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Publications of Philip R. Costanzo    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:

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Journal Articles

  1. Bennet, A; Kuchirko, Y; Halim, MLD; Costanzo, PR; Martin, CL; Stanaland, A; Ruble, D (2024). A 6-year longitudinal exploration of diversity in ethnically/racially minoritized children's early peer circles. Social Development. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Kuchirko, Y; Bennet, A; Halim, ML; Costanzo, P; Ruble, D (2021). The influence of siblings on ethnically diverse children's gender typing across early development.. Developmental psychology, 57(5), 771-782. [doi]  [abs]
  3. Franzese, AT; Blalock, DV; Blalock, KM; Wilson, SM; Medenblik, A; Costanzo, PR; Strauman, TJ (2021). Regulatory Focus and Substance Use in Adolescents: Protective Effects of Prevention Orientation.. Subst Use Misuse, 56(1), 33-38. [doi]  [abs]
  4. Bennet, A; Kuchirko, Y; Halim, ML; Costanzo, PR; Ruble, D (2020). The influence of center-based care on young children's gender development. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 69. [doi]  [abs]
  5. Peairs, KF; Sheppard, CS; Putallaz, M; Costanzo, PR (2019). Leader of the Pack: Academic Giftedness and Leadership in Early Adolescence. Journal of Advanced Academics, 30(4), 416-440. [doi]  [abs]
  6. Peairs, KF; Putallaz, M; Costanzo, PR (2019). From A (Aggression) to V (Victimization): Peer Status and Adjustment Among Academically Gifted Students in Early Adolescence. Gifted Child Quarterly, 63(3), 185-200. [doi]  [abs]
  7. Hussong, AM; Langley, HA; Rothenberg, WA; Coffman, JL; Halberstadt, AG; Costanzo, PR; Mokrova, I (2019). Raising Grateful Children One Day at a Time.. Applied developmental science, 23(4), 371-384. [doi]  [abs]
  8. Hussong, AM; Langley, HA; Thomas, T; Coffman, J; Halberstadt, A; Costanzo, P; Rothenberg, WA (2019). Measuring Gratitude in Children.. The journal of positive psychology, 14(5), 563-575. [doi]  [abs]
  9. Golonka, MM; Peairs, KF; Malone, PS; Grimes, CL; Costanzo, PR (2017). Natural Peer Leaders as Substance Use Prevention Agents: the Teens' Life Choice Project.. Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research, 18(5), 555-566. [doi]  [abs]
  10. Rothenberg, WA; Hussong, AM; Langley, HA; Egerton, GA; Halberstadt, AG; Coffman, JL; Mokrova, I; Costanzo, PR (2017). Grateful parents raising grateful children: Niche selection and the socialization of child gratitude.. Applied developmental science, 21(2), 106-120. [doi]  [abs]
  11. Gohar, D; Leary, MR; Costanzo, PR (2016). Self-presentational congruence and psychosocial adjustment: A test of three models. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 35(7), 589-608. [doi]  [abs]
  12. Halberstadt, AG; Langley, HA; Hussong, AM; Rothenberg, WA; Coffman, JL; Mokrova, I; Costanzo, PR (2016). Parents' understanding of gratitude in children: A thematic analysis. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 36, 439-451. [doi]  [abs]
  13. Costanzo, PR (2014). Conscientiousness in life course context: a commentary.. Developmental psychology, 50(5), 1460-1464. [doi]  [abs]
  14. Armstrong, JM; Ruttle, PL; Burk, LR; Costanzo, PR; Strauman, TJ; Essex, MJ (2013). Early risk factors for alcohol use across high school and its covariation with deviant friends.. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs, 74(5), 746-756. [23948534], [doi]  [abs]
  15. Richman, LS; Boynton, MH; Costanzo, P; Banas, K (2013). Interactive Effects of Discrimination and Racial Identity on Alcohol-Related Thoughts and Use. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 35(4), 396-407. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs]
  16. Fuemmeler, BF; Yang, C; Costanzo, P; Hoyle, RH; Siegler, IC; Williams, RB; Ostbye, T (2012). Parenting styles and body mass index trajectories from adolescence to adulthood.. Health Psychol, 31(4), 441-449. [22545979], [doi]  [abs]
  17. Sheppard, CS; Golonka, M; Costanzo, PR (2012). Evaluating the impact of a substance use intervention program on the peer status and influence of adolescent peer leaders.. Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research, 13(1), 75-85. [21935657], [doi]  [abs]
  18. Sloan, FA; Costanzo, PR; Belsky, D; Holmberg, E; Malone, PS; Wang, Y; Kertesz, S (2011). Heavy drinking in early adulthood and outcomes at mid life.. Journal of epidemiology and community health, 65(7), 600-605. [20713371], [doi]  [abs]
  19. Peairs, KF; Eichen, D; Putallaz, M; Costanzo, PR; Grimes, CL (2011). Academic Giftedness and Alcohol Use in Early Adolescence.. The gifted child quarterly, 55(2), 95-110. [21949444], [doi]  [abs]
  20. Burk, LR; Armstrong, JM; Goldsmith, HH; Klein, MH; Strauman, TJ; Costanzo, P; Essex, MJ (2011). Sex, temperament, and family context: how the interaction of early factors differentially predict adolescent alcohol use and are mediated by proximal adolescent factors.. Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors, 25(1), 1-15. [21443307], [doi]  [abs]
  21. Platt, A; Sloan, FA; Costanzo, P (2010). Alcohol-consumption trajectories and associated characteristics among adults older than age 50.. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs, 71(2), 169-179. [20230713], [doi]  [abs]
  22. Li, Y; Costanzo, PR; Putallaz, M (2010). Maternal socialization goals, parenting styles, and social emotional adjustment among Chinese and European American young adults: testing a mediation model.. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 171(4), 330-362. [21171548], [doi]  [abs]
  23. Sloan, FA; Malone, PS; Kertesz, SG; Wang, Y; Costanzo, PR (2009). Racial differences in the relationship between alcohol consumption in early adulthood and occupational attainment at midlife.. American journal of public health, 99(12), 2261-2267. [19834006], [doi]  [abs]
  24. Miller, S; Lansford, JE; Costanzo, P; Malone, PS; Golonka, M; Killeya-Jones, LA (2009). Early Adolescent Romantic Partner Status, Peer Standing, and Problem Behaviors.. The Journal of early adolescence, 29(6), 839-861. [doi]  [abs]
  25. Quinlan, NP; Hoy, MB; Costanzo, PR (2009). Sticks and Stones: The Effects of Teasing on Psychosocial Functioning in an Overweight Treatment-seeking Sample.. Social development (Oxford, England), 18(4), 978-1001. [doi]  [abs]
  26. Lansford, JE; Killeya-Jones, LA; Miller, S; Costanzo, PR (2009). Early adolescents' social standing in peer groups: behavioral correlates of stability and change.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 38(8), 1084-1095. [19636773], [doi]  [abs]
  27. Lansford, JE; Costanzo, PR; Grimes, C; Putallaz, M; Miller, S; Malone, PS (2009). Social Network Centrality and Leadership Status: Links with Problem Behaviors and Tests of Gender Differences.. Merrill-Palmer quarterly (Wayne State University. Press), 55(1), 1-25. [19763241], [doi]  [abs]
  28. Dunsmore, JC; Bradburn, IS; Costanzo, PR; Fredrickson, BL (2009). Mothers' expressive style and emotional responses to children's behavior predict children's prosocial and achievement-related self-ratings. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 33(3), 253-264. [doi]  [abs]
  29. Quinlan, NP; Kolotkin, RL; Fuemmeler, BF; Costanzo, PR (2009). Psychosocial outcomes in a weight loss camp for overweight youth. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, 4(3), 124-142. [19107660], [doi]  [abs]
  30. Miller Johnson, S; Lansford, JE; Costanzo, PR; Malone, PS; Golonka, M; Killeya Jones, LA (2009). Early adolescent dating relationships, peer standing, and risk-taking behaviors. Journal of Early Adolescence, 29(6), 839-861. [doi]  [abs]
  31. Quinlan, NP; Kolotkin, RL; Fuemmeler, BF; Costanzo, PR (2009). Psychosocial outcomes in a weight loss camp for overweight youth.. Int J Pediatr Obes, 4(3), 134-142. [19107660], [doi]  [abs]
  32. Arredondo, EM; Pollak, K; Costanzo, PR (2008). Evaluating a stage model in predicting monolingual spanish-speaking Latinas' cervical cancer screening practices: the role of psychosocial and cultural predictors.. Health Educ Behav, 35(6), 791-805. [doi]  [abs]
  33. Costanzo, PR; Hoy, MB (2007). Intergenerational relations: Themes, prospects, and possibilities. Journal of Social Issues, 63(4), 885-902. [doi]  [abs]
  34. Killeya-Jones, LA; Costanzo, PR; Malone, P; Quinlan, NP; Miller-Johnson, S (2007). Norm-Narrowing and Self- and Other-Perceived Aggression in Early-Adolescent Same-Sex and Mixed-Sex Cliques.. Journal of school psychology, 45(5), 549-565. [18836510], [doi]  [abs]
  35. Costanzo, PR; Malone, PS; Belsky, D; Kertesz, S; Pletcher, M; Sloan, FA (2007). Longitudinal differences in alcohol use in early adulthood.. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs, 68(5), 727-737. [17690807], [doi]  [abs]
  36. Humphreys, M; Costanzo, P; Haynie, KL; Ostbye, T; Boly, I; Belsky, D; Sloan, F (2007). Racial disparities in diabetes a century ago: evidence from the pension files of US Civil War veterans.. Soc Sci Med, 64(8), 1766-1775. [17240029], [doi]  [abs]
  37. Killeya-Jones, LA; Nakajima, R; Costanzo, PR (2007). Peer standing and substance use in early-adolescent grade-level networks: a short-term longitudinal study.. Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research, 8(1), 11-23. [17013672], [doi]  [abs]
  38. Costanzo, P., Malone, P., Belsky, D., Kertesz, S., Pletcher, M. & Sloan, F. (2007). Longitudinal differences in alcohol use in early adulthood. Journal of Studies of Alcohol and Drugs, 68(5), 727-737.
  39. Humphreys, M; Costanzo, P; Haynie, K; Ostybe, T; Boly, I; Belsky, D; Sloan, F (2007). Racial disparities in diabetes a century ago: Evidence from pension files of U.S. Civil war veterans. Social Science and Medicine, 64(8), 11-24. [17240029], [doi]  [abs]
  40. Friedman, KE; Reichmann, SK; Costanzo, PR; Zelli, A; Ashmore, JA; Musante, GJ (2005). Weight stigmatization and ideological beliefs: relation to psychological functioning in obese adults.. Obes Res, 13(5), 907-916. [15919845], [doi]  [abs]
  41. Miller- Johnson, S., Costanzo, P.R. (2004). If you can't beat 'em --- induce them to join you: Peer based interventions during adolescence. Developmental Psychopathology: A Festchift in honor of John Coie.
  42. Miller-Johnson, S; Costanzo, PR; Coie, JD; Rose, MR; Browne, DC; Johnson, C (2003). Peer Social Structure and Risk-Taking Behaviors among African American Early Adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 32(5), 375-384. [doi]  [abs]
  43. Arredondo, EM; Pollak, KI; Costanzo, P; McNeilly, M; Myers, E (2003). Primary care residents' characteristics and motives for providing differential medical treatment of cervical cancer screening. Journal of the National Medical Association, 95(7), 577-584.  [abs]
  44. with Arrendondo, E., Pollak, K.I., McNeilly, M., and Myers, E. (2003). Primary care residents' characteristics and motives for providing differential medical treatment of cervical cancer screening. Journal of the National Medical Association, 95(7), 577-585.
  45. with Miller Johnson, S; Costanzo, PR; Coie, J; Browne, D (2003). Peer relations and involvement in problem behaviors among African-American adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.
  46. Costanzo, P (2002). Social exchange and the developing syntax of moral orientation.. New directions for child and adolescent development, 95, 41-52. [doi]
  47. with Friedman, KE; Reichmann, SK; Costanzo, PR; Musante, GJ (2002). Body image partially mediates the relationship between obesity and psychological distress.. Obes Res, 10(1), 33-41. [11786599], [doi]  [abs]
  48. Costanzo, P.R. (2002). Social exchange and the development of moral orientation in Children. New Directions in Child Development.
  49. with Arrendondo, E; Pollak, K; Lipkus, I; Myers, E (2002). The influence of patient’s ethnicity on cervical medical treatment. Journal of the National Medical Association.
  50. with Pollack, K; Arrendondo, EM; Yarnall, KS; Lipkus, I; Myers, E; McNeilly, M (2002). How do residents' prioritize smoking cessation for young "high-risk" women?. Preventive Medicine, 33, 292-299.
  51. with Pollack, K; Arrendondo, EM; Yarnall, KS; Lipkus, I; Myers, E; McNeilly, M (2002). Influence of stereotyping on primary care residents' smoking cessation counseling. Ethnicity and Disease, 12, 578-585.
  52. Pollak, KI; Arredondo, EM; Yarnall, KSH; Lipkus, I; Myers, E; McNeilly, M; Costanzo, P (2002). Influence of stereotyping in smoking cessation counseling by primary care residents.. Ethn Dis, 12(4), 578-585. [12477145]  [abs]
  53. with Kern, LS; Friedman, KE; Reichmann, SK; Costanzo, PR; Musante, GJ (2002). Changing eating behavior: a preliminary study to consider broader measures of weight control treatment success.. Eat Behav, 3(2), 113-121. [15001008], [doi]  [abs]
  54. Pollak, KI; Arredondo, EM; Yarnall, KS; Lipkus, I; Myers, E; McNeilly, M; Costanzo, P (2001). How do residents prioritize smoking cessation for young "high-risk" women? Factors associated with addressing smoking cessation.. Prev Med, 33(4), 292-299. [11570833], [doi]  [abs]
  55. with Costanzo, PR; Reichmann, SK; Friedman, KE; Musante, GJ (2001). The mediating effect of eating self-efficacy on the relationship between emotional arousal and overeating in the treatment-seeking obese.. Eat Behav, 2(4), 363-368. [15001029], [doi]  [abs]
  56. Costanzo, PR; Musante, GJ; Friedman, KE; Kern, LS; Tomlinson, K (1999). The gender specificity of emotional, situational, and behavioral indicators of binge eating in a diet-seeking obese population.. Int J Eat Disord, 26(2), 205-210. [10422610], [doi]  [abs]
  57. with Costanzo, PR; Musante, G; Freidman, M; Kern, L; Tomlinson, K (1999). The gender specificity of emotional, situational, and behavioral indicators of binge-eating. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 23, 65-75.
  58. Putallaz, M; Costanzo, PR; Grimes, CL; Sherman, DM (1998). Intergenerational continuities and their influences on children's social development. Social Development, 7(3), 389-427. [doi]  [abs]
  59. with Musante, GJ; Costanzo, PR; Friedman, KE (1998). The comorbidity of depression and eating dysregulation processes in a diet-seeking obese population: a matter of gender specificity.. Int J Eat Disord, 23(1), 65-75. [9429920], [doi]  [abs]
  60. M. Putallaz, P.R. Costanzo, C. Grimes & D. Lipton (1998). Intergenerational influences on children's social development.. Social Development, 7(3), 390-427.
  61. Musante, G; Costanzo, PR; Freidman, K (1998). The commorbidity of depression and eating disregulation in a diet-seeking obese population: A matter of gender specificity. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 23(1), 65-77.
  62. March, JS; Amaya-Jackson, L; Terry, R; Costanzo, P (1997). Posttraumatic symptomatology in children and adolescents after an industrial fire.. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 36(8), 1080-1088. [9256587], [doi]  [abs]
  63. with March, J.S., Amaya-Jackson, L., & Terry, R. (1997). Post-Traumatic symptomatology in children and adolescents following an industrial fire in Hamlet, North Carolina. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 36, 1080-1088.
  64. March, JS; Amaya Jackson, L; Costanzo, PR; Terry, R (1997). Post-Traumatic symptomatology in children and adolescents following an industrial fire in Hamlet, North Carolina. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 36, 1080-1088.
  65. Wilson, J; Costanzo, PR (1996). A preliminary study of attachment attention and schizotypy in early adulthood. Journal of of Social and Clinical Psychology, 15(2), 231-260. [doi]  [abs]
  66. with Costanzo, P. R., Miller-Johnson, S., & Wencel, H. (1995). Social developmental contributions to the study of childhood anxiety disorders: Emerging perspectives. Handbook of Childhood Anxiety.
  67. with Thompson, E; Boggiano, A; Costanzo, PR; Matter, J; Ruble, D (1995). Age related changes in children's orientation to strategic peer interaction. Social Cognition.
  68. with Wilson, J (1995). Attachment, attention and schizotypy: Converging measures and connections. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology.
  69. with Putallaz, M; Klein, TP; Efron, LA (1995). Intergenerational and temporal continuities in peer relationships. Social Development.
  70. Putallaz, M; Klein, TP; Costanzo, PR; Hedges, LA (1994). Relating mothers' social framing to their children's entry competence with peers. Social Development, 3(3), 222-237. [doi]  [abs]
  71. Costanzo, PR; Siegel, AW (1993). Social Context, Social Behavior, and Socialization: Investigating the Child′s Developing Organization of the Behavioral Field. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 55(2), 127-130. [doi]
  72. Putallaz, M; Costanzo, PR; Smith, RB (1991). Maternal recollections of childhood peer relationships: Implications for their children's social competence. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 8(3), 403-422. [doi]  [abs]
  73. Woody, EZ; Costanzo, PR (1990). Does marital agony precede marital ecstasy? A comment on Gottman and Krokoff's "Marital interaction and satisfaction: a longitudinal view".. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 58(4), 499-501. [doi]  [abs]
  74. WARWICK, ZS; COSTANZO, PR; GILL, JM; SCHIFFMAN, SS (1989). Eating Restraint, Presentation Order, and Time of Day Are Related to Sweet Taste Preferences. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 575(1), 588-591. [doi]
  75. Costanzo, PR; Schiffman, SS (1989). Thinness--not obesity--has a genetic component.. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 13(1), 55-58. [2671834], [doi]  [abs]
  76. Woody, EZ; Costanzo, PR; Liefer, H; Conger, J (1981). The effects of taste and caloric perceptions on the eating behavior of restrained and unrestrained subjects. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 5(4), 381-390. [doi]  [abs]
  77. Coie, JD; Costanzo, PR; Cox, GB (1980). Behavioral determinants of mental illness concerns: a comparison of community subcultures.. American journal of community psychology, 8(5), 537-555. [7424839], [doi]  [abs]
  78. Conger, JC; Conger, AJ; Costanzo, PR; Wright, KL; Matter, JA (1980). The effect of social cues on the eating behavior of obese and normal subjects.. Journal of personality, 48(2), 258-271. [doi]  [abs]
  79. Alexander, IE; Costanzo, PR (1979). Death anxiety, dissent, and competence.. Journal of personality, 47(4), 734-751. [doi]  [abs]
  80. Costanzo, PR; Woody, EZ (1979). Externality as a function of obesity in children: pervasive style or eating-specific attribute?. Journal of personality and social psychology, 37(12), 2286-2296. [doi]  [abs]
  81. Lakin, M; Lakin, MG; Costanzo, PR (1979). Group processes in early childhood: A dimension of human development. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2(2), 171-183. [doi]  [abs]
  82. Cox, G; Costanzo, PR; Coie, JD (1976). A survey instrument for the assessment of popular conceptions of mental illness.. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 44(6), 901-909. [993428], [doi]
  83. Coie, JD; Costanzo, PR; Cox, G (1975). Behavioral determinants of mental illness concerns: a comparison of "gatekeeper" professions.. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 43(5), 626-636. [1176676], [doi]
  84. Costanzo, PR; Grumet, JF; Brehm, SS (1974). The effects of choice and source of constraint on children's attributions of preference. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 10(4), 352-364. [doi]  [abs]
  85. Coie, JD; Costanzo, PR; Farnill, D (1973). Specific transitions in the development of spatial perspective-taking ability. Developmental Psychology, 9(2), 167-177. [doi]  [abs]
  86. Wortman, CB; Costanzo, PR; Witt, TR (1973). Effect of anticipated performance on the attributions of causality to self and others.. Journal of personality and social psychology, 27(3), 372-381. [doi]  [abs]
  87. Costanzo, PR; Coie, JD; Grumet, JF; Farnill, D (1973). A reexamination of the effects of intent and consequence on children's moral judgments.. Child development, 44(1), 154-161. [4706063], [doi]
  88. Margulis, ST; Costanzo, PR; Klein, AL (1971). Impression change and favorableness of first impressions: A study of population and of commitment effects. Psychonomic Science, 22(6), 318-320. [doi]  [abs]
  89. Costanzo, PR (1970). Conformity development as a function of self-blame.. Journal of personality and social psychology, 14(4), 366-374. [doi]  [abs]
  90. Costanzo, FS; Markel, NN; Costanzo, PR (1969). Voice quality profile and perceived emotion. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 16(3), 267-270. [doi]  [abs]
  91. Costanzo, PR; Reitan, HT; Shaw, ME (1968). Conformity as a function of experimentally induced minority and majority competence. Psychonomic Science, 10(10), 329-330. [doi]  [abs]
  92. Goldman, J; Costanzo, PR; Lehrke, SA (1968). Semantic satiation as a function of type of associate. Psychonomic Science, 12(6), 267-268. [doi]  [abs]


  1. Strauman T. ;Costanzo P. and Garber J. (2011). Depression in Adolescent Girls: Science and Prevention.. Guilford Press.
  2. Darity S., Bonilla-Silva, E., Costanzo, P., McClain, P.E., Mason, P., Singleton, M. & Scott, W. (2007). The Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences.. MacMillan.

Chapters in Books

  1. Hussong, AM; Langley, HA; Coffman, JL; Halberstadt, AG; Costanzo, PR "Parent socialization of children’s gratitude." Developing Gratitude in Children and Adolescents. Cambridge University Press, January, 2017: 199-219. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Costanzo, PR; Hoyle, RH; Leary, MR "Personality, Social Psychology, and Psychopathology: Reflections on a Lewinian Vision." The Oxford Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology. Oxford University Press, September, 2012 [doi]  [abs]
  3. Costanzo, P.R. & Hoyle, R. "The role of research in personality and social psychology for illuminating psychopathology and its contexts." Oxford Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology. Ed. K. Deaux, and M. Snyder Oxford Press, 2010 in press
  4. Costanzo, P.R. "The nature and nurture of morality and goodness." In Search of Goodness. Ed. Ruth Grant University of Chicago Press, 2010 in press
  5. Strauman, T., Costanzo, P., Merril, K., Jones, N. "The Applications of Social Psychology to Clinical Psychology." Social Psychology: A Handbook of Basic Principles. Ed. E.T. Higgins and A.W. Kruglanski Guilford Press, 2010

Articles Submitted

  1. with Putallaz, M., Costanzo, P. R., Klein, T.P., and Efron, L.A. (1995). Intergenerational and temporal continuities in peer relationships. Child Development.

Book Reviews

  1. P.R. Costanzo (2011). [A View from the Bridge: Connecting Social and Clinical Psychology (A review of J. Maddux and J. Tangney (Eds): The Social Psychological Foundations of Clinical Psychology)]. PsycCritiques, 56(4).

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