G; Tonchev, AP; Schwengner, R; Sun, C; Tornow, W; Wu, YK, Multipole mixing ratios of transitions in $^{11}$B,
Phys. Rev. C, vol. 79 no. 4
pp. 047601, American Physical Society (APS) [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Blackston, MA; Ahmed, MW; Perdue, BA; Welller, HR; Bewer, B; Pywell, RE; Wurtz, WA; Igarashi, R; Kucuker, S; Norum, B; Wang, K; Li, J; Mikhailov, SF; Popov, VG; Wu, YK; Sawatzky, BD, Erratum: First observation of the splittings of the E1 p-wave amplitudes in low energy deuteron photodisintegration and its implications for the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule integrand (Physical Review C (2008) 78 (034003)),
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, vol. 78 no. 6
(December, 2008), American Physical Society (APS) [doi] .
Huang, S; Swift, G; Wu, YK, Controlling wiggler harmonic radiation to reduce damage to FEL cavity mirrors,
30th International Free Electron Laser Conference, FEL 2008
(December, 2008),
pp. 135-138 [abs]
Mikhailov, SF; Popov, VG; Huang, S; Li, J; Wu, YK, A pass-by-pass gain measurement technique for oscillator FELs,
30th International Free Electron Laser Conference, FEL 2008
(December, 2008),
pp. 139-142 [abs]
Blackston, MA; Ahmed, MA; Perdue, BA; Weller, HR; Bewer, B; Pywell, RE; Wurtz, WA; Igarashi, R; Kucuker, S; Norum, B; Wang, K; Li, J; Mikhailov, SF; Popov, VG; Wu, YK; Sawatzky, BD, First observation of the splittings of the E1 p-wave amplitudes in low energy deuteron photodisintegration and its implications for the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rule integrand,
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, vol. 78 no. 3
(September, 2008), American Physical Society (APS) [doi] [abs]
Weller, HR; Ahmed, M; Gao, H; Tornow, W; others, Research Opportunities at the Upgraded HIGS Facility,
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, vol. 62 no. DOI: 10.1016/j.ppnp.2008.07.001
pp. 257-303, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Li, J; Wang, P; Wu, YK, BPM signal conditioning for a wide range of single-bunch current operation in the Duke storage ring,
in Proceedings of 2007 Particle Accelerator Conference,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2007),
pp. 4042-4044, IEEE [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Popov, V; Busch, M; Hartman, S; Mikhailov, S; Oakeley, O; Wallace, P; Wu, YK, Power supply system for a compact 1.2 GEV booster synchrotron,
in Proceedings of 2007 Particle Accelerator Conference,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2007),
pp. 521-523, IEEE [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Hartman, SM; Mikhailov, SF; Popov, V; Wu, YK, A physics based approach for ramping magnet control in a compact booster,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2007),
pp. 515-517, IEEE [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Huang, S; Li, J; Wu, YK, A direct electron beam energy spread measurement system for beam instability and FEL research,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2007),
pp. 4045-4047, IEEE [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Wu, YK; Li, J; Popov, V; Mikhailov, SF; Wang, P, A tune measurement system for lowcurrent and energy ramping operation of a booster synchrotron,
in Proceedings of 2007 Particle Accelerator Conference,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2007),
pp. 4063-4065, IEEE [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Kim, Y; Wu, W; Busch, M; Wang, P; Wu, YK; Teytelman, D; Park, IS; Ko, IS, New generation digital longitudinal feedback system for Duke FEL and HIγS facilities,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2007),
pp. 518-520, IEEE [doi] [abs]
Sun, C; Wu, YK, The feasibility study of measuring the polarization of a relativistic electron beam using a compton scattering gamma-ray source,
in Proceedings of 2007 Particle Accelerator Conference,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2007),
pp. 4057-4059, IEEE [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Wu, YK, Accelerator physics research and light source development programs at Duke University,
in Proceedings of 2007 Particle Accelerator Conference,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2007),
pp. 1215-1217, IEEE [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Li, J; Mikhailov, SF; Huang, S; Popov, V; Wu, YK, Compensation of the beam dynamics effects caused by the extraction Lambertson septum of the HIGS booster,
in Proceedings of 2007 Particle Accelerator Conference,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2007),
pp. 3582-3584, IEEE [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Mikhailov, SF; Wu, YK; Li, J; Popov, VG; Hartman, SM, Challenges for energy ramping in a compact booster synchrotron,
in Proceedings of 2007 Particle Accelerator Conference,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2007),
pp. 1212-1214, IEEE [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Popov, V; Busch, M; Hartman, S; Li, J; Mikhailov, S; Wallace, P; Wang, P; Wu, YK; Kurkin, GY, Electron beam diagnostics for compact 1.2 GEV booster synchrotron,
in Proceedings of 2007 Particle Accelerator Conference,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2007),
pp. 4051-4053, IEEE [doi] [abs]
Mikhailov, SF; Busch, MD; Emamian, M; Hartman, SM; Kim, Y; Li, J; Popov, VG; Swift, G; Wallace, PW; Wang, P; Wu, YK; Howell, CR; Gavrilov, NG; Kurkin, GY; Matveev, Y; Anchugov, OV; Shvedov, DA; Vinokurov, NA, Commissioning of the booster injector synchrotron for the HIGS facility at Duke University,
in Proceedings of 2007 Particle Accelerator Conference,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2007),
pp. 1209-1211, IEEE [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Kim, Y; Li, J; Wu, Y, Growth time of the longitudinal coupled bunch mode beam instability at the Duke FEL facility,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference
(December, 2007),
pp. 4036-4038, IEEE [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Tonchev, AP; Angell, C; Boswell, M; Chyzh, A; Howell, CR; Karwowski, HJ; Kelley, JH; Tornow, W; Tsoneva, N; Wu, YK, Study of collective dipole excitations below the giant dipole resonance at HIγS,
AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 891
(April, 2007),
pp. 339-347, AIP [doi] [abs]
MacDowell, AA; Feng, J; Demello, A; Doran, A; Duarte, R; Forest, E; Kelez, N; Marcus, MA; Miller, T; Padmore, HA; Raoux, S; Robin, D; Scholl, A; Schlueter, R; Schmid, P; Stöhr, J; Wan, W; Wei, DH; Wu, Y, Progress on PEEM3 - An aberration corrected X-ray photoemission electron microscope at the ALS,
AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 879
(March, 2007),
pp. 1341-1344, AIP [doi] [abs]
Y. Kim, J. Li, Y. K. Wu, Growth Time of Longitudinal Coupled Bunch Mode Instability in the Duke FEL Facility,
in Proceedings of 2007 Particle Accelerator Conference
pp. 4036-4038 .
Y. Kim, M. D. Busch, P. Wang, W. Wu, Y. K. Wu, J. Choi, I. S. Ko, I. S. Park, D. Teytelman, New Generation Digital Longitudinal Feedback System for Duke FEL and HIGS Facilities,
in Proceedings of 2007 Particle Accelerator Conference
pp. 518-520 .
Werner, V; Pietralla, N; Von Brentano, P; Kneissl, U; Pitz, HH; Tonchev, A; Ahmed, MW; Fransen, C; Von Garrel, H; Kohstall, C; Li, J; Linnemann, A; Müller, S; Pinayev, IV; Savran, D; Scheck, M; Stedile, F; Tornow, W; Walter, S; Weller, HR; Wu, YK, New findings for mixed-symmetry states,
in AIP Conf.Proc., edited by A.Woehr, A.Aprahamian,
AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 819
(March, 2006),
pp. 340-344, AIP [doi] [abs]
al, TCLE; Weller, IHR, First evidence for spin-flip M1 strength in 40A,
Physical Review C, vol. 73 no. 5
(March, 2006),
pp. 054306, The American Physical Society [GetabsServlet], [doi] [abs]
Wu, YK; Vinokurov, NA; Mikhailov, S; Li, J; Popov, V, High-Gain Lasing and Polarization Switch with a Distributed Optical-Klystron Free-Electron Laser,
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 96 no. 22
pp. 224801 [16803315], [doi] [abs]
Wu, YK; Mikhailov, S; Li, J; Popov, V; Vinokurov, NA; Gavrilov, NG; Shevchenko, OA; Vobly, PD; Kulipanov, GN, First lasingand initial operation ofa circularly polarized optical klystron ok-5 felandavariably polarized distributed optical klystron DOK-1 FEL at DUKE,
Proceedings of the 27th International Free Electron Laser Conference, FEL 2005
(December, 2005),
pp. 407-410 [abs]
Kurkin, G; Pinaev, I; Hartman, S; Mikhailov, S; Wu, Y, A new timing system for the Duke booster and storage ring,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 2005
(December, 2005),
pp. 3159-3160, IEEE [doi] [abs]
Wu, YK; Li, J; Wu, J, Observations and measurements of anomalous hollow electron beams in the duke storage ring,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 2005
(December, 2005),
pp. 3082-3084, IEEE [doi] [abs]
Hartmant, SM; Mikhailov, SF; Wu, YK, A control system for the duke booster synchrotron,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 2005
(December, 2005),
pp. 3792-3794, IEEE [doi] [abs]
Steier, C; Robin, D; Decking, W; Laskar, J; Nadolski, L; Wu, Y, Measuring and understanding the momentum aperture in a storage ring,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 2005
(December, 2005),
pp. 645-649, IEEE [doi] [abs]
Li, J; Wu, YK; Sun, C, Improved long radius of curvature measurement system for FEL mirrors,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 2005
(December, 2005),
pp. 1787-1789, IEEE [doi] [abs]
Popov, VG; Hartman, S; Mikhailov, SF; Oakeley, O; Wallace, P; Wu, YK, 3 KA power supplies for the Duke OK-5 FEL wigglers,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 2005
(December, 2005),
pp. 3901-3903, IEEE [doi] [abs]
Busch, M; Mikhailov, S; Emamian, M; Faircloth, J; Hartman, S; Li, J; Popov, V; Swift, G; Vylet, V; Wallace, P; Wang, P; Wu, Y; Gavrilov, N; Kurkin, G; Matveev, Y; Shvedov, D; Anchugov, O; Vinokurov, N, Status of the booster injector for the duke fel storage ring,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 2005
(December, 2005),
pp. 3544-3546, IEEE [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Arbuzov, VS; Bushuev, A; Gavrilov, N; Gorniker, EI; Kenjebulatov, E; Kholopov, MA; Kondakov, AA; Krutikhin, SA; Kruchkov, YG; Kuptsov, IV; Kurkin, GY; Mironenko, LA; Mityanina, N; Motygin, SV; Osipov, VN; Petrov, V; Pilan, AM; Popov, AM; Rotov, E; Sedlyarov, I; Tribendis, AG; Volkov, V; Wang, P; Mikhailov, S; Wallace, PW; Wu, YK, Commissioning of the new RF system with the HOM damped RF cavity,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 2005
(December, 2005),
pp. 1555-1556, IEEE [doi] [abs]
Popov, VG; Hartman; Mikhailov, SF; Oakely, O; Wallace, P; Wu, YK, Trim power supplies for the Duke booster and storage ring,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 2005
(December, 2005),
pp. 3919-3921, IEEE [doi] [abs]
Savran, D; Muller, S; Zilges, A; Babilon, M; Ahmed, MW; Kelley, JH; Tonchev, A; Tornow, K; Weller, HR; Pietralla, N; Li, J; Pinayev, IV; Wu, YK, Parity Assignments in 172,174Yb using Polarized photons and the K Quantum Number in Rare Earth Nuclei,
Physical Review C, vol. 71 no. 3
(December, 2005),
pp. 034304, American Physical Society (APS) [repository], [doi] [abs]
Y. K. Wu, Matthew D. Busch, Mark Emamian, Joe Faircloth, J. Gustavsson, Steven M. Hartman, C. Howell, M. Johnson, Jingyi Li, Stepan Mikhailov, Owen Oakeley, J. Patterson, Maurice Pentico, Victor Popov, V. Rathbone, Gary Swift, Patrick Walter Wallace, Ping, Recommissioning of Duke Storage Ring with a HOM-Damped RF Cavity and a New Straight Section Lattice for FELs,
Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Confernece 2005, Knoxville, TN, 2005
(May, 2005),
pp. 3934-3936 [abs]
Y. K. Wu, J. Li, J. Wu, Observations and Measurements of Anomalous Hollow Electron Beams in a Storage Ring,
Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Physics 2005, Knoxville, TN, 2005
(May, 2005),
pp. 3082-3084 [abs]
Tornow, W; Esterline, JH; Howell, CR; Karwowski, HJ; Kelley, JH; Tonchev, AP; Li, J; Mikhailov, SF; Pinayev, IV; Wu, YK; Weisel, GJ; Witała, H, Photon analyzing power for the three-body breakup of 3He at Eγ = 15.0 MeV, edited by KalantarNayestanaki, N; Timmermans, RGE; Bakker, BLG,
AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 768
(May, 2005),
pp. 138-140, AMER INST PHYSICS [doi] [abs]
Wu, YK; Li, J; Wu, J, Anomalous Hollow Electron Beams in a Storage Ring,
Physical Review Letter, vol. 94 no. 13
(April, 2005),
pp. 134802 [15903998], [doi] [abs]
Feng, J; Forest, E; MacDowell, AA; Marcus, M; Padmore, H; Raoux, S; Robin, D; Scholl, A; Schlueter, R; Schmid, P; Stöhr, J; Wan, W; Wei, DH; Wu, Y, An X-ray Photoemission Electron Microscope Using Electron Mirror Aberration Corrector for the Study of Complex Materials,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 17 no. 16
(April, 2005),
pp. S1339-S1350, IOP Publishing [005], [doi] [abs]
Schmid, P; Feng, J; Padmore, H; Robin, D; Rose, H; Schlueter, R; Wan, W; Forest, E; Wu, Y, Correction and alignment strategies for the beam separator of the photoemission electron microscope 3 (PEEM3),
Rev. Sci. Instrum., vol. 76 no. 2
(February, 2005),
pp. 023302-023302, AIP Publishing [doi] [abs]
Tornow, W; Esterline, JR; Howell, CR; Karwowski, HJ; Kelley, JH; Tonchev, AP; Li, J; Mikhailov, SF; Pinayev, IV; Wu, YK; Weisel, GJ; Witala, H, Photon analyzing power for the three-body breakup of He-3 at E-gamma=15.0 MeV,
Few-Body Problems in Physics, vol. 768
(January, 2005),
pp. 138-140, AMER INST PHYSICS .
Vaclav Vylet, Patrick W. Wallace and Y. K. Wu, Towards the Top-off Mode at the Duke Free Electron Laser Laboratory,
JASRI/SPring-8 Report A 2005-02, Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on radiation safety of synchrotron radiation sources
(2005) .
Li, J; Wu, YK; Sun, C, Improved long radius of curvature measurement system for FEL mirrors,
pp. 1494-1496 .
Wu, YK; Li, J; Wu, J, Observations and measurements of anomalous hollow electron beams in the Duke storage ring,
pp. 1012-1014 .
Arbuzov, VS; Bushuev, A; Gavrilov, N; Gorniker, EI; Kenjebulatov, E; Kholopov, MA; Kondakov, AA; Krutikhin, SA; Kruchkov, YG; Kuptsov, IV; Kurkin, GY; Mironenko, LA; Mityanina, N; Motygin, SV; Osipov, VN; Petrov, V; Pilan, AM; Popov, AM; Rotov, E; Sedlyarov, I; Tribendis, AG; Volkov, V; Wang, P; Mikhailov, S; Wallace, PW; Wu, YK, Commissioning of the new RF system with the HOM damped RF cavity,
pp. 4182-4183 .
Popov, VG; Hartman, S; Mikhailov, SF; Oakeley, O; Wallace, P; Wu, YK, 3 KA power supplies for the duke OK-5FEL wigglers,
pp. 4001-4003 .
Popov, VG; Hartman, SM; Mikhailov, SF; Oakely, O; Wallace, P; Wu, YK, Trim power supplies for the duke booster and storage ring,
pp. 4004-4006 .
Steier, C; Robin, D; Decking, W; Laskar, J; Nadolski, L; Wu, Y, Measuring and understanding the momentum aperture in a storage ring,
pp. 3807-3811 .
Kurkin, G; Pinaev, I; Hartman, S; Mikhailov, S; Wu, Y, A new timing system for the Duke booster and storage ring,
pp. 469-470 .
Tonchev, AP; Boswell, M; Howell, CR; Karwowski, HJ; Kelley, JH; Tornow, W; Wu, YK, The high intensity gamma-ray source HIGS and recent measurements,
Nucl. Instr. Methods B., vol. 241 no. 1-4
pp. 170-175 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Fransen, C; Pietralla, N; Tonchev, AP; Ahmed, MW; Chen, J; Feldman, G; Kneissl, U; Li, J; Litvinenko, V; Perdue, B; Pinayev, IV; Pitz, HH; Prior, RM; Sabourov, K; Spraker, M; Tornow, W; Weller, HR; Werner, V; Wu, YK; Yates, SW, Parity Assignments to Strong Dipole Excitations of 92Zr and 96Mo,
Physical Review, vol. C70 no. 4
(December, 2004),
pp. 044317, American Physical Society (APS) [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Feng, J; MacDowell, AA; Duarte, R; Doran, A; Forest, E; Kelez, N; Marcus, M; Munson, D; Padmore, H; Petermann, K; Raoux, S; Robin, D; Scholl, A; Schlueter, R; Schmid, P; Stöhr, J; Wan, W; Wei, DH; Wu, Y, An Aberration Corrected Photoemission Electron Microscope at the Advanced Light Source, edited by T.Warwick, J.Arthur, H.PAdmore, J.Stohr,
AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 705
(May, 2004),
pp. 1070-1073, AIP [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Wu, YK; Robin, DS; Forest, E; Schlueter, R; Anders, S; Feng, J; Padmore, H; Wei, DH, Design and analysis of beam separator magnets for third generation aberration compensated PEEMs,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, vol. 519 no. 1-2
pp. 230-241, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Wan, W; Nishimura, H; Robin, D; Steier, C; Wu, Y; Forest, E, ID modeling at the ALS,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 4
(Winter, 2003),
pp. 2249-2251 [abs]
Wu, YK; Li, J; Wang, P; Litvinenko, V, BPM and orbit correction systems at the Duke storage ring,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 4
(Winter, 2003),
pp. 2479-2481 [abs]
Steier, C; Forest, E; Nadolski, L; Nishimura, H; Robin, D; Wan, W; Wu, Y; Zholents, A, Accelerator physics challenges of the fs-slicing upgrade at the ALS,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 1
(Winter, 2003),
pp. 397-399, IEEE [doi] [abs]
Mikhailov, S; Litvinenko, V; Busch, M; Emamian, M; Hartman, S; Pinayev, I; Popov, V; Swift, G; Wallace, P; Wu, Y; Gavrilov, N; Matveev, Y; Shvedov, D; Vinokurov, N; Vobly, P, Status of the booster synchrotron for Duke FEL storage ring,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 4
(Winter, 2003),
pp. 2273-2275 [abs]
Wu, YK; Popov, VG; Hartman, S; Pinayev, I; Mikhailov, SF; Morcombe, P; Oakeley, O; Wallace, P; Wang, P; Litvinenko, V, Improving power supply performance for the Duke storage ring,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 2
(Winter, 2003),
pp. 752-754 [abs]
Wu, YK; Li, J; Mikhailov, SF; Litvinenko, V, Nonlinear dynamics in the Duke storage ring with FEL wigglers,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 1
(Winter, 2003),
pp. 391-393, IEEE [doi] [abs]
Wu, YK; Hartman, S; Mikhailov, SF, A physics based control system for the Duke storage ring,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 4
(Fall, 2003),
pp. 2482-2484 [abs]
Li, J; Wu, YK; Hartman, S, Power supply performance monitoring and analysis using operation data,
in Proceedings of PAC2003,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 4
(Winter, 2003),
pp. 2270-2272 [abs]
Wu, YK; Forest, E; Robin, DS, Explicit symplectic integrator for s-dependent static magnetic field,
Physical Review E, vol. 68 no. 68
(October, 2003),
pp. 046502, The American Physical Society [e046502], [doi] [abs]
M.W. Ahmeda, G. Feldmana,b, V.N. Litvinenkoc, S.O. Nelsona, B.E. Norumd, B. Perduea, I.V. Pinayevc, B. Sawatzkyd, A.P. Toncheva, Y. Wu , H.R. Weller, Background reduction in FEL-generated g-ray beam experiments using giant high-peakpower pulses,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A no. 516
(August, 2003),
pp. 440-444 [abs]
Ahmed, MW; Feldman, G; Litvinenko, VN; Nelson, SO; Norum, BE; Perdue, B; Pinayev, IV; Sawatzky, B; Tonchev, AP; Wu, Y; Weller, HR, Background reduction in FEL-generated gamma-ray beam experiments using giant high-peak power pulses,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, vol. 516 no. 2-3
pp. 440-444, Elsevier [doi] [abs]
Feng, J; Padmore, H; Wei, DH; Anders, S; Wu, Y; Scholl, A; Robin, D, Modeling the acceleration field and objective lens for an aberration corrected photoemission electron microscope,
Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 73 no. 3
(December, 2002),
pp. 1514-1517 [doi] [abs]
Steier, C; Robin, D; Nadolski, L; Decking, W; Wu, Y; Laskar, J, Measuring and optimizing the momentum aperture in a particle accelerator,
Phys. Rev. E, vol. 65 no. 5 Pt 2
(May, 2002),
pp. 056506 [doi] [abs]
Wu, Y; Nishimura, H; Robin, DS; Zholents, AA; Forest, E, Mini-beta lattice for the femto-second X-ray source at the Advanced Light Source,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, vol. 481 no. 1-3
(April, 2002),
pp. 675-681, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Wu, Y; Forest, E; Robin, DS; Nishimura, H; Wolski, A; Litvinenko, VN, Symplectic models for general insertion devices,
in Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 1
(December, 2001),
pp. 459-461 [abs]
Steier, C; Atkinson, D; Byrd, J; Corlett, J; Nishimura, H; Robin, D; De Santis, S; Wolski, A; Wu, Y; Bane, K; Raubenheimer, T; Ross, M; Sheppard, J; Smith, T, Intra-beam scattering and minimum achievable emittance in the advanced light source,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 4
(December, 2001),
pp. 2938-2940 [abs]
Steier, C; Biocca, A; Domning, E; Jacobson, S; Portmann, G; Wu, Y, Design of a fast global orbit feedback system for the Advanced Light Source,
in Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 2
(December, 2001),
pp. 1252-1254 [abs]
Shevchenko, OA; Litvinenko, VN; Mikhailov, SM; Vinokurov, NA; Gavrilov, NG; Vobly, PD; Wu, Y, The VUV/UV OK-5 Duke storage ring FEL with variable polarization,
in Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 4
(December, 2001),
pp. 2833-2835 [abs]
Steier, C; Robin, D; Wu, Y; Decking, W; Laskar, J; Nadolski, L, Understanding the dynamic momentum aperture of the advanced light source,
in Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 1
(December, 2001),
pp. 434-436 [abs]
Wolski, A; Wu, Y, Effects of damping wigglers on beam dynamics in the NLC damping rings,
in EFFECTS OF DAMPING WIGGLERS ON BEAM DYNAMICS Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 5
(December, 2001),
pp. 3798-3800 [abs]
Hartman, S; Litvinenko, VN; Swift, G; Pinayev, I; Wu, Y, Control system design and upgrade considerations for the Duke Free Electron Laser Laboratory,
in Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicag,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 2
(December, 2001),
pp. 785-787 [abs]
Mikhailov, SF; Litvinenko, VN; Wu, Y, Low emittance lattices for the Duke FEL Storage Ring,
in Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 5
(December, 2001),
pp. 3528-3530 [abs]
Barry, W; Biocca, A; Byrd, JM; Byrne, W; Kwiatkowski, S; Martin, MC; McKinney, WR; Nishimura, H; Sannibale, F; Steier, C; Rex, K; Robin, D; Stover, G; Thur, W; Wu, Y, A dedicated infrared synchrotron radiation source at the ALS,
in Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 4
(December, 2001),
pp. 2623-2625 [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Shevchenko, OA; Mikhailov, SF; Wu, Y, Project for generation of femtosecond X-ray beams from the Duke storage ring,
in Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 4
(December, 2001),
pp. 2614-2616 [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Park, SH; Pinayev, IV; Wu, Y, Operation of the OK-4/Duke storage ring FEL below 200 nm,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 475 no. 1-3
(December, 2001),
pp. 195-204, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Park, SH; Pinayev, IV; Wu, Y, Time structure of the OK-4/Duke storage ring FEL,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 475 no. 1-3
(December, 2001),
pp. 240-246, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Park, SH; Pinayev, IV; Wu, Y; Lumpkin, A; Yang, B, Fourier limited micro-pulses in the OK-4/Duke storage ring FEL,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 475 no. 1-3
(December, 2001),
pp. 234-239, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Park, SH; Pinayev, IV; Wu, Y, Power limitations in the OK-4/Duke storage ring FEL,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in
Physics Research Section A, vol. 475 no. 1-3
(December, 2001),
pp. 65-73, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Wu, Y; Litvinenko, VN; Mikhailov, SF; Shevchenko, OA; Vinokurov, NA; Gavrilov, NG; Shaftan, TV; Kairan, DA, Lattice modification and nonlinear dynamics for elliptically polarized VUV OK-5 FEL source at Duke storage ring,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 475 no. 1-3
(December, 2001),
pp. 253-259, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Mikhailov, SF; Shevchenko, OA; Vinokurov, NA; Gavrilov, NG; Kulipanov, GN; Shaftan, TV; Vobly, PD; Wu, Y, The OK-5/Duke storage ring VUV FEL with variable polarization,
Nuclear Instruments and
Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 475 no. 1-3
(December, 2001),
pp. 407-416, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Mikhailov, SF; Litvinenko, VN; Wu, Y, Low emittance lattice for the Duke storage ring soft X-ray FEL,
Nuclear Instruments and
Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 475 no. 1-3
(December, 2001),
pp. 417-424, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Pinayev, IV; Litvinenko, VN; Hee Park, S; Wu, Y; Emamian, M; Hower, N; Patterson, J; Swift, G, Giant high-peak power pulses in the UV OK-4/Duke storage ring FEL using the gain modulator,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, vol. 475 no. 1-3
(November, 2001),
pp. 222-228, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
C. Steier, D. Atkinson, J. Byrd, J. Corlett, H. Nishimura, D. Robin, S. de Santis, INTRA-BEAM SCATTERING AND MINIMUM ACHIEVABLE,
(June, 2001),
pp. 2938-2940 [abs]
J. H. Kelley, B. T. Crowley, V. N. Litvinenko, S.H. Park, I.V. Pinayev, E. C. Schreiber, W. Tornow, Y. Wu, and H. R. Weller, High-Intensity y-ray Source,
AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 576
pp. 659, American Institute of Physics [abs]
Schreiber, EC; Canon, RS; Crowley, BT; Howell, CR; Kelley, JH; Litvinenko, VN; Nelson, SO; Park, SH; Pinayev, IV; Prior, RM; Sabourov, K; Spraker, M; Tornow, W; Wu, Y; Wulf, EA; Weller, HR, First measurement of the near-threshold [Formula Presented] analyzing power using a free-electron laser based [Formula Presented]-ray source,
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, vol. 61 no. 6
(January, 2000),
pp. 4, American Physical Society (APS) [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Y. Wu, H. Nishimura, D. S. Robin, A. A. Zholents, E. Forest, Mini-Beta Lattice for the Femto-Second X-Ray Source at the Advanced Light Source,
Proceedings of Seventh European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 2000)
pp. 1098-1100 [abs]
Morcombe, PH; Wu, Y; McGehee, R, Temperature sensors and controls for the Duke FEL storage ring,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 2
(December, 1999),
pp. 688-689 [abs]
Pinayev, IV; Detweiler, G; Emamian, M; Hower, N; Johnson, M; Litvinenko, VN; Oakley, O; Park, SH; Patterson, J; Swift, G; Wu, Y, Critical systems for high peak power storage ring FEL,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 4
(December, 1999),
pp. 2468-2470 [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Park, SH; Pinayev, IV; Wu, Y; Emamian, M; Hower, N; Morcombe, P; Oakeley, O; Swift, G; Wang, P, Deep-UV operation of the OK-4/Duke storage ring FEL,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 1
(December, 1999),
pp. 221-223 [abs]
Wang, P; Hower, N; Litvinenko, V; Moallem, M; Oakeley, O; Swift, G; Wu, Y, Beam position monitors for Duke FEL storage ring,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 3
(December, 1999),
pp. 2099-2101 [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Park, SH; Pinayev, IV; Wu, Y, Performance of the OK-4/Duke storage ring FEL,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in
Physics Research Section A:, vol. 470 no. 1-2
(September, 1999),
pp. 66-75, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Park, SH; Pinayev, IV; Wu, Y; Emamian, M; Hower, N; Morcombe, P; Oakeley, O; Swift, G; Wang, P, OK-4/Duke storage ring FEL lasing in the deep-UV,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in
Physics Research Section A, vol. 429 no. 1
(June, 1999),
pp. 151-158, Elsevier BV [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
V. N. Litvinenko, S. H. Park, I. V. Pinayev, Y. Wu, M. Emamian, N. Hower, P. Morcombe, O. Oakeley, G. Swift, P. Wang, The Deep-UV Operation of The OK-4/Duke Storage Ring FEL,
Proceedings of 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference
pp. 221-223 [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Wu, Y; Burnham, B; Park, SH; Emamian, M; Faircloth, J; Goetz, S; Hower, N; Madey, JMJ; Meyer, J; Morcombe, P; Oakeley, O; Patterson, J; Sachtschale, R; Swift, G, Unique features of the OK-4/Duke storage ring XUV FEL and monochromatic γ-ray source,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 1
(December, 1998),
pp. 883-885 [abs]
Lumpkin, AH; Yang, BX; Litvinenko, V; Park, S; Wang, P; Wu, Y, Initial application of a dual-sweep streak camera to the Duke storage ring OK-4 source,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 1
(December, 1998),
pp. 874-876 [abs]
V. N. Litvinenko, Y. Wu, On Possibility of Suppression of Microwave Instability and Production of Femtosecond Pulses of Radiation in Storage Rings,
in Proceedings of 1998 Asia Particle Accelerator Conference
(June, 1998),
pp. 831-833 [abs]
Park, SH; Litvinenko, VN; Burnham, B; Wu, Y; Madey, JMJ; Canon, RS; Howell, CR; Roberson, NR; Schreiber, EC; Spraker, M; Tornow, W; Weller, HR; Pinayev, IV, OK-4/Duke monochromatic gamma-ray source: performance and prediction,
Nuclear Instruments \& Methods In Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment, vol. 407 no. 1-3
(April, 1998),
pp. 224-228, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
V. N. Litvinenko, S. H. Park, Y. Wu, The Duke XUV FEL Storage Ring Facility,
in Proceedings of 1998 Asia Particle Accelerator Conference
pp. 834-836 [abs]
Lumpkin, AH; Yang, BX; Litvinenko, V; Burnham, B; Park, S; Wang, P; Wu, Y, Initial Dual-Sweep Streak Camera Measurements on the Duke Storage Ring OK-4 UV/Visible FEL,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 407 no. 1-3
pp. 338-342, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Burnham, B; Park, SH; Wu, Y; Cataldo, R; Emamian, M; Faircloth, J; Goetz, S; Hower, N; Madey, JMJ; Meyer, J; Morcombe, P; Oakeley, O; Patterson, J; Swift, G; Wang, P; Pinayev, IV; Fedotov, MG; Gavrilov, NG; Popik, VM; Repkov, VN; Isaeva, LG; Kulipanov, GN; Kurkin, GY; Mikhailov, SF; Skrinsky, AN; Vinokurov, NA; Vobly, PD; Lumpkin, A; Yang, B, First UV/Visible Lasing with the OK-4/Duke Storage Ring FEL,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 407 no. 1-3
pp. 8-15, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Wu, Y; Litvinenko, VN; Pinayev, IV; Park, SH; Burnham, B, Duke FEL Storage Ring Light Sources and Applications,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, vol. 144 no. 1-4
pp. 90-98, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Ade, H; Yang, W; English, SL; Hartman, J; Davis, RF; Nemanich, RJ; Litvinenko, VN; Pinayev, IV; Wu, Y; Madey, JMJ, A Free Electron Laser Photoemission Electron Microscope System (FEL-PEEM),
Surface Review and Letters, vol. 5 no. 6
pp. 1257-1268, World Scientific Pub Co Pte Lt [doi] [abs]
Pinayev, IV; Emamian, M; Litvinenko, VN; Park, SH; Wu, Y, System for the control and stabilizing of OK-4/Duke FEL optical cavity,
in AIP Conf. Proceedings 451,
AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 451
pp. 545-551, AIP [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Wu, Y; Burnham, B; Park, SH; Emamian, M; Faircloth, J; Goetz, S; Hower, N; Madey, JMJ; Meyer, J; Morcombe, P; Oakeley, O; Patterson, J; Sachtschale, R; Swift, G; Wang, P; Pinayev, IV; Fedotov, MG; Gavrilov, NG; Popik, VM; Repkov, VN; Isaeva, LG; Kulipanov, GN; Kurkin, GY; Mikhailov, SF; Skrinsky, AN; Vinokurov, NA; Vobly, PD; Zinin, EI; Lumpkin, AH; Yang, BX, First UV/visible lasing with the OK-4/Duke storage ring FEL: Design and initial performance,
in Free-Electron Laser Challenges,
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 2988
(December, 1997),
pp. 188-199, SPIE [doi] [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Burnham, B; Emamian, M; Hower, N; Madey, JMJ; Morcombe, P; Oshea, PG; Park, SH; Sachtschale, R; Straub, KD; Swift, G; Wang, P; Wu, Y; Canon, RS; Howell, CR; Roberson, NR; E, Gamma-ray production in a storage ring free-electron laser,
Physical Review Letters, vol. 78 no. 24
(June, 1997),
pp. 4569-4572, American Physical Society (APS) [doi] [abs]
Burnham, B; Litvinenko, VN; Wu, Y; Park, SH; Cataldo, R; Emamian, M; Hower, N; Madey, JMJ; Morcombe, P; Oakeley, O; Swift, G; Wang, P; Pinayev, IV; Popik, VM; Kulipanov, GN; Mikhailov, SF; Skrinsky, AN; Vinokurov, NA; Lumpkin, A; Yang, B, Status of the OK-4/Duke University Storage Ring XUV FEL,
Proceedings of SPIE, Coherent Electron-Beam X-Ray Sources: Techniques and Applications, vol. 3154
pp. 64-71, SPIE [doi] [abs]
Wu, Y; Litvinenko, VN; Burnham, B; Park, SH; Madey, JMJ, Performance and Operation Modes of the Duke FEL Storage Ring,
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 44 no. 5
pp. 1753-1759, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs]
Oshea, PG; Litvinenko, VN; Madey, JMJ; Roberson, NR; Schreiber, EC; Straub, KD; Weeks, KJ; Weller, HR; Wu, Y, Inverse Compton gamma-ray source for nuclear physics and related applications,
Nuclear Instruments \& Methods In Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment, vol. 375 no. 1-3
(June, 1996),
pp. 530-534, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Burnham, B; Litvinenko, VN; Madey, JMJ; Wu, Y, Microbunching in storage ring, edited by Blum, EB; Dienes, M; Murphy, JB,
(January, 1996),
pp. 215-224, AIP PRESS [Gateway.cgi] .
B. Burnham, V. N. Litvinenko, J. M. J. Madey, Y. Wu, Microbunching in Storage Ring FELs,
in AIP Conf. Proceedings,
Proceedings of Micro Bunches Workshop, Editors: E. B. Blum, M. Dienes, J. B. Murphy, vol. 367
pp. 215--224 [abs]
Wu, Y; Litvinenko, VN; Burnham, B; Madey, JMJ; Park, SH, The Performance of the Duke FEL Storage Ring,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 375 no. 1-3
pp. 74-77, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Burnham, B; Madey, JMJ; Park, SH; Wu, Y, Duke Storage Ring UV/VUV FEL: Status and Prospects,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 375 no. 1-3
pp. 46-52, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Burnham, B; Litvinenko, VN; Wu, Y, Application of precision magnetic measurements for control of the Duke storage ring,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 1
(December, 1995),
pp. 524-526 [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Burnham, B; Hower, N; Morcombe, P; Wu, Y, Duke storage ring tune measurements system using razor blade and photomultiplier,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 4
(December, 1995),
pp. 2461-2463 [abs]
Wu, Y; Litvinenko, VN; Burnham, B; Madey, JMJ, Experimental study of the Duke storage ring dynamic aperture,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 5
(December, 1995),
pp. 2877-2879 [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Wu, Y; Burnham, B; Madey, JMJ; Park, SH, Performance of achromatic lattice with combined function sextupoles at Duke storage ring,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 2
(December, 1995),
pp. 796-798 [abs]
Wang, P; Morcombe, P; Wu, Y, RF system for the Duke 1 GeV storage ring,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 3
(December, 1995),
pp. 1841-1842 [abs]
Dickey, C; Burnham, B; Carter, F; Fricks, R; Litvinenko, V; Nagchaudhuri, A; Morcombe, P; Pantazis, R; O'Shea, P; Sachtschale, R; Wu, Y, EPICS at Duke University,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 4
(December, 1995),
pp. 2217-2219 [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Wu, Y; Burnham, B; Madey, JMJ; Carter, F; Dickey, C; Emamian, M; Gustavsson, J; Hower, N; Morcombe, P; Park, SH; O'Shea, P; Sachtshale, R; Straub, D; Swift, G, Commissioning of the Duke Storage Ring,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 1
(December, 1995),
pp. 213-215 [abs]
Wu, Y; Burnham, B; Litvinenko, VN, Duke storage ring control system,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 4
(December, 1995),
pp. 2214-2216 [abs]
O'Shea, PG; Carter, F; Dickey, C; Hower, N; Litvinenko, VN; Sachtschale, R; Swift, G; Wang, P; Wu, Y; Madey, JMJ, Accelerator archeology - the resurrection of the Stanford MarkIII electron linac at Duke,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 2
(December, 1995),
pp. 1090-1092 [abs]
Y. Wu, B. Burnham, V. N. Litvinenko, The Duke Storage Ring Control System,
Proceedings of 1995 Particle Accelerator Conference
pp. 2214-2216 [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Wu, Y; Burnham, B; Barnett, G; Madey, JMJ, Picosecond, Tunable, High Peak Brightness Hard X-Ray Inverse Compton Source at Duke Storage Ring,
Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 2521
pp. 2-12, SPIE [doi] [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Barnett, GA; Burnham, B; Hower, N; Johnson, J; Madey, JMJ; Wu, Y, Short Wavelength Light Sources at Duke Storage Ring,
Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 2522
pp. 473-482, SPIE [doi] [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Burnham, B; Madey, JMJ; Wu, Y, High Peak Pulse Power Operation of the OK-4/Duke XUV FEL,
Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 2521
pp. 78-89, SPIE [doi] [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Burnham, B; Madey, JMJ; Wu, Y, Dynamics of the Duke Storage Ring UV FEL,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 358 no. 1-3
pp. 369-373, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Burnham, B; Madey, JMJ; Wu, Y, Giant Laser Pulses in the Duke Storage Ring UV FEL,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 358 no. 1-3
pp. 334-337, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Wu, Y; Burnham, B; Madey, JMJ, Expected Performance of the mm-Wave Isochronous FEL at the Duke Storage Ring,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 358 no. 1-3
pp. 349-352, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Litvinenko, VN; Wu, Y; Burnham, B; Barnett, G; Madey, JMJ, mm-Wave Isochronous FEL and Hard X-Ray Inverse Compton Source at the Duke Storage Ring,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 358 no. 1-3
pp. 345-348, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
S. Kramer, Y. Wu, V. N. Litvinenko, C. B. Mckee, B. Burnham, Bunch Current Density Measurements in the VUV Light Source,
Proceedings of 4th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC1994)
pp. 1696-1698 [abs]
Wu, Y; Litvinenko, VN; Madey, JMJ, Study of Undulator Influence on the Dynamic Aperture for the Duke FEL Storage Ring,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 341 no. 1-3
pp. 363-366, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Burnham, B; Hower, N; Litvinenko, VN; Madey, JMJ; Wu, Y, Specific features of magnet design for the Duke FEL storage ring,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 4
(December, 1993),
pp. 2889-2891, IEEE [doi] [abs]
Wu, Y; Litvinenko, VN; Madey, JMJ, Lattice and dynamic aperture of the Duke FEL storage ring,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 1
(December, 1993),
pp. 218-220, IEEE [doi] [abs]
Wu, Y; Litvinenko, VN; Forest, E; Madey, JMJ, Dynamic Aperture Study for the Duke FEL Storage Ring,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 331 no. 1-3
pp. 287-292, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Papers Accepted
Peifan Liu, Jun Yan, Andrei A. Fanasev, Stephen V. Benson, Hao Hao, Stepha F. Mikhailov, Victor G. Popov, Ying K. Wu, Generation of superposed orbital angular momentum beams using a free-electron laser oscillator,
Optics Express
(December, 2023) .
Papers Submitted
X. Li, M.W. Ahmed, A. Banu, C. Bartram, B. Crowe, E.J. Downie, M. Emamian, G. Feldman, H. Gao, D. Godagama, H.W. Grießhammer, C.R. Howell, H.J. Karwowski, D.P. Kendellen, M.A. Kovash, K. Leung, D. Markoff, S. Mikhailov, R.E. Pywell, M.H. Sikora, J.A. Silano, R.S. Sosa, M.C. Spraker, G. Swift, P. Wallace, H.R. Weller, C.S. Whisnant, Y.K. Wu, and Z.W. Zhao, Compton scattering from 4He at HIGS,
Phys. Rev. C (submitted in 2019)
(2019) .
Y. K. Wu, Accelerator and Light Source Research Program at Duke University,
Proceedings of the 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC21)
pp. 1636–1639 .
P. Liu, J. Yan, W. Li, Y.K. Wu, Eigenmode Decomposition for Free-Electron Lasers Using Bayesian Analysis,
Proceedings of the 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC21)
pp. 1666–1669 .
W. Li, J. Yan, P. Liu, Y. K. Wu, Design Study on Beam Size Measurement System Using SR Interferometry for Low Beam Current,
Proceedings of the 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC21)
pp. 3949–3952 .
S. Mikhailov. M. Ahmed, V. Popov, M. Sikora, G. Swift, P. Wallace, Y.K. Wu, J. Yan, H. Ehlers, L. Jensen, L. Kochanneck, Production of 120 MeV Gamma-ray Beams at Duke FEL and HIGS Facility
(2021) .
Y. Wu, S. Mikhailov, C. Howell, M. Busch, and the HIGS development team, The Upgrade of the High Intensity Gamma-ray Source (Technical Design Report, 1st version)
(August, 2003) .
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