| Political Science Faculty: Publications since January 2024
List all publications in the database. :chronological alphabetical combined bibtex listing:
Aldrich, John
- Aldrich, JH; Bae, S; Sanders, BK, The fundamental voter: American electoral democracy, 1952-2020
(June, 2024),
pp. 1-175 [doi] [abs].
- Aldrich, JH; Cox, GW; McCubbins, MD; Rohde, DW, Party and Policy in Lineland: A Theory of Conditional Party Cartels,
Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy, vol. 4 no. 4
(February, 2024),
pp. 479-495 [doi] [abs].
Atkins, Jed W.
- Atkins, JW; Trotz-Liboff, L, Cicero's De Oratore and the platonic art of writing,
in Cicero as Philosopher: New Perspectives on His Philosophy and Its Legacy
(December, 2024),
pp. 97-126 [doi] .
- Atkins, JW, John Rawls’s Theology of Liberal Toleration,
American Political Thought, vol. 13 no. 1
(December, 2024),
pp. 56-82 [doi] [abs].
- Atkins, JW, The Christian origins of tolerance
(June, 2024),
pp. 1-320 [doi] [abs].
Bail, Christopher A.
- Kapoor, S; Cantrell, EM; Peng, K; Pham, TH; Bail, CA; Gundersen, OE; Hofman, JM; Hullman, J; Lones, MA; Malik, MM; Nanayakkara, P; Poldrack, RA; Raji, ID; Roberts, M; Salganik, MJ; Serra-Garcia, M; Stewart, BM; Vandewiele, G; Narayanan, A, REFORMS: Consensus-based Recommendations for Machine-learning-based Science.,
Science advances, vol. 10 no. 18
(May, 2024),
pp. eadk3452 [doi] [abs].
- Bail, CA, Can Generative AI improve social science?,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 121 no. 21
(May, 2024),
pp. e2314021121 [doi] [abs].
Beardsley, Kyle
- Beardsley, K, The Coevolution of Networks of Interstate Support, Interstate Threat, and Civil War,
Journal of Politics, vol. 86 no. 4
(October, 2024),
pp. 1418-1430 [doi] [abs].
- Gonzalez, EA; van Wijk, A; Adhikari, S; Asal, V; Beardsley, K; Jahanbani, N; James, P; Levy, SW; Lobell, SE; Ripsman, NM; Silverstone, SA; Sorci, G, Great power politics and the dynamics of capability: the prevention of near-crisis escalation,
in Research Handbook on Conflict Prevention
(January, 2024),
pp. 305-323, Edward Elgar Publishing [doi] [abs].
Beramendi, Pablo
- Araújo, V; Arretche, M; Beramendi, P, The Electoral Effects of Large-Scale Infrastructure Policies: Evidence from a Rural Electrification Scheme in Brazil,
Journal of Politics, vol. 86 no. 2
(April, 2024),
pp. 475-487 [doi] [abs].
- Beramendi, P; Oh, S; Rogers, M, Political decentralisation and the spatial distribution of infant mortality in less developed nations,
Regional Studies
(January, 2024) [doi] [abs].
Bermeo, Sarah B.
- Bermeo, SB, Trends and challenges in aid allocation,
in Handbook of Aid and Development
(January, 2024),
pp. 54-64 [doi] [abs].
Carnes, Nicholas W.
- Carnes, N; Ferrer, J; Golden, M; Lillywhite, E; Lupu, N; Nazrullaeva, E, The Global Legislators Database: Characteristics of National Legislators in the World's Democracies,
British Journal of Political Science, vol. 55
(February, 2025) [doi] [abs].
Feaver, Peter D.
- Urben, HA, Book Review: Thanks for your service: The causes and consequences of public confidence in the U.S. military by Feaver, P. D.,
Armed Forces & Society, vol. 51 no. 1
(January, 2025),
pp. 390-393, SAGE Publications [doi] .
- Feaver, PD, Right or Wrong? The Civil–Military Problematique and Armed Forces & Society’s 50th,
Armed Forces and Society
(January, 2024) [doi] [abs].
Gelpi, Christopher
- C. Gelpi, P. Feaver, J. Reifler, Success Matters: Casualty Sensitivity and the War in Iraq,
International Security
(Winter, 2005) .
Goss, Kristin A.
- Goss, KA; Lacombe, MJ, Why Do Issues Whose Time Has Come Stick Around? Attention Durability and the Case of Gun Control,
Perspectives on Politics, vol. 22 no. 2
(June, 2024),
pp. 501-521 [doi] [abs].
Grant, Ruth W.
- Grant, RW; Katzenstein, S; Kennedy, C, How Could They Let This Happen? Cover Ups, Complicity, and the Problem of Accountability,
Res Publica, vol. 30 no. 2
(June, 2024),
pp. 361-400 [doi] [abs].
Green, Jon
- Green, J, The Rhetorical “What Goes with What”: Political Pundits and the Discursive Superstructure of Ideology in US Politics,
Public Opinion Quarterly
(February, 2025), Oxford University Press (OUP) [doi] [abs].
- Green, JON; Mccabe, S; Shugars, S; Chwe, H; Horgan, L; Cao, S; Lazer, D, Curation Bubbles,
American Political Science Review
(January, 2025),
pp. 1-19, Cambridge University Press (CUP) [doi] [abs].
- Hobbs, W; Green, J, Categorizing Topics Versus Inferring Attitudes: A Theory and Method for Analyzing Open-ended Survey Responses,
Political Analysis
(January, 2025) [doi] [abs].
- Lacombe, MJ; Simonson, MD; Green, J; Druckman, JN, Social Disruption, Gun Buying, and Anti-System Beliefs,
Perspectives on Politics, vol. 22 no. 4
(December, 2024),
pp. 1100-1117, Cambridge University Press (CUP) [doi] [abs].
- Benegal, S; Green, J, Cost sensitivity, partisan cues, and support for the Green New Deal,
Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, vol. 14 no. 4
(December, 2024),
pp. 763-775 [doi] [abs].
- Green, J; Shoub, K; Blum, R; Cormack, L, Cross-Platform Partisan Positioning in Congressional Speech,
Political Research Quarterly, vol. 77 no. 3
(September, 2024),
pp. 653-668 [doi] [abs].
- Simonson, MD; Lacombe, MJ; Green, J; Druckman, JN, Guns and Democracy: Anti-System Attitudes, Protest, and Support for Violence Among Pandemic Gun-Buyers,
Political Research Quarterly, vol. 77 no. 3
(September, 2024),
pp. 962-977 [doi] [abs].
- Green, J; Conroy, M; Hammond, C, Something to Run for: Stated Motives as Indicators of Candidate Emergence,
Political Behavior, vol. 46 no. 2
(June, 2024),
pp. 1281-1301 [doi] [abs].
- McCabe, SD; Ferrari, D; Green, J; Lazer, DMJ; Esterling, KM, Post-January 6th deplatforming reduced the reach of misinformation on Twitter.,
Nature, vol. 630 no. 8015
(June, 2024),
pp. 132-140 [doi] [abs].
- Chewning, TK; Green, J; Hassell, HJG; Miles, MR, Campaign Principal-Agent Problems: Volunteers as Faithful and Representative Agents,
Political Behavior, vol. 46 no. 1
(March, 2024),
pp. 405-426, Springer Science and Business Media LLC [doi] [abs].
- Safarpour, A; Lunz Trujillo, K; Green, J; Pippert, CH; Lin, J; Druckman, JN, Divisive or Descriptive?: How Americans Understand Critical Race Theory,
Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics, vol. 9 no. 1
(March, 2024),
pp. 157-181 [doi] [abs].
- Trujillo, KL; Green, J; Safarpour, A; Lazer, D; Lin, J; Motta, M, COVID-19 Spillover Effects onto General Vaccine Attitudes,
Public Opinion Quarterly, vol. 88 no. 1
(January, 2024),
pp. 97-122, Oxford University Press (OUP) [doi] [abs].
Hacohen, Malachi H.
- Hacohen, MH, Austrian identity and the modern life of empire,
in Austrian Identity and Modernity: Culture and Politics in the 20th Century
(February, 2025),
pp. 17-28 .
Hillygus, D. Sunshine
- Tang, J; Hillygus, DS; Reiter, JP, Using Auxiliary Marginal Distributions in Imputations for Nonresponse while Accounting for Survey Weights, with Application to Estimating Voter Turnout,
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, vol. 12 no. 1
(February, 2024),
pp. 155-182, Oxford University Press (OUP) [doi] [abs].
Invernizzi, Giovanna Maria
- Invernizzi, GM; Ting, MM, Institutions and Political Restraint,
American Journal of Political Science, vol. 68 no. 1
(January, 2024),
pp. 58-71 [doi] [abs].
Jentleson, Bruce W.
- Renick, J; Jentleson, BW; Ozer, EJ, Supporting societally impactful research is key to enhancing universities’ mission,
Behavioral Science and Policy, vol. 10 no. 1
(April, 2024),
pp. 45-51 [doi] [abs].
Johnston, Christopher
- Trexler, A; Johnston, CD, An Ideology by Any Other Name,
Political Behavior
(January, 2024) [doi] [abs].
Kelley, Judith
- Kelley, J; Simmons, B; Doshi, R, The Competitive Pressures of Rankings: Experimental Evidence of Rankings’ Influence on Domestic Priorities,
in The Complexity of Human Rights From Vernacularization to Quantification, edited by Alston, P
(February, 2024), Hart Publishing [abs].
Kirshner, Alexander
- Kirshner, AS; Spinner-Halev, J, Why Political Philosophy Should Be Robust,
American Political Science Review, vol. 118 no. 4
(November, 2024),
pp. 1658-1670 [doi] [abs].
Kitschelt, Herbert P.
- Kitschelt, HP; Rehm, P, Party (system) institutionalization and the institutions of democratic polities,
in Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions
(October, 2024),
pp. 154-173 [doi] [abs].
Krishna, Anirudh
- Krishna, A; Kumar, S, Social Mobility and Opportunity in India: A Review of the Academic Literature,
Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 59 no. 51
(December, 2024),
pp. 42-57 [abs].
Kuran, Timur
- Enikolopov, R; Kuran, T; Li, H, Changes to our editorial board,
Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 52 no. 3
(September, 2024),
pp. 591 [doi] .
Leventoglu, Bahar
- Leventoglu, B; Vanberg, G; Waggoner, A, Federalism, political imbalance, and the right to secession,
Constitutional Political Economy
(January, 2025) [doi] [abs].
- Leventoğlu, B; Malesky, EJ; Wen, T, Synthesizing Theories of Authoritarian Elections: A Game-Free Analysis,
Comparative Political Studies
(January, 2024) [doi] [abs].
Liu, Kang
- Kang, L, Chinese Exceptionalism,
in The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Language and Culture
(March, 2024),
pp. 113-125, Routledge [doi] .
- Liu, K; Wei, D, Americanization of French Theory and the Rise of “Chinese Postism”,
Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, vol. 28 no. 1
(January, 2024),
pp. 20-29 [doi] [abs].
Liu, Shelley
- Bowles, J; Croke, K; Larreguy, H; Liu, S; Marshall, J, Sustaining Exposure to Fact-Checks: Misinformation Discernment, Media Consumption, and Its Political Implications,
American Political Science Review
(January, 2025),
pp. 1-24, Cambridge University Press (CUP) [doi] [abs].
- Liu, S, Coercive Legacies: From Rebel Governance to Authoritarian Control,
Journal of Politics, vol. 86 no. 4
(October, 2024),
pp. 1129-1145, University of Chicago Press [doi] [abs].
- Larreguy, H; Liu, SX, When does education increase political participation? Evidence from Senegal,
Political Science Research and Methods, vol. 12 no. 2
(April, 2024),
pp. 354-371, Cambridge University Press (CUP) [doi] [abs].
- Liu, SX, Governing After War: Rebel Victories and Post-war Statebuilding
(March, 2024),
pp. 1-324 [abs].
- Liu, SX, From Politicization to Vigilance: The Post-war Legacies of Wartime Victimization,
Journal of Conflict Resolution
(January, 2024), SAGE Publications [doi] [abs].
Malesky, Edmund
- Malesky, EJ; Mattsson, M; Vu, K; Zhang, L, The Effects of Education on Corruption: Evidence from Vietnam's University Expansion
(October, 2024) .
- Delios, A; Malesky, EJ; Yu, S; Riddler, G, Methodological errors in corruption research: Recommendations for future research,
Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 55 no. 2
(March, 2024),
pp. 235-251 [doi] [abs].
- Malesky, EJ; Nguyen, Q, Testing the Drivers of Corporate Environmentalism in Vietnam,
Studies in Comparative International Development, vol. 59 no. 1
(March, 2024),
pp. 86-112 [doi] [abs].
- Liu, AH; Malesky, EJ, Cultural Constraints and Policy Implementation: Effects of the Beijing License Plate Lottery on the Environment,
Quarterly Journal of Political Science, vol. 19 no. 1
(January, 2024),
pp. 91-126, Now Publishers [doi] [abs].
- Becker, J; Benson, S; Dunne, JP; Malesky, E, Disaggregated defense spending: Introduction to data,
Journal of Peace Research
(January, 2024) [doi] [abs].
- Bonifai, NW; Malesky, EJ; Rudra, N, Economic risk perceptions and willingness to learn about globalization: A field experiment with migrants and other underprivileged groups in Vietnam,
American Journal of Political Science
(January, 2024) [doi] [abs].
- Leventoğlu, B; Malesky, EJ; Wen, T, Synthesizing Theories of Authoritarian Elections: A Game-Free Analysis,
Comparative Political Studies
(January, 2024) [doi] [abs].
Manion, Melanie
- Manion, M, The behavior of middlemen in the cadre retirement policy process,
in Bureaucracy, Politics, and Decision Making in Post-Mao China
(July, 2024),
pp. 216-244 [doi] .
Mickiewicz, Ellen
- E. Mickiewicz, Policy Applications of Public Opinion Research in the Soviet Union,
Public Opinion Quarterly
(Winter, 1972-1973) .
Munger, Michael C.
- Munger, MC, To Manage Platforms, We Must Abandon the Idea of "Perfect" Competition
(August, 2024) .
- Munger, MC, Underappreciated Economists: Bruno Leoni
(July, 2024) .
- Riess, H; Henselman-Petrusek, G; Munger, MC; Ghrist, R; Bell, ZI; Zavlanos, MM, Network Preference Dynamics Using Lattice Theory,
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
(January, 2024),
pp. 2802-2808 [doi] [abs].
Mvukiyehe, Eric N.
- Leight, J; Mvukiyehe, E, Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of Cash for Work: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Tunisia,
Journal of Development Studies
(January, 2025),
pp. 1-26, Informa UK Limited [doi] [abs].
- Bagga, A; Holmlund, M; Khan, N; Mani, S; Mvukiyehe, E; Premand, P, Do Public Works Programs Have Sustained Impacts? A Review of Experimental Studies from LMICs,
The World Bank Research Observer
(December, 2024), Oxford University Press (OUP) [doi] [abs].
- Brandily, P; Mvukiyehe, E; Smets, L; van der Windt, P; Verpoorten, M, From Workfare to Economic and Sociopolitical Stability? Evidence from a Randomized Trial in Eastern Congo,
The World Bank Economic Review
(October, 2024), Oxford University Press (OUP) [doi] [abs].
Myrick, Rachel
- Myrick, R, Bipartisanship and US Foreign Policy: Cooperation in a Polarized Age by Jordan Tama,
Political Science Quarterly, vol. 139 no. 4
(December, 2024),
pp. 692-693, Oxford University Press (OUP) [doi] .
- Myrick, R, Public Reactions to Secret Negotiations in International Politics,
Journal of Conflict Resolution, vol. 68 no. 4
(April, 2024),
pp. 703-729, SAGE Publications [doi] [abs].
- Myrick, R; Wang, C, Domestic Polarization and International Rivalry: How Adversaries Respond to America’s Partisan Politics,
Journal of Politics, vol. 86 no. 1
(January, 2024),
pp. 141-157, University of Chicago Press [doi] [abs].
- Revkin, M; Alrababah, A; Myrick, R, Evidence-Based Transitional Justice: Incorporating Public Opinion Into the Field, With New Data From Iraq and Ukraine,
Yale Law Journal, vol. 133 no. 5
pp. 1582-1675 .
Niou, Emerson S.
- Niou, E; Zeigler, SM, Entente versus Alliance: When Should States Be Friends but Not Allies?,
Defence and Peace Economics, vol. 35 no. 7
(January, 2024),
pp. 792-808 [doi] [abs].
Park, Clara
- Park, BC, Making Financial Globalization How Firms Shape International Regulatory Cooperation
(2024) [abs].
Revkin, Mara
- Revkin, M; Stewart, MA; Petkun, JB, The Progressive Case for American Power: Retrenchment Would Do More Harm Than Good,
Foreign Affairs, vol. 103 no. 4
(2024) .
- Revkin, M; Kao, K, No Peace Without Punishment? Reintegrating Islamic State “Collaborators” in Iraq,
American Journal of Comparative Law, vol. 71 no. 4
pp. 989-1032 .
- Revkin, M; Alrababah, A; Myrick, R, Evidence-Based Transitional Justice: Incorporating Public Opinion Into the Field, With New Data From Iraq and Ukraine,
Yale Law Journal, vol. 133 no. 5
pp. 1582-1675 .
- Revkin, M, Law and Violence in the Middle East,
in Oxford Handbook on Law and Authoritarianism
(2024), Oxford University Press .
Rohde, David W.
- Aldrich, JH; Cox, GW; McCubbins, MD; Rohde, DW, Party and Policy in Lineland: A Theory of Conditional Party Cartels,
Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy, vol. 4 no. 4
(February, 2024),
pp. 479-495 [doi] [abs].
Rose, Deondra
- Rose, D, The Power of Black Excellence: HBCUs and the Fight for American Democracy
(August, 2024),
pp. 352 Pages pages, Oxford University Press .
Rosenberg, Alexander
- Rosenberg, A, Solving the explanation paradox–one last attempt,
Journal of Economic Methodology
(January, 2025) [doi] [abs].
Siegel, David
- Cheung, G; Siegel, DA, The Costs of Collective Action: An Experimental Study of Risk, Punishment, and Immunity,
The Journal of Politics, vol. 87 no. 1
(January, 2025),
pp. 306-319, University of Chicago Press [doi] .
- Levy, G; Dudley, R; Chen, C; Siegel, DA, Diplomatic Statements and the Strategic Use of Terrorism in Civil Wars,
Journal of Conflict Resolution
(January, 2024) [doi] [abs].
- Minozzi, W; Madson, GJ; Siegel, DA, Can money buy control of Congress?,
PloS one, vol. 19 no. 6
(January, 2024),
pp. e0305846 [doi] [abs].
- Morucci, M; Foster, MJ; Webster, K; Lee, SJ; Siegel, DA, Measurement That Matches Theory: Theory-Driven Identification in Item Response Theory Models,
American Political Science Review
(January, 2024) [doi] [abs].
Singh, Shikhar
- Graham, MH; Singh, S, An Outbreak of Selective Attribution: Partisanship and Blame in the COVID-19 Pandemic,
American Political Science Review, vol. 118 no. 1
(February, 2024),
pp. 423-441 [doi] [abs].
- Auerbach, AM; Singh, S; Thachil, T, Who Knows How to Govern? Procedural Knowledge in India’s Small-Town Councils,
American Political Science Review
(January, 2024) [doi] [abs].
Stegmueller, Daniel
- Huang, W; Stegmueller, D; Sales, JM; Mi, G; Yu, F; Liu, Y; Sullivan, PS; Siegler, AJ; Ong, JJ, Preference for HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Access Among Men who Have Sex With Men in China: A Discrete Choice Experiment.,
Open forum infectious diseases, vol. 12 no. 1
(January, 2025),
pp. ofae742 [doi] [abs].
- Maragh-Bass, AC; Siegler, AJ; Mayer, KH; Dulin, A; Sales, J; Stegmueller, D, Exploring Effects of Race and Differential Item Functioning on PrEP Stigma Experiences: Implications for Latent Stigma Measurement in Racially and Sexually Diverse Populations.,
AIDS and behavior, vol. 28 no. 12
(December, 2024),
pp. 4005-4019 [doi] [abs].
- Becher, M; Longuet-Marx, N; Pons, V; Brouard, S; Foucault, M; Galasso, V; Kerrouche, E; Alfonso, SL; Stegmueller, D, Government Performance and Democracy: Survey Experimental Evidence from 12 Countries during COVID-19,
Journal of Politics, vol. 86 no. 4
(October, 2024),
pp. 1162-1176, University of Chicago Press [doi] [abs].
- Becher, M; Brouard, S; Stegmueller, D, Endogenous Benchmarking and Government Accountability: Experimental Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic,
British Journal of Political Science, vol. 54 no. 2
(April, 2024),
pp. 355-372 [doi] [abs].
Vaisey, Stephen
- Restrepo Ochoa, N; Vaisey, S, Opinions on hard-to-discuss topics change more via cohort replacement.,
Evolutionary human sciences, vol. 6
(January, 2024),
pp. e25 [doi] [abs].