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Publications of Ahmad Hariri    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:

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Journal Articles

  1. Carlisi, CO; Fielder, JC; Knodt, AR; Romer, AL; Hariri, AR; Viding, E (2024). Differential Mapping of Psychopathic Traits and General Psychopathology in a Large Young Adult Sample.. Journal of personality disorders, 38(6), 535-558. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Reuben, A; Knodt, AR; Ireland, D; Ramrakha, S; Specht, AJ; Caspi, A; Moffitt, TE; Hariri, AR (2024). Childhood blood-lead level predicts lower general, non-selective hippocampal subfield volumes in midlife.. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 281, 116658. [doi]  [abs]
  3. Reuben, A; Richmond-Rakerd, LS; Milne, B; Shah, D; Pearson, A; Hogan, S; Ireland, D; Keenan, R; Knodt, AR; Melzer, T; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Whitman, ET; Hariri, AR; Moffitt, TE; Caspi, A (2024). Dementia, dementia's risk factors and premorbid brain structure are concentrated in disadvantaged areas: National register and birth-cohort geographic analyses.. Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 20(5), 3167-3178. [doi]  [abs]
  4. Kim, N; Kim, MJ; Strauman, TJ; Hariri, AR (2024). Intrinsic functional connectivity of motor and heteromodal association cortex predicts individual differences in regulatory focus.. PNAS nexus, 3(5), pgae167. [doi]  [abs]
  5. Whitman, ET; Ryan, CP; Abraham, WC; Addae, A; Corcoran, DL; Elliott, ML; Hogan, S; Ireland, D; Keenan, R; Knodt, AR; Melzer, TR; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Sugden, K; Williams, BS; Zhou, J; Hariri, AR; Belsky, DW; Moffitt, TE; Caspi, A; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2024). A blood biomarker of the pace of aging is associated with brain structure: replication across three cohorts.. Neurobiology of aging, 136, 23-33. [doi]  [abs]
  6. Moreau, AL; Gorelik, AJ; Knodt, A; Barch, DM; Hariri, AR; Samuel, DB; Oltmanns, TF; Hatoum, AS; Bogdan, R (2024). Leveraging Normative Personality Data and Machine Learning to Examine the Brain Structure Correlates of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder Traits. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, 133(8), 656-666. [doi]  [abs]
  7. Lay-Yee, R; Hariri, AR; Knodt, AR; Barrett-Young, A; Matthews, T; Milne, BJ (2023). Social isolation from childhood to mid-adulthood: is there an association with older brain age?. Psychological medicine, 53(16), 7874-7882. [doi]  [abs]
  8. Knodt, AR; Elliott, ML; Whitman, ET; Winn, A; Addae, A; Ireland, D; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Caspi, A; Moffitt, TE; Hariri, AR (2023). Test-retest reliability and predictive utility of a macroscale principal functional connectivity gradient.. Human brain mapping, 44(18), 6399-6417. [doi]  [abs]
  9. Strauman, TJ; Hariri, AR (2023). Revising a Self-Regulation Phenotype for Depression Through Individual Differences in Macroscale Brain Organization.. Current directions in psychological science, 32(4), 267-275. [doi]  [abs]
  10. Whitman, ET; Knodt, AR; Elliott, ML; Abraham, WC; Cheyne, K; Hogan, S; Ireland, D; Keenan, R; Leung, JH; Melzer, TR; Poulton, R; Purdy, SC; Ramrakha, S; Thorne, PR; Caspi, A; Moffitt, TE; Hariri, AR (2023). Functional topography of the neocortex predicts covariation in complex cognitive and basic motor abilities.. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 33(13), 8218-8231. [doi]  [abs]
  11. Cobb, AR; Rubin, M; Stote, DL; Baldwin, BC; Lee, H-J; Hariri, AR; Telch, MJ (2023). Hippocampal volume and volume asymmetry prospectively predict PTSD symptom emergence among Iraq-deployed soldiers.. Psychological medicine, 53(5), 1906-1913. [doi]  [abs]
  12. Barrett-Young, A; Abraham, WC; Cheung, CY; Gale, J; Hogan, S; Ireland, D; Keenan, R; Knodt, AR; Melzer, TR; Moffitt, TE; Ramrakha, S; Tham, YC; Wilson, GA; Wong, TY; Hariri, AR; Poulton, R (2023). Associations Between Thinner Retinal Neuronal Layers and Suboptimal Brain Structural Integrity in a Middle-Aged Cohort.. Eye and brain, 15, 25-35. [doi]  [abs]
  13. Knodt, AR; Meier, MH; Ambler, A; Gehred, MZ; Harrington, H; Ireland, D; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Caspi, A; Moffitt, TE; Hariri, AR (2022). Diminished Structural Brain Integrity in Long-term Cannabis Users Reflects a History of Polysubstance Use.. Biological psychiatry, 92(11), 861-870. [doi]  [abs]
  14. Carlisi, CO; Moffitt, TE; Knodt, AR; Harrington, H; Langevin, S; Ireland, D; Melzer, TR; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Caspi, A; Hariri, AR; Viding, E (2022). Association of subcortical gray-matter volumes with life-course-persistent antisocial behavior in a population-representative longitudinal birth cohort.. Development and psychopathology, 34(5), 2012-2022. [doi]  [abs]
  15. Meier, MH; Caspi, A; Ambler, A; Hariri, AR; Harrington, H; Hogan, S; Houts, R; Knodt, AR; Ramrakha, S; Richmond-Rakerd, LS; Poulton, R; Moffitt, TE (2022). Preparedness for healthy ageing and polysubstance use in long-term cannabis users: a population-representative longitudinal study.. The lancet. Healthy longevity, 3(10), e703-e714. [doi]  [abs]
  16. Kim, MJ; Knodt, AR; Hariri, AR (2022). Meta-analytic activation maps can help identify affective processes captured by contrast-based task fMRI: the case of threat-related facial expressions.. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 17(9), 777-787. [doi]  [abs]
  17. Sugden, K; Caspi, A; Elliott, ML; Bourassa, KJ; Chamarti, K; Corcoran, DL; Hariri, AR; Houts, RM; Kothari, M; Kritchevsky, S; Kuchel, GA; Mill, JS; Williams, BS; Belsky, DW; Moffitt, TE; Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative* (2022). Association of Pace of Aging Measured by Blood-Based DNA Methylation With Age-Related Cognitive Impairment and Dementia.. Neurology, 99(13), e1402-e1413. [doi]  [abs]
  18. Meier, MH; Caspi, A; R Knodt, A; Hall, W; Ambler, A; Harrington, H; Hogan, S; M Houts, R; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Hariri, AR; Moffitt, TE (2022). Long-Term Cannabis Use and Cognitive Reserves and Hippocampal Volume in Midlife.. The American journal of psychiatry, 179(5), 362-374. [doi]  [abs]
  19. Kim, MJ; Elliott, ML; Knodt, AR; Hariri, AR (2022). A Connectome-wide Functional Signature of Trait Anger.. Clinical psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, 10(3), 584-592. [doi]  [abs]
  20. Farber, MJ; Gee, DG; Hariri, AR (2022). Normative range parenting and the developing brain: A scoping review and recommendations for future research.. The European journal of neuroscience, 55(9-10), 2341-2358. [doi]  [abs]
  21. Bourassa, KJ; Moffitt, TE; Ambler, A; Hariri, AR; Harrington, H; Houts, RM; Ireland, D; Knodt, A; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Caspi, A (2022). Association of Treatable Health Conditions During Adolescence With Accelerated Aging at Midlife.. JAMA pediatrics, 176(4), 392-399. [doi]  [abs]
  22. Kragel, PA; Hariri, AR; LaBar, KS (2022). The Temporal Dynamics of Spontaneous Emotional Brain States and Their Implications for Mental Health.. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 34(5), 715-728. [doi]  [abs]
  23. Reuben, A; Moffitt, TE; Abraham, WC; Ambler, A; Elliott, ML; Hariri, AR; Harrington, H; Hogan, S; Houts, RM; Ireland, D; Knodt, AR; Leung, J; Pearson, A; Poulton, R; Purdy, SC; Ramrakha, S; Rasmussen, LJH; Sugden, K; Thorne, PR; Williams, B; Wilson, G; Caspi, A (2022). Improving risk indexes for Alzheimer's disease and related dementias for use in midlife.. Brain communications, 4(5), fcac223. [doi]  [abs]
  24. Miles, AE; Dos Santos, FC; Byrne, EM; Renteria, ME; McIntosh, AM; Adams, MJ; Pistis, G; Castelao, E; Preisig, M; Baune, BT; Schubert, KO; Lewis, CM; Jones, LA; Jones, I; Uher, R; Smoller, JW; Perlis, RH; Levinson, DF; Potash, JB; Weissman, MM; Shi, J; Lewis, G; Penninx, BWJH; Boomsma, DI; Hamilton, SP; Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; Sibille, E; Hariri, AR; Nikolova, YS (2021). Transcriptome-based polygenic score links depression-related corticolimbic gene expression changes to sex-specific brain morphology and depression risk.. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 46(13), 2304-2311. [doi]  [abs]
  25. Lam, M; Chen, C-Y; Ge, T; Xia, Y; Hill, DW; Trampush, JW; Yu, J; Knowles, E; Davies, G; Stahl, EA; Huckins, L; Liewald, DC; Djurovic, S; Melle, I; Christoforou, A; Reinvang, I; DeRosse, P; Lundervold, AJ; Steen, VM; Espeseth, T; Räikkönen, K; Widen, E; Palotie, A; Eriksson, JG; Giegling, I; Konte, B; Hartmann, AM; Roussos, P; Giakoumaki, S; Burdick, KE; Payton, A; Ollier, W; Chiba-Falek, O; Koltai, DC; Need, AC; Cirulli, ET; Voineskos, AN; Stefanis, NC; Avramopoulos, D; Hatzimanolis, A; Smyrnis, N; Bilder, RM; Freimer, NB; Cannon, TD; London, E; Poldrack, RA; Sabb, FW; Congdon, E; Conley, ED; Scult, MA; Dickinson, D; Straub, RE; Donohoe, G; Morris, D; Corvin, A; Gill, M; Hariri, AR; Weinberger, DR; Pendleton, N; Bitsios, P; Rujescu, D; Lahti, J; Le Hellard, S; Keller, MC; Andreassen, OA; Deary, IJ; Glahn, DC; Huang, H; Liu, C; Malhotra, AK; Lencz, T (2021). Identifying nootropic drug targets via large-scale cognitive GWAS and transcriptomics.. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 46(10), 1788-1801. [doi]  [abs]
  26. Elliott, ML; Knodt, AR; Hariri, AR (2021). Striving toward translation: strategies for reliable fMRI measurement.. Trends in cognitive sciences, 25(9), 776-787. [doi]  [abs]
  27. Elliott, ML; Belsky, DW; Knodt, AR; Ireland, D; Melzer, TR; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Caspi, A; Moffitt, TE; Hariri, AR (2021). Brain-age in midlife is associated with accelerated biological aging and cognitive decline in a longitudinal birth cohort.. Molecular psychiatry, 26(8), 3829-3838. [doi]  [abs]
  28. Romer, AL; Knodt, AR; Sison, ML; Ireland, D; Houts, R; Ramrakha, S; Poulton, R; Keenan, R; Melzer, TR; Moffitt, TE; Caspi, A; Hariri, AR (2021). Replicability of structural brain alterations associated with general psychopathology: evidence from a population-representative birth cohort.. Molecular psychiatry, 26(8), 3839-3846. [doi]  [abs]
  29. Gehred, MZ; Knodt, AR; Ambler, A; Bourassa, KJ; Danese, A; Elliott, ML; Hogan, S; Ireland, D; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Reuben, A; Sison, ML; Moffitt, TE; Hariri, AR; Caspi, A (2021). Long-term Neural Embedding of Childhood Adversity in a Population-Representative Birth Cohort Followed for 5 Decades.. Biological psychiatry, 90(3), 182-193. [doi]  [abs]
  30. Romer, AL; Hariri, AR; Strauman, TJ (2021). Regulatory focus and the p factor: Evidence for self-regulatory dysfunction as a transdiagnostic feature of general psychopathology.. Journal of psychiatric research, 137, 178-185. [doi]  [abs]
  31. Elliott, ML; Knodt, AR; Caspi, A; Moffitt, TE; Hariri, AR (2021). Need for Psychometric Theory in Neuroscience Research and Training: Reply to Kragel et al. (2021).. Psychological science, 32(4), 627-629. [doi]
  32. Mareckova, K; Hawco, C; Santos, FCD; Bakht, A; Calarco, N; Miles, AE; Voineskos, AN; Sibille, E; Hariri, AR; Nikolova, YS (2021). Correction: Novel polygenic risk score as a translational tool linking depression-related changes in the corticolimbic transcriptome with neural face processing and anhedonic symptoms.. Translational psychiatry, 11(1), 152. [doi]
  33. Elliott, ML; Caspi, A; Houts, RM; Ambler, A; Broadbent, JM; Hancox, RJ; Harrington, H; Hogan, S; Keenan, R; Knodt, A; Leung, JH; Melzer, TR; Purdy, SC; Ramrakha, S; Richmond-Rakerd, LS; Righarts, A; Sugden, K; Thomson, WM; Thorne, PR; Williams, BS; Wilson, G; Hariri, AR; Poulton, R; Moffitt, TE (2021). Disparities in the pace of biological aging among midlife adults of the same chronological age have implications for future frailty risk and policy.. Nature aging, 1(3), 295-308. [doi]  [abs]
  34. Pfeiffer, JR; Bustamante, AC; Kim, GS; Armstrong, D; Knodt, AR; Koenen, KC; Hariri, AR; Uddin, M (2021). Associations between childhood family emotional health, fronto-limbic grey matter volume, and saliva 5mC in young adulthood.. Clinical epigenetics, 13(1), 68. [doi]  [abs]
  35. Romer, AL; Elliott, ML; Knodt, AR; Sison, ML; Ireland, D; Houts, R; Ramrakha, S; Poulton, R; Keenan, R; Melzer, TR; Moffitt, TE; Caspi, A; Hariri, AR (2021). Pervasively Thinner Neocortex as a Transdiagnostic Feature of General Psychopathology.. The American journal of psychiatry, 178(2), 174-182. [doi]  [abs]
  36. d'Arbeloff, T; Elliott, ML; Knodt, AR; Sison, M; Melzer, TR; Ireland, D; Ramrakha, S; Poulton, R; Caspi, A; Moffitt, TE; Hariri, AR (2021). Midlife Cardiovascular Fitness Is Reflected in the Brain's White Matter.. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 13, 652575. [doi]  [abs]
  37. Richmond-Rakerd, LS; Caspi, A; Ambler, A; d'Arbeloff, T; de Bruine, M; Elliott, M; Harrington, H; Hogan, S; Houts, RM; Ireland, D; Keenan, R; Knodt, AR; Melzer, TR; Park, S; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Rasmussen, LJH; Sack, E; Schmidt, AT; Sison, ML; Wertz, J; Hariri, AR; Moffitt, TE (2021). Childhood self-control forecasts the pace of midlife aging and preparedness for old age.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(3), e2010211118. [doi]  [abs]
  38. Rasmussen, LJH; Caspi, A; Ambler, A; Danese, A; Elliott, M; Eugen-Olsen, J; Hariri, AR; Harrington, H; Houts, R; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Sugden, K; Williams, B; Moffitt, TE (2021). Association Between Elevated suPAR, a New Biomarker of Inflammation, and Accelerated Aging.. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 76(2), 318-327. [doi]  [abs]
  39. Gianaros, PJ; Kraynak, TE; Kuan, DC-H; Gross, JJ; McRae, K; Hariri, AR; Manuck, SB; Rasero, J; Verstynen, TD (2020). Affective brain patterns as multivariate neural correlates of cardiovascular disease risk.. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 15(10), 1034-1045. [doi]  [abs]
  40. Reuben, A; Elliott, ML; Abraham, WC; Broadbent, J; Houts, RM; Ireland, D; Knodt, AR; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Hariri, AR; Caspi, A; Moffitt, TE (2020). Association of Childhood Lead Exposure With MRI Measurements of Structural Brain Integrity in Midlife.. JAMA, 324(19), 1970-1979. [doi]  [abs]
  41. Mareckova, K; Hawco, C; Dos Santos, FC; Bakht, A; Calarco, N; Miles, AE; Voineskos, AN; Sibille, E; Hariri, AR; Nikolova, YS (2020). Novel polygenic risk score as a translational tool linking depression-related changes in the corticolimbic transcriptome with neural face processing and anhedonic symptoms.. Translational psychiatry, 10(1), 410. [doi]  [abs]
  42. d'Arbeloff, T; Cooke, M; Knodt, AR; Sison, M; Melzer, TR; Ireland, D; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Moffitt, TE; Caspi, A; Hariri, AR (2020). Is cardiovascular fitness associated with structural brain integrity in midlife? Evidence from a population-representative birth cohort study.. Aging, 12(20), 20888-20914. [doi]  [abs]
  43. Avinun, R; Israel, S; Knodt, AR; Hariri, AR (2020). Little evidence for associations between the Big Five personality traits and variability in brain gray or white matter.. NeuroImage, 220, 117092. [doi]  [abs]
  44. Elliott, ML; Knodt, AR; Ireland, D; Morris, ML; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Sison, ML; Moffitt, TE; Caspi, A; Hariri, AR (2020). What Is the Test-Retest Reliability of Common Task-Functional MRI Measures? New Empirical Evidence and a Meta-Analysis.. Psychological science, 31(7), 792-806. [doi]  [abs]
  45. Baranger, DAA; Few, LR; Sheinbein, DH; Agrawal, A; Oltmanns, TF; Knodt, AR; Barch, DM; Hariri, AR; Bogdan, R (2020). Borderline Personality Traits Are Not Correlated With Brain Structure in Two Large Samples.. Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging, 5(7), 669-677. [doi]  [abs]
  46. Puetz, VB; Viding, E; Gerin, MI; Pingault, J-B; Sethi, A; Knodt, AR; Radtke, SR; Brigidi, BD; Hariri, AR; McCrory, E (2020). Investigating patterns of neural response associated with childhood abuse v. childhood neglect - Corrigendum.. Psychological medicine, 50(8), 1408. [doi]  [abs]
  47. Baranger, DAA; Demers, CH; Elsayed, NM; Knodt, AR; Radtke, SR; Desmarais, A; Few, LR; Agrawal, A; Heath, AC; Barch, DM; Squeglia, LM; Williamson, DE; Hariri, AR; Bogdan, R (2020). Convergent Evidence for Predispositional Effects of Brain Gray Matter Volume on Alcohol Consumption.. Biological psychiatry, 87(7), 645-655. [doi]  [abs]
  48. Wallace, GL; Richard, E; Peng, CS; Knodt, AR; Hariri, AR (2020). Subclinical eating disorder traits are correlated with cortical thickness in regions associated with food reward and perception.. Brain imaging and behavior, 14(2), 346-352. [doi]  [abs]
  49. Caspi, A; Houts, RM; Ambler, A; Danese, A; Elliott, ML; Hariri, A; Harrington, H; Hogan, S; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Rasmussen, LJH; Reuben, A; Richmond-Rakerd, L; Sugden, K; Wertz, J; Williams, BS; Moffitt, TE (2020). Longitudinal Assessment of Mental Health Disorders and Comorbidities Across 4 Decades Among Participants in the Dunedin Birth Cohort Study.. JAMA network open, 3(4), e203221. [doi]  [abs]
  50. Avinun, R; Nevo, A; Radtke, SR; Brigidi, BD; Hariri, AR (2020). Divergence of an association between depressive symptoms and a dopamine polygenic score in Caucasians and Asians.. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 270(2), 229-235. [doi]  [abs]
  51. Carlisi, CO; Moffitt, TE; Knodt, AR; Harrington, H; Ireland, D; Melzer, TR; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Caspi, A; Hariri, AR; Viding, E (2020). Associations between life-course-persistent antisocial behaviour and brain structure in a population-representative longitudinal birth cohort.. The lancet. Psychiatry, 7(3), 245-253. [doi]  [abs]
  52. Detloff, AM; Hariri, AR; Strauman, TJ (2020). Neural signatures of promotion versus prevention goal priming: fMRI evidence for distinct cognitive-motivational systems.. Personality neuroscience, 3, e1. [doi]  [abs]
  53. Burr, DA; d'Arbeloff, T; Elliott, ML; Knodt, AR; Brigidi, BD; Hariri, AR (2020). Functional connectivity predicts the dispositional use of expressive suppression but not cognitive reappraisal.. Brain and behavior, 10(2), e01493. [doi]  [abs]
  54. Lee, MR; Shin, JH; Deschaine, S; Daurio, AM; Stangl, BL; Yan, J; Ramchandani, VA; Schwandt, ML; Grodin, EN; Momenan, R; Corral-Frias, NS; Hariri, AR; Bogdan, R; Alvarez, VA; Leggio, L (2020). A role for the CD38 rs3796863 polymorphism in alcohol and monetary reward: evidence from CD38 knockout mice and alcohol self-administration, [11C]-raclopride binding, and functional MRI in humans.. The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse, 46(2), 167-179. [doi]  [abs]
  55. Farber, MJ; Kim, MJ; Knodt, AR; Hariri, AR (2019). Maternal overprotection in childhood is associated with amygdala reactivity and structural connectivity in adulthood.. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 40, 100711. [doi]  [abs]
  56. Wetherill, L; Lai, D; Johnson, EC; Anokhin, A; Bauer, L; Bucholz, KK; Dick, DM; Hariri, AR; Hesselbrock, V; Kamarajan, C; Kramer, J; Kuperman, S; Meyers, JL; Nurnberger, JI; Schuckit, M; Scott, DM; Taylor, RE; Tischfield, J; Porjesz, B; Goate, AM; Edenberg, HJ; Foroud, T; Bogdan, R; Agrawal, A (2019). ERRATUM: Genome-wide association study identifies loci associated with liability to alcohol and drug dependence that is associated with variability in reward-related ventral striatum activity in African- and European-Americans.. Genes, brain, and behavior, 18(8), e12608. [doi]
  57. Avinun, R; Hariri, AR (2019). A polygenic score for body mass index is associated with depressive symptoms via early life stress: Evidence for gene-environment correlation.. Journal of psychiatric research, 118, 9-13. [doi]  [abs]
  58. Rasmussen, LJH; Caspi, A; Ambler, A; Broadbent, JM; Cohen, HJ; d'Arbeloff, T; Elliott, M; Hancox, RJ; Harrington, H; Hogan, S; Houts, R; Ireland, D; Knodt, AR; Meredith-Jones, K; Morey, MC; Morrison, L; Poulton, R; Ramrakha, S; Richmond-Rakerd, L; Sison, ML; Sneddon, K; Thomson, WM; Hariri, AR; Moffitt, TE (2019). Association of Neurocognitive and Physical Function With Gait Speed in Midlife.. JAMA Netw Open, 2(10), e1913123. [doi]  [abs]
  59. Avinun, R; Nevo, A; Knodt, AR; Elliott, ML; Hariri, AR (2019). A genome-wide association study-derived polygenic score for interleukin-1β is associated with hippocampal volume in two samples.. Human brain mapping, 40(13), 3910-3917. [doi]  [abs]
  60. Lam, M; Hill, WD; Trampush, JW; Yu, J; Knowles, E; Davies, G; Stahl, E; Huckins, L; Liewald, DC; Djurovic, S; Melle, I; Sundet, K; Christoforou, A; Reinvang, I; DeRosse, P; Lundervold, AJ; Steen, VM; Espeseth, T; Räikkönen, K; Widen, E; Palotie, A; Eriksson, JG; Giegling, I; Konte, B; Hartmann, AM; Roussos, P; Giakoumaki, S; Burdick, KE; Payton, A; Ollier, W; Chiba-Falek, O; Attix, DK; Need, AC; Cirulli, ET; Voineskos, AN; Stefanis, NC; Avramopoulos, D; Hatzimanolis, A; Arking, DE; Smyrnis, N; Bilder, RM; Freimer, NA; Cannon, TD; London, E; Poldrack, RA; Sabb, FW; Congdon, E; Conley, ED; Scult, MA; Dickinson, D; Straub, RE; Donohoe, G; Morris, D; Corvin, A; Gill, M; Hariri, AR; Weinberger, DR; Pendleton, N; Bitsios, P; Rujescu, D; Lahti, J; Le Hellard, S; Keller, MC; Andreassen, OA; Deary, IJ; Glahn, DC; Malhotra, AK; Lencz, T (2019). Pleiotropic Meta-Analysis of Cognition, Education, and Schizophrenia Differentiates Roles of Early Neurodevelopmental and Adult Synaptic Pathways.. Am J Hum Genet, 105(2), 334-350. [doi]  [abs]
  61. Lai, D; Wetherill, L; Bertelsen, S; Carey, CE; Kamarajan, C; Kapoor, M; Meyers, JL; Anokhin, AP; Bennett, DA; Bucholz, KK; Chang, KK; De Jager, PL; Dick, DM; Hesselbrock, V; Kramer, J; Kuperman, S; Nurnberger, JI; Raj, T; Schuckit, M; Scott, DM; Taylor, RE; Tischfield, J; Hariri, AR; Edenberg, HJ; Agrawal, A; Bogdan, R; Porjesz, B; Goate, AM; Foroud, T (2019). Genome-wide association studies of alcohol dependence, DSM-IV criterion count and individual criteria.. Genes, brain, and behavior, 18(6), e12579. [doi]  [abs]
  62. Elliott, ML; Belsky, DW; Anderson, K; Corcoran, DL; Ge, T; Knodt, A; Prinz, JA; Sugden, K; Williams, B; Ireland, D; Poulton, R; Caspi, A; Holmes, A; Moffitt, T; Hariri, AR (2019). A Polygenic Score for Higher Educational Attainment is Associated with Larger Brains.. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 29(8), 3496-3504. [doi]  [abs]
  63. Wetherill, L; Lai, D; Johnson, EC; Anokhin, A; Bauer, L; Bucholz, KK; Dick, DM; Hariri, AR; Hesselbrock, V; Kamarajan, C; Kramer, J; Kuperman, S; Meyers, JL; Nurnberger, JI; Schuckit, M; Scott, DM; Taylor, RE; Tischfield, J; Porjesz, B; Goate, AM; Edenberg, HJ; Foroud, T; Bogdan, R; Agrawal, A (2019). Genome-wide association study identifies loci associated with liability to alcohol and drug dependence that is associated with variability in reward-related ventral striatum activity in African- and European-Americans.. Genes, brain, and behavior, 18(6), e12580. [doi]  [abs]
  64. Avinun, R; Nevo, A; Hariri, AR (2019). Genetic Risk for Rheumatoid Arthritis is Associated with Increased Striatal Volume in Healthy Young Adults.. Scientific reports, 9(1), 10994. [doi]  [abs]
  65. Gerin, MI; Viding, E; Pingault, J-B; Puetz, VB; Knodt, AR; Radtke, SR; Brigidi, BD; Swartz, JR; Hariri, AR; McCrory, EJ (2019). Heightened amygdala reactivity and increased stress generation predict internalizing symptoms in adults following childhood maltreatment.. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines, 60(7), 752-761. [doi]  [abs]
  66. Farber, MJ; Romer, AL; Kim, MJ; Knodt, AR; Elsayed, NM; Williamson, DE; Hariri, AR (2019). Paradoxical associations between familial affective responsiveness, stress, and amygdala reactivity.. Emotion (Washington, D.C.), 19(4), 645-654. [doi]  [abs]
  67. Kim, MJ; Elliott, ML; d'Arbeloff, TC; Knodt, AR; Radtke, SR; Brigidi, BD; Hariri, AR (2019). Microstructural integrity of white matter moderates an association between childhood adversity and adult trait anger.. Aggressive behavior, 45(3), 310-318. [doi]  [abs]
  68. Hariri, AR (2019). The Emerging Importance of the Cerebellum in Broad Risk for Psychopathology.. Neuron, 102(1), 17-20. [doi]  [abs]
  69. Elliott, ML; Knodt, AR; Cooke, M; Kim, MJ; Melzer, TR; Keenan, R; Ireland, D; Ramrakha, S; Poulton, R; Caspi, A; Moffitt, TE; Hariri, AR (2019). General functional connectivity: Shared features of resting-state and task fMRI drive reliable and heritable individual differences in functional brain networks.. NeuroImage, 189, 516-532. [doi]  [abs]
  70. Romer, AL; Su Kang, M; Nikolova, YS; Gearhardt, AN; Hariri, AR (2019). Dopamine genetic risk is related to food addiction and body mass through reduced reward-related ventral striatum activity.. Appetite, 133, 24-31. [doi]  [abs]
  71. Kim, MJ; Farber, MJ; Knodt, AR; Hariri, AR (2019). Corticolimbic circuit structure moderates an association between early life stress and later trait anxiety.. NeuroImage. Clinical, 24, 102050. [doi]  [abs]
  72. d'Arbeloff, T; Elliott, ML; Knodt, AR; Melzer, TR; Keenan, R; Ireland, D; Ramrakha, S; Poulton, R; Anderson, T; Caspi, A; Moffitt, TE; Hariri, AR (2019). White matter hyperintensities are common in midlife and already associated with cognitive decline.. Brain communications, 1(1), fcz041. [doi]  [abs]
  73. Knodt, AR; Burke, JR; Welsh-Bohmer, KA; Plassman, BL; Burns, DK; Brannan, SK; Kukulka, M; Wu, J; Hariri, AR (2019). Effects of pioglitazone on mnemonic hippocampal function: A blood oxygen level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging study in elderly adults.. Alzheimers Dement (N Y), 5, 254-263. [doi]  [abs]
  74. Sethi, A; McCrory, E; Puetz, V; Hoffmann, F; Knodt, AR; Radtke, SR; Brigidi, BD; Hariri, AR; Viding, E (2018). Primary and Secondary Variants of Psychopathy in a Volunteer Sample Are Associated With Different Neurocognitive Mechanisms.. Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging, 3(12), 1013-1021. [doi]  [abs]
  75. Lam, M; Trampush, JW; Yu, J; Knowles, E; Djurovic, S; Melle, I; Sundet, K; Christoforou, A; Reinvang, I; DeRosse, P; Lundervold, AJ; Steen, VM; Espeseth, T; Räikkönen, K; Widen, E; Palotie, A; Eriksson, JG; Giegling, I; Konte, B; Roussos, P; Giakoumaki, S; Burdick, KE; Payton, A; Ollier, W; Chiba-Falek, O; Attix, DK; Need, AC; Cirulli, ET; Voineskos, AN; Stefanis, NC; Avramopoulos, D; Hatzimanolis, A; Arking, DE; Smyrnis, N; Bilder, RM; Freimer, NA; Cannon, TD; London, E; Poldrack, RA; Sabb, FW; Congdon, E; Conley, ED; Scult, MA; Dickinson, D; Straub, RE; Donohoe, G; Morris, D; Corvin, A; Gill, M; Hariri, AR; Weinberger, DR; Pendleton, N; Bitsios, P; Rujescu, D; Lahti, J; Hellard, SL; Keller, MC; Andreassen, OA; Glahn, DC; Malhotra, AK; Lencz, T (2018). Multi-Trait Analysis of GWAS and Biological Insights Into Cognition: A Response to Hill (2018).. Twin Res Hum Genet, 21(5), 394-397. [doi]  [abs]
  76. d'Arbeloff, TC; Kim, MJ; Knodt, AR; Radtke, SR; Brigidi, BD; Hariri, AR (2018). Microstructural integrity of a pathway connecting the prefrontal cortex and amygdala moderates the association between cognitive reappraisal and negative emotions.. Emotion (Washington, D.C.), 18(6), 912-915. [doi]  [abs]
  77. Hanson, JL; Knodt, AR; Brigidi, BD; Hariri, AR (2018). Heightened connectivity between the ventral striatum and medial prefrontal cortex as a biomarker for stress-related psychopathology: understanding interactive effects of early and more recent stress.. Psychological medicine, 48(11), 1835-1843. [doi]  [abs]
  78. Elsayed, NM; Kim, MJ; Fields, KM; Olvera, RL; Hariri, AR; Williamson, DE (2018). Trajectories of Alcohol Initiation and Use During Adolescence: The Role of Stress and Amygdala Reactivity.. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 57(8), 550-560. [doi]  [abs]
  79. Avinun, R; Nevo, A; Knodt, AR; Elliott, ML; Hariri, AR (2018). Replication in Imaging Genetics: The Case of Threat-Related Amygdala Reactivity.. Biological psychiatry, 84(2), 148-159. [doi]  [abs]
  80. Kim, MJ; Scult, MA; Knodt, AR; Radtke, SR; d'Arbeloff, TC; Brigidi, BD; Hariri, AR (2018). A Link Between Childhood Adversity and Trait Anger Reflects Relative Activity of the Amygdala and Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex.. Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging, 3(7), 644-649. [doi]  [abs]
  81. Savage, JE; Jansen, PR; Stringer, S; Watanabe, K; Bryois, J; de Leeuw, CA; Nagel, M; Awasthi, S; Barr, PB; Coleman, JRI; Grasby, KL; Hammerschlag, AR; Kaminski, JA; Karlsson, R; Krapohl, E; Lam, M; Nygaard, M; Reynolds, CA; Trampush, JW; Young, H; Zabaneh, D; Hägg, S; Hansell, NK; Karlsson, IK; Linnarsson, S; Montgomery, GW; Muñoz-Manchado, AB; Quinlan, EB; Schumann, G; Skene, NG; Webb, BT; White, T; Arking, DE; Avramopoulos, D; Bilder, RM; Bitsios, P; Burdick, KE; Cannon, TD; Chiba-Falek, O; Christoforou, A; Cirulli, ET; Congdon, E; Corvin, A; Davies, G; Deary, IJ; DeRosse, P; Dickinson, D; Djurovic, S; Donohoe, G; Conley, ED; Eriksson, JG; Espeseth, T; Freimer, NA; Giakoumaki, S; Giegling, I; Gill, M; Glahn, DC; Hariri, AR; Hatzimanolis, A; Keller, MC; Knowles, E; Koltai, D; Konte, B; Lahti, J; Le Hellard, S; Lencz, T; Liewald, DC; London, E; Lundervold, AJ; Malhotra, AK; Melle, I; Morris, D; Need, AC; Ollier, W; Palotie, A; Payton, A; Pendleton, N; Poldrack, RA; Räikkönen, K; Reinvang, I; Roussos, P; Rujescu, D; Sabb, FW; Scult, MA; Smeland, OB; Smyrnis, N; Starr, JM; Steen, VM; Stefanis, NC; Straub, RE; Sundet, K; Tiemeier, H; Voineskos, AN; Weinberger, DR; Widen, E; Yu, J; Abecasis, G; Andreassen, OA; Breen, G; Christiansen, L; Debrabant, B; Dick, DM; Heinz, A; Hjerling-Leffler, J; Ikram, MA; Kendler, KS; Martin, NG; Medland, SE; Pedersen, NL; Plomin, R; Polderman, TJC; Ripke, S; van der Sluis, S; Sullivan, PF; Vrieze, SI; Wright, MJ; Posthuma, D (2018). Genome-wide association meta-analysis in 269,867 individuals identifies new genetic and functional links to intelligence.. Nat Genet, 50(7), 912-919. [doi]  [abs]
  82. Miller, JA; Scult, MA; Conley, ED; Chen, Q; Weinberger, DR; Hariri, AR (2018). Effects of Schizophrenia Polygenic Risk Scores on Brain Activity and Performance During Working Memory Subprocesses in Healthy Young Adults.. Schizophrenia bulletin, 44(4), 844-853. [doi]  [abs]
  83. Davies, G; Lam, M; Harris, SE; Trampush, JW; Luciano, M; Hill, WD; Hagenaars, SP; Ritchie, SJ; Marioni, RE; Fawns-Ritchie, C; Liewald, DCM; Okely, JA; Ahola-Olli, AV; Barnes, CLK; Bertram, L; Bis, JC; Burdick, KE; Christoforou, A; DeRosse, P; Djurovic, S; Espeseth, T; Giakoumaki, S; Giddaluru, S; Gustavson, DE; Hayward, C; Hofer, E; Ikram, MA; Karlsson, R; Knowles, E; Lahti, J; Leber, M; Li, S; Mather, KA; Melle, I; Morris, D; Oldmeadow, C; Palviainen, T; Payton, A; Pazoki, R; Petrovic, K; Reynolds, CA; Sargurupremraj, M; Scholz, M; Smith, JA; Smith, AV; Terzikhan, N; Thalamuthu, A; Trompet, S; van der Lee, SJ; Ware, EB; Windham, BG; Wright, MJ; Yang, J; Yu, J; Ames, D; Amin, N; Amouyel, P; Andreassen, OA; Armstrong, NJ; Assareh, AA; Attia, JR; Attix, D; Avramopoulos, D; Bennett, DA; Böhmer, AC; Boyle, PA; Brodaty, H; Campbell, H; Cannon, TD; Cirulli, ET; Congdon, E; Conley, ED; Corley, J; Cox, SR; Dale, AM; Dehghan, A; Dick, D; Dickinson, D; Eriksson, JG; Evangelou, E; Faul, JD; Ford, I; Freimer, NA; Gao, H; Giegling, I; Gillespie, NA; Gordon, SD; Gottesman, RF; Griswold, ME; Gudnason, V; Harris, TB; Hartmann, AM; Hatzimanolis, A; Heiss, G; Holliday, EG; Joshi, PK; Kähönen, M; Kardia, SLR; Karlsson, I; Kleineidam, L; Knopman, DS; Kochan, NA; Konte, B; Kwok, JB; Le Hellard, S; Lee, T; Lehtimäki, T; Li, S-C; Lill, CM; Liu, T; Koini, M; London, E; Longstreth, WT; Lopez, OL; Loukola, A; Luck, T; Lundervold, AJ; Lundquist, A; Lyytikäinen, L-P; Martin, NG; Montgomery, GW; Murray, AD; Need, AC; Noordam, R; Nyberg, L; Ollier, W; Papenberg, G; Pattie, A; Polasek, O; Poldrack, RA; Psaty, BM; Reppermund, S; Riedel-Heller, SG; Rose, RJ; Rotter, JI; Roussos, P; Rovio, SP; Saba, Y; Sabb, FW; Sachdev, PS; Satizabal, CL; Schmid, M; Scott, RJ; Scult, MA; Simino, J; Slagboom, PE; Smyrnis, N; Soumaré, A; Stefanis, NC; Stott, DJ; Straub, RE; Sundet, K; Taylor, AM; Taylor, KD; Tzoulaki, I; Tzourio, C; Uitterlinden, A; Vitart, V; Voineskos, AN; Kaprio, J; Wagner, M; Wagner, H; Weinhold, L; Wen, KH; Widen, E; Yang, Q; Zhao, W; Adams, HHH; Arking, DE; Bilder, RM; Bitsios, P; Boerwinkle, E; Chiba-Falek, O; Corvin, A; De Jager, PL; Debette, S; Donohoe, G; Elliott, P; Fitzpatrick, AL; Gill, M; Glahn, DC; Hägg, S; Hansell, NK; Hariri, AR; Ikram, MK; Jukema, JW; Vuoksimaa, E; Keller, MC; Kremen, WS; Launer, L; Lindenberger, U; Palotie, A; Pedersen, NL; Pendleton, N; Porteous, DJ; Räikkönen, K; Raitakari, OT; Ramirez, A; Reinvang, I; Rudan, I; Dan Rujescu; Schmidt, R; Schmidt, H; Schofield, PW; Schofield, PR; Starr, JM; Steen, VM; Trollor, JN; Turner, ST; Van Duijn, CM; Villringer, A; Weinberger, DR; Weir, DR; Wilson, JF; Malhotra, A; McIntosh, AM; Gale, CR; Seshadri, S; Mosley, TH; Bressler, J; Lencz, T; Deary, IJ (2018). Study of 300,486 individuals identifies 148 independent genetic loci influencing general cognitive function.. Nat Commun, 9(1), 2098. [doi]  [abs]
  84. Agrawal, A; Chou, Y-L; Carey, CE; Baranger, DAA; Zhang, B; Sherva, R; Wetherill, L; Kapoor, M; Wang, J-C; Bertelsen, S; Anokhin, AP; Hesselbrock, V; Kramer, J; Lynskey, MT; Meyers, JL; Nurnberger, JI; Rice, JP; Tischfield, J; Bierut, LJ; Degenhardt, L; Farrer, LA; Gelernter, J; Hariri, AR; Heath, AC; Kranzler, HR; Madden, PAF; Martin, NG; Montgomery, GW; Porjesz, B; Wang, T; Whitfield, JB; Edenberg, HJ; Foroud, T; Goate, AM; Bogdan, R; Nelson, EC (2018). Genome-wide association study identifies a novel locus for cannabis dependence.. Molecular psychiatry, 23(5), 1293-1302. [doi]  [abs]
  85. Elliott, ML; Romer, A; Knodt, AR; Hariri, AR (2018). A Connectome Wide Functional Signature of Transdiagnostic Risk for Mental Illness. Biological Psychiatry, 84(6), 452-459. [doi]  [abs]
  86. Romer, AL; Knodt, AR; Houts, R; Brigidi, BD; Moffitt, TE; Caspi, A; Hariri, AR (2018). Structural alterations within cerebellar circuitry are associated with general liability for common mental disorders.. Molecular psychiatry, 23(4), 1084-1090. [doi]  [abs]
  87. Chen, Q; Ursini, G; Romer, AL; Knodt, AR; Mezeivtch, K; Xiao, E; Pergola, G; Blasi, G; Straub, RE; Callicott, JH; Berman, KF; Hariri, AR; Bertolino, A; Mattay, VS; Weinberger, DR (2018). Schizophrenia polygenic risk score predicts mnemonic hippocampal activity.. Brain : a journal of neurology, 141(4), 1218-1228. [doi]  [abs]
  88. Scult, MA; Hariri, AR (2018). A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO THE NEUROGENETICS OF COGNITION-EMOTION INTERACTIONS.. Current opinion in behavioral sciences, 19, 50-54. [doi]  [abs]
  89. Swartz, JR; Knodt, AR; Radtke, SR; Hariri, AR (2018). Post-secondary maternal education buffers against neural risk for psychological vulnerability to future life stress.. Neuropsychologia, 109, 134-139. [doi]  [abs]
  90. Nikolova, YS; Misquitta, KA; Rocco, BR; Prevot, TD; Knodt, AR; Ellegood, J; Voineskos, AN; Lerch, JP; Hariri, AR; Sibille, E; Banasr, M (2018). Shifting priorities: highly conserved behavioral and brain network adaptations to chronic stress across species.. Translational psychiatry, 8(1), 26. [doi]  [abs]
  91. d'Arbeloff, TC; Freedy, KR; Knodt, AR; Radtke, SR; Brigidi, BD; Hariri, AR (2018). Emotion Regulation and the Experience of Future Negative Mood: The Importance of Assessing Social Support.. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 2287. [doi]  [abs]
  92. Dotterer, HL; Waller, R; Neumann, CS; Shaw, DS; Forbes, EE; Hariri, AR; Hyde, LW (2017). Examining the Factor Structure of the Self-Report of Psychopathy Short-Form Across Four Young Adult Samples.. Assessment, 24(8), 1062-1079. [doi]  [abs]
  93. Lam, M; Trampush, JW; Yu, J; Knowles, E; Davies, G; Liewald, DC; Starr, JM; Djurovic, S; Melle, I; Sundet, K; Christoforou, A; Reinvang, I; DeRosse, P; Lundervold, AJ; Steen, VM; Espeseth, T; Räikkönen, K; Widen, E; Palotie, A; Eriksson, JG; Giegling, I; Konte, B; Roussos, P; Giakoumaki, S; Burdick, KE; Payton, A; Ollier, W; Chiba-Falek, O; Attix, DK; Need, AC; Cirulli, ET; Voineskos, AN; Stefanis, NC; Avramopoulos, D; Hatzimanolis, A; Arking, DE; Smyrnis, N; Bilder, RM; Freimer, NA; Cannon, TD; London, E; Poldrack, RA; Sabb, FW; Congdon, E; Conley, ED; Scult, MA; Dickinson, D; Straub, RE; Donohoe, G; Morris, D; Corvin, A; Gill, M; Hariri, AR; Weinberger, DR; Pendleton, N; Bitsios, P; Rujescu, D; Lahti, J; Le Hellard, S; Keller, MC; Andreassen, OA; Deary, IJ; Glahn, DC; Malhotra, AK; Lencz, T (2017). Large-Scale Cognitive GWAS Meta-Analysis Reveals Tissue-Specific Neural Expression and Potential Nootropic Drug Targets.. Cell Rep, 21(9), 2597-2613. [doi]  [abs]
  94. Scult, MA; Knodt, AR; Radtke, SR; Brigidi, BD; Hariri, AR (2017). Prefrontal Executive Control Rescues Risk for Anxiety Associated with High Threat and Low Reward Brain Function. Cerebral Cortex, 29(1), 70-76. [doi]  [abs]
  95. Schaefer, JD; Scult, MA; Caspi, A; Arseneault, L; Belsky, DW; Hariri, AR; Harrington, H; Houts, R; Ramrakha, S; Poulton, R; Moffitt, TE (2017). Is low cognitive functioning a predictor or consequence of major depressive disorder? A test in two longitudinal birth cohorts.. Development and psychopathology, 1-15. [doi]  [abs]
  96. Lissek, T; Adams, M; Adelman, J; Ahissar, E; Akaaboune, M; Akil, H; al'Absi, M; Arain, F; Arango-Lasprilla, JC; Atasoy, D; Avila, J; Badawi, A; Bading, H; Baig, AM; Baleriola, J; Belmonte, C; Bertocchi, I; Betz, H; Blakemore, C; Blanke, O; Boehm-Sturm, P; Bonhoeffer, T; Bonifazi, P; Brose, N; Campolongo, P; Celikel, T; Chang, CC; Chang, T-Y; Citri, A; Cline, HT; Cortes, JM; Cullen, K; Dean, K; Delgado-Garcia, JM; Desroches, M; Disterhoft, JF; Dowling, JE; Draguhn, A; El-Khamisy, SF; El Manira, A; Enam, SA; Encinas, JM; Erramuzpe, A; Esteban, JA; Fariñas, I; Fischer, E; Fukunaga, I; Gabilondo, I; Ganten, D; Gidon, A; Gomez-Esteban, JC; Greengard, P; Grinevich, V; Gruart, A; Guillemin, R; Hariri, AR; Hassan, B; Häusser, M; Hayashi, Y; Hussain, NK; Jabbar, AA; Jaber, M; Jahn, R; Janahi, EM; Kabbaj, M; Kettenmann, H; Kindt, M; Knafo, S; Köhr, G; Komai, S; Krugers, H; Kuhn, B; Ghazal, NL; Larkum, ME; London, M; Lutz, B; Matute, C; Martinez-Millan, L; Maroun, M; McGaugh, J; Moustafa, AA; Nasim, A; Nave, K-A; Neher, E; Nikolich, K; Outeiro, T; Palmer, LM; Penagarikano, O; Perez-Otano, I; Pfaff, DW; Poucet, B; Rahman, A-U; Ramos-Cabrer, P; Rashidy-Pour, A; Roberts, RJ; Rodrigues, S; Sanes, JR; Schaefer, AT; Segal, M; Segev, I; Shafqat, S; Siddiqui, NA; Soreq, H; Soriano-García, E; Spanagel, R; Sprengel, R; Stuart, G; Südhof, TC; Tønnesen, J; Treviño, M; Uthman, BM; Venter, JC; Verkhratsky, A; Weiss, C; Wiesel, TN; Yaksi, E; Yizhar, O; Young, LJ; Young, P; Zawia, NH; Zugaza, JL; Hasan, MT (2017). Building Bridges through Science.. Neuron, 96(4), 730-735. [doi]  [abs]
  97. Gard, AM; Waller, R; Shaw, DS; Forbes, EE; Hariri, AR; Hyde, LW (2017). The long reach of early adversity: Parenting, stress, and neural pathways to antisocial behavior in adulthood.. Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging, 2(7), 582-590. [doi]  [abs]
  98. Avinun, R; Nevo, A; Knodt, AR; Elliott, ML; Radtke, SR; Brigidi, BD; Hariri, AR (2017). Reward-Related Ventral Striatum Activity Buffers against the Experience of Depressive Symptoms Associated with Sleep Disturbances.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 37(40), 9724-9729. [doi]  [abs]
  99. Kim, MJ; Avinun, R; Knodt, AR; Radtke, SR; Hariri, AR (2017). Neurogenetic plasticity and sex influence the link between corticolimbic structural connectivity and trait anxiety.. Scientific reports, 7(1), 10959. [doi]  [abs]
  100. Scult, MA; Knodt, AR; Hanson, JL; Ryoo, M; Adcock, RA; Hariri, AR; Strauman, TJ (2017). Individual differences in regulatory focus predict neural response to reward.. Soc Neurosci, 12(4), 419-429. [doi]  [abs]
  101. Bogdan, R; Salmeron, BJ; Carey, CE; Agrawal, A; Calhoun, VD; Garavan, H; Hariri, AR; Heinz, A; Hill, MN; Holmes, A; Kalin, NH; Goldman, D (2017). Imaging Genetics and Genomics in Psychiatry: A Critical Review of Progress and Potential.. Biological psychiatry, 82(3), 165-175. [doi]  [abs]
  102. Baranger, DAA; Margolis, S; Hariri, AR; Bogdan, R (2017). An earlier time of scan is associated with greater threat-related amygdala reactivity.. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 12(8), 1272-1283. [doi]  [abs]
  103. Di Iorio, CR; Carey, CE; Michalski, LJ; Corral-Frias, NS; Conley, ED; Hariri, AR; Bogdan, R (2017). Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis genetic variation and early stress moderates amygdala function.. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 80, 170-178. [doi]  [abs]
  104. Swartz, JR; Prather, AA; Hariri, AR (2017). Threat-related amygdala activity is associated with peripheral CRP concentrations in men but not women.. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 78, 93-96. [doi]  [abs]
  105. Dotterer, HL; Hyde, LW; Swartz, JR; Hariri, AR; Williamson, DE (2017). Amygdala reactivity predicts adolescent antisocial behavior but not callous-unemotional traits.. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 24, 84-92. [doi]  [abs]
  106. Carey, CE; Knodt, AR; Conley, ED; Hariri, AR; Bogdan, R (2017). Reward-related ventral striatum activity links polygenic risk for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder to problematic alcohol use in young adulthood.. Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging, 2(2), 180-187. [doi]  [abs]
  107. Trampush, JW; Yang, MLZ; Yu, J; Knowles, E; Davies, G; Liewald, DC; Starr, JM; Djurovic, S; Melle, I; Sundet, K; Christoforou, A; Reinvang, I; DeRosse, P; Lundervold, AJ; Steen, VM; Espeseth, T; Räikkönen, K; Widen, E; Palotie, A; Eriksson, JG; Giegling, I; Konte, B; Roussos, P; Giakoumaki, S; Burdick, KE; Payton, A; Ollier, W; Horan, M; Chiba-Falek, O; Attix, DK; Need, AC; Cirulli, ET; Voineskos, AN; Stefanis, NC; Avramopoulos, D; Hatzimanolis, A; Arking, DE; Smyrnis, N; Bilder, RM; Freimer, NA; Cannon, TD; London, E; Poldrack, RA; Sabb, FW; Congdon, E; Conley, ED; Scult, MA; Dickinson, D; Straub, RE; Donohoe, G; Morris, D; Corvin, A; Gill, M; Hariri, AR; Weinberger, DR; Pendleton, N; Bitsios, P; Rujescu, D; Lahti, J; Le Hellard, S; Keller, MC; Andreassen, OA; Deary, IJ; Glahn, DC; Malhotra, AK; Lencz, T (2017). GWAS meta-analysis reveals novel loci and genetic correlates for general cognitive function: a report from the COGENT consortium.. Mol Psychiatry, 22(3), 336-345. [doi]  [abs]
  108. Swartz, JR; Hariri, AR; Williamson, DE (2017). An epigenetic mechanism links socioeconomic status to changes in depression-related brain function in high-risk adolescents.. Molecular psychiatry, 22(2), 209-214. [doi]  [abs]
  109. Swartz, JR; Knodt, AR; Radtke, SR; Hariri, AR (2017). Peering into the brain to predict behavior: Peer-reported, but not self-reported, conscientiousness links threat-related amygdala activity to future problem drinking.. NeuroImage, 146, 894-903. [doi]  [abs]
  110. Swartz, JR; Waller, R; Bogdan, R; Knodt, AR; Sabhlok, A; Hyde, LW; Hariri, AR (2017). A Common Polymorphism in a Williams Syndrome Gene Predicts Amygdala Reactivity and Extraversion in Healthy Adults.. Biological psychiatry, 81(3), 203-210. [doi]  [abs]
  111. Scult, MA; Paulli, AR; Mazure, ES; Moffitt, TE; Hariri, AR; Strauman, TJ (2017). The association between cognitive function and subsequent depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis.. Psychol Med, 47(1), 1-17. [doi]  [abs]
  112. Swartz, JR; Prather, AA; Di Iorio, CR; Bogdan, R; Hariri, AR (2017). A Functional Interleukin-18 Haplotype Predicts Depression and Anxiety through Increased Threat-Related Amygdala Reactivity in Women but Not Men.. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 42(2), 419-426. [doi]  [abs]
  113. Scult, MA; Knodt, AR; Swartz, JR; Brigidi, BD; Hariri, AR (2017). Thinking and Feeling: Individual Differences in Habitual Emotion Regulation and Stress-Related Mood are Associated with Prefrontal Executive Control.. Clinical psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, 5(1), 150-157. [doi]  [abs]
  114. Nikolova, YS; Swartz, JR; Hariri, AR (2016). Can we identify meaningful epigenetic effects on human brain function and related risk for mental illness?. Epigenomics, 8(10), 1307-1310. [doi]
  115. Pornpattananangkul, N; Hariri, AR; Harada, T; Mano, Y; Komeda, H; Parrish, TB; Sadato, N; Iidaka, T; Chiao, JY (2016). Cultural influences on neural basis of inhibitory control.. NeuroImage, 139, 114-126. [doi]  [abs]
  116. Kragel, PA; Knodt, AR; Hariri, AR; LaBar, KS (2016). Decoding Spontaneous Emotional States in the Human Brain. PLoS Biol, 14(9), e2000106. [doi]  [abs]
  117. Demers, CH; Drabant Conley, E; Bogdan, R; Hariri, AR (2016). Interactions Between Anandamide and Corticotropin-Releasing Factor Signaling Modulate Human Amygdala Function and Risk for Anxiety Disorders: An Imaging Genetics Strategy for Modeling Molecular Interactions.. Biological psychiatry, 80(5), 356-362. [doi]  [abs]
  118. Waller, R; Corral-Frías, NS; Vannucci, B; Bogdan, R; Knodt, AR; Hariri, AR; Hyde, LW (2016). An oxytocin receptor polymorphism predicts amygdala reactivity and antisocial behavior in men.. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 11(8), 1218-1226. [doi]  [abs]
  119. Krystal, JH; Abi-Dargham, A; Akbarian, S; Arnsten, AFT; Barch, DM; Bearden, CE; Braff, DL; Brown, ES; Bullmore, ET; Carlezon, WA; Carter, CS; Cook, EH; Daskalakis, ZJ; DiLeone, RJ; Duman, RS; Grace, AA; Hariri, AR; Harrison, PJ; Hiroi, N; Kenny, PJ; Kleinman, JE; Krystal, AD; Lewis, DA; Lipska, BK; Marder, SR; Mason, GF; Mathalon, DH; McClung, CA; McDougle, CJ; McIntosh, AM; McMahon, FJ; Mirnics, K; Monteggia, LM; Narendran, R; Nestler, EJ; Neumeister, A; O'Donovan, MC; Öngür, D; Pariante, CM; Paulus, MP; Pearlson, G; Phillips, ML; Pine, DS; Pizzagalli, DA; Pletnikov, MV; Ragland, JD; Rapoport, JL; Ressler, KJ; Russo, SJ; Sanacora, G; Sawa, A; Schatzberg, AF; Shaham, Y; Shamay-Tsoory, SG; Sklar, P; State, MW; Stein, MB; Strakowski, SM; Taylor, SF; Turecki, G; Turetsky, BI; Weissman, MM; Zachariou, V; Zarate, CA; Zubieta, J-K (2016). Constance E. Lieber, Theodore R. Stanley, and the Enduring Impact of Philanthropy on Psychiatry Research.. Biol Psychiatry, 80(2), 84-86. [doi]
  120. Corral-Frías, NS; Pizzagalli, DA; Carré, JM; Michalski, LJ; Nikolova, YS; Perlis, RH; Fagerness, J; Lee, MR; Conley, ED; Lancaster, TM; Haddad, S; Wolf, A; Smoller, JW; Hariri, AR; Bogdan, R (2016). COMT Val(158) Met genotype is associated with reward learning: a replication study and meta-analysis.. Genes, brain, and behavior, 15(5), 503-513. [doi]  [abs]
  121. Nelson, EC; Agrawal, A; Heath, AC; Bogdan, R; Sherva, R; Zhang, B; Al-Hasani, R; Bruchas, MR; Chou, Y-L; Demers, CH; Carey, CE; Conley, ED; Fakira, AK; Farrer, LA; Goate, A; Gordon, S; Henders, AK; Hesselbrock, V; Kapoor, M; Lynskey, MT; Madden, PAF; Moron, JA; Rice, JP; Saccone, NL; Schwab, SG; Shand, FL; Todorov, AA; Wallace, L; Wang, T; Wray, NR; Zhou, X; Degenhardt, L; Martin, NG; Hariri, AR; Kranzler, HR; Gelernter, J; Bierut, LJ; Clark, DJ; Montgomery, GW (2016). Evidence of CNIH3 involvement in opioid dependence.. Molecular psychiatry, 21(5), 608-614. [doi]  [abs]
  122. Gorka, AX; LaBar, KS; Hariri, AR (2016). Variability in emotional responsiveness and coping style during active avoidance as a window onto psychological vulnerability to stress.. Physiology & behavior, 158, 90-99. [doi]  [abs]
  123. Victor, EC; Hariri, AR (2016). A neuroscience perspective on sexual risk behavior in adolescence and emerging adulthood.. Development and psychopathology, 28(2), 471-487. [doi]  [abs]
  124. Nikolova, YS; Knodt, AR; Radtke, SR; Hariri, AR (2016). Divergent responses of the amygdala and ventral striatum predict stress-related problem drinking in young adults: possible differential markers of affective and impulsive pathways of risk for alcohol use disorder.. Molecular psychiatry, 21(3), 348-356. [doi]  [abs]
  125. Baranger, DAA; Ifrah, C; Prather, AA; Carey, CE; Corral-Frías, NS; Drabant Conley, E; Hariri, AR; Bogdan, R (2016). PER1 rs3027172 Genotype Interacts with Early Life Stress to Predict Problematic Alcohol Use, but Not Reward-Related Ventral Striatum Activity.. Frontiers in psychology, 7, 464. [doi]  [abs]
  126. Bogdan, R; Pagliaccio, D; Baranger, DA; Hariri, AR (2016). Genetic Moderation of Stress Effects on Corticolimbic Circuitry.. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 41(1), 275-296. [doi]  [abs]
  127. Hyde, LW; Shaw, DS; Murray, L; Gard, A; Hariri, AR; Forbes, EE (2016). Dissecting the Role of Amygdala Reactivity in Antisocial Behavior in a Sample of Young, Low-Income, Urban Men. Clinical Psychological Science, 4(3), 527-544. [doi]  [abs]
  128. Hanson, JL; Hariri, AR; Williamson, DE (2015). Blunted Ventral Striatum Development in Adolescence Reflects Emotional Neglect and Predicts Depressive Symptoms.. Biological psychiatry, 78(9), 598-605. [doi]  [abs]
  129. Carey, CE; Agrawal, A; Zhang, B; Conley, ED; Degenhardt, L; Heath, AC; Li, D; Lynskey, MT; Martin, NG; Montgomery, GW; Wang, T; Bierut, LJ; Hariri, AR; Nelson, EC; Bogdan, R (2015). Monoacylglycerol lipase (MGLL) polymorphism rs604300 interacts with childhood adversity to predict cannabis dependence symptoms and amygdala habituation: Evidence from an endocannabinoid system-level analysis.. Journal of abnormal psychology, 124(4), 860-877. [doi]  [abs]
  130. Hanson, JL; Knodt, AR; Brigidi, BD; Hariri, AR (2015). Lower structural integrity of the uncinate fasciculus is associated with a history of child maltreatment and future psychological vulnerability to stress.. Development and psychopathology, 27(4 Pt 2), 1611-1619. [doi]  [abs]
  131. Hanson, JL; Albert, WD; Iselin, AR; Carré, JM; Dodge, KA; Hariri, AR (2015). Cumulative Stress In Childhood is Associated with Blunted Reward-Related Brain Activity In Adulthood. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11(3), 405-412. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  132. Hariri, AR; Holmes, A (2015). Finding translation in stress research.. Nature neuroscience, 18(10), 1347-1352. [doi]  [abs]
  133. Scult, MA; Trampush, JW; Zheng, F; Conley, ED; Lencz, T; Malhotra, AK; Dickinson, D; Weinberger, DR; Hariri, AR (2015). A Common Polymorphism in SCN2A Predicts General Cognitive Ability through Effects on PFC Physiology.. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 27(9), 1766-1774. [doi]  [abs]
  134. Nikolova, YS; Hariri, AR (2015). Can we observe epigenetic effects on human brain function?. Trends in cognitive sciences, 19(7), 366-373. [doi]  [abs]
  135. Trampush, JW; Lencz, T; Knowles, E; Davies, G; Guha, S; Pe'er, I; Liewald, DC; Starr, JM; Djurovic, S; Melle, I; Sundet, K; Christoforou, A; Reinvang, I; Mukherjee, S; DeRosse, P; Lundervold, A; Steen, VM; John, M; Espeseth, T; Räikkönen, K; Widen, E; Palotie, A; Eriksson, JG; Giegling, I; Konte, B; Ikeda, M; Roussos, P; Giakoumaki, S; Burdick, KE; Payton, A; Ollier, W; Horan, M; Scult, M; Dickinson, D; Straub, RE; Donohoe, G; Morris, D; Corvin, A; Gill, M; Hariri, A; Weinberger, DR; Pendleton, N; Iwata, N; Darvasi, A; Bitsios, P; Rujescu, D; Lahti, J; Le Hellard, S; Keller, MC; Andreassen, OA; Deary, IJ; Glahn, DC; Malhotra, AK (2015). Independent evidence for an association between general cognitive ability and a genetic locus for educational attainment.. American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, 168B(5), 363-373. [doi]  [abs]
  136. Telch, MJ; Beevers, CG; Rosenfield, D; Lee, H-J; Reijntjes, A; Ferrell, RE; Hariri, AR (2015). 5-HTTLPR genotype potentiates the effects of war zone stressors on the emergence of PTSD, depressive and anxiety symptoms in soldiers deployed to iraq.. World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), 14(2), 198-206. [doi]  [abs]
  137. Arloth, J; Bogdan, R; Weber, P; Frishman, G; Menke, A; Wagner, KV; Balsevich, G; Schmidt, MV; Karbalai, N; Czamara, D; Altmann, A; Trümbach, D; Wurst, W; Mehta, D; Uhr, M; Klengel, T; Erhardt, A; Carey, CE; Conley, ED; Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC); Ruepp, A; Müller-Myhsok, B; Hariri, AR; Binder, EB; Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium PGC (2015). Genetic Differences in the Immediate Transcriptome Response to Stress Predict Risk-Related Brain Function and Psychiatric Disorders.. Neuron, 86(5), 1189-1202. [doi]  [abs]
  138. Victor, EC; Sansosti, AA; Bowman, HC; Hariri, AR (2015). Differential patterns of amygdala and ventral striatum activation predict gender-specific changes in sexual risk behavior.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 35(23), 8896-8900. [doi]  [abs]
  139. Gorka, AX; Norman, RE; Radtke, SR; Carré, JM; Hariri, AR (2015). Anterior cingulate cortex gray matter volume mediates an association between 2D:4D ratio and trait aggression in women but not men.. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 56, 148-156. [doi]  [abs]
  140. Kochunov, P; Jahanshad, N; Marcus, D; Winkler, A; Sprooten, E; Nichols, TE; Wright, SN; Hong, LE; Patel, B; Behrens, T; Jbabdi, S; Andersson, J; Lenglet, C; Yacoub, E; Moeller, S; Auerbach, E; Ugurbil, K; Sotiropoulos, SN; Brouwer, RM; Landman, B; Lemaitre, H; den Braber, A; Zwiers, MP; Ritchie, S; van Hulzen, K; Almasy, L; Curran, J; deZubicaray, GI; Duggirala, R; Fox, P; Martin, NG; McMahon, KL; Mitchell, B; Olvera, RL; Peterson, C; Starr, J; Sussmann, J; Wardlaw, J; Wright, M; Boomsma, DI; Kahn, R; de Geus, EJC; Williamson, DE; Hariri, A; van 't Ent, D; Bastin, ME; McIntosh, A; Deary, IJ; Hulshoff Pol, HE; Blangero, J; Thompson, PM; Glahn, DC; Van Essen, DC (2015). Heritability of fractional anisotropy in human white matter: a comparison of Human Connectome Project and ENIGMA-DTI data.. NeuroImage, 111, 300-311. [doi]  [abs]
  141. Gorka, AX; Knodt, AR; Hariri, AR (2015). Basal forebrain moderates the magnitude of task-dependent amygdala functional connectivity.. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 10(4), 501-507. [doi]  [abs]
  142. Swartz, JR; Williamson, DE; Hariri, AR (2015). Developmental change in amygdala reactivity during adolescence: effects of family history of depression and stressful life events.. The American journal of psychiatry, 172(3), 276-283. [doi]  [abs]
  143. Swartz, J; Knodt, A; Radtke, S; Hariri, A (2015). A Neural Biomarker of Psychological Vulnerability to Future Life Stress. Neuron, 85(3), 505-511. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  144. Corral-Frías, NS; Nikolova, YS; Michalski, LJ; Baranger, DAA; Hariri, AR; Bogdan, R (2015). Stress-related anhedonia is associated with ventral striatum reactivity to reward and transdiagnostic psychiatric symptomatology.. Psychological medicine, 45(12), 2605-2617. [doi]  [abs]
  145. Nikolova, YS; Iruku, SP; Lin, C-W; Conley, ED; Puralewski, R; French, B; Hariri, AR; Sibille, E (2015). FRAS1-related extracellular matrix 3 (FREM3) single-nucleotide polymorphism effects on gene expression, amygdala reactivity and perceptual processing speed: An accelerated aging pathway of depression risk.. Frontiers in psychology, 6, 1377. [doi]  [abs]
  146. Carré, JM; Baird-Rowe, CD; Hariri, AR (2014). Testosterone responses to competition predict decreased trust ratings of emotionally neutral faces.. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 49, 79-83. [doi]  [abs]
  147. Ahs, F; Davis, CF; Gorka, AX; Hariri, AR (2014). Feature-based representations of emotional facial expressions in the human amygdala.. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 9(9), 1372-1378. [23887817], [doi]  [abs]
  148. Nikolova, YS; Koenen, KC; Galea, S; Wang, C-M; Seney, ML; Sibille, E; Williamson, DE; Hariri, AR (2014). Beyond genotype: serotonin transporter epigenetic modification predicts human brain function.. Nature neuroscience, 17(9), 1153-1155. [doi]  [abs]
  149. Bergman, O; Åhs, F; Furmark, T; Appel, L; Linnman, C; Faria, V; Bani, M; Pich, EM; Bettica, P; Henningsson, S; Manuck, SB; Ferrell, RE; Nikolova, YS; Hariri, AR; Fredrikson, M; Westberg, L; Eriksson, E (2014). Association between amygdala reactivity and a dopamine transporter gene polymorphism.. Translational psychiatry, 4, e420. [doi]  [abs]
  150. Goetz, SMM; Tang, L; Thomason, ME; Diamond, MP; Hariri, AR; Carré, JM (2014). Testosterone rapidly increases neural reactivity to threat in healthy men: a novel two-step pharmacological challenge paradigm.. Biological psychiatry, 76(4), 324-331. [doi]  [abs]
  151. Carré, JM; Iselin, A-MR; Welker, KM; Hariri, AR; Dodge, KA (2014). Testosterone reactivity to provocation mediates the effect of early intervention on aggressive behavior.. Psychological science, 25(5), 1140-1146. [doi]  [abs]
  152. Gianaros, PJ; Marsland, AL; Kuan, DC-H; Schirda, BL; Jennings, JR; Sheu, LK; Hariri, AR; Gross, JJ; Manuck, SB (2014). An inflammatory pathway links atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk to neural activity evoked by the cognitive regulation of emotion.. Biological psychiatry, 75(9), 738-745. [doi]  [abs]
  153. McCarty, CA; Huggins, W; Aiello, AE; Bilder, RM; Hariri, A; Jernigan, TL; Newman, E; Sanghera, DK; Strauman, TJ; Zeng, Y; Ramos, EM; Junkins, HA; PhenX RISING network (2014). PhenX RISING: real world implementation and sharing of PhenX measures.. BMC Med Genomics, 7, 16. [doi]  [abs]
  154. Wellman, CL; Camp, M; Jones, VM; MacPherson, KP; Ihne, J; Fitzgerald, P; Maroun, M; Drabant, E; Bogdan, R; Hariri, AR; Holmes, A (2014). Corrigendum to "Convergent effects of mouse Pet-1 deletion and human PET-1 variation on amygdala fear and threat processing" [Exp. Neurol. 250 (2013) 260-269]. Experimental Neurology, 252, 104. [doi]
  155. Hyde, LW; Byrd, AL; Votruba-Drzal, E; Hariri, AR; Manuck, SB (2014). Amygdala reactivity and negative emotionality: divergent correlates of antisocial personality and psychopathy traits in a community sample.. Journal of abnormal psychology, 123(1), 214-224. [doi]  [abs]
  156. Roses, AD; Saunders, AM; Lutz, MW; Zhang, N; Hariri, AR; Asin, KE; Crenshaw, DG; Budur, K; Burns, DK; Brannan, SK (2014). New applications of disease genetics and pharmacogenetics to drug development.. Curr Opin Pharmacol, 14, 81-89. [doi]  [abs]
  157. Gorka, AX; Hanson, JL; Radtke, SR; Hariri, AR (2014). Reduced hippocampal and medial prefrontal gray matter mediate the association between reported childhood maltreatment and trait anxiety in adulthood and predict sensitivity to future life stress. Biology of Mood and Anxiety Disorders, 4(1), 12-12. [doi]  [abs]
  158. Lohoff, FW; Hodge, R; Narasimhan, S; Nall, A; Ferraro, TN; Mickey, BJ; Heitzeg, MM; Langenecker, SA; Zubieta, JK; Bogdan, R; Nikolova, YS; Drabant, E; Hariri, AR; Bevilacqua, L; Goldman, D; Doyle, GA (2014). Functional genetic variants in the vesicular monoamine transporter 1 modulate emotion processing. Molecular Psychiatry, 19(1), 129-139. [23337945], [doi]  [abs]
  159. Goetz, SMM; Tang, L; Thomason, ME; Diamond, MP; Hariri, AR; Carré, JM (2014). Testosterone Rapidly Increases Neural Reactivity to Threat in Healthy Men: A Novel Two-Step Pharmacological Challenge Paradigm. Biological Psychiatry, 76(4), 324-331. [doi]
  160. Wellman, CL; Camp, M; Jones, VM; MacPherson, KP; Ihne, J; Fitzgerald, P; Maroun, M; Drabant, E; Bogdan, R; Hariri, AR; Holmes, A (2013). Convergent effects of mouse Pet-1 deletion and human PET-1 variation on amygdala fear and threat processing.. Experimental neurology, 250, 260-269. [24100022], [doi]  [abs]
  161. Disner, SG; Beevers, CG; Lee, HJ; Ferrell, RE; Hariri, AR; Telch, MJ (2013). War zone stress interacts with the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism to predict the development of sustained attention for negative emotion stimuli in soldiers returning from Iraq. Clinical Psychological Science, 1(4), 413-425. [doi]  [abs]
  162. Hyde, LW; Shaw, DS; Hariri, AR (2013). Understanding Youth Antisocial Behavior Using Neuroscience through a Developmental Psychopathology Lens: Review, Integration, and Directions for Research.. Developmental review : DR, 33(3), 168-223. [24273368], [doi]  [abs]
  163. Nikolova, YS; Singhi, EK; Drabant, EM; Hariri, AR (2013). Reward-related ventral striatum reactivity mediates gender-specific effects of a galanin remote enhancer haplotype on problem drinking.. Genes, brain, and behavior, 12(5), 516-524. [23489876], [doi]  [abs]
  164. Zuurbier, LA; Nikolova, YS; Åhs, F; Hariri, AR (2013). Uncinate fasciculus fractional anisotropy correlates with typical use of reappraisal in women but not men.. Emotion (Washington, D.C.), 13(3), 385-390. [23398586], [doi]  [abs]
  165. Kienast, T; Schlagenhauf, F; Rapp, MA; Wrase, J; Daig, I; Buchholz, H-G; Smolka, MN; Gründer, G; Kumakura, Y; Cumming, P; Charlet, K; Bartenstein, P; Hariri, AR; Heinz, A (2013). Dopamine-modulated aversive emotion processing fails in alcohol-dependent patients.. Pharmacopsychiatry, 46(4), 130-136. [23364872], [doi]  [abs]
  166. Prather, AA; Bogdan, R; Hariri, AR (2013). Impact of sleep quality on amygdala reactivity, negative affect, and perceived stress.. Psychosomatic medicine, 75(4), 350-358. [23592753], [doi]  [abs]
  167. Bogdan, R; Hyde, LW; Hariri, AR (2013). A neurogenetics approach to understanding individual differences in brain, behavior, and risk for psychopathology.. Molecular psychiatry, 18(3), 288-299. [22614291], [doi]  [abs]
  168. Salazar, E; Bogdan, R; Gorka, A; Hariri, AR; Carin, L (2013). Exploring the mind: Integrating questionnaires and fMRI. 30th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2013, PART 2, 921-929.  [abs]
  169. Fisher, PM; Hariri, AR (2013). Identifying serotonergic mechanisms underlying the corticolimbic response to threat in humans.. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 368(1615), 20120192. [23440464], [doi]  [abs]
  170. Goetz, E. L. and Hariri, A. R. and Pizzagalli, D. A. and Strauman, T. J. (2013). Genetic moderation of the association between regulatory focus and reward responsiveness: a proof-of-concept study. Biology of mood & anxiety disorders, 3(1), 3. [23369671], [doi]  [abs]
  171. Carre, J. M. and Murphy, K. R. and Hariri, A. R. (2013). What lies beneath the face of aggression?. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 8(2), 224--9. [22198969], [doi]  [abs]
  172. Gianaros, PJ; Marsland, AL; Kuan, DC-H; Schirda, BL; Jennings, JR; Sheu, LK; Hariri, AR; Gross, JJ; Manuck, SB (2013). An Inflammatory Pathway Links Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk to Neural Activity Evoked by the Cognitive Regulation of Emotion. Biological Psychiatry, 75(9), 738-745. [24267410], [doi]  [abs]
  173. Bogdan, R; Hariri, AR (2012). Neural embedding of stress reactivity.. Nature neuroscience, 15(12), 1605-1607. [23187689], [doi]
  174. White, MG; Bogdan, R; Fisher, PM; Muñoz, KE; Williamson, DE; Hariri, AR (2012). FKBP5 and emotional neglect interact to predict individual differences in amygdala reactivity.. Genes, brain, and behavior, 11(7), 869-878. [22979952], [doi]  [abs]
  175. Hariri, AR (2012). The highs and lows of amygdala reactivity in bipolar disorders.. The American journal of psychiatry, 169(8), 780-783. [22854927], [doi]
  176. Fisher, PM; Hariri, AR (2012). Linking variability in brain chemistry and circuit function through multimodal human neuroimaging.. Genes, brain, and behavior, 11(6), 633-642. [22443230], [doi]  [abs]
  177. Brown, AA; Jensen, J; Nikolova, YS; Djurovic, S; Agartz, I; Server, A; Ferrell, RE; Manuck, SB; Mattingsdal, M; Melle, I; Hariri, AR; Frigessi, A; Andreassen, OA (2012). Genetic variants affecting the neural processing of human facial expressions: evidence using a genome-wide functional imaging approach.. Translational psychiatry, 2, e143. [22828495], [doi]  [abs]
  178. Nikolova, YS; Bogdan, R; Brigidi, BD; Hariri, AR (2012). Ventral striatum reactivity to reward and recent life stress interact to predict positive affect.. Biological psychiatry, 72(2), 157-163. [22534456], [doi]  [abs]
  179. Sweitzer, MM; Donny, EC; Hariri, AR (2012). Imaging genetics and the neurobiological basis of individual differences in vulnerability to addiction.. Drug Alcohol Depend, 123 Suppl 1(SUPPL.1), S59-S71. [22342427], [doi]  [abs]
  180. Ousdal, OT; Anand Brown, A; Jensen, J; Nakstad, PH; Melle, I; Agartz, I; Djurovic, S; Bogdan, R; Hariri, AR; Andreassen, OA (2012). Associations between variants near a monoaminergic pathways gene (PHOX2B) and amygdala reactivity: a genome-wide functional imaging study.. Twin research and human genetics : the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies, 15(3), 273-285. [22856363], [doi]  [abs]
  181. Josephs, RA; Telch, MJ; Hixon, JG; Evans, JJ; Lee, H; Knopik, VS; McGeary, JE; Hariri, AR; Beevers, CG (2012). Genetic and hormonal sensitivity to threat: testing a serotonin transporter genotype × testosterone interaction.. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37(6), 752-761. [21978869], [doi]  [abs]
  182. Bogdan, R; Williamson, DE; Hariri, AR (2012). Mineralocorticoid receptor Iso/Val (rs5522) genotype moderates the association between previous childhood emotional neglect and amygdala reactivity.. The American journal of psychiatry, 169(5), 515-522. [22407082], [doi]  [abs]
  183. Lahey, BB; McNealy, K; Knodt, A; Zald, DH; Sporns, O; Manuck, SB; Flory, JD; Applegate, B; Rathouz, PJ; Hariri, AR (2012). Using confirmatory factor analysis to measure contemporaneous activation of defined neuronal networks in functional magnetic resonance imaging.. NeuroImage, 60(4), 1982-1991. [22348884], [doi]  [abs]
  184. Terburg, D; Morgan, BE; Montoya, ER; Hooge, IT; Thornton, HB; Hariri, AR; Panksepp, J; Stein, DJ; van Honk, J (2012). Hypervigilance for fear after basolateral amygdala damage in humans.. Translational psychiatry, 2, e115. [22832959], [doi]  [abs]
  185. Drabant, EM; Ramel, W; Edge, MD; Hyde, LW; Kuo, JR; Goldin, PR; Hariri, AR; Gross, JJ (2012). Neural mechanisms underlying 5-HTTLPR-related sensitivity to acute stress.. The American journal of psychiatry, 169(4), 397-405. [22362395], [doi]  [abs]
  186. Joeyen-Waldorf, J; Nikolova, YS; Edgar, N; Walsh, C; Kota, R; Lewis, DA; Ferrell, R; Manuck, SB; Hariri, AR; Sibille, E (2012). Adenylate cyclase 7 is implicated in the biology of depression and modulation of affective neural circuitry.. Biological psychiatry, 71(7), 627-632. [22264442], [doi]  [abs]
  187. Carré, JM; Fisher, PM; Manuck, SB; Hariri, AR (2012). Interaction between trait anxiety and trait anger predict amygdala reactivity to angry facial expressions in men but not women.. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 7(2), 213-221. [21183456], [doi]  [abs]
  188. Davis, FC; Knodt, AR; Sporns, O; Lahey, BB; Zald, DH; Brigidi, BD; Hariri, AR (2012). Impulsivity and the Modular Organization of Resting-State Neural Networks. Cerebral cortex, 23(6), 1444-1452. [22645253], [doi]  [abs]
  189. Bogdan, R; Carre, JM; Hariri, AR (2012). Toward a mechanistic understanding of how variability in neurobiology shapes individual differences in behavior. Current topics in behavioral neurosciences, 12, 361-393. [22437943], [doi]  [abs]
  190. Minkel, JD; McNealy, K; Gianaros, PJ; Drabant, EM; Gross, JJ; Manuck, SB; Hariri, AR (2012). Sleep quality and neural circuit function supporting emotion regulation. Biology of mood & anxiety disorders, 2(1), 22. [23216889], [doi]  [abs]
  191. Carre, JM; Hyde, LW; Neumann, CS; Viding, E; Hariri, AR (2012). The neural signatures of distinct psychopathic traits. Social neuroscience, 8(2), 122-135. [22775289], [doi]  [abs]
  192. Nikolova, YS; Hariri, AR (2012). Neural responses to threat and reward interact to predict stress-related problem drinking: A novel protective role of the amygdala. Biology of mood & anxiety disorders, 2(1), 19. [23151390], [doi]  [abs]
  193. Gunduz Cinar, O; Macpherson, KP; Cinar, R; Gamble George, J; Sugden, K; Williams, B; Godlewski, G; Ramikie, TS; Gorka, AX; Alapafuja, SO; Nikas, SP; Makriyannis, A; Poulton, R; Patel, S; Hariri, AR; Caspi, A; Moffitt, TE; Kunos, G; Holmes, A (2012). Convergent translational evidence of a role for anandamide in amygdala-mediated fear extinction, threat processing and stress-reactivity. Molecular psychiatry, 18(7), 813-823. [22688188], [doi]  [abs]
  194. Lahey, BB; Applegate, B; Hakes, JK; Zald, DH; Hariri, AR; Rathouz, PJ (2012). Is there a general factor of prevalent psychopathology during adulthood?. Journal of abnormal psychology, 121(4), 971-977. [22845652], [doi]  [abs]
  195. Hyde, LW; Bogdan, R; Hariri, AR (2011). Understanding risk for psychopathology through imaging gene-environment interactions.. Trends in cognitive sciences, 15(9), 417-427. [21839667], [doi]  [abs]
  196. Nikolova, YS; Ferrell, RE; Manuck, SB; Hariri, AR (2011). Multilocus genetic profile for dopamine signaling predicts ventral striatum reactivity.. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 36(9), 1940-1947. [21593733], [doi]  [abs]
  197. Carré, JM; McCormick, CM; Hariri, AR (2011). The social neuroendocrinology of human aggression.. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36(7), 935-944. [21367531], [doi]  [abs]
  198. Hariri, AR (2011). The what, where, and when of catechol-O-methyltransferase.. Biological psychiatry, 70(3), 214-215. [21745617], [doi]
  199. Morey, RA; Hariri, AR; Gold, AL; Hauser, MA; Munger, HJ; Dolcos, F; McCarthy, G (2011). Serotonin transporter gene polymorphisms and brain function during emotional distraction from cognitive processing in posttraumatic stress disorder.. BMC Psychiatry, 11, 76. [21545724], [doi]  [abs]
  200. Gianaros, PJ; Manuck, SB; Sheu, LK; Kuan, DCH; Votruba-Drzal, E; Craig, AE; Hariri, AR (2011). Parental education predicts corticostriatal functionality in adulthood.. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 21(4), 896-910. [20810623], [doi]  [abs]
  201. Drabant, EM; Kuo, JR; Ramel, W; Blechert, J; Edge, MD; Cooper, JR; Goldin, PR; Hariri, AR; Gross, JJ (2011). Experiential, autonomic, and neural responses during threat anticipation vary as a function of threat intensity and neuroticism.. NeuroImage, 55(1), 401-410. [21093595], [doi]  [abs]
  202. Hyde, LW; Gorka, A; Manuck, SB; Hariri, AR (2011). Perceived social support moderates the link between threat-related amygdala reactivity and trait anxiety.. Neuropsychologia, 49(4), 651-656. [20813118], [doi]  [abs]
  203. Hariri, AR; Whalen, PJ (2011). The amygdala: Inside and out. F1000 Biology Reports, 3(1), 2. [21399763], [doi]  [abs]
  204. Hariri, AR; Whalen, PJ (2011). Face to face with the emotional brain. Scientist, 25(2), 30.
  205. Beevers, CG; Marti, CN; Lee, H-J; Stote, DL; Ferrell, RE; Hariri, AR; Telch, MJ (2011). Associations between serotonin transporter gene promoter region (5-HTTLPR) polymorphism and gaze bias for emotional information.. Journal of abnormal psychology, 120(1), 187-197. [21319930], [doi]  [abs]
  206. Hariri, AR; Shin, LM (2011). Welcome to biology of mood & anxiety disorders. Biology of mood & anxiety disorders, 1(1), 1. [22738418], [doi]
  207. Carre, JM; Murphy, KR; Hariri, AR (2011). What lies beneath the face of aggression?. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 8(2), 224-229. [22198969], [doi]  [abs]
  208. Fisher, PM; Price, JC; Meltzer, CC; Moses Kolko, EL; Becker, C; Berga, SL; Hariri, AR (2011). Medial prefrontal cortex serotonin 1A and 2A receptor binding interacts to predict threat-related amygdala reactivity. Biology of mood & anxiety disorders, 1(1), 2. [22738071], [doi]  [abs]
  209. Chiao, JY; Hariri, AR; Harada, T; Mano, Y; Sadato, N; Parrish, TB; Iidaka, T (2010). Theory and methods in cultural neuroscience.. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 5(2-3), 356-361. [20592044], [doi]  [abs]
  210. Cornelius, JR; Aizenstein, HJ; Hariri, AR (2010). Amygdala reactivity is inversely related to level of cannabis use in individuals with comorbid cannabis dependence and major depression.. Addictive behaviors, 35(6), 644-646. [20189314], [doi]  [abs]
  211. Jedema, HP; Gianaros, PJ; Greer, PJ; Kerr, DD; Liu, S; Higley, JD; Suomi, SJ; Olsen, AS; Porter, JN; Lopresti, BJ; Hariri, AR; Bradberry, CW (2010). Morphological differences associated with a serotonin transporter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) in rhesus macaques. Molecular Psychiatry, 15(5), 446. [doi]
  212. Jedema, HP; Gianaros, PJ; Greer, PJ; Kerr, DD; Liu, S; Higley, JD; Suomi, SJ; Olsen, AS; Porter, JN; Lopresti, BJ; Hariri, AR; Bradberry, CW (2010). Cognitive impact of genetic variation of the serotonin transporter in primates is associated with differences in brain morphology rather than serotonin neurotransmission.. Molecular psychiatry, 15(5), 512-446. [19721434], [doi]  [abs]
  213. Caspi, A; Hariri, AR; Holmes, A; Uher, R; Moffitt, TE (2010). Genetic sensitivity to the environment: the case of the serotonin transporter gene and its implications for studying complex diseases and traits.. The American journal of psychiatry, 167(5), 509-527. [20231323], [doi]  [abs]
  214. Muñoz, KE; Meyer-Lindenberg, A; Hariri, AR; Mervis, CB; Mattay, VS; Morris, CA; Berman, KF (2010). Abnormalities in neural processing of emotional stimuli in Williams syndrome vary according to social vs. non-social content.. NeuroImage, 50(1), 340-346. [20004252], [doi]  [abs]
  215. Hariri, AR (2010). Genetic polymorphisms: a cornerstone of translational biobehavioral research.. Science translational medicine, 2(18), 18ps6. [20371481], [doi]  [abs]
  216. Salgado-Pineda, P; Fakra, E; Delaveau, P; Hariri, AR; Blin, O (2010). Differential patterns of initial and sustained responses in amygdala and cortical regions to emotional stimuli in schizophrenia patients and healthy participants.. Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience : JPN, 35(1), 41-48. [20040245], [doi]  [abs]
  217. Manuck, SB; Marsland, AL; Flory, JD; Gorka, A; Ferrell, RE; Hariri, AR (2010). Salivary testosterone and a trinucleotide (CAG) length polymorphism in the androgen receptor gene predict amygdala reactivity in men.. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 35(1), 94-104. [19493626], [doi]  [abs]
  218. Hariri, A (2009). Imaging Genetics: Integration of Neuroimaging and Genetics in the Search for Predictive Markers, 532-537. [doi]
  219. Hariri, AR (2009). Ahmad R. Hariri: award for distinguished scientific early career contributions to psychology.. The American psychologist, 64(8), 683-684. [doi]
  220. Blasi, G; Hariri, AR; Alce, G; Taurisano, P; Sambataro, F; Das, S; Bertolino, A; Weinberger, DR; Mattay, VS (2009). Preferential amygdala reactivity to the negative assessment of neutral faces.. Biological psychiatry, 66(9), 847-853. [19709644], [doi]  [abs]
  221. Fisher, PM; Meltzer, CC; Price, JC; Coleman, RL; Ziolko, SK; Becker, C; Moses-Kolko, EL; Berga, SL; Hariri, AR (2009). Medial prefrontal cortex 5-HT(2A) density is correlated with amygdala reactivity, response habituation, and functional coupling.. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 19(11), 2499-2507. [19321655], [doi]  [abs]
  222. Mechelli, A; Tognin, S; McGuire, PK; Prata, D; Sartori, G; Fusar-Poli, P; De Brito, S; Hariri, AR; Viding, E (2009). Genetic vulnerability to affective psychopathology in childhood: a combined voxel-based morphometry and functional magnetic resonance imaging study.. Biological psychiatry, 66(3), 231-237. [19278671], [doi]  [abs]
  223. Hariri, AR; Gorka, A; Hyde, LW; Kimak, M; Halder, I; Ducci, F; Ferrell, RE; Goldman, D; Manuck, SB (2009). Divergent effects of genetic variation in endocannabinoid signaling on human threat- and reward-related brain function.. Biological psychiatry, 66(1), 9-16. [19103437], [doi]  [abs]
  224. Gianaros, PJ; Hariri, AR; Sheu, LK; Muldoon, MF; Sutton-Tyrrell, K; Manuck, SB (2009). Preclinical atherosclerosis covaries with individual differences in reactivity and functional connectivity of the amygdala.. Biological psychiatry, 65(11), 943-950. [19013557], [doi]  [abs]
  225. Zhou, Z; Zhu, G; Hariri, AR; Enoch, MA; Scott, D; Sinha, R; Virkkunen, M; Mash, DC; Lipsky, RH; Hu, XZ; Hodgkinson, CA; Xu, K; Buzas, B; Yuan, Q; Shen, PH; Ferrell, RE; Manuck, SB; Brown, SM; Hauger, RL; Stohler, CS; Zubieta, JK; Goldman, D (2009). Zhou et al. reply. Nature, 458(7238), E7-E7. [doi]
  226. Gerber, AJ; Peterson, BS; Muñoz, KE; Hyde, LW; Hariri, AR (2009). Imaging genetics.. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 48(4), 356-361. [19318879], [doi]
  227. Drabant, EM; McRae, K; Manuck, SB; Hariri, AR; Gross, JJ (2009). Individual differences in typical reappraisal use predict amygdala and prefrontal responses.. Biological psychiatry, 65(5), 367-373. [18930182], [doi]  [abs]
  228. Rasetti, R; Mattay, VS; Wiedholz, LM; Kolachana, BS; Hariri, AR; Callicott, JH; Meyer-Lindenberg, A; Weinberger, DR (2009). Evidence that altered amygdala activity in schizophrenia is related to clinical state and not genetic risk.. The American journal of psychiatry, 166(2), 216-225. [19074979], [doi]  [abs]
  229. Hariri, AR; Weinberger, DR (2009). Genetics of Human Anxiety and Its Disorders, 669-677. [doi]  [abs]
  230. Forbes, EE; Brown, SM; Kimak, M; Ferrell, RE; Manuck, SB; Hariri, AR (2009). Genetic variation in components of dopamine neurotransmission impacts ventral striatal reactivity associated with impulsivity.. Molecular psychiatry, 14(1), 60-70. [17893706], [doi]  [abs]
  231. Hariri, AR (2009). The neurobiology of individual differences in complex behavioral traits.. Annual review of neuroscience, 32, 225-247. [19400720], [doi]  [abs]
  232. Forbes, EE; Hariri, AR; Martin, SL; Silk, JS; Moyles, DL; Fisher, PM; Brown, SM; Ryan, ND; Birmaher, B; Axelson, DA; Dahl, RE (2009). Altered striatal activation predicting real-world positive affect in adolescent major depressive disorder.. The American journal of psychiatry, 166(1), 64-73. [19047324], [doi]  [abs]
  233. Fakra, E; Hyde, LW; Gorka, A; Fisher, PM; Muñoz, KE; Kimak, M; Halder, I; Ferrell, RE; Manuck, SB; Hariri, AR (2009). Effects of HTR1A C(-1019)G on amygdala reactivity and trait anxiety.. Archives of general psychiatry, 66(1), 33-40. [19124686], [doi]  [abs]
  234. Kienast, T; Hariri, AR; Schlagenhauf, F; Wrase, J; Sterzer, P; Buchholz, HG; Smolka, MN; Gründer, G; Cumming, P; Kumakura, Y; Bartenstein, P; Dolan, RJ; Heinz, A (2008). Dopamine in amygdala gates limbic processing of aversive stimuli in humans.. Nature neuroscience, 11(12), 1381-1382. [18978778], [doi]  [abs]
  235. Zanardi, R; Barbini, B; Rossini, D; Bernasconi, A; Fregni, F; Padberg, F; Rossi, S; Wirz-Justice, A; Terman, M; Martiny, K; Bersani, G; Hariri, AR; Pezawas, L; Roiser, JP; Bertolino, A; Calabrese, G; Magri, L; Benedetti, F; Pontiggia, A; Malaguti, A; Smeraldi, E; Colombo, C (2008). New perspectives on techniques for the clinical psychiatrist: Brain stimulation, chronobiology and psychiatric brain imaging.. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences, 62(6), 627-637. [19067998], [doi]  [abs]
  236. Bigos, KL; Pollock, BG; Aizenstein, HJ; Fisher, PM; Bies, RR; Hariri, AR (2008). Acute 5-HT reuptake blockade potentiates human amygdala reactivity.. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 33(13), 3221-3225. [18463627], [doi]  [abs]
  237. Ousdal, OT; Jensen, J; Server, A; Hariri, AR; Nakstad, PH; Andreassen, OA (2008). The human amygdala is involved in general behavioral relevance detection: evidence from an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging Go-NoGo task.. Neuroscience, 156(3), 450-455. [18775476], [doi]  [abs]
  238. Marsland, AL; Gianaros, PJ; Abramowitch, SM; Manuck, SB; Hariri, AR (2008). Interleukin-6 covaries inversely with hippocampal grey matter volume in middle-aged adults.. Biological psychiatry, 64(6), 484-490. [18514163], [doi]  [abs]
  239. Pezawas, L; Meyer-Lindenberg, A; Goldman, AL; Verchinski, BA; Chen, G; Kolachana, BS; Egan, MF; Mattay, VS; Hariri, AR; Weinberger, DR (2008). MET BDNF protects against morphological S allele effects of 5-HTTLPR. Molecular Psychiatry, 13(7), 654. [doi]
  240. Pezawas, L; Meyer-Lindenberg, A; Goldman, AL; Verchinski, BA; Chen, G; Kolachana, BS; Egan, MF; Mattay, VS; Hariri, AR; Weinberger, DR (2008). Evidence of biologic epistasis between BDNF and SLC6A4 and implications for depression.. Molecular psychiatry, 13(7), 709-716. [18347599], [doi]  [abs]
  241. Gianaros, PJ; Horenstein, JA; Hariri, AR; Sheu, LK; Manuck, SB; Matthews, KA; Cohen, S (2008). Potential neural embedding of parental social standing.. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 3(2), 91-96. [18594696], [doi]  [abs]
  242. Fisher, PM; Muñoz, KE; Hariri, AR (2008). Identification of neurogenetic pathways of risk for psychopathology.. American journal of medical genetics. Part C, Seminars in medical genetics, 148C(2), 147-153. [18412103], [doi]  [abs]
  243. Munafò, MR; Brown, SM; Hariri, AR (2008). Serotonin transporter (5-HTTLPR) genotype and amygdala activation: a meta-analysis.. Biological psychiatry, 63(9), 852-857. [17949693], [doi]  [abs]
  244. Krystal, JH; Carter, CS; Geschwind, D; Manji, HK; March, JS; Nestler, EJ; Zubieta, J-K; Charney, DS; Goldman, D; Gur, RE; Lieberman, JA; Roy-Byrne, P; Rubinow, DR; Anderson, SA; Barondes, S; Berman, KF; Blair, J; Braff, DL; Brown, ES; Calabrese, JR; Carlezon, WA; Cook, EH; Davidson, RJ; Davis, M; Desimone, R; Drevets, WC; Duman, RS; Essock, SM; Faraone, SV; Freedman, R; Friston, KJ; Gelernter, J; Geller, B; Gill, M; Gould, E; Grace, AA; Grillon, C; Gueorguieva, R; Hariri, AR; Innis, RB; Jones, EG; Kleinman, JE; Koob, GF; Krystal, AD; Leibenluft, E; Levinson, DF; Levitt, PR; Lewis, DA; Liberzon, I; Lipska, BK; Marder, SR; Markou, A; Mason, GF; McDougle, CJ; McEwen, BS; McMahon, FJ; Meaney, MJ; Meltzer, HY; Merikangas, KR; Meyer-Lindenberg, A; Mirnics, K; Monteggia, LM; Neumeister, A; O'Brien, CP; Owen, MJ; Pine, DS; Rapoport, JL; Rauch, SL; Robbins, TW; Rosenbaum, JF; Rosenberg, DR; Ross, CA; Rush, AJ; Sackeim, HA; Sanacora, G; Schatzberg, AF; Shaham, Y; Siever, LJ; Sunderland, T; Tecott, LH; Thase, ME; Todd, RD; Weissman, MM; Yehuda, R; Yoshikawa, T; Young, EA; McCandless, R (2008). It is time to take a stand for medical research and against terrorism targeting medical scientists.. Biol Psychiatry, 63(8), 725-727. [18371494], [doi]
  245. Zhou, Z; Zhu, G; Hariri, AR; Enoch, M-A; Scott, D; Sinha, R; Virkkunen, M; Mash, DC; Lipsky, RH; Hu, X-Z; Hodgkinson, CA; Xu, K; Buzas, B; Yuan, Q; Shen, P-H; Ferrell, RE; Manuck, SB; Brown, SM; Hauger, RL; Stohler, CS; Zubieta, J-K; Goldman, D (2008). Genetic variation in human NPY expression affects stress response and emotion.. Nature, 452(7190), 997-1001. [18385673], [doi]  [abs]
  246. Fakra, E; Salgado-Pineda, P; Delaveau, P; Hariri, AR; Blin, O (2008). Neural bases of different cognitive strategies for facial affect processing in schizophrenia.. Schizophrenia research, 100(1-3), 191-205. [18234477], [doi]  [abs]
  247. Buckholtz, JW; Callicott, JH; Kolachana, B; Hariri, AR; Goldberg, TE; Genderson, M; Egan, MF; Mattay, VS; Weinberger, DR; Meyer-Lindenberg, A (2008). Genetic variation in MAOA modulates ventromedial prefrontal circuitry mediating individual differences in human personality.. Molecular psychiatry, 13(3), 313-324. [17519928], [doi]  [abs]
  248. Hariri, AR (2008). Imaging genetics offers new predictive markers of individual differences in behavior and risk for psychiatric diseases. Neuropsychopharmacology, 33(1), 201-202. [doi]
  249. Gianaros, PJ; Sheu, LK; Matthews, KA; Jennings, JR; Manuck, SB; Hariri, AR (2008). Individual differences in stressor-evoked blood pressure reactivity vary with activation, volume, and functional connectivity of the amygdala.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 28(4), 990-999. [18216206], [doi]  [abs]
  250. Bigos, KL; Hariri, AR (2007). Neuroimaging: technologies at the interface of genes, brain, and behavior.. Neuroimaging clinics of North America, 17(4), 459-viii. [17983963], [doi]  [abs]
  251. Manuck, SB; Brown, SM; Forbes, EE; Hariri, AR (2007). Temporal stability of individual differences in amygdala reactivity.. The American journal of psychiatry, 164(10), 1613-1614. [17898358], [doi]
  252. Rubino, V; Blasi, G; Latorre, V; Fazio, L; d'Errico, I; Mazzola, V; Caforio, G; Nardini, M; Popolizio, T; Hariri, A; Arciero, G; Bertolino, A (2007). Activity in medial prefrontal cortex during cognitive evaluation of threatening stimuli as a function of personality style.. Brain research bulletin, 74(4), 250-257. [17720547], [doi]  [abs]
  253. Gianaros, PJ; Horenstein, JA; Cohen, S; Matthews, KA; Brown, SM; Flory, JD; Critchley, HD; Manuck, SB; Hariri, AR (2007). Perigenual anterior cingulate morphology covaries with perceived social standing.. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 2(3), 161-173. [18418472], [doi]  [abs]
  254. Conklin, SM; Gianaros, PJ; Brown, SM; Yao, JK; Hariri, AR; Manuck, SB; Muldoon, MF (2007). Long-chain omega-3 fatty acid intake is associated positively with corticolimbic gray matter volume in healthy adults.. Neuroscience letters, 421(3), 209-212. [17574755], [doi]  [abs]
  255. Heinz, A; Smolka, MN; Braus, DF; Wrase, J; Beck, A; Flor, H; Mann, K; Schumann, G; Büchel, C; Hariri, AR; Weinberger, DR (2007). Serotonin transporter genotype (5-HTTLPR): effects of neutral and undefined conditions on amygdala activation.. Biological psychiatry, 61(8), 1011-1014. [17157270], [doi]  [abs]
  256. Hariri, AR; Fisher, PM (2007). Regulation of corticolimbic reactivity via the 5-HT1A autoreceptor in the pathophysiology and treatment of depression. Future Neurology, 2(2), 121-124. [doi]
  257. Fisher, PM; Meltzer, CC; Ziolko, SK; Price, JC; Moses-Kolko, EL; Berga, SL; Hariri, AR (2007). Erratum: Capacity for 5-HT1A-mediated autoregulation predicts amygdala reactivity (Nature Neuroscience (2006) 9 (1362-1363)). Nature Neuroscience, 10(2), 263. [doi]
  258. Lerner, JS; Dahl, RE; Hariri, AR; Taylor, SE (2007). Facial expressions of emotion reveal neuroendocrine and cardiovascular stress responses.. Biological psychiatry, 61(2), 253-260. [17150197], [doi]  [abs]
  259. Bertolino, A; Rubino, V; Sambataro, F; Blasi, G; Latorre, V; Fazio, L; Caforio, G; Petruzzella, V; Kolachana, B; Hariri, A; Meyer-Lindenberg, A; Nardini, M; Weinberger, DR; Scarabino, T (2006). Prefrontal-hippocampal coupling during memory processing is modulated by COMT val158met genotype.. Biological psychiatry, 60(11), 1250-1258. [16950222], [doi]  [abs]
  260. Drabant, EM; Hariri, AR; Meyer-Lindenberg, A; Munoz, KE; Mattay, VS; Kolachana, BS; Egan, MF; Weinberger, DR (2006). Catechol O-methyltransferase val158met genotype and neural mechanisms related to affective arousal and regulation.. Archives of general psychiatry, 63(12), 1396-1406. [doi]  [abs]
  261. Hariri, AR; Brown, SM; Williamson, DE; Flory, JD; de Wit, H; Manuck, SB (2006). Preference for immediate over delayed rewards is associated with magnitude of ventral striatal activity.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 26(51), 13213-13217. [17182771], [doi]  [abs]
  262. Neumann, SA; Brown, SM; Ferrell, RE; Flory, JD; Manuck, SB; Hariri, AR (2006). Human choline transporter gene variation is associated with corticolimbic reactivity and autonomic-cholinergic function.. Biological psychiatry, 60(10), 1155-1162. [16876130], [doi]  [abs]
  263. Fisher, PM; Meltzer, CC; Ziolko, SK; Price, JC; Moses-Kolko, EL; Berga, SL; Hariri, AR (2006). Capacity for 5-HT1A-mediated autoregulation predicts amygdala reactivity.. Nature neuroscience, 9(11), 1362-1363. [doi]  [abs]
  264. Hariri, AR; Lewis, DA (2006). Genetics and the future of clinical psychiatry.. The American journal of psychiatry, 163(10), 1676-1678. [17012672], [doi]
  265. Goldberg, TE; Straub, RE; Callicott, JH; Hariri, A; Mattay, VS; Bigelow, L; Coppola, R; Egan, MF; Weinberger, DR (2006). The G72/G30 gene complex and cognitive abnormalities in schizophrenia.. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 31(9), 2022-2032. [16554747], [doi]  [abs]
  266. Hariri, AR; Drabant, EM; Weinberger, DR (2006). Imaging genetics: perspectives from studies of genetically driven variation in serotonin function and corticolimbic affective processing.. Biological psychiatry, 59(10), 888-897. [16442081], [doi]  [abs]
  267. Brown, SM; Manuck, SB; Flory, JD; Hariri, AR (2006). Neural basis of individual differences in impulsivity: contributions of corticolimbic circuits for behavioral arousal and control.. Emotion (Washington, D.C.), 6(2), 239-245. [16768556], [doi]  [abs]
  268. Meyer-Lindenberg, A; Buckholtz, JW; Kolachana, B; R Hariri, A; Pezawas, L; Blasi, G; Wabnitz, A; Honea, R; Verchinski, B; Callicott, JH; Egan, M; Mattay, V; Weinberger, DR (2006). Neural mechanisms of genetic risk for impulsivity and violence in humans.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103(16), 6269-6274. [doi]  [abs]
  269. Hariri, AR; Holmes, A (2006). Genetics of emotional regulation: the role of the serotonin transporter in neural function.. Trends in cognitive sciences, 10(4), 182-191. [16530463], [doi]  [abs]
  270. Brown, SM; Hariri, AR (2006). Neuroimaging studies of serotonin gene polymorphisms: exploring the interplay of genes, brain, and behavior.. Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience, 6(1), 44-52. [16869228], [doi]  [abs]
  271. Hariri, AR; Brown, SM (2006). Serotonin.. The American journal of psychiatry, 163(1), 12. [16390882], [doi]
  272. Viding, E; Williamson, DE; Hariri, AR (2006). Developmental imaging genetics: challenges and promises for translational research.. Development and psychopathology, 18(3), 877-892. [17152405], [doi]  [abs]
  273. Mattay, VS; Fera, F; Tessitore, A; Hariri, AR; Berman, KF; Das, S; Meyer-Lindenberg, A; Goldberg, TE; Callicott, JH; Weinberger, DR (2006). Neurophysiological correlates of age-related changes in working memory capacity.. Neuroscience letters, 392(1-2), 32-37. [16213083], [doi]  [abs]
  274. Fisher, P. M. and Meltzer, C. C. and Ziolko, S. K. and Price, J. C. and Moses-Kolko, E. L. and Berga, S. L. and Hariri, A. R. (2006). Capacity for 5-HT1A-mediated autoregulation predicts amygdala reactivity. Nature neuroscience, 9(11), 1362--3. [17013380], [doi]  [abs]
  275. Drabant, E. M. and Hariri, A. R. and Meyer-Lindenberg, A. and Munoz, K. E. and Mattay, V. S. and Kolachana, B. S. and Egan, M. F. and Weinberger, D. R. (2006). Catechol O-methyltransferase val158met genotype and neural mechanisms related to affective arousal and regulation. Archives of general psychiatry, 63(12), 1396--406. [17146014], [doi]  [abs]
  276. Dahl, RE; Hariri, AR (2005). Lessons from G. Stanley Hall: Connecting new research in biological sciences to the study of adolescent development. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 15(4), 367-382. [doi]
  277. Fera, F; Weickert, TW; Goldberg, TE; Tessitore, A; Hariri, A; Das, S; Lee, S; Zoltick, B; Meeter, M; Myers, CE; Gluck, MA; Weinberger, DR; Mattay, VS (2005). Neural mechanisms underlying probabilistic category learning in normal aging.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 25(49), 11340-11348. [16339029], [doi]  [abs]
  278. Lerner, JS; Gonzalez, RM; Dahl, RE; Hariri, AR; Taylor, SE (2005). Facial expressions of emotion reveal neuroendocrine and cardiovascular stress responses.. Biological psychiatry, 58(9), 743-750. [16256075], [doi]  [abs]
  279. Brown, SM; Peet, E; Manuck, SB; Williamson, DE; Dahl, RE; Ferrell, RE; Hariri, AR (2005). A regulatory variant of the human tryptophan hydroxylase-2 gene biases amygdala reactivity. Molecular Psychiatry, 10(9), 805. [16044172], [doi]  [abs]
  280. Lee, M; Bailer, UF; Frank, GK; Henry, SE; Meltzer, CC; Price, JC; Mathis, CA; Putnam, KT; Ferrell, RE; Hariri, AR; Kaye, WH (2005). Relationship of a 5-HT transporter functional polymorphism to 5-HT1A receptor binding in healthy women.. Molecular psychiatry, 10(8), 715-716. [15940302], [doi]
  281. Meyer-Lindenberg, A; Hariri, AR; Munoz, KE; Mervis, CB; Mattay, VS; Morris, CA; Berman, KF (2005). Neural correlates of genetically abnormal social cognition in Williams syndrome.. Nature neuroscience, 8(8), 991-993. [16007084], [doi]  [abs]
  282. Lieberman, MD; Hariri, A; Jarcho, JM; Eisenberger, NI; Bookheimer, SY (2005). An fMRI investigation of race-related amygdala activity in African-American and Caucasian-American individuals.. Nature neuroscience, 8(6), 720-722. [15880106], [doi]  [abs]
  283. Bertolino, A; Arciero, G; Rubino, V; Latorre, V; De Candia, M; Mazzola, V; Blasi, G; Caforio, G; Hariri, A; Kolachana, B; Nardini, M; Weinberger, DR; Scarabino, T (2005). Variation of human amygdala response during threatening stimuli as a function of 5'HTTLPR genotype and personality style.. Biological psychiatry, 57(12), 1517-1525. [15953488], [doi]  [abs]
  284. Pezawas, L; Meyer-Lindenberg, A; Drabant, EM; Verchinski, BA; Munoz, KE; Kolachana, BS; Egan, MF; Mattay, VS; Hariri, AR; Weinberger, DR (2005). 5-HTTLPR polymorphism impacts human cingulate-amygdala interactions: a genetic susceptibility mechanism for depression.. Nature neuroscience, 8(6), 828-834. [15880108], [doi]  [abs]
  285. Callicott, JH; Straub, RE; Pezawas, L; Egan, MF; Mattay, VS; Hariri, AR; Verchinski, BA; Meyer-Lindenberg, A; Balkissoon, R; Kolachana, B; Goldberg, TE; Weinberger, DR (2005). Variation in DISC1 affects hippocampal structure and function and increases risk for schizophrenia.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102(24), 8627-8632. [15939883], [doi]  [abs]
  286. Tessitore, A; Hariri, AR; Fera, F; Smith, WG; Das, S; Weinberger, DR; Mattay, VS (2005). Functional changes in the activity of brain regions underlying emotion processing in the elderly.. Psychiatry research, 139(1), 9-18. [15936178], [doi]  [abs]
  287. Hariri, AR; Drabant, EM; Munoz, KE; Kolachana, BS; Mattay, VS; Egan, MF; Weinberger, DR (2005). A susceptibility gene for affective disorders and the response of the human amygdala.. Archives of general psychiatry, 62(2), 146-152. [15699291], [doi]  [abs]
  288. Winterer, G; Hariri, AR; Goldman, D; Weinberger, DR (2005). Neuroimaging and human genetics.. International review of neurobiology, 67, 325-383. [16291027], [doi]  [abs]
  289. Egan, MF; Straub, RE; Goldberg, TE; Yakub, I; Callicott, JH; Hariri, AR; Mattay, VS; Bertolino, A; Hyde, TM; Shannon-Weickert, C; Akil, M; Crook, J; Vakkalanka, RK; Balkissoon, R; Gibbs, RA; Kleinman, JE; Weinberger, DR (2004). Variation in GRM3 affects cognition, prefrontal glutamate, and risk for schizophrenia.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101(34), 12604-12609. [15310849], [doi]  [abs]
  290. Wang, AT; Dapretto, M; Hariri, AR; Sigman, M; Bookheimer, SY (2004). Neural correlates of facial affect processing in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder.. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 43(4), 481-490. [15187809], [doi]  [abs]
  291. Holmes, A; Hariri, AR (2003). The serotonin transporter gene-linked polymorphism and negative emotionality: placing single gene effects in the context of genetic background and environment.. Genes, brain, and behavior, 2(6), 332-335. [14653304], [doi]
  292. Hariri, AR; Weinberger, DR (2003). Functional neuroimaging of genetic variation in serotonergic neurotransmission.. Genes, brain, and behavior, 2(6), 341-349. [14653306], [doi]  [abs]
  293. Hariri, AR; Goldberg, TE; Mattay, VS; Kolachana, BS; Callicott, JH; Egan, MF; Weinberger, DR (2003). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor val66met polymorphism affects human memory-related hippocampal activity and predicts memory performance.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 23(17), 6690-6694. [doi]  [abs]
  294. Mattay, VS; Goldberg, TE; Fera, F; Hariri, AR; Tessitore, A; Egan, MF; Kolachana, B; Callicott, JH; Weinberger, DR (2003). Catechol O-methyltransferase val158-met genotype and individual variation in the brain response to amphetamine.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 100(10), 6186-6191. [doi]  [abs]
  295. Hariri, AR; Mattay, VS; Tessitore, A; Fera, F; Weinberger, DR (2003). Neocortical modulation of the amygdala response to fearful stimuli.. Biological psychiatry, 53(6), 494-501. [12644354], [doi]  [abs]
  296. Hariri, AR; Weinberger, DR (2003). Imaging genomics.. British medical bulletin, 65, 259-270. [12697630], [doi]  [abs]
  297. Mattay, V. S. and Goldberg, T. E. and Fera, F. and Hariri, A. R. and Tessitore, A. and Egan, M. F. and Kolachana, B. and Callicott, J. H. and Weinberger, D. R. (2003). Catechol O-methyltransferase val158-met genotype and individual variation in the brain response to amphetamine. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 100(10), 6186--91. [12716966], [doi]  [abs]
  298. Hariri, A. R. and Goldberg, T. E. and Mattay, V. S. and Kolachana, B. S. and Callicott, J. H. and Egan, M. F. and Weinberger, D. R. (2003). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor val66met polymorphism affects human memory-related hippocampal activity and predicts memory performance. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 23(17), 6690--4. [12890761]  [abs]
  299. Tessitore, A; Hariri, AR; Fera, F; Smith, WG; Chase, TN; Hyde, TM; Weinberger, DR; Mattay, VS (2002). Erratum: Dopamine modulates the response of the human amygdala: A study in Parkinson's disease (Journal of Neuroscience (October 15, 2002) (9099-9103)). Journal of Neuroscience, 22(24), i.
  300. Hariri, AR; Mattay, VS; Tessitore, A; Fera, F; Smith, WG; Weinberger, DR (2002). Dextroamphetamine modulates the response of the human amygdala.. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 27(6), 1036-1040. [12464460], [doi]  [abs]
  301. Tessitore, A; Hariri, AR; Fera, F; Smith, WG; Chase, TN; Hyde, TM; Weinberger, DR; Mattay, VS (2002). Dopamine modulates the response of the human amygdala: a study in Parkinson's disease.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 22(20), 9099-9103. [12388617], [doi]  [abs]
  302. Hariri, AR; Tessitore, A; Mattay, VS; Fera, F; Weinberger, DR (2002). The amygdala response to emotional stimuli: a comparison of faces and scenes.. NeuroImage, 17(1), 317-323. [12482086], [doi]  [abs]
  303. Hariri, AR; Mattay, VS; Tessitore, A; Kolachana, B; Fera, F; Goldman, D; Egan, MF; Weinberger, DR (2002). Serotonin transporter genetic variation and the response of the human amygdala.. Science (New York, N.Y.), 297(5580), 400-403. [12130784], [doi]  [abs]
  304. Mattay, VS; Fera, F; Tessitore, A; Hariri, AR; Das, S; Callicott, JH; Weinberger, DR (2002). Neurophysiological correlates of age-related changes in human motor function.. Neurology, 58(4), 630-635. [11865144], [doi]  [abs]
  305. Hariri, A; Sigman, M; Bookheimer, S (2000). Abnormal regional brain activity associated with processing emotional stimuli in autistic subjects. NeuroImage, 11(5 PART II), S242. [doi]
  306. Hariri, AR; Bookheimer, SY; Mazziotta, JC (2000). Modulating emotional responses: effects of a neocortical network on the limbic system.. Neuroreport, 11(1), 43-48. [10683827], [doi]  [abs]
  307. Hale, TS; Hariri, AR; McCracken, JT (2000). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: perspectives from neuroimaging. Mental retardation and developmental disabilities research reviews, 6(3), 214-219. [10982499], [doi]  [abs]
  308. Dapretto, M; Hariri, A; Bialik, MH; Bookheimer, SY (1999). Cortical correlates of affective vs. linguistic prosody: An fMRI study. NeuroImage, 9(6 PART II), S1054.
  309. Hariri, A; Quintana, J; Kovalik, E; Bookheimer, S (1999). Processing of facial affect in schizophrenics: An fMRI study. NeuroImage, 9(6 PART II), S647.
  310. Hariri, AR; Werren, JH; Wilkinson, GS (1998). Distribution and reproductive effects of Wolbachia in stalk-eyed flies (Diptera: Diopsidae). Heredity, 81(3), 254-260. [doi]  [abs]
  311. Bookheimer, SY; Zeineh, MM; Strojwas, MH; Hariri, AR (1998). Localization of memory-related activation on a picture priming task using fMRI. NeuroImage, 7(4 PART II), S824. [doi]

Chapters in Books

  1. Faig, KE; Nikolova, YS; Hariri, AR "Genetic Neuroimaging of Social Perception." Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference. Elsevier, February, 2015: 97-105. [doi]
  2. Hariri, AR "Imaging Genetics: Integration of Neuroimaging and Genetics in the Search for Predictive Markers." Genomic and Personalized Medicine: V1-2. November, 2008: 532-537. [doi]

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