Mathematics Faculty: Publications since January 2024
List all publications in the database. :chronological alphabetical combined bibtex listing:
Agarwal, Pankaj K.
- Comendul, A; Ruf-Zamojski, F; Ford, CT; Agarwal, P; Zaslavsky, E; Nudelman, G; Hariharan, M; Rubenstein, A; Pincas, H; Nair, VD; Michaleas, AM; Fremont-Smith, PD; Ricke, DO; Sealfon, SC; Woods, CW; Claypool, KT; Jaimes, R, Comprehensive guide for epigenetics and transcriptomics data quality control.,
STAR Protoc, vol. 6 no. 1
(January, 2025),
pp. 103607 [doi] [abs]
- Agarwal, PK; Katz, MJ; Sharir, M, On reverse shortest paths in geometric proximity graphs,
Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, vol. 117
(February, 2024) [doi] [abs]
- Agarwal, PK; Har-Peled, S, Computing Instance-Optimal Kernels in Two Dimensions,
Discrete and Computational Geometry
(January, 2024) [doi] [abs]
- Agarwal, PK; Ezra, E, Line Intersection Searching Amid Unit Balls in 3-Space,
(January, 2024) [doi] [abs]
Akin, Victoria S
- Akin, V; Viel, S; Ellis Hagman, J; Kress, N; Tremaine, R; Fantinhardesty, K, Self-reported Student Motivations to Participate in DEI Service Work,
(February, 2024) [abs]
Aquino, Wilkins
- Chen, MJ; Sivakumar, K; Banyay, GA; Golchert, BM; Walsh, TF; Zavlanos, MM; Aquino, W, Sequential sensor placement for damage detection under frequency-domain dynamics,
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, vol. 246
(April, 2025) [doi] [abs]
- Zhao, Y; Parlak, Z; Yu, W; French, D; Aquino, W; Zauscher, S, Microfluidic QCM enables ultrahigh Q-factor: a new paradigm for in-liquid gravimetric sensing.,
Microsystems & nanoengineering, vol. 10 no. 1
(August, 2024),
pp. 116 [doi] [abs]
- Aquino, W; Desmond, J; Eldred, M; Kurzawski, A; McCormick, C; Sanders, C; Smith, C; Walsh, T, Assessing decision boundaries under uncertainty,
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol. 67 no. 7
(July, 2024) [doi] [abs]
- Aquino, W; Rouse, J; Bonnet, M, Active design of diffuse acoustic fields in enclosures.,
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 155 no. 2
(February, 2024),
pp. 1297-1307 [doi] [abs]
Beale, J. Thomas
- Beale, JT; Tlupova, S, Extrapolated regularization of nearly singular integrals on surfaces,
Advances in Computational Mathematics, vol. 50 no. 4
(August, 2024) [doi] [abs]
- Beale, JT; Storm, M; Tlupova, S, The adjoint double layer potential on smooth surfaces in R3 and the Neumann problem,
Advances in Computational Mathematics, vol. 50 no. 3
(June, 2024) [doi] [abs]
Bendich, Paul L
- Solomon, YE; Bendich, P, Convolutional persistence transforms,
Journal of Applied and Computational Topology, vol. 8 no. 7
(November, 2024),
pp. 1981-2013 [doi] [abs]
- Catanzaro, MJ; Dharna, A; Hineman, J; Polly, JB; McGoff, K; Smith, AD; Bendich, P, Topological Decompositions Enhance Efficiency of Reinforcement Learning,
IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings
(January, 2024) [doi] [abs]
- Jin, Y; McDaniel, R; Tatro, NJ; Catanzaro, MJ; Smith, AD; Bendich, P; Dwyer, MB; Fletcher, PT, Implications of data topology for deep generative models,
Frontiers in Computer Science, vol. 6
(January, 2024) [doi] [abs]
Bertozzi, Andrea L
- J. B. Greer and A. L. Bertozzi, H-1 solutions of a class of fourth order nonlinear equations for image processing,
Discrete And Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 10 no. 1-2
pp. 349 -- 366
Bezemek, Zachary W
- Bezemek, ZW; Spiliopoulos, K, Moderate deviations for fully coupled multiscale weakly interacting particle systems,
Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations, vol. 12 no. 2
(June, 2024),
pp. 1265-1373, Springer Science and Business Media LLC [doi] [abs]
Bonolis, Dante
- Bonolis, D; Browning, T; Huang, Z, Density of rational points on some quadric bundle threefolds.,
Mathematische annalen, vol. 390 no. 3
(January, 2024),
pp. 4123-4207 [doi] [abs]
- Bonolis, D; Pierce, LB, Application of a polynomial sieve: Beyond separation of variables,
Algebra and Number Theory, vol. 18 no. 8
(January, 2024),
pp. 1515-1556 [doi] [abs]
Brailovskaya, Tatiana I
- Brailovskaya, T; van Handel, R, Universality and Sharp Matrix Concentration Inequalities,
Geometric and Functional Analysis, vol. 34 no. 6
(December, 2024),
pp. 1734-1838 [doi] [abs]
Bryant, Robert
- Buckmire, R; Beeton, B; Bryant, R; Gouvêa, FQ; Phillips, AV; Sullivan, D; Wolf, M, Michael Spivak: A Memorial,
Notices of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 71 no. 6
(June, 2024),
pp. 786-795 [doi]
- Bryant, RL, Hessianizability of surface metrics
(May, 2024)
- Bryant, R; Florit, L; Ziller, W, Curvature homogeneous hypersurfaces in space forms
(April, 2024)
- Bryant, R; Cheeger, J; Lima-Filho, P; Rosenberg, J; White, B, The mathematical work of H. Blaine Lawson, Jr.,
Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, vol. 19 no. 6
(January, 2024),
pp. 2627-2662, International Press
- Bryant, R, The generality of closed G_2 solitons, edited by Cheng, S-Y; Lima-Filho, P; Yau, SS-T; Yau, S-T,
Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, vol. 19 no. 6
(January, 2024),
pp. 2827-2840, International Press [abs]
Buck, Dorothy E.
- Tubiana, L; Alexander, GP; Barbensi, A; Buck, D; Cartwright, JHE; Chwastyk, M; Cieplak, M; Coluzza, I; Čopar, S; Craik, DJ; Di Stefano, M; Everaers, R; Faísca, PFN; Ferrari, F; Giacometti, A; Goundaroulis, D; Haglund, E; Hou, YM; Ilieva, N; Jackson, SE; Japaridze, A; Kaplan, N; Klotz, AR; Li, H; Likos, CN; Locatelli, E; López-León, T; Machon, T; Micheletti, C; Michieletto, D; Niemi, A; Niemyska, W; Niewieczerzal, S; Nitti, F; Orlandini, E; Pasquali, S; Perlinska, AP; Podgornik, R; Potestio, R; Pugno, NM; Ravnik, M; Ricca, R; Rohwer, CM; Rosa, A; Smrek, J; Souslov, A; Stasiak, A; Steer, D; Sułkowska, J; Sułkowski, P; Sumners, DWL; Svaneborg, C; Szymczak, P; Tarenzi, T; Travasso, R; Virnau, P; Vlassopoulos, D; Ziherl, P; Žumer, S, Topology in soft and biological matter,
Physics Reports, vol. 1075
(July, 2024),
pp. 1-137 [doi] [abs]
Calderbank, Robert
- Guzel, I; Ozbayrak, D; Calderbank, R; Hareedy, A, Eliminating Media Noise While Preserving Storage Capacity: Reconfigurable Constrained Codes for Two-Dimensional Magnetic Recording,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 70 no. 7
(July, 2024),
pp. 4905-4927 [doi] [abs]
Cheng, Xiuyuan
- Qu, R; Cheng, X; Sefik, E; Stanley Iii, JS; Landa, B; Strino, F; Platt, S; Garritano, J; Odell, ID; Coifman, R; Flavell, RA; Myung, P; Kluger, Y, Gene trajectory inference for single-cell data by optimal transport metrics.,
Nature biotechnology, vol. 43 no. 2
(February, 2025),
pp. 258-268 [doi] [abs]
- Cheng, X; Landa, B, Bi-stochastically normalized graph Laplacian: convergence to manifold Laplacian and robustness to outlier noise.,
Information and inference : a journal of the IMA, vol. 13 no. 4
(December, 2024),
pp. iaae026 [doi] [abs]
- Cheng, X; Xie, Y, Kernel two-sample tests for manifold data,
Bernoulli, vol. 30 no. 4
(November, 2024),
pp. 2572-2597 [doi] [abs]
- Rosen, E; Hoyos, P; Cheng, X; Kileel, J; Shkolnisky, Y, The G-invariant graph Laplacian Part I: Convergence rate and eigendecomposition,
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, vol. 71
(July, 2024) [doi] [abs]
- Cheng, X; Lu, J; Tan, Y; Xie, Y, Convergence of Flow-Based Generative Models via Proximal Gradient Descent in Wasserstein Space,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 70 no. 11
(January, 2024),
pp. 8087-8106 [doi] [abs]
- Xu, C; Lee, J; Cheng, X; Xie, Y, Flow-Based Distributionally Robust Optimization,
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory, vol. 5
(January, 2024),
pp. 62-77 [doi] [abs]
Ciocanel, Maria-Veronica
- Nelson, AC; Rolls, MM; Ciocanel, M-V; McKinley, SA, Minimal Mechanisms of Microtubule Length Regulation in Living Cells.,
Bulletin of mathematical biology, vol. 86 no. 5
(April, 2024),
pp. 58 [doi] [abs]
- Ciocanel, M-V; Ding, L; Mastromatteo, L; Reichheld, S; Cabral, S; Mowry, K; Sandstede, B, Parameter Identifiability in PDE Models of Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching.,
Bulletin of mathematical biology, vol. 86 no. 4
(March, 2024),
pp. 36 [doi] [abs]
Cook, Nicholas A
Annals of Applied Probability, vol. 34 no. 3
(June, 2024),
pp. 2885-2939 [doi] [abs]
Duke Mathematical Journal, vol. 173 no. 5
(April, 2024),
pp. 873-946 [doi] [abs]
Dasgupta, Samit
Duke Mathematical Journal, vol. 173 no. 8
(January, 2024),
pp. 1477-1555 [doi] [abs]
Daubechies, Ingrid
- Duprez, F; Crombin, M; Daubechies, I; Devries, N; Durant, V; El Khalil, M; Audag, N, [Update on manual bronchial clearance techniques (adults and adolescents)].,
Revue des maladies respiratoires, vol. 41 no. 1
(January, 2024),
pp. 43-50 [doi] [abs]
Deng, Haohua
Nagoya Mathematical Journal
(January, 2025) [doi] [abs]
Pacific Journal of Mathematics, vol. 327 no. 1
(January, 2024),
pp. 29-54 [doi] [abs]
Donald, Bruce R.
- L. Wang and R. Mettu and B. R. Donald, An Algebraic Geometry Approach to Protein Backbone Structure Determination from NMR Data,
in Proceedings of the IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference (CSB)
pp. 235--246, Stanford, CA
- B. R. Donald and C. Levey and C. McGray and I. Paprotny and D. Rus, A Steerable, Untethered, 250 $\times$ 60 $\mu$m MEMS Mobile Micro-Robot,
in Proceedings of the 12th {\it International Symposium of Robotics Research (ISRR)}
(2005), San Francisco, CA.
- C. Langmead and B. R. Donald, A Framework for Automated NMR Resonance Assignments and 3D Structural Homology Detection
(2004), Ventura, CA ({\poster} {\it The Gordon Conference on Computational Methods in Biomolecular NMR}.)
- L. Wang and R. Mettu and R. Lilien and A. Yan and B. R. Donald, Exact Solutions for Internuclear Vectors and Dihedral Angles from Two RDCs and Their Application in a Systematic Search Algorithm for Determining Protein Backbone Structure
(2004), Ventura, CA ({\poster} {\it The Gordon Conference on Computational Methods in Biomolecular NMR}.)
- Ryan H. Lilien and Mohini Sridharan and Bruce R. Donald, {Identification of Novel Small Molecule Inhibitors of Core-Binding Factor Dimerization by Computational Screening against NMR Molecular Ensembles} no. TR2004-492
(2004), Hanover, NH [pdf]
- B. R. Donald, Plenary lecture: Algorithmic Challenges in Structural Molecular Biology and Proteomics,
in Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR)
pp. 1--10, University of Utrecht, Utrecht/Zeist, The Netherlands
- C. Langmead and B. R. Donald, High-Throughput 3D homology Detection via NMR Resonance Assignment,
in Currents in Computational Molecular Biology, 2004, Eighth Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB), edited by A. Gramada and P. Bourne
pp. 522, San Diego
- A. Yan and C. Langmead and B. R. Donald, A Probability-Based Similarity Measure for Saupe Alignment Tensors with Applications to Residual Dipolar Couplings in NMR Structural Biology,
in Currents in Computational Molecular Biology, 2004, Eighth Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB), edited by A. Gramada and P. Bourne
pp. 437--438, San Diego
- L. Wang and B. R. Donald, Analysis of a Systematic Search-Based Algorithm for Determining Protein Backbone Structure from a Minimal Number of Residual Dipolar Couplings,
in Proceedings of the IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference (CSB)
pp. 319--330, Stanford, CA
- A. Anderson and R. Lilien and V. Popov and B. R. Donald, Ensembles of Active Site Conformations Allow Structure-Based Redesign and Drug Design
(2003), New Orleans ({\poster} {\it 225th American Chemical Society National Meeting}.)
- Christopher J. Langmead and Bruce R. Donald, {An Improved Nuclear Vector Replacement Algorithm for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Assignment} no. TR2004-494
(2003), Hanover, NH [pdf]
- B. R. Donald and C. Levey and C. McGray and D. Rus and M. Sinclair, Untethered Micro-Actuators for Autonomous Micro-robot Locomotion: Design, Fabrication, Control, and Performance,
in Proceedings of the 11th {\it International Symposium of Robotics Research}
(2003), Siena, Italy
- R. Lilien and A. Anderson and B. Donald, Modeling Protein Flexibility for Structure-Based Active Site Redesign,
in Currents in Computational Molecular Biology, The Sixth Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB), edited by L. Florea and others
pp. 122-123, Washington DC
- C. J. Langmead and B. R. Donald, Time-frequency Analysis of Protein NMR Data
(2000) ({\poster} {\it The 8th Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Sys. for Mol. Biol. ({ISMB-2000})}.)
- C. Bailey-Kellogg and A. Widge and J. J. {Kelley III} and M. J. Berardi and J. H. Bushweller and B. R. Donald, The NOESY Jigsaw: Automated Protein Secondary Structure and Main-Chain Assignment from Sparse, Unassigned NMR Data
(2000) ({\poster} {\it The 8th Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Sys. for Mol. Biol. ({ISMB-2000})}.)
- R. Lilien and M. Sridharan and X. Huang and J. H. Bushweller and B. R. Donald, Computational Screening Studies for Core Binding Factor Beta: Use of Multiple Conformations to Model Receptor Flexibility
(2000) ({\poster} {\it The 8th Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Sys. for Mol. Biol. ({ISMB-2000})}.)
- C. Bailey-Kellogg and A. Widge and J. J. {Kelley III} and M. J. Berardi and J. H. Bushweller and B. R. Donald, The NOESY Jigsaw: Automated Protein Secondary Structure and Main-Chain Assignment from Sparse, Unassigned NMR Data,
in The Fourth Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology ({RECOMB-2000})
pp. 33--44
- C. Bailey-Kellogg and F. Zhao and B. R. Donald, Spatial Aggregation in Scientific Data Mining,
in Proceedings of the First SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
(2000), Washington, DC
- K.-F.~B{\"o}hringer and B.~R.~Donald and N.~C.~MacDonald, {\em Programmable Vector Fields for Distributed Manipulation, with Applications to MEMS Actuator Arrays and Vibratory Parts Feeders},
International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 18 no. 2
- K.-F.~B{\"o}hringer and B.~R.~Donald and F.~Lamiraux and L.~Kavraki, Part Orientation with One or Two Stable Equilibria Using Programmable Force Fields,
in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Workshop on Distributed Manipulation
- K.-F. B{\"o}hringer and B. R. Donald and F. Lamiraux and L. Kavraki, Part Orientation with One or Two Stable Equilibria Using Programmable Vector Fields,
in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Workshop on Distributed Manipulation
(1999), Detroit
- K.-F.~B{\"o}hringer and B.~R.~Donald and F.~Lamiraux and L.~Kavraki, A Single Universal Force Field Can Uniquely Pose Any Part Up To Symmetry,
in 9th International Symposium of Robotics Research (ISRR)
- B. R. Donald and L. Gariepy and D. Rus, Experiments in Constrained Prehensile Manipulation: Distributed Manipulation with Ropes,
in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Workshop on Distributed Manipulation
(1999), Detroit
- J.~Suh and B.~Darling and K.-F.~B{\"o}hringer and B.~R.~Donald and H.~Baltes and G.~Kovacs, CMOS Integrated Organic Ciliary Actuator Array as a General-Purpose Micromanipulation Tool,
in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Workshop on Distributed Manipulation
- K.-F. B{\"o}hringer and B. R. Donald, Algorithmic MEMS,
in Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics WAFR
(1998), Houston, TX
- A. Briggs and B. R. Donald, Robust Geometric Algorithms for Sensor Planning,
in Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics WAFR
(1996), Toulouse, France
- B. R. Donald and J. Jennings and D. Rus, Cooperating Autonomous Mobile Robots: Theory and Experiments
(1994), MIT, Cambridge, MA (Poster, {\it NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference}.)
- B. R. Donald and D. Pai, The Motion of Planar Compliantly-Connected Rigid Bodies in Contact, with Applications to Automatic Fastening,
International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 12 no. 4
pp. 307--338
- R. Brown and P. Chew and B. R. Donald, Mobile Robots, Map-making, Shape Metrics, and Localization,
in Proceedings of the International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) International Conference on Robotics and Manufacturing
(1993), Oxford, England
- J. Jennings and D. Rus and B. R. Donald, Experimental Information Invariants for Cooperating Autonomous Mobile Robots,
in Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) Workshop on Dynamically Interacting Robots
(1993), Chambery, France
- B. R. Donald and J. Jennings and D. Rus, Towards a Theory of Information Invariants for Cooperating Autonomous Mobile Robots,
in Proceedings of the International Symposium of Robotics Research ISRR
(1993), Hidden Valley, PA
- B. R. Donald, Robot Motion Planning,
IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, vol. 8 no. 2
- J. Canny and B. R. Donald and G. Ressler, A Rational Rotation Method for Robust Geometric Algorithms,
in Proc. ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry
pp. 251--260, Berlin
- J. Jennings and B. R. Donald, Programming Autonomous Agents: A theory of Perceptual Equivalence,
in Proceedings of the 1st AAAI Fall Symposium on Sensory Aspects of Robotic Intelligence
(1991), Asilomar, CA
- B. R. Donald and P. Xavier, A Provably Good Approximation Algorithm for Optimal-Time Trajectory Planning,
in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
pp. 958--964, Scottsdale, AZ
- B. R. Donald, The Complexity of Planar Compliant Motion Planning with Uncertainty,
in Proc. 4th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry
pp. 309--318, Urbana. IL
- B. R. Donald, A Theory of Error Detection and Recovery: Robot Motion Planning with Uncertainty in the Geometric Models of the Robot and Environment,
in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Geometric Reasoning
(1986), Oxford University, England
Dong, Conghan
- Dong, C; Song, A, Stability of Euclidean 3-space for the positive mass theorem,
Inventiones Mathematicae, vol. 239 no. 1
(January, 2025),
pp. 287-319 [doi] [abs]
- Dong, C, Some stability results of positive mass theorem for uniformly asymptotically flat 3-manifolds,
Annales Mathematiques du Quebec, vol. 48 no. 2
(October, 2024),
pp. 427-451 [doi] [abs]
Dunlap, Alexander J
- Dunlap, A; Gu, Y, Jointly stationary solutions of periodic Burgers flow,
Journal of Functional Analysis, vol. 287 no. 12
(December, 2024),
pp. 110656-110656, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
- Dunlap, A; Mourrat, J-C, Sum-of-norms clustering does not separate nearby balls,
Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 25 no. 143
(April, 2024),
pp. 1-40, Microtome Publishing [abs]
Dunson, David B.
- Lin, L; Saparbayeva, B; Zhang, MM; Dunson, DB, Accelerated algorithms for convex and non-convex optimization on manifolds,
Machine Learning, vol. 114 no. 3
(March, 2025) [doi] [abs]
- Dombowsky, A; Dunson, DB, Bayesian Clustering via Fusing of Localized Densities,
Journal of the American Statistical Association
(January, 2025) [doi] [abs]
- Winter, S; Mahzarnia, A; Anderson, RJ; Han, ZY; Tremblay, J; Stout, JA; Moon, HS; Marcellino, D; Dunson, DB; Badea, A, Brain network fingerprints of Alzheimer's disease risk factors in mouse models with humanized APOE alleles.,
Magn Reson Imaging, vol. 114
(December, 2024),
pp. 110251 [doi] [abs]
- Zhu, Y; Peruzzi, M; Li, C; Dunson, DB, Radial neighbours for provably accurate scalable approximations of Gaussian processes,
Biometrika, vol. 111 no. 4
(December, 2024),
pp. 1151-1167 [doi] [abs]
- Sarkar, A; Cominetti, O; Montoliu, I; Hosking, J; Pinkney, J; Martin, F-P; Dunson, DB, Bayesian semiparametric inference in longitudinal metabolomics data.,
Scientific reports, vol. 14 no. 1
(December, 2024),
pp. 31336 [doi] [abs]
- Huang, J; Morsomme, R; Dunson, D; Xu, J, Detecting changes in the transmission rate of a stochastic epidemic model.,
Statistics in medicine, vol. 43 no. 10
(May, 2024),
pp. 1867-1882 [doi] [abs]
- Chakraborty, A; Ou, R; Dunson, DB, Bayesian inference on high-dimensional multivariate binary responses.,
Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 119 no. 548
(January, 2024),
pp. 2560-2571 [doi] [abs]
- Melikechi, O; Dunson, DB, Ellipsoid fitting with the Cayley transform.,
IEEE transactions on signal processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, vol. 72
(January, 2024),
pp. 70-83 [doi] [abs]
- Datta, J; Banerjee, S; Dunson, DB, Nonparametric Bayes multiresolution testing for high-dimensional rare events,
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
(January, 2024) [doi] [abs]
- Winter, S; Campbell, T; Lin, L; Srivastava, S; Dunson, DB, Emerging Directions in Bayesian Computation,
Statistical Science, vol. 39 no. 1
(January, 2024),
pp. 62-89 [doi] [abs]
- Zhai, Q; Ye, Z; Li, C; Revie, M; Dunson, DB, Modeling Recurrent Failures on Large Directed Networks,
Journal of the American Statistical Association
(January, 2024) [doi] [abs]
Annals of Applied Statistics, vol. 18 no. 2
(January, 2024),
pp. 1596-1617 [doi] [abs]
- Papamarkou, T; Skoularidou, M; Palla, K; Aitchison, L; Arbel, J; Dunson, D; Filippone, M; Fortuin, V; Hennig, P; Hernández-Lobato, JM; Hubin, A; Immer, A; Karaletsos, T; Khan, ME; Kristiadi, A; Li, Y; Mandt, S; Nemeth, C; Osborne, MA; Rudner, TGJ; Rügamer, D; Teh, YW; Welling, M; Wilson, AG; Zhang, R, Position: Bayesian Deep Learning is Needed in the Age of Large-Scale AI,
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, vol. 235
(January, 2024),
pp. 39556-39586 [abs]
- Tang, T; Mak, S; Dunson, D, Hierarchical Shrinkage Gaussian Processes: Applications to Computer Code Emulation and Dynamical System Recovery,
SIAM-ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, vol. 12 no. 4
(January, 2024),
pp. 1085-1112 [doi] [abs]
- Chandra, NK; Dunson, DB; Xu, J, Inferring Covariance Structure from Multiple Data Sources via Subspace Factor Analysis,
Journal of the American Statistical Association
(January, 2024) [doi] [abs]
Elgindi, Tarek M
- Elgindi, TM; Huang, Y, Regular and Singular Steady States of the 2D Incompressible Euler Equations near the Bahouri–Chemin Patch,
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, vol. 249 no. 1
(February, 2025) [doi] [abs]
- Elgindi, TM; Liss, K, Norm Growth, Non-uniqueness, and Anomalous Dissipation in Passive Scalars,
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, vol. 248 no. 6
(December, 2024) [doi] [abs]
- Drivas, TD; Elgindi, TM; Jeong, IJ, Twisting in Hamiltonian flows and perfect fluids,
Inventiones Mathematicae, vol. 238 no. 1
(October, 2024),
pp. 331-370 [doi] [abs]
- Elgindi, TM, Remark on the stability of energy maximizers for the 2D Euler equation on $ \mathbb{T}^2 $,
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, vol. 23 no. 10
pp. 1562-1568, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) [doi]
Fang, Di
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, vol. 23 no. 1
(January, 2025),
pp. 255-277 [doi] [abs]
Fintzen, Jessica
- Fintzen, J, Supercuspidal representations in non-defining characteristics,
Journal of Algebra, vol. 656
(October, 2024),
pp. 196-205 [doi] [abs]
Ge, Rong
12th International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2024
(January, 2024) [abs]
- Xie, R; Wang, J; Huang, R; Zhang, M; Ge, R; Pei, J; Gong, NZ; Dhingra, B, RECALL: Membership Inference via Relative Conditional Log-Likelihoods,
EMNLP 2024 - 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of the Conference
(January, 2024),
pp. 8671-8689 [abs]
Getz, Jayce R.
- Getz, JR; Hahn, H, An introduction to automorphic representations with a view toward trace formulae, vol. 300
(January, 2024), Spinger [doi]
Goldberg, Amy
- Massey, DJ; Szpiech, ZA; Goldberg, A, Differentiating mechanism from outcome for ancestry-assortative mating in admixed human populations.,
(February, 2025),
pp. iyaf022 [doi] [abs]
Hahn, Heekyoung
- Getz, JR; Hahn, H, An introduction to automorphic representations with a view toward trace formulae, vol. 300
(January, 2024), Spinger [doi]
Haskins, Mark
- Haskins, M; Khan, I; Payne, A, Uniqueness of asymptotically conical gradient shrinking solitons in G2-Laplacian flow,
Mathematische Annalen
(January, 2024), Springer Science and Business Media LLC [doi] [abs]
Herschlag, Gregory J.
- Preiss, D; Sperling, J; Huang, RM; Bradbury, K; Nechyba, T; Calderbank, R; Herschlag, G; Borg, JS, Where Data Science and the Disciplines Meet: Innovations in Linking Doctoral Students With Masters-Level Data Science Education,
Harvard Data Science Review, vol. 6 no. 4
(August, 2024), MIT Press [doi]
Jo, Min Jun
- Jo, MJ; Kim, J, Quantitative asymptotic stability of the quasi-linearly stratified densities in the IPM equation with the sharp decay rates,
Journal of Functional Analysis, vol. 286 no. 11
(June, 2024) [doi] [abs]
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, vol. 56 no. 3
(January, 2024),
pp. 3357-3385 [doi] [abs]
Kiselev, Alexander A.
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